C-61.1, r. 12 - Regulation respecting hunting

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7.1. To obtain a resident’s hunting licence, a resident must hold a valid hunter’s or trapper’s certificate; the certificate is not required for the “Northern leopard frog, Green frog, Bullfrog”, “Snaring of hare or Eastern cottontail rabbit” and “Small game using a bird of prey” hunting licences. The resident must also provide his or her name, address and date of birth, as well as the number of the hunter’s or trapper’s certificate when it is required.
In addition, to obtain the following hunting licences, the resident must have been selected by random draw:
(1)  (subparagraph revoked);
(2)  “White-tailed deer, female or male with antlers less than 7 cm, all areas except Area 20”;
(2.1)  (subparagraph revoked);
(3)  “Moose, female more than 1 year old”.
M.O. 2010-042, s. 3; M.O. 2018-003, s. 1; M.O. 2020-03-18, s. 4; M.O. 2024-0007, s. 2.
7.1. To obtain a resident’s hunting licence, a resident must hold a hunter’s or trapper’s certificate; the certificate is not required for the “Northern leopard frog, Green frog, Bullfrog”, “Snaring of hare or Eastern cottontail rabbit” and “Small game using a bird of prey” hunting licences. The resident must also provide his or her name, address and date of birth, as well as the number of the hunter’s or trapper’s certificate when it is required.
In addition, to obtain the following hunting licences, the resident must have been selected by random draw:
(1)  (subparagraph revoked);
(2)  “White-tailed deer, female or male with antlers less than 7 cm, all areas except Area 20”;
(2.1)  (subparagraph revoked);
(3)  “Moose, female more than 1 year old”.
M.O. 2010-042, s. 3; M.O. 2018-003, s. 1; M.O. 2020-03-18, s. 4.
7.1. To obtain a resident’s hunting licence, a resident must hold a hunter’s or trapper’s certificate; the certificate is not required for the “Northern leopard frog, Green frog, Bullfrog”, “Snaring of hare or Eastern cottontail rabbit” and “Small game using a bird of prey” hunting licences. The resident must also provide his or her name, address and date of birth, as well as the number of the hunter’s or trapper’s certificate when it is required.
In addition, to obtain the following hunting licences, the resident must have been selected by random draw:
(1)  (subparagraph revoked);
(2)  “White-tailed deer, female or male with antlers less than 7 cm, all areas except Area 20”;
(2.1)  “White-tailed deer, female or male with antlers less than 7 cm, all areas except Area 20 (1st killing)”;
(3)  “Moose, female more than 1 year old”.
M.O. 2010-042, s. 3; M.O. 2018-003, s. 1.
7.1. To obtain a resident’s hunting licence, a resident must hold a hunter’s or trapper’s certificate; the certificate is not required for the “Northern leopard frog, Green frog, Bullfrog”, “Snaring of hare or Eastern cottontail rabbit” and “Small game using a bird of prey” hunting licences. The resident must also provide his or her name, address and date of birth, as well as the number of the hunter’s or trapper’s certificate when it is required.
In addition, to obtain the following hunting licences, the resident must have been selected by random draw:
(1)  “Caribou, valid for the part of Area 22 shown on the plan in Schedule XII”;
(2)  “White-tailed deer, female or male with antlers less than 7 cm, all areas except Area 20”;
(2.1)  “White-tailed deer, female or male with antlers less than 7 cm, all areas except Area 20 (1st killing)”;
(3)  “Moose, female more than 1 year old”.
M.O. 2010-042, s. 3.