9.09. In the event of the birth of his child, the adoption of a child or the termination of the pregnancy in or after the twentieth week of pregnancy, an employee may be absent from work for 5 days. The first 2 days of absence are with pay.
This leave may be taken as separate days at the employee’s request.
If the employee was not absent when the child was born or adopted, he may take the leave for the baptism of the child.
In order to replace 1 of the 3 days of such leave without pay, an employee who is absent on a working day may use a day of paid annual vacation provided for in sections 7.02 to 7.04, or a day of sick leave with pay that he has to his credit and that is provided for in section 8.01.
However, an employee who adopts a child of his spouse may not be absent from work for more than 2 days, without pay.
O.C. 99-96, s. 8; O.C. 736-2005, s. 18.