5. The person must state whether any of the persons mentioned in section 4 have been found guilty:(1) of an offence under the Cinema Act (chapter C-18.1) or under a regulatory provision made in accordance with subparagraph 11 of the first paragraph of section 168 of that Act in the past 2 years and for which they have not been pardoned;
(2) in the 2 years preceding an application for a licence or for renewal of a licence, of an offence or an indictable offence under the Copyright Act (R.S.C. 1985, c. C-42) or the Criminal Code (R.S.C. 1985, c. C-46) relative to the operation of premises where films are exhibited to the public, to the use of films or to the operation of a video material retail business, depending on the licence required, and for which they have not been pardoned.