B-1.1, r. 3 - Safety Code

Full text
Chapter VIII Building, Division A, (Section 370)
National Fire Code of Canada 2010 (NRCC 53303)
| | |
| Article | Amendment |
| | |
| Division A - | |
| Part 1 | |
| | |
| | Replace Sentence 1 by the following: |
| | |
| | “1) This Code applies to all facilities intended for use by the|
| | public, all installations and all new and existing buildings, |
| | and to building construction, renovation and demolition sites, |
| | subject to the field of application determined by the Board or |
| | by another authority having jurisdiction (see Appendix A).”. |
| | |
| | Add “and approved by the Board or, in the case of buildings |
| | over which the Board does not have jurisdiction, by the |
| | authority having jurisdiction” after “solutions” in Clause |
| | |
| | |
| | Replace everything following “defined” in Sentence 1 by “the |
| | standard applicable at the time of construction of |
| | alteration.”. |
| | |
| | Replace the relevant definitions in Sentence 1 by the |
| | following definitions: |
| | |
| | “Air-supported structure (structure gonflable) means a movable |
| | structure consisting of a pliable membrane that achieves and |
| | maintains its shape and support by internal air pressure and is|
| | installed for a maximum period of 6 months.”; |
| | |
| | “Authority having jurisdiction (autorité compétente) means the |
| | Régie du bâtiment du Québec (the “Board”), a regional county |
| | municipality or a local municipality.”; |
| | |
| | “Care occupancy (établissement de soins) has the meaning |
| | defined by the standard applicable at the time of construction |
| | or alteration of the building.”; |
| | |
| | “Firewall (mur coupe-feu) has the meaning defined by the |
| | standard applicable at the time of construction or alteration |
| | of the building.”; |
| | |
| | “First storey (premier étage) means the floor defined by the |
| | standard applicable at the time of construction or alteration |
| | of the building.”; |
| | |
| | “Grade (niveau moyen du sol) has the meaning defined by the |
| | standard applicable at the time of construction or alteration |
| | of the building.”; |
| | |
| | “Major occupancy (usage principal) has the meaning defined by |
| | the standard applicable at the time of construction or |
| | alteration of the building.”; |
| | |
| | “Treatment occupancy (établissement de traitement) has the |
| | meaning defined by the standard applicable at the time of |
| | construction or alteration of the building.”; |
| | |
| | Replace everything following “harboured” in the definition of |
| | “Residential occupancy” in Sentence 1 by “or interned, for |
| | the purpose of receiving medical care, and are not |
| involuntarily detained.”; |
| | |
| | Add the following definition after Sentence 1: |
| | |
| | “Building height (hauteur de bâtiment) (in stories) has the |
| | meaning defined by the standard applicable at the time of |
| | construction or alteration of the building.”; |
| | |
| | “Stage (scène) means a space designed for public performances |
| | and rapid changes of scenery, with lighting at ceiling level |
| | and facilities to create sound and light effects, generally but|
| | not compulsorily separated from the room by a proscenium wall |
| | and a curtain.”; |
| | |
| | “Tent (tente) means a movable, portable fabric structure that |
| | is erected outdoors for a maximum period of 6 months.”; |
| | |
| | Add “as a domicile” after “to be used” in the definition of |
| | “Dwelling unit” in Sentence 1; |
| | |
| | Strike out the definitions of “Care” and “Treatment”. |
| | |
| | Add “Lx ……… Lux” and “ml ………. millilitre” in Sentence 1, in |
| | alphabetical order. |
| | |
| Division A | |
| Appendix A | |
| Explanatory | |
| notes | |
| | |
| A- | Strike out the last two sentences of the third paragraph of |
| | note A- 1). |
| | |
| A- | Strike out the paragraphs “Treatment”, “Care Occupancy”, |
| | “Treatment Occupancy” and “Grade” |
| | |
| Division B | |
| Part 1 | |
| | |
| | Replace respectively, in Table, referred to hereafter, |
| | the following standards: |
| | |
| | NFPA |
| | |
| | 68-2007 Explosion Protection by Deflagration Venting |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | Add, in Table, in order of the organizations, the |
| | following standards: |
| | |
| | “CSA |
| | CAN/CSA-B149.5-05 |
| | Installation Code for Propane Fuel Systems and Tanks on |
| | Highway Vehicles |
| |” |
| | |
| | “NFPA |
| | 101-2009 |
| | Life Safety Code |
| | |
| |” |
| | |
| | “NFPA |
| | 45-2011 |
| | Standard on Fire Protection for Laboratories Using Chemicals |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| |” |
| | |
| | “ULC |
| | ULC/ORD-C107.4- |
| | Ducted Flexible Underground Piping Systems for Flammable and |
| | Combustible Liquids |
| |” |
| | |
| | “ULC |
| | ULC/ORD-C107.7 |
| | Glass Fibre Reinforced Plastic Pipe and Fittings for Flammable |
| | and Combustible Liquids |
| |” |
| | |
| | “ULC |
| | ULC/ORD-C107.19 |
| | Secondary Containment of Underground Piping for Flammable and |
| | Combustible Liquids |
| |” |
| | |
| | “ULC |
| | ULC/ORD-C-627.1-2008-EN-EL |
| | Unvented Ethyl Alcohol Fuel Burning Decorative Appliances |
| |” |
| | |
| | “ULC |
| | ULC/ORD-C971 |
| | Nonmetallic Underground Piping for Flammable and Combustible |
| | Liquids |
| |” |
| | |
| Division B | |
| Part 2 | |
| | |
| | Replace “the NBC. (See Appendix A.)” in Sentence 1 by “the |
| | requirements in force at the time of construction or |
| | alteration”. |
| | |
| | Replace Sentence 1 by the following: |
| | |
| | “1) Fire alarm, standpipe and sprinkler systems shall conform |
| | to the requirements in force at the time of construction or |
| | alteration or, if applicable, to the more stringent provisions |
| | applicable to certain buildings under Section IV of Chapter |
| | VIII of the Safety Code (see Appendix B).”. |
| | |
| | Replace Sentence 1 by the following: |
| | |
| | “1) A voice communications system or systems integrated with |
| | the general fire alarm system shall be provided in buildings in|
| | conformance with the requirements in force at the time of |
| | construction or alteration.”. |
| | |
| | Replace by the following: |
| | |
| | “ Smoke Alarms |
| | |
| | 1) Smoke alarms shall conform to the requirements in force at |
| | the time of construction, or, if applicable, to the more |
| | stringent provisions applicable to certain buildings under |
| | Section IV of Chapter VIII of the Safety Code (see Appendix B).|
| | |
| | 2) Every smoke alarm shall be replaced 10 years after the date |
| | of manufacture indicated on the cover. If no date of |
| | manufacture is indicated, the smoke alarm shall be replaced |
| | without delay.”. |
| | |
| | In Sentence 1, replace “, as is required by the NBC” by “in |
| | conformance with the standard in force at the time of |
| | construction or alteration”, and replace “edition of the NBC” |
| | by “standard”. |
| | |
| | Replace Sentence 1 by the following: |
| | |
| | “1) A fire suppression system shall conform to one of the |
| | standards listed in Sentences (3) and (4).”. |
| | |
| | Replace “the NBC” in Sentence 1 by “the requirements in force |
| | at the time of construction or alteration”. |
| | |
| | Replace “the NBC” in Sentence 1 by “the requirements in force |
| | at the time of construction or alteration”. |
| | |
| | Replace Sentence 1 by the following: |
| | |
| | “1) Portable extinguishers that meet the requirements of |
| | Sentences (2) to (4) shall be installed in all buildings, |
| | except dwelling units and shared areas serving fewer than 5 |
| | dwelling units, except in the case of a day-care centre (see |
| | Appendix A).”. |
| | |
| | Add the following: |
| | |
| | “2.1.6 Carbon Monoxide Alarms |
| | |
| | Carbon Monoxide Alarms |
| | |
| | 1) Carbon monoxide alarms shall conform to the requirements in |
| | force at the time of construction or alteration or, if |
