83. In order to be recognized by the Board, a person must(1) depending on the activities the person wishes to engage in:(a) be certified by ASME, according to ASME Standard QAI-1, Qualifications for Authorized Inspection, published by ASME;
(b) have and maintain a quality control program approved by the National Board in accordance with the requirements of NB-369, Accreditation of Authorized Inspection Agencies (AIA) Performing Inservice or Repair/Alteration Inspection Activities, published by the National Board;
(c) have and maintain a quality control program approved by the Board. The program must be adapted to the activities of the person seeking recognition, taking into account in particular the nature and complexity of the activities;
(2) provide in the quality control program or a letter of undertaking for provisions that regulate communication of information and documents with the Board;
(3) have the means necessary to ensure the confidentiality of the information obtained during inspections or verifications;
(4) if applicable, have staff members in charge of inspections and controls who hold a certificate in pressure installation inspection issued by Emploi Québec;
(5) have the means necessary for the adequate performance of the technical and administrative tasks related to the carrying out of evaluations, inspections or verifications;
(6) not be in a situation of conflict of interest such as(a) have a direct or indirect interest in an enterprise that designs, manufactures, installs, repairs, alters or sells pressure equipment; or
(b) be under pressure, including commercial or financial pressure, likely to influence the person’s judgment or the results of the person’s verifications; and
(7) underwrite a civil liability insurance policy corresponding to the activities and covering the person’s or body’s liability for damaged caused to a third person for fault or negligence in the performance of the person’s or body’s tasks. The insurance policy must include a clause whereby the insurer undertakes to inform the Board of its intention to terminate the contract.