12. Shall be exempt from the need to meet the condition set out in subparagraph a of paragraph 2 of section 8 or that set out in subparagraph a of subparagraph 2 of section 10, fishers or assistant fishers who submit a written application to the certification board for that purpose, and who base their incapacity to comply therewith on the following set of reasons:(1) they are over 50 years old;
(2) the variance between their academic training and the level of academic training normally required to register in a program leading to the issue of a professional fishery studies diploma is such that it would result in a study and work overload;
(3) the number of years during which they carried on fishing activities, the species fished, the gear used and the level of experience acquired during those years;
(4) if applicable, the fact that they have taken the courses set out in the second paragraph.
To ensure that persons applying for the exemption do not endanger the safety of other persons aboard a fishing vessel, the certification board may require them to take one or more of the courses offered by the Centre before granting them the exemption they seek.