220. The Société may revoke the certification of the owner of road vehicles covered by a preventive maintenance program if the owner(a) fails to fulfil any of the terms, conditions and obligations incumbent on the owner under Division III;
(b) ceases operations for any reason whatsoever, including bankruptcy, liquidation or transfer of property or if the owner ceases to be the owner of the vehicle covered by the periodic mechanical inspection;
(c) has provided false or inaccurate information or made false representations; or
(d) neglects or refuses to provide the Société with information requested by the Société to check whether the terms, conditions and obligations incumbent on the owner are fulfilled.
Before revoking the certificate, the Société sends a notice of revocation to the owners of the vehicles.
O.C. 1483-98, s. 220; 370-2016O.C. 370-2016, s. 1061.