C-26, r. 208.4 - Regulation respecting certain professional activities that may be engaged in by persons other than psychologists and by psychologists

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5. Psychologists may diagnose, within the scope of the training provided for in the Règlement sur une activité de formation des psychologues pour le diagnostic des troubles neuropsychologiques (chapter C-26, r. 208.3), neuropsychological disorders under the supervision of a person who meets the criteria of recognition as a supervisor provided for in Schedule II to the Regulation to the extent that the performance of that activity is required in order for them to complete the training.
O.C. 1026-2012, s. 5; S.Q. 2024, c. 31, s. 63.
5. Psychologists may assess, within the scope of the training provided for in the Règlement sur une activité de formation des psychologues pour l’évaluation des troubles neuropsychologiques (chapter C-26, r. 208.3), neuropsychological disorders under the supervision of a person who meets the criteria of recognition as a supervisor provided for in Schedule II to the Regulation to the extent that the performance of that activity is required in order for them to complete the training.
O.C. 1026-2012, s. 5.