| | applicable, to the more stringent provisions applicable to |
| | certain buildings under Section IV of Chapter VIII of the |
| | Safety Code (see Appendix B).”. |
| | |
| | Replace “the NBC” in Sentences (1), (2) and (3) by “the |
| | requirements in force at the time of construction or alteration|
| | or, if applicable, to the more stringent provisions applicable |
| | to certain buildings under Section IV of Chapter VIII of the |
| | Safety Code (see Appendix B).”. |
| | |
| | Replace “the NBC” in Sentence 1 by “the requirements in force |
| | at the time of construction or alteration or, if applicable, to|
| | the more stringent provisions applicable to certain buildings |
| | under Section IV of Chapter VIII of the Safety Code (see |
| | Appendix B).”; |
| | |
| | Replace “the NBC” in Sentence 2 by “the requirements in force |
| | at the time of construction or alteration”. |
| | |
| | Replace “conforming to the NBC” in Sentence 2 by “that conforms|
| | to the requirements in force at the time of construction or |
| | alteration”. |
| | |
| | Replace “the NBC” in Sentence 1 by “the requirements in force |
| | at the time of construction or alteration or, if applicable, |
| | with the more stringent provisions applicable to certain |
| | buildings under Section IV of Chapter VIII of the Safety Code |
| | (see Appendix B).”. |
| | |
| | Add the following: |
| | |
| | “2) The use of cut softwoods, softwood branches, dried plants |
| | or plastic foam as decorative materials is prohibited in |
| | |
| | a) an exit, |
| | b) an assembly occupancy, |
| | c) a hotel establishment, |
| | d) a care occupancy or detention occupancy, or |
| | e) a mercantile occupancy.”. |
| | |
| | Replace Sentence 1 by the following: |
| | |
| | “1) Except as provided in Sentence (3), bed linen, window |
| | drapes and cubicle curtains used in care occupancies shall |
| | conform to CAN/CGSB-4.162-M, “Hospital Textiles - Flammability |
| | Performance Requirements”.”; |
| | |
| | Replace Sentence 3 by the following: |
| | |
| | “3) Mattresses, bed linen, window drapes and cubicle curtains |
| | need not conform to Sentences (1) and (2) if used in |
| | residential board and care occupancies”. |
| | |
| | Replace “waste” in Sentence 1 by “materials”; |
| | |
| | Add “attic or roof spaces” after “crawl spaces” in Sentence 3; |
| | |
| | Add the following: |
| | |
| | “7) Outdoor storage receptacles, such as dumpsters, used for |
| | combustible materials and over 2,000 litres in capacity shall |
| | |
| | a) be located at least 3 m from any opening in a building or |
| | combustible component of a building, except if a steel screen |
| | with an air space of 25 mm or a masonry screen protects the |
| | opening or wall, and |
| | |
| | b) be equipped with a cover that shall remain closed and |
| | padlocked.”. |
| | |
| | Replace “the NBC” in Sentence 1 by “the requirements in force |
| | at the time of construction or alteration”. |
| | |
| | Replace Clause (b) of Sentence 1 by the following: |
| | |
| | “b) in dining areas in care occupancies.”. |
| | |
| | Replace “Group B, Divisions 2 and 3 care and” in Sentence 1 by |
| | “care or”. |
| | |
| | Add the following: |
| | |
| | “ Propane-Powered Vehicles |
| | |
| | 1) Propane-powered vehicles shall not be exposed indoors unless|
| | the relevant safety measures, namely those of Section 5.14 of |
| | CAN/CGA-B149.5 M95, “Installation Code for Propane Systems and |
| | C Tanks on Highway Vehicles, are followed”.”. |
| | |
| | Add the following: |
| | |
| | “2.4.8. Plastic Foam |
| | |
| | “ Protection of Plastic Foam |
| | |
| | 1) Plastic foam insulators shall be protected in conformance |
| | with the requirements in force at the time of construction or |
| | alteration. |
| | |
| | “2.4.9. Work Tables |
| | |
| | “ Work Tables |
| | |
| | 1) In mercantile occupancies or industrial occupancies, every |
| | work table over 7.5 m in length under which combustible |
| | materials are stored shall |
| | |
| | a) be equipped with incombustible dividers fixed transversally |
| | under the table at a distance of no more than 3 m from each |
| | other, or |
| | |
| | b) be equipped with sprinklers underneath. |
| | |
| | “2.4.10. Ethyl Alcohol Fuel Burning Appliances |
| | |
| | “ Ethyl Alcohol Fuel Burning Appliances |
| | |
| | 1) All ethyl alcohol fuel burning appliances containing over |
| | 250 ml shall be manufactured in accordance with ULC/ORDC-627.1,|
| | “Unvented Ethyl Alcohol Fuel Burning Decorative Appliances”. |
| | |
| | “2.4.11. Lightning Protection Installations |
| | |
| | “ Lightning Protection Installations |
| | |
| | 1) All lightning protection installations shall be maintained |
| | in good operating condition. |
| | |
| | “2.4.12. Portable Cooking Appliances |
| | |
| | “ Inside a Building |
| | |
| | 1) No portable cooking appliance fuelled by charcoal or gas may|
| | may be used inside a building. |
| | |
| | “ Outside a Building |
| | |
| | 1) No portable cooking appliance fuelled by charcoal or gas |
| | may be used outside a building less than 600 mm from a door |
| | or window. |
| | |
| | “2.4.13. Stages |
| | |
| | “ Protection Equipment |
| | |
| | 1) All stages shall be equipped with at least 2 portable |
| | extinguishers that conform to Subdivision 2.1.5. |
| | |
| | 2) All walkways over a stage shall be equipped with at least 2 |
| | portable extinguishers that conform to Subdivision 2.1.5. |
| | |
| | “ Scenery and Props |
| | |
| | 1) Only the scenery and props required for the current |
| | performance may be kept on the stage and on walkways over the |
| | stage. All other scenery and props shall be stored in storage |
| | areas that conform to the requirements in force at the time of|
| | construction or alteration.”. |
| | |
| | Replace “the NBC” in Sentence 1 by “the requirements in force |
| | at the time of construction or alteration (see Appendix A).”. |
| | |
| | Add the following: |
| | |
| | “2) The access panels or windows provided to facilitate |
| | firefighting operations shall be marked.”. |
| | |
| | Replace by the following: |
| | |
| | “ Fire Department Connections |
| | |
| | 1) Access to fire department connections for sprinkler or |
| | standpipe systems by firefighters and their equipment shall be |
| | maintained free of obstructions to a distance of at least 1.5 m|
| | at all times. |
| | |
| | 2) When a building has more than one fire department |
| | connection, each fire department connection shall be identified|
| | on the basis of its functions.”. |
| | |
| | Replace “the NCB” in Sentence 1 by “the requirements in force |
| | at the time of construction or alteration”. |
| | |
| | Replace by the following: |
| | |
| | “ Solid Fuels |
| | |
| | 1) Solid fuel bins shall be located not less than 1.2 m from |
| | the appliance served.”. |
| | |
| | Replace “the NBC” in Sentence 1 by “the requirements in force |
| | at the time of construction or alteration”. |
| | |
| | Replace “disconnect switches” in Sentence 2 by “circuit |
| | breakers”. |
| | |
| | Replace Sentence 1 by the following: |
| | |
| | “1) Commercial cooking equipment exhaust and fire protection |
| | systems shall be designed and installed in conformance with the|
| | requirements in force at the time of construction or |
| | alteration.”. |
| | |
| | Replace “the NBC” in Sentence 1 by “the requirements in force |
| | at the time of construction or alteration”. |
| | |
| | Add the following: |
| | |
| | “2) All electrical equipment vaults shall be identified by a |
| | poster.”. |
| | |
| | Replace by the following: |
| | |
| | “ Means of Egress |
| | |
| | 1) Means of egress shall be provided in buildings in |
| | conformance with the requirements in force at the time of |
| | construction or alteration or, if applicable, with the more |
| | stringent provisions applicable to certain buildings under |
| | Section IV of Chapter VIII of the Safety Code (see Appendix |
| | B).”. |
| | |
| | Replace “by the NBC” in Clause (b) of Sentence 1 by “by the |
