24. Any officer must, in the performance of his functions, make decisions independently of any partisan political considerations.
Any officer or other employee must demonstrate political neutrality in the performance of his functions.
Any officer or other employee must show reserve in the public demonstration of his political opinions.
Any officer or other employee of the Fund wishing to be a candidate in a federal, provincial or municipal election must give prior notice of his intent to do so in a letter of resignation which would take effect, should the need arise, the day he is officially proclaimed elected. Between the date he hands in his resignation and either his official election or his return to work as provided for below, he shall be considered as being on leave without pay. He is entitled to return to his post the day after nomination day if he is not a candidate or on the eighth day following the date on which a person other than himself is proclaimed elected in the election.
Nothing in this Regulation states that an officer or another employee, who is member of a political party, shall not attend a political meeting or make a contribution, in accordance with the law, to a political party, to a political party authority or to a candidate in an election.
Officers and other employees of the Fund are not required to divulge their political allegiance and their personal record shall contain no indication as to their allegiance except when required for the enforcement of this section.
R.R.Q., 1981, c. C-2, r. 2, s. 24; BD. 2011-08-19.