1. The Ordre des comptables professionnels agréés du Québec shall issue a public accountancy permit:(1) to a member who meets the following conditions:(a) has successfully completed the professional education program in public accountancy set out in Division II or training recognized by the Order that meets the objectives set out in Division II;
(b) has successfully completed the training period in public accountancy set out in Division III or a period of training or practical experience recognized by the Order that meets the objectives set out in Division III;
(c) has passed the public accountancy examination of the Order set out in Division IV or passed an evaluation or earned practical experience recognized by the Order that meets the objectives set out in Division IV;
(d) has completed an application for a public accountancy permit;
(e) has paid the prescribed fees;
(2) to a member who holds a legal authorization to practice public accountancy contemplated in Division VI.
The fees payable under this Regulation are those prescribed by the board of directors pursuant to paragraph 8 of section 86.0.1 of the Professional Code (chapter C-26).