| | requirements in force at the time of construction or |
| | alteration”; |
| | |
| | Strike out “business and personal services,” in Clause (a) of |
| | Sentence 3; |
| | |
| | Add “business and personal services and” after “in” in Clause |
| | (c) of Sentence 3. |
| | |
| | Replace by the following: |
| | |
| | “ Occupant Load |
| | |
| | 1) The maximum number of occupants permitted in any room shall |
| | be calculated |
| | |
| | a) except as provided in Sentence (2), in Group A assembly |
| | occupancies, on the basis of the net floor space per occupant |
| | specified in Table, |
| | |
| | b) for occupancies in another group, on the basis of the net |
| | floor space per occupant of 0.4 m2, excluding the floor space |
| | occupied by furniture and equipment, or |
| | |
| | c) on the basis of the number of occupants for which means of |
| | egress are provided, if that number is below the number |
| | determined under Clause (a) or (b). |
| | |
| | (See Appendix A.) |
| | |
| | Table |
| | Number of Occupants |
| | Forming an integral part of Sentence |
| | |
| | _______________________________________________________ |
| | | | | |
| | | Use of floor space or part of floor | Net floor space| |
| | | space | coefficient | |
| | | | per | |
| | | Assembly occupancy | occupant in m2 | |
| | |______________________________________|________________| |
| | | | | |
| | | Bars, dining areas and cafeterias | 1.2 | |
| | |(note 1) | | |
| | |______________________________________|________________| |
| | | | | |
| | | Rooms with movable seating other than| 0.75 | |
| | | bars and dining areas (note 2) | | |
| | |______________________________________|________________| |
| | | | | |
| | | Rooms with tables and movable seating| 0.95 | |
| | | other than bars and dining areas | | |
| | | (note 2) | | |
| | |______________________________________|________________| |
| | | | | |
| | | Meeting rooms without seats (note 3) | 0.6 | |
| | |______________________________________|________________| |
| | | | | |
| | | Bowling alleys and pool halls (note | 9.3 | |
| | | 4) | | |
| | |______________________________________|________________| |
| | | | | |
| | | Classrooms | 1.85 | |
| | |______________________________________|________________| |
| | | | | |
| | | Exhibition rooms | 3 | |
| | |______________________________________|________________| |
| | | | | |
| | | Reading, study and rest rooms | 1.85 | |
| | |______________________________________|________________| |
| | | | | |
| | | Stages | 0.75 | |
| | |______________________________________|________________| |
| | |
| | Note 1: The coefficient of 1.2 m2 shall be used for dining |
| | areas, bars and cafeterias, whatever their layout. In bars |
| | and licensed beverage establishments, the coefficient of |
| | 0.6 m2 may be used only for the parts of the floor area used |
| | without seating or tables (dance floor, standing bar, etc.). |
| | |
| | Note 2: The coefficients of 0.75 m2 and 0.95 m2 are reserved |
| | for occupancies other than dining areas, bars or cafeterias |
| | (see note 1) such as bingo halls, assembly rooms and meeting |
| | rooms. |
| | |
| | Note 3: The density of occupants in assembly occupancies is |
| | limited to 0.6 m2 of free floor space per occupant to ensure |
| | that occupants are not prevented from reaching exits by |
| | excessive occupant density. |
| | |
| | Note 4: The coefficient of 9.3 m2 shall be used for bowling |
| | alleys and pool halls. When the room is used as a bar or |
| | licensed beverage establishment, the coefficient of 1.2 m2 |
| | shall be used once the area of the pool table has been |
| | subtracted from the space used by the public. |
| | |
| | 2) In a room or part of a room in an assembly occupancy with |
| | fixed seating, the maximum number of occupants shall be |
| | determined by the number of fixed seats and the aisles |
| | required for the fixed seating shall not be used to increase |
| | the maximum permitted number of occupants. |
| | |
| | 3) For the purposes of Sentences (1) and (2), the maximum |
| | occupancy load of a room shall be determined by the maximum |
| | number of occupants that may be admitted to the floor area |
| | where the room is situated, taking the means of egress into |
| | consideration. |
| | |
| | 4) The number of occupants admitted to a room shall not exceed |
| | the maximum number of occupants calculated in conformance with |
| | Sentences (1) to (3). |
| | |
| | 5) The authority having jurisdiction may require that the |
| | information, calculations and drawings showing compliance with |
| | Sentence (4) be provided in writing.”. |
| | |
| | Replace “the NBC” in Sentence 2 by “the requirements in force |
| | at the time of construction or alteration”. |
| | |
| | Add “Except as provided in Sentence (4),” before “When” in |
| | Sentence 1; |
| | |
| | Replace the part of Clause (f) of Clause 1 preceding Clause (i)|
| | by the following: |
| | |
| | “f) except as provided in Sentence (3), when the number of |
| | seats in the room exceeds 100,”; |
| | |
| | Add “Except as provided in Sentence (5)” before “When” in |
| | Sentence 3; |
| | |
| | Add the following: |
| | |
| | “4) Nonfixed seats may be laid out using the criteria in |
| | Sections and of NFPA 101, “Life Safety Code”,|
| | if |
| | |
| | a) the minimum clear width specified in Clause (a) of |
| | Sentence (1) is respected; and |
| | |
| | b) the requirements of Clause (f) of Sentence (1) are |
| | respected. |
| | |
| | “5) Tables provided with nonfixed seats may be laid out using |
| | the criteria in Sections and of NFPA 101, |
| | “Life Safety Code”.”. |
| | |
| | Replace Sentence 2 by the following: |
| | |
| | “2) The windows of sleeping rooms that are required as an exit |
| | and are located in a basement shall not be obstructed by snow, |
| | materials or objects that prevent emergency evacuation.”. |
| | |
| | Replace everything following “buildings” in Sentence 1 by “in |
| | conformance with the requirements in force at the time of |
| | construction or alteration or, if applicable, with the more |
| | stringent provisions applicable to certain buildings under |
| | Section IV of Chapter VIII of the Safety Code (see Appendix |
| | B).”. |
| | |
| | Replace “the NBC” in Clause (b) of Sentence 1 by “the |
| | requirements in force at the time of construction or |
| | alteration”; |
| | |
| | Add the following after Clause (f) in Sentence 1: |
| | |
| | “g) every building housing a private seniors’ residence.”. |
| | |
| | Strike out “in cooperation with the fire department and other |
| | applicable regulatory authorities” in Sentence 1. |
| | |
| | Replace by the following: |
| | |
| | “ Care, Treatment and Detention Occupancies and |
| | Private Seniors’ Residences |
| | |
| | 1) A sufficient number of supervisory staff shall be on duty in|
| | care and detention occupancies and private seniors’ residences |
| | to apply the emergency procedures to be used in case of fire |
| | detailed in clause”. |
| | |
| | Replace everything preceding “fire safety plan” by the |
| | following: |
| | |
| | “1) In high buildings as defined in the standard applicable at |
| | the time of construction or alteration, and in buildings in |
| | which any of the following facilities is installed,”. |
| | |
| | Replace Sentence 2 by the following: |
| | |
| | “2) The copy reserved for use by the fire department shall be |
| | kept: |
| | |
| | a) at the central alarm and control facility in the case of a |
| | high building as defined in the standard applicable at the time|
| | of construction or alteration, and |
| | |
| | b) at the place determined in cooperation with the fire |
| | department in all other cases.”; |
| | |
| | Add the following: |
| | |
| | “3) In a residential board and care occupancy, a copy of the |
| | fire safety plan and a complete list of all occupants, |
| | including the location of all occupants with special egress |
