53. Incidental Appeal (art. 371 C.C.P.). The incidental appellant’s argument shall contain 2 parts: the first shall be its reply to the principal appeal and the second its argument as incidental appellant.
The incidental appellant’s brief shall include the schedules set out in section 51 of this regulation. However, the incidental appellant need not reproduce in those schedules the content that already appears in the schedules to the appellant’s brief.
The title of this brief shall be: “Respondent/Incidental Appellant’s Brief” or “Impleaded Party/Incidental Appellant’s Brief”.
The title of the incidental respondent’s brief shall be: “Incidental Respondent’s Brief”.
The argument of the incidental appellant or of the incidental respondent on the incidental appeal shall not exceed 30 pages, unless a judge decides otherwise. The same rule applies to the impleaded party, if any. The intervenor, if any, is subject to the rule set out in the second paragraph of section 50 of this regulation.
2022-08-23Decision 2022-08-23, s. 53.