16. The accreditation allowing to apply the oversight and monitoring measures to a contractor ineligible for public contracts may be issued to a person who(1) is a member of the Ordre des comptables professionnels agréés du Québec or is in the employ of a legal person or a corporation legally authorized to become surety;
(2) has a minimum of 10 years of experience in the carrying out of accounting audit mandates, including 5 years as project manager or main resource or a minimum of 10 years of experience as a subscriber or claims adjuster, including 5 years within a legal person or a corporation legally authorized to become surety;
(3) holds a public accountancy permit issued by the professional order referred to in paragraph 1 or, if the person is in the employ of a legal person or a corporation legally authorized to become surety, an undergraduate degree or a representative’s certificate – claims adjustment issued by the Autorité des marchés financiers;
(4) within 5 years prior to the application for accreditation, has not been convicted of an indictable offence or offence listed in Schedule 1 or, if convicted, has been granted a pardon;
(5) within 5 years prior to the application for accreditation, has not seen his or her accreditation cancelled by reason of a conflict of interest in the performance of an oversight or monitoring contract;
(6) is not ineligible for public contracts;
(7) is not in the employ of a contractor ineligible for public contracts.