13. A person who intends to import an animal into Québec that belongs to one of the following orders must notify the Minister in writing 45 business days at the earliest and 10 business days at the latest before importing it:(1) artiodactyls (Artiodactyla);
(2) carnivores (Carnivora);
(3) chiropters (Chiroptera);
(4) lagomorphs (Lagomorpha);
(5) perissodactyls (Perissodactyla);
(6) primates (Primates);
(7) proboscidians (Proboscidea);
(8) rodents (Rodentia), except one of the following species:(a) Mongolian gerbil (Meriones unguiculatus);
(b) golden hamster (Mesocricetus auratus);
(c) dwarf hamster (Phodopus spp.);
(d) Norway rat (Rattus norvegicus);
(e) house mouse (Mus musculus);
(9) urodeles (Caudata).
Despite the first paragraph, the notice is not required where the animal(1) does not belong to a species listed in Schedule 1;
(2) is imported by an individual for personal purposes; and
(3) is kept in Canada.
The notice must contain the following particulars on the animal:(1) the scientific binomen of its species;
(2) the conditions of its birth, in captivity or in the wild;
(3) the place from which it is imported;
(4) the scheduled date of importation;
(5) the location where it arrives in Québec;
(6) the projected place where it will be kept.