B-1.2, r. 2 - Regulation respecting the legal deposit of films

Full text
(s. 2)
Table of programs selected for legal deposit purposes

Category Type of production Programs to be deposited

Weekly fiction series, including Deposit of all programs
animated series and youth fiction

Fiction Daily fiction series, including Deposit of the first
animated series and youth and last week’s
fiction programs and 1 program
from each week,
alternating broadcast

Drama program Deposit of the program

Documentary program Deposit of the program
Documentaries ____________________________________________________________

Documentary series Deposit of all programs

Weekly magazine programs, Deposit of the first and
including youth magazine last programs and 5 other
programs programs over the season
TV magazine programs ____________________________________________________________

Daily magazine programs, Deposit of the first and
including youth magazine last week’s programs and
programs 2 other weeks’ programs
over the season

Weekly Deposit of the first and
last programs of the
Educational games, season
quizzes or contests ____________________________________________________________
for children under 13
Daily Deposit of the first
and last week’s

Weekly variety shows, Deposit of the first and
including youth last programs and 5 other
variety shows programs over the season
Other variety shows ____________________________________________________________

Daily variety shows, Deposit of the first and
including youth last week’s programs and
variety shows 2 other weeks’ programs
over the season

Televised show Deposit of the program

O.C. 1296-2005, Sch. 1.