| | needs, shall be available and kept at a place determined in |
| | cooperation with the fire department.”. |
| | |
| | Add after “hotel” in Sentence 2 “, rooming house”. |
| | |
| | Add the following: |
| | |
| | “ Supervisory Staff |
| | |
| | 1) In an occupied building equipped with a dual signal fire |
| | alarm, there shall be sufficient supervisory staff, and no less|
| | than 3 persons, on duty able to apply the emergency procedures |
| | to be used in case of fire referred to in Sentence,|
| | combat an incipient fire using appropriate means, and using |
| | the building’s firefighting equipment appropriately. One such |
| | person shall be present at all times at the central alarm and |
| | control facility or at the fire alarm panel.”. |
| | |
| | Replace Clause (e) in Sentence 1 by the following: |
| | |
| | “e) the features of the fire emergency systems installed in the|
| | building and subject to additional requirements for high |
| | buildings in force at the time of construction or alteration, |
| | and”. |
| | |
| | Replace by the following: |
| | |
| | “ Fire Drill Frequency |
| | |
| | 1) Fire drills as described in Sentence shall be |
| | held at intervals not greater than 12 months for the |
| | supervisory staff, except that |
| | |
| | a) in Group B major occupancies and in private seniors’ |
| | residences, such drills shall be held at intervals not greater |
| | than 6 months; however, occupants who cannot evacuate the |
| | building without assistance or who have health problems are |
| | not required to take part in the evacuation, but the |
| | supervisory staff shall still prepare them as if they were to |
| | be evacuated, |
| | |
| | b) in schools and day-care centres, total evacuation drills |
| | shall be held at least once in the fall and once in the spring,|
| | |
| | c) in high buildings as defined by the requirements in force at|
| | the time of construction or alteration, except a Group C major |
| | occupancy building, such drills shall be held at intervals not |
| | greater than 6 months, |
| | |
| | d) in Group A, Division 1 major occupancies, such drills shall |
| | be held at intervals not greater than 3 months.”. |
| | |
| | Add the following: |
| | |
| | “2.8.4. Duties of the Owner |
| | |
| | “ Duties of the Owner |
| | |
| | 1) The portion of a building occupied before the end of its |
| | construction or alteration shall be |
| | |
| | a) equipped with a fire detection and alarm system in proper |
| | working order, |
| | |
| | b) equipped with the fire suppression measures required by the |
| | requirements in force at the time of construction or alteration|
| | and in proper working order, |
| | |
| | c) equipped with usable means of egress free from all |
| | obstructions, |
| | |
| | d) served by at least 2 exits, and |
| | |
| | e) isolated from the portion of the building where work is in |
| | progress by a fire separation with a fire-resistance rating of |
| | not less than 1 h. |
| | |
| | 2) The portion of the building where work is in progress shall |
| | be under appropriate surveillance.” |
| | |
| 2.9. | Add the following after “2.9 Tents and Air-Supported |
| | Structures”: |
| | |
| | “(See Appendix A.)”. |
| | |
| | Replace by the following: |
| | |
| | “ General |
| | |
| | 1) Tents and air-supported structures shall conform to the |
| | NBC.”. |
| | |
| | Strike out “(see Appendix A.)”. |
| | |
| | Add the following: |
| | |
| | “ Heat- or Light-Producing Appliances |
| | |
| | 1) The use of cooking equipment or a combustion appliance is |
| | prohibited in a tent or air-supported structure that is |
| | accessible to the public. |
| | |
| | 2) Cooking appliances with more than 2 baskets used to fry |
| | food that are used inside a tent or air-supported structure |
| | that is not accessible to the public shall be protected by a |
| | special fire suppression system in conformance with Article |
| | |
| | |
| | 3) Bulbs and projectors for any lighting apparatus for a tent |
| | or air-supported structure shall be placed at least 600 mm from|
| | any combustible substance. |
| | |
| | “ Interior Dividers |
| | |
| | 1) Fabric panels used to divide the interior space of a tent or|
| | air-supported structure shall not be installed less than 1 m |
| | from the ceiling (see Appendix A.).”. |
| | |
| | Replace “the NBC” in Sentence 1 by “the requirements in force |
| | at the time of construction or alteration”. |
| | |
| | Replace by the following article: |
| | |
| | “ Supervision of Children |
| | |
| | 1) There shall be sufficient numbers of staff to ensure the |
| | evacuation of children in an emergency.”. |
| | |
| | Strike out. |
| | |
| | Replace Sentence 1 by the following: |
| | |
| | “1) Buildings housing boarders, lodgers or roomers shall |
| | conform to the requirements in force at the time of |
| | construction or alteration.”. |
| | |
| | Strike out. |
| | |
| | Replace “Subsection 2.3.2.” by “Section 2.3.”. |
| | |
| | Strike out. |
| | |
| | Replace “the NBC” by “the requirements in force at the time |
| | of construction or alteration”. |
| | |
| Division B | |
| Part 2 | |
| Table | |
| | |
| Table | Strike out (3). |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Table | Add the following: |
| | |
| | “ Carbon Monoxide Alarms |
| | (1) [F81, F44-OS3.4]”. |
| | |
| Table | Add the following: |
| | “(2) [F02, OS1.5]”. |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Table | Add the following: |
| | |
| | “ Propane-Powered Vehicles |
| | |
| | (1) [F01, F43, F81-OS1.1] |
| | [F01, F43, F81-OS1.5]. |
| | |
| Table | Add the following: |
| | |
| | “ Protection of Plastic Foam |
| | (1) [F02-OS1.5] |
| | |
| | Work Tables |
| | (1) [F02, F03-OS1.4] |
| | |
| | Ethyl Alcohol Fuel Burning Appliances |
| | (1) [F01-OS1.1] |
| | |
| | Inside a building |
| | (1) [F01-OS1.1] |
| | [F44-OS3.4] |
| | |
| | Outside a building |
| | (2) [F03-OP3.1] |
| | [F03-OP1.2] |
| | |
| | Protection Equipment |
| | (1) [F02-OS1.2] |
| | [F02-OP1.2] |
| | (2) [F02-OS1.2] |
| | [F02-OS1.2] |
| | |
| | Scenery and Props |
| | (1) [F01, F02-OS1.5]”. |
| | |
| Table | Add the following: |
| | |
| | “(2) [F12-OP1.2] |
| | [F12-OS1.2]”. |
| | |
| Table | Replace the heading by “Fire Department Connections”. |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Table | Replace the heading by “Solid Fuels”. |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Table | Add the following: |
| | |
| | “(2) [F34-OS3.3]”. |
| | |
| | |
| Table | Add the following: |
| | |
| | “(3) [F10-OS3.7] |
| | (4) [F10-OS3.7] |
| | (5) [F10-OS3.7]”. |
| | |
| Table | Add the following: |
| | |
| | “(4) [F10-OS3.7] |
| | (5) [F10-OS3.7]”. |
| | |
| Table | Replace the heading by the following: “Care, Treatment and |
| | Detention Occupancies and Private Seniors’ Residences |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Table | Add the following: |
| | |
| | “(3) [F12-OS1.2] |
| | [F12-OP1.2]”. |
| | |
| Table | Add the following: |
| | |
| | “ Supervisory staff |
| | (1) [F12, F13-OP1.2] |
| | [F12-OS1.2] |
| | [F13-OS1.5]”. |
| | |
| Table | Add the following: |
| | |
| | “ Duties of the Owner |
| | (1) [F02, F03, F13-OS1.5] |
| | [F02, F03, F13-OS3.7]”. |
| | |
| Table | Add the following: |
| | |
| | “ Heat- or Light-Producing Appliances |
| | “(1) [F01-OS1.1] |
| | [F01-OS1.5] |
| | (2) [F02-OP3.1] |
| | (3) [F01-OS1.1]”. |
| | |
| Table | Strike out (2). |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Table | Strike out. |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Table | Strike out. |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Table | Strike out. |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Division B | |
| Part 3 | |
| | |
| 3.1.2. | Add “(See Appendix A.)” after “Dangerous Goods”. |
| | |
| | Replace everything following “persons” in Sentence 1 by |
| | “responsible for the application of the fire safety plan to be |
| | contacted in case of fire during non-operating hours, along |
