17. Documents in a sealed envelope. The clerk enters in the record the name and title of every person who consults a document in a sealed envelope or who requests a copy of such a document.
Documents in a sealed envelope are filed in a 22.9 × 30.5 cm (9 × 12 in) or 24.1 × 37.5 cm (9½ × 14¾ in) envelope on the back of which the following information must appear, in block letters:(1) the record number;
(2) the date of filing;
(3) the identity of the filer and the party represented, if applicable;
(4) the exhibit number and the nature of the document filed.
The filing of a document that does not satisfy this section is refused.
O.C. 1099-2015, s. 17; 201-2021O.C. 201-2021, s. 31.