48. A contract for the acquisition of cloud goods or services may be entered into by mutual agreement with a supplier or a service provider, following an interest call issued by the Minister of Cybersecurity and Digital Technology, to the extent that a framework agreement has been entered into with the supplier or service provider and provided that(1) the contract concerns goods or services referred to in the framework agreement;
(2) the term of the contract does not exceed 3 years including any renewal;
(3) the supplier or service provider retained by the public body is the one who offers the most advantageous goods or services; and
(4) the goods or services referred to in the framework agreement take into account the applicable criteria related to security, levels of services and compliance.
To determine the most advantageous goods or services, the public body must base itself(1) on the price exclusively; or
(2) after authorization from its chief executive officer, on one or more other criteria related to the object of the contract, such as technological compatibility, the accessibility of the goods or services, performance and technical assistance.