| | with the data sheets for hazardous materials stored or |
| | handled in the building.”. |
| | |
| | Replace Sentence 1 by the following: |
| | |
| | “1) Where wiring or electrical equipment is located in areas in|
| | which flammable gases or vapours, combustible dusts or |
| | combustible fibres are present in quantities sufficient to |
| | create a hazard, such wiring and electrical equipment shall |
| | conform to CSA C22.1, Canadian Electrical Code, Part I, (see |
| | note A-”. |
| | |
| | Replace the part of Sentence 1 preceding Clause (a) by the |
| | following: |
| | |
| | “1) This Section shall apply to buildings or parts of buildings|
| | used for the short or long term storage of the following |
| | products, whether raw materials, waste, products undergoing |
| | processing or finished products:”. |
| | |
| | Replace Sentence 3 by the following: |
| | |
| | “3) A clear space of at least 300 mm shall be maintained at |
| | all times between stored products and the lower chords of |
| | structural framing members.”. |
| | |
| | Replace everything following “fire separation” in Sentence 1 |
| | by “having a rating of not less than 2 h. (see Appendix A).”. |
| | |
| | Add the following: |
| | |
| | “2) A clear space of at least 900 mm shall be maintained |
| | between the top of the piles and the sprinkler heads.”. |
| | |
| | Replace everything following “shall” in Sentence 1 by “be |
| | classified as medium hazard industrial occupancies.”. |
| | |
| | Add the following: |
| | |
| | “6) The minimum clearance between the top of a pile and a |
| | sprinkler head shall be 900 mm.”. |
| | |
| | Add “(see Appendix A)” after “Application”. |
| | |
| | Replace everything following “building” in Sentence 6 by “fire |
| | separations having a rating of not less than 2 h.”; |
| | |
| | Replace everything following “building” in Sentence 7 by “fire |
| | separations having a rating of not less than 2 h (see note A- |
| |”. |
| | |
| | Add “(see Appendix A)” after “Separation from Other Dangerous |
| | Goods”. |
| | |
| | Replace Clause (a) of Sentence 1 by the following: |
| | |
| | “a) constructed in conformance with the requirements in force |
| | at the time of construction or alteration, and”. |
| | |
| | Replace “the NBC” in Sentence 3 by “the requirements in force |
| | at the time of construction or alteration”. |
| | |
| | Replace Clause (a) in Sentence 1 by the following: |
| | |
| | “a) is separated from the remainder of the building by gasproof|
| | fire separations having a rating of not less than 2 h,”; |
| | |
| | Replace everything in Clause (c) of Sentence 1 following “are” |
| | by the following: |
| | |
| | “i) equipped with an automatic closing device that ensures |
| | that the closures are closed when not in use, and |
| | |
| | ii) constructed in such a way as to prevent the migration of |
| | gas into the remainder of the building,”; |
| | |
| | Replace Clause (a) in Sentence 1 by the following: |
| | |
| | “a) is separated from the remainder of the building by gasproof|
| | fire separations having a rating of not less than 1 h,”; |
| | |
| | Replace Clause (c) in Sentence 1 by the following: |
| | |
| | “c) can be entered from the exterior, and whose closures |
| | leading to the interior of the building are |
| | |
| | i) equipped with an automatic closing device that ensures |
| | that the closures are closed when not in use, and |
| | |
| | ii) constructed in such a way as to prevent the migration of |
| | gas into the remainder of the building, and”. |
| | |
| | Replace everything following “nitrate” in Sentence 1 by “shall |
| | be medium hazard industrial occupancy.”. |
| | |
| | Replace everything following “nitrate” in Sentence 2 by “shall |
| | not exceed 1 storey.”. |
| | |
| | Replace Sentences 3 and 4 by the following: |
| | |
| | “3) Buildings intended for the storage of ammonium nitrate |
| | shall not have |
| | |
| | a) a basement or crawl space, |
| | b) uncovered area drains, tunnels, elevator or hoist pits or |
| | other cavities where molten ammonium nitrate may accumulate. |
| | |
| | “4) Buildings intended for the storage of ammonium nitrate |
| | shall have ventilation openings of at least 0.007 m2 per square|
| | metre of storage area, unless mechanical ventilation is |
| | is provided.”; |
| | |
| | Add the following sentences: |
| | |
| | 6) All flooring in storage areas shall be constructed of |
| | non-combustible materials. |
| | |
| | 7) Buildings used for the storage of ammonium nitrate shall |
| | be designed so as to prevent any contact with construction |
| | materials that may |
| | |
| | a) cause the ammonium nitrate to become unstable, |
| | b) corrode or deteriorate after coming into contact with |
| | ammonium nitrate, or |
| | c) become saturated with ammonium nitrate.”. |
| | |
| | Insert “, whether raw materials, waste, products undergoing |
| | processing or finished products” after “following products” in |
| | Sentence 1. |
| | |
| | Strike out everything following “stored products” in Sentence |
| | 2. |
| | |
| Division B | |
| Part 4 | |
| | |
| | Add “(See Appendix A.)” after the heading of the article; |
| | |
| | Add the following after Sentence 5: |
| | |
| | “6) The application of the requirements of this Part concerning|
| | maximum storage capacity shall take into account the presence |
| | of petroleum products.”. |
| | |
| | Replace “will not” in Sentence 1 by “reduces to a tolerable |
| | level the”. |
| | |
| | Replace “NBC” in Sentence 1 by “requirements in force at the |
| | time of construction or alteration”. |
| | |
| | Add “and rooms” after “cabinets” in Sentence 1. |
| | |
| | Strike out Sentence 2. |
| | |
| | Replace “the NBC” in Clause (b) of Sentence 2 by “the |
| | requirements in force at the time of construction or |
| | alteration”. |
| | |
| | Replace “Sentence of Division B of the NBC” in |
| | Sentence 1 by “good practice, as set out in NFPA-68, |
| | “Venting of Deflagrations””. |
| | |
| | Replace Clause (a) of Sentence 1 by the following: |
| | |
| | “a) the requirements in force at the time of construction or |
| | alteration, and”. |
| | |
| | Replace Sentence 3 by the following: |
| | |
| | “3) The use of non-metallic piping shall be permitted in |
| | underground installations if it conforms to one of the |
| | following standards: |
| | |
| | a) CAN/ULC-S660, “Standard for Nonmetallic Underground |
| | Piping for Flammable and Combustible Liquids”, |
| | |
| | b) ULC/ORD-C107.4, “Ducted Flexible Underground Piping |
| | Systems for Flammable and Combustible Liquids”; |
| | |
| | c) ULC/ORD-C107.7, “Glass Fibre Reinforced Plastic Pipe |
| | and Fittings for Flammable and Combustible Liquids”, |
| | |
| | d) ULC/ORD-C107.19, “Secondary Containment of |
| | Underground Piping for Flammable and Combustible Liquids”, or |
| | |
| | e) ULC/ORD-C971, “Nonmetallic Underground Piping for Flammable |
| | and Combustible Liquids.”. |
| | |
| | Replace everything following “trench” in Sentence 2 by the |
| | following: “shall |
| | |
| | a) be equipped with positive ventilation vented directly to the|
| | outside air, or |
| | |
| | b) be designed to prevent the accumulation of flammable |
| | vapours.”. |
| | |
| | Replace “the NBC” in Sentence 3 by “the requirements in force |
| | at the time of construction or alteration”. |
| | |
| | Replace everything following “shall” in Sentence 1 by “be |
| | isolated from the remainder of the building by a fire |
| | separation having a rating of not less than 2 h.”. |
| | |
| Division B | |
| Part 5 | |
| | |
| | Add “(See Appendix A.)” at the end of Sentence 1. |
| | |
| | Replace “NBC” in Sentence 1 by “requirements in force at the |
| | time of construction or alteration”. |
| | |
| | Replace Sentence 1 by the following: |
| | |
| | “1) Nozzles for the standpipe and hose systems shall be of |
| | the fog and fine spray type to prevent combustible dust from |
| | being driven up by a powerful jet and remaining suspended.”. |
| | |
