E-1.1, r. 1 - Regulation respecting energy conservation in new buildings

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126. The coefficient of performance in cooling for heating, cooling and ventilating system components, the energy input of which is entirely electrical, shall be not less than the values shown in the table below:
(s. 126)

Minimun coefficient of performance of system components for cooling

Centrifugal Reciprocating
compressors compressors

Water chillers with:
air-cooled condensers 2.28 2.20
water-cooled condensers 3.98 3.40

Water chillers with:
remote air-cooled condensers - 2.78
remote water-cooled condensers - 3.40

Compressors with a condensing unit
19 kW and over:
air-cooled condensers - 2.50
water-cooled condensers - 3.48

O.C. 89-83, s. 126.