C-61.1, r. 1 - Regulation respecting hunting activities

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23.1. The annual rent for a lease of exclusive hunting rights is $23.34/km2 and must not be less than $212.14.
As of 1 April 2011, those amounts are adjusted annually by applying to their value for the preceding year the annual percentage change, computed for the month of June of the preceding year, in the general Consumer Price Index (CPI), published by Statistics Canada.
The Minister is to publish the results of the adjustment in Part 1 of the Gazette officielle du Québec or make it known by any other appropriate means.
O.C. 870-2010, s. 13.
23.1. The annual rent for a lease of exclusive hunting rights is $22.70/km2 and must not be less than $206.36.
As of 1 April 2011, those amounts are adjusted annually by applying to their value for the preceding year the annual percentage change, computed for the month of June of the preceding year, in the general Consumer Price Index (CPI), published by Statistics Canada.
The Minister is to publish the results of the adjustment in Part 1 of the Gazette officielle du Québec or make it known by any other appropriate means.
O.C. 870-2010, s. 13.
23.1. The annual rent for a lease of exclusive hunting rights is $22.04/km2 and must not be less than $200.35.
As of 1 April 2011, those amounts are adjusted annually by applying to their value for the preceding year the annual percentage change, computed for the month of June of the preceding year, in the general Consumer Price Index (CPI), published by Statistics Canada.
The Minister is to publish the results of the adjustment in Part 1 of the Gazette officielle du Québec or make it known by any other appropriate means.
O.C. 870-2010, s. 13.
23.1. The annual rent for a lease of exclusive hunting rights is $21.38/km2 and must not be less than $194.33.
As of 1 April 2011, those amounts are adjusted annually by applying to their value for the preceding year the annual percentage change, computed for the month of June of the preceding year, in the general Consumer Price Index (CPI), published by Statistics Canada.
The Minister is to publish the results of the adjustment in Part 1 of the Gazette officielle du Québec or make it known by any other appropriate means.
O.C. 870-2010, s. 13.
23.1. The annual rent for a lease of exclusive hunting rights is $21.23/km2 and must not be less than $192.98.
As of 1 April 2011, those amounts are adjusted annually by applying to their value for the preceding year the annual percentage change, computed for the month of June of the preceding year, in the general Consumer Price Index (CPI), published by Statistics Canada.
The Minister is to publish the results of the adjustment in Part 1 of the Gazette officielle du Québec or make it known by any other appropriate means.
O.C. 870-2010, s. 13.
23.1. The annual rent for a lease of exclusive hunting rights is $20.81/km2 and must not be less than $189.20.
As of 1 April 2011, those amounts are adjusted annually by applying to their value for the preceding year the annual percentage change, computed for the month of June of the preceding year, in the general Consumer Price Index (CPI), published by Statistics Canada.
The Minister is to publish the results of the adjustment in Part 1 of the Gazette officielle du Québec or make it known by any other appropriate means.
O.C. 870-2010, s. 13.
23.1. The annual rent for a lease of exclusive hunting rights is $20.30/km2 and must not be less than $184.59.
As of 1 April 2011, those amounts are adjusted annually by applying to their value for the preceding year the annual percentage change, computed for the month of June of the preceding year, in the general Consumer Price Index (CPI), published by Statistics Canada.
The Minister is to publish the results of the adjustment in Part 1 of the Gazette officielle du Québec or make it known by any other appropriate means.
O.C. 870-2010, s. 13.
23.1. The annual rent for a lease of exclusive hunting rights is $20.10/km2 and must not be less than $182.76.
As of 1 April 2011, those amounts are adjusted annually by applying to their value for the preceding year the annual percentage change, computed for the month of June of the preceding year, in the general Consumer Price Index (CPI), published by Statistics Canada.
The Minister is to publish the results of the adjustment in Part 1 of the Gazette officielle du Québec or make it known by any other appropriate means.
O.C. 870-2010, s. 13.
23.1. The annual rent for a lease of exclusive hunting rights is $19.80/km2 and must not be less than $180.06.
As of 1 April 2011, those amounts are adjusted annually by applying to their value for the preceding year the annual percentage change, computed for the month of June of the preceding year, in the general Consumer Price Index (CPI), published by Statistics Canada.
The Minister is to publish the results of the adjustment in Part 1 of the Gazette officielle du Québec or make it known by any other appropriate means.
O.C. 870-2010, s. 13.
23.1. The annual rent for a lease of exclusive hunting rights is $19.61/km2 and must not be less than $178.27.
As of 1 April 2011, those amounts are adjusted annually by applying to their value for the preceding year the annual percentage change, computed for the month of June of the preceding year, in the general Consumer Price Index (CPI), published by Statistics Canada.
The Minister is to publish the results of the adjustment in Part 1 of the Gazette officielle du Québec or make it known by any other appropriate means.
O.C. 870-2010, s. 13.
23.1. The annual rent for a lease of exclusive hunting rights is $19.15/km2 and must not be less than $174.09.
As of 1 April 2011, those amounts are adjusted annually by applying to their value for the preceding year the annual percentage change, computed for the month of June of the preceding year, in the general Consumer Price Index (CPI), published by Statistics Canada.
The Minister is to publish the results of the adjustment in Part 1 of the Gazette officielle du Québec or make it known by any other appropriate means.
O.C. 870-2010, s. 13.
23.1. The annual rent for a lease of exclusive hunting rights is $18.92/km2 and must not be less than $172.03.
As of 1 April 2011, those amounts are adjusted annually by applying to their value for the preceding year the annual percentage change, computed for the month of June of the preceding year, in the general Consumer Price Index (CPI), published by Statistics Canada.
The Minister is to publish the results of the adjustment in Part 1 of the Gazette officielle du Québec or make it known by any other appropriate means.
O.C. 870-2010, s. 13.
23.1. The annual rent for a lease of exclusive hunting rights is $18.64/km2 and must not be less than $169.49.
As of 1 April 2011, those amounts are adjusted annually by applying to their value for the preceding year the annual percentage change, computed for the month of June of the preceding year, in the general Consumer Price Index (CPI), published by Statistics Canada.
The Minister is to publish the results of the adjustment in Part 1 of the Gazette officielle du Québec or make it known by any other appropriate means.
O.C. 870-2010, s. 13.