| | Replace “conform” and everything following in Sentence 2 by: |
| | “conform |
| | |
| | a) to Parts 3, 4 and 5, or |
| | |
| | b) in the case of a laboratory to which Sentence, |
| | applies, to NFPA 45 “Standard on Fire Protection for |
| | Laboratories Using Chemicals”.”. |
| | |
| | Replace by the following: |
| | |
| | “ Separation |
| | |
| | 1) Except as provided in Sentence 2, a laboratory shall be |
| | separated from other parts of the building by fire separations |
| | conforming to this Code and the requirements in force at the |
| | time of construction or alteration, but having a |
| | fire-resistance rating of not less than 1 h. |
| | |
| | 2) In a sprinklered building, the required fire separation |
| | between a laboratory and the other parts of the building may |
| | be designed to meet the requirements of NFPA 45 “Standard on |
| | Fire Protection for Laboratories Using Chemicals”. (See |
| | Appendix A.)”. |
| | |
| | Replace by the following: |
| | |
| | “ General Ventilation |
| | |
| | 1) A laboratory shall be provided with continuous mechanical |
| | ventilation that is designed and maintained in a manner that |
| | ensures that the vapours and particles produced by dangerous |
| | goods |
| | |
| | a) do not accumulate in the laboratory, |
| | b) do not spread to other parts of the building, |
| | c) do no accumulate in the ventilation ducts, |
| | d) are vented to the outside, and |
| | e) cannot re-enter the building. |
| | |
| | 2) The ventilation system required under this Section shall be |
| | equipped with monitoring devices that |
| | |
| | a) indicate when the system is in operation, and |
| | b) trigger an alarm if the system fails.”. |
| | |
| | Replace the part of Sentence 1 preceding Clause (a) by the |
| | following: |
| | |
| | “1) Except as provided in Sentence (3), the use of dangerous |
| | goods in a laboratory shall be confined inside a |
| | power-ventilated enclosure conforming to Articles and |
| | when”; |
| | |
| | Add the following: |
| | |
| | “3) In a laboratory referred to in Sentence, the |
| | power-ventilated enclosure mentioned in Sentence (1) and the |
| | laboratory ventilation system shall conform to NFPA 45 |
| | “Standard on Fire Protection for Laboratories Using |
| | Chemicals”.”. |
| | |
| | Replace Sentence 1 by the following: |
| | |
| | “1) The ventilation system for a power-ventilated enclosure |
| | required in Article shall |
| | |
| | a) conform to NFPA 45 “Standard on Fire Protection for |
| | Laboratories Using Chemicals”, |
| | b) ensure the continuous extraction of air at a rate sufficient|
| | to prevent the formation of combustible or reactive deposits |
| | inside the enclosure or the exhaust ducts, |
| | c) confine vapours and particles of dangerous goods to the |
| | place where they are produced and vent them to the outside, |
| | d) prevent the re-entry of extracted air to the building, and |
| | e) be equipped with clearly identified control switches |
| | i) located outside the power-ventilated enclosure, and |
| | ii) accessible in an emergency.”. |
| | |
| | Replace “shall conform” and everything that follows in Sentence|
| | 1 by “shall |
| | |
| | a) except as provided in Sentences (2) and (3), be constructed |
| | of incombustible materials that are compatible to the vapours |
| | and particles produced by the dangerous goods and resistant to |
| | chemical attack, |
| | b) include inspection hatches for the inspection and |
| | maintenance of fans and ducts, |
| | c) be provided with instructions for its use and the operation |
| | of the ventilation system, and |
| | d) be provided with means to control accidental spillage.”; |
| | |
| | Add the following sentences: |
| | |
| | “2) The use of combustible materials shall be permitted under |
| | Clause |
| | a) if no other material offers the necessary degree of |
| | resistance to the corrosive action or reactive properties of |
| | the dangerous goods used, and |
| | b) if their flame propagation rating is not more than 25. |
| | |
| | “3) The flame propagation rating in Sentence (2) may be |
| | exceeded if the exhaust ducts are provided with an automatic |
| | fire suppression system.”. |
| | |
| | Replace “The quantity” in Sentence 1 by “Except as provided |
| | in Sentence (4), the quantity”; |
| | |
| | Add the following: |
| | |
| | “4) In a laboratory referred to in Sentence, the |
| | maximum quantity of dangerous goods stored in the laboratory |
| | shall conform to NFPA 45 “Standard on Fire Protection for |
| | Laboratories Using Chemicals”.”. |
| | |
| | Replace “(2) and (3)” in Sentence 1 by “(2), (3) and (4)”; |
| | |
| | Add the following: |
| | |
| | “4) In a laboratory referred to in Sentence, |
| | flammable and combustible liquids shall be stored in |
| | recipients that conform to NFPA 45 “Standard on Fire |
| | Protection for Laboratories Using Chemicals”.”. |
| | |
| Division B | |
| Part 6 | |
| | |
| | Replace Sentence 1 by the following: |
| | |
| | “1) Where an emergency power generation system is installed, |
| | legible and visible instructions shall be provided permanently |
| | on or close to the system for switching on essential loads and |
| | for starting the generator when this is not done |
| | automatically.”. |
| | |
| | Replace Clause (b) of Sentence 2 by the following: |
| | |
| | “b) at intervals of not more than 12 months, the equipment |
| | can provide the necessary lighting in a simulated power shutoff|
| | for the time prescribed by the requirements in force at |
| | the time of construction or alteration.”. |
| | |
| | Replace by the following: |
| | |
| | “ Inspection, Testing and Maintenance |
| | |
| | 1) Except as provided in Sentence 2, the inspection, testing |
| | and maintenance of special fire suppression systems shall be |
| | conducted in conformance with the relevant standards listed |
| | in Article |
| | |
| | “2) If the relevant standard referred to in Sentence 1 does not|
| | specify the inspection and maintenance interval, an interval of|
| | not more than 6 months shall apply.”. |
| | |
| Division B | |
| Part 7 | |
| | |
| | Replace everything following “defined” in Sentence 1 by “by |
| | the standard in force at the time of construction or |
| | alteration”. |
| | |
| | Replace “Subsection 3.2.6. of Division B of the NBC” by “the |
| | requirements in force at the time of construction or |
| | alteration”; |
| | |
| | Add “(See note A-” at the end of Sentence 2. |
| | |
| | Replace everything following “kept” in Sentence 2 by “placed |
| | in an easily recognizable box located in plain view outside the|
| | elevator shaft close to the central alarm and control facility,|
| | and an extra set of keys for use by firefighters shall be kept |
| | at the facility”. |
| | |
| Division B | |
| Appendix A | |
| Explanatory | |
| notes | |
| | |
| A- | Strike out. |
| | |
| A- | Strike out. |
| | |
| | Add the following: |
| | |
| | “A- Battery-powered alarms due for replacement may be|
| | replaced by photoelectric alarms powered by a lithium |
| | battery.”. |
| | |
| A- | Replace the second paragraph by the following: |
| (3)(c) and d) | |
| | “NFPA-12A, “Halon 1301 Fire Extinguishing Systems”, and |
| | NFPA-12B, “Halon 1211 Fire Extinguishing Systems”, are |
| | obsolete. The installation of new halon fire suppression |
| | systems is prohibited following the international ban on halon |
| | gas production. However, both standards are still relevant to |
| | the maintenance, decommissioning and recycling of existing |
| | halon fire suppression systems.”. |
| | |
| A- | Add the following: |
| | |
| | “A- A dwelling used as a daycare centre shall also |
| | be equipped with portable extinguishers.”. |
| | |
| | Add the following: |
| | |
| | “A-2.1.6. Carbon monoxide (CO) is a colourless, odourless |
| | gas that can accumulate in confined spaces and reach a lethal |
| | concentration without the knowledge of the occupants. |
| | Accordingly, as a precautionary measure, rooms that contain |
| | or are close to a potential source of CO shall be equipped |
| | with some means to detect that gas. |
| | |
| | Dwelling units commonly have two potential sources of CO: |
| | |
| | • fuel-burning space-heating appliances and fuel-burning |
| | service water heaters located in the dwelling or in an adjacent|
| | room in the building; |
| | |
| | • an adjacent garage. |
| | |
| | Fuel-burning space-heating appliances generally produce no CO |
| | and, even when they do produce some gas, it is normally |
| | vented outside the building by the appliance’s venting system. |
| | However, heating appliances and ventilation systems may |
| | malfunction, and the installation of a CO alarm at appropriate |
| | places in dwelling units constitutes an inexpensive additional |
| | safety measure. Similarly, although the walls and floors |
| | separating adjacent garages from dwelling units are required |
| | by code to be airtight, carbon monoxide from a garage may |
| | infiltrate into a dwelling since it is difficult to make the |
| | air barrier completely airtight. It is even harder to prevent |
| | CO infiltration when the air pressure is lower inside the |
| | dwelling than inside the garage. This pressure gradient may be |
| | due to the ventilation system, or simply to the draft created |
| | by the heating system. Once again, the installation of a CO |
| | alarm constitutes an inexpensive additional safety measure.”. |
| | |
| A- | Replace “waste” by “materials” in the first sentence; |
| | |
| | Replace “the presence of these combustibles” in the second |
| | sentence by “their presence”. |
| | |
| A- | Replace “must be taken” by “are acceptable”. |
| | |
| | Add the following: |
| | |
| | “A- Traffic prohibited |
| | |
| | 1) When vehicle traffic is prohibited in a street, yard or |
| | roadway referred to in Article, a corridor along the |
| | centre-line of the street, yard or roadway at least 5 m high |
| | and 5 m wide shall be provided to allow the movement of fire |
| | department vehicles and pedestrians at all times.”. |
| | |
| A- | Strike out the last sentence of the first paragraph; |
| | |
| | Replace the third paragraph by the following: |
| | |
| | “Net floor space referred to in Clauses (a) and (b) is the |
| | floor space in a room, excluding accessory areas that cannot be|
| | used by the public and areas occupied by exits and structural |
| | features. Corridors and passages providing access to exits, |
| | toilets and accessory areas that cannot be used by the public |
| | shall be excluded from the net floor space except if the |
| | corridor or passage has a permitted use. For certain uses, when|
| | the layout may change depending on the activity, it may be |
| | appropriate to calculate maximum occupant loads for each of the|
| | different activities anticipated.”. |
| | |
| | Add the following: |
| | |
| | “A-2.9 The requirements of this Section apply only to certain |
| | types of structures. The word “tent”, for example, as used in |
| | this Chapter, refers to a temporary enclosure erected during |
| | outdoor events such as fairs and exhibitions. A tent generally |
| | comprises a piece of fabric stretched over poles and tethered |
| | with ropes to the ground. The requirements for tents, as a |
| | result, are not intended to apply to fabric structures within |
| | buildings or located on building roofs. |
| | |
| | Similarly, the expression “air-supported structure” as used in |
| | the Code refers to an envelope supported solely by air |
| | pressure and erected at ground level or over a basement. It is |
| | generally weighted or anchored to the ground around its |
| | perimeter. For this reason, the NBC prohibits the installation |
| | of an air-supported structure above a building’s first |
| | storey.”. |
| | |
| A- | Strike out. |
| | |
| | Add the following: |
| | |
| | “A- A space of at least 1 m is required above the |
| | dividers to facilitate smoke detection inside tents and |
| | air-supported structures. Taking into account the slope of the |
| | roof, a maximum of 30% of the divider’s width may be less |
| | than 1 m from the ceiling.”. |
| | |
| | Add the following: |
| | |
| | “A-3.1.2 For the storage of dangerous goods, the regulations |
| | of the Commission de la santé et de la sécurité du travail du |
| | Québec (CSST) apply to covered establishments. Refer to the |
| | the following regulations: |
| | |
| | Regulation respecting occupational health and safety (chapter |
| | S-2.1, r. 13) |
| | |
| | Regulation respecting information on controlled products |
| | (chapter S-2.1, r. 8).”. |
| | |
| | Add the following: |
| | |
| | “A- The following table, A-, has been designed |
| | to include controlled products (WHMIS). It comprises Table |
| | with the addition of identification for two existing |
| | columns, A and B, and of a new column C. It allows the small |
| | quantity exemption (column B) to be applied to controlled |
| | products (column C) that are not identified as dangerous goods |
| | (column A). Column B gives the maximum exempt amount of a |
| | (controlled product or association of controlled products |
| | identified in column C. It is important to note that a class of|
| | dangerous goods (column A) on the same line as a class of |
| | controlled products (column C) does not indicate an |
| | equivalency. Dangerous goods and controlled products are not |
| | classified or categorized using the same criteria. In addition,|
| | a line relating to dangerously reactive materials F (column C) |
| | has no link to the TDG (column A). |
| | |
| | When storing dangerous goods indoors, if controlled products |
| | are present, it is recommended to proceed as follows: |
| | |
| | When the controlled products are stored at the same time as |
| | dangerous goods, to determine the maximum quantity of dangerous|
| | goods or controlled products mentioned in the preceding |
| | Sentence, according to column B in Table A-, the |
| | following should be used (see the organization chart below for |
| | determining the exemption for small quantities of dangerous |
| | goods or controlled products): |
| | |
| | a) column A in Table A- using the primary class based |
| | on section 2.8 of TC SOR/2008-34, “Transportation of |
| | Dangerous Goods Regulations”; |
| | b) for merchandise that does not fall into a class under Clause|
| | (a), column C of Table A- based on the primary class of|
| | controlled products in the Table ranking categories of |
| | controlled products (see below); or |
| | c) the most stringent for small quantities based on column B |
| | of Table A-, amended if the precedence mentioned in |
| | Clause (a) or (b) has not been established. |
Table A- amended
Small Quantity Exemptions for Dangerous Goods and Controlled Products
Organization chart for determining small quantity exemptions for dangerous goods or controlled products
| | |
| | Order of Precedence Chart for Classes of Controlled Products |
| | (WHMIS)* |
| | |
| | When a hazardous material meets the requirements for inclusion |
| | in more than one class of controlled product, the class of |
| | controlled product indicated in this table is deemed to be the |
| | primary class for segregation purposes only. |
| | |
| | _____________________________________________________________ |
| ||- | |
| || - Class of controlled product | |
| || - __________________________________________________| |
| || - |------| | | | | | | |
| || |------| B6 | C | D1A | D1B | D2A or | E | |
| || |------| | | | | D2B | | |
| || |______|______|_____|_______|_______|________|_____| |
| || | | | | | | | | |
| || | B2 | B6 | B2 | B2 | B2 | B2 | B2 | |
| || |______|______|_____|_______|_______|________|_____| |
| || | | | | | | | | |
| || | B3 | B6 | B3 | D1A | D1B | B3 | E | |
| || |______|______|_____|_______|_______|________|_____| |
| || | | | | | | | | |
| || | B4 | B6 | B4 | D1A | D1B | B4 | E | |
| || |______|______|_____|_______|_______|________|_____| |
| || | | | | | | | | |
| || Class | B6 |------| B6 | D1A | B6 | B6 | B6 | |
| || |______|______|_____|_______|_______|________|_____| |
| || | | | | | | | | |
| || of | C | B6 |-----| D1A | C | C | C | |
| || |______|______|_____|_______|_______|________|_____| |
| || | | | | | | | | |
| ||controlled| D1A | D1A | D1A |-------| D1A | D1A | D1A | |
| || |______|______|_____|_______|_______|________|_____| |
| || | | | | | | | | |
| || product | D1B | B6 | C | D1A |-------| D1B | D1B | |
| || |______|______|_____|_______|_______|________|_____| |
| || | | | | | | | | |
| || |D2A or| B6 | C | D1A | D1B |--------| E | |
| || | D2B | | | | |--------| | |
| ||__________|______|______|_____|_______|_______|________|_____| |
| || | |
| ||* This table is adapted from the table “Table-Precedence | |
| || of Classes-Class and Packing Group” for classes of | |
| || controlled products (WHMIS) under section 2.8 of the | |
| || Transportation of Dangerous Goods Regulations. | |
| ||_____________________________________________________________| |
| | |
| |Using the Order of Precedence Chart for Classes of Controlled |
| |Products |
| | |
| |If, after gathering the appropriate information, a material is |
| |found to meet the criteria for inclusion in classes B2, E and |
| |D1A, the class having precedence class having precedence is |
| |is determined by comparing the classes in pairs. The first |
| |combination is B2 and E. After locating class B2 in the |
| |left-hand column, and class E in the first row, the class |
| |having precedence is indicated in the box where the row and |
| |column meet. For this combination, class B2 has precedence over |
| |class E. Class E can be ignored. |
|________________| _______________________________________________________________|
| ||- | |
| || - Class of controlled product | |
| || - __________________________________________________| |
| || - |------| | | | | | | |
| || |------| B6 | C | D1A | D1B | D2A or | E | |
| || |------| | | | | D2B | | |
| || |______|______|_____|_______|_______|________|_____| |
| ||Class of | | | | | | | | |
| ||controlled| B2 | B6 | B2 | B2 | B2 | B2 | B2 | |
| ||product | | | | | | | | |
| ||__________|______|______|_____|_______|_______|________|_____| |
| | |
| |Using the same approach, class B2 can be compared to class D1A. |
| |Class B2 has precedence. Class D1A can be ignored, and class B2 |
| |becomes the primary class for segregation purposes only. |
| | |
| | _____________________________________________________________ |
| ||- | |
| || - Class of controlled product | |
| || - __________________________________________________| |
| || - |------| | | | | | | |
| || |------| B6 | C | D1A | D1B | D2A or | E | |
| || |------| | | | | D2B | | |
| || |______|______|_____|_______|_______|________|_____| |
| ||Class of | | | | | | | | |
| ||controlled| B2 | B6 | B2 | B2 | B2 | B2 | B2 | |
| ||product | | | | | | | | |
| | |
| | Add the following: |
| | |
| | «A- When controlled products (WHMIS) are present |
| | during the storage of dangerous goods indoors, it is |
| | recommended to use the information on labels and data sheets |
| | and to refer to Table A- This Table adds columns and |
| | lines to Table, providing for the application of the |
| | principle of separate storage to controlled products that are |
| | not identified as dangerous goods. The addition of the top line|
| | and the left-hand column allows controlled products and |
| | combinations of controlled products to be located. The addition|
| | of two columns on the right-hand side and two bottom lines, |
| | specifically for corrosive products, allows acids to be |
| | separated from bases. Lastly, the addition of the last |
| | right-hand column and the last line at the bottom allows class |
| | F controlled products to be separated. It is important to note |
| | that a class of dangerous goods on the same line or in the same|
| | column as a class of controlled products does not indicate an |
| | equivalency.". |
Table A- amended
Separation Chart for Storage of Dangerous Goods and Controlled Products
| | |
| A- | Add the following after “should not be stored with acids”: |
| | |
| | “· Hypochlorites, dichloroisocyanurates and |
| | trichloroisocianuric acid should not be stored with acids. |
| | |
| | · Oxidizing materials should not be stored with easily |
| | oxidized materials, including wooden surfaces. |
| | |
| | · Toxic or corrosive materials in liquid form should not be |
| | stored without anti-spill devices. |
| | |
| | · Reactive hazardous materials and materials likely to trigger |
| | a violent polymerization, decomposition or condensation |
| | reaction if subjected to vibration, light or sound waves shall |
| | be stored separately with appropriate protection and |
| | stability.”; |
| | |
| | Replace the last paragraph by the following: |
| | |
| | “Toxic substances should not be stored in the vicinity of |
| | chemicals with the following purity levels: B.P. (British |
| | Pharmacopeia), B.P.C. (Biotechnology Performance Certified), |
| | U.S.P. (U.S. Pharmacopeia), F.C.C. (Food Chemical Codex) and |
| | N.F. (National Formulary), since many of them are used in |
| | cosmetics, medication and food products. In the event of |
| | spillage, the toxic materials will contaminate not only the |
| | chemical, but also its container and the “clean room in which |
| | it is processed.”. |
| | |
| | Add the following: |
| | |
| | “A- The CSST regulates the storage, handling and |
| | use of flammable and combustible materials in liquid form via |
| | NFPA 30 Flammable and Combustible Liquids Code: 1996 edition |
| | - translated into French. See also section 82 of the Regulation|
| | respecting occupational health and safety |
| | (chapter S-2.1, r. 13).”. |
| | |
| A- | Strike out the first paragraph. |
| | |
| A- | Add the following paragraph: |
| (3)(b) | |
| | “In this connection, see also the website for the CSST |
| | Répertoire toxicologique (www.reptox.csst.qc.ca).”. |
| | |
| | Add the following: |
| | |
| | “A- Québec’s Act respecting explosives (chapter E-22) |
| | and Regulation under the Act respecting explosives (chapter |
| | E-22, r. 1) contain Québec adaptations of Canada’s Explosives |
| | Act (R.S.C. 1985, c. E-17) and Explosives Regulations (C.R.C., |
| | c. 599). |
| | |
| | The Safety Code for the construction industry (chapter S-2.1, |
| | r. 4), under the Act respecting occupational health and safety |
| | (chapter S-2.1), deals with the transportation, storage, |
| | handling and use of explosives on construction sites (Division |
| | IV) and underground work sites (Division VIII) and the |
| | requirements for using explosive actuated tools (Division VII).|
| | |
| | The Regulation respecting occupational health and safety |
| | (chapter S-2.1, r. 13) specifies the qualifications and refers |
| | to Division IV of the Safety Code for the construction industry|
| | (chapter S-2.1, r. 4) in connection with all blasting work and |
| | work requiring the use of explosives.”. |
| | |
| | Add the following: |
| | |
| | “A- NFPA 45 “Standard on Fire Protection for |
| | Laboratories Using Chemicals” determines the fire separation |
| | requirements for laboratories based on the types and |
| | quantities of flammable and combustible liquids stored and used|
| | in each laboratory.”. |
| | |
| Division B | Add Appendix B |
| Appendix B | Explanatory notes |
| | |
| | “B- The more stringent provisions applicable to certain|
| | buildings are provided for in Division IV (sections 346 to 369)|
| | of Chapter VIII of the Safety Code and cover residential |
| | occupancies and care and treatment occupancy. |
| | |
| | Sections 346 to 352 cover fire alarm and detection systems. |
| | |
| | 346. In buildings constructed or altered prior to 7 November |
| | 2000, the fire alarm and detection system must conform to |
| | the requirements of NBC 1995 am. Québec, except those of |
| | Sentence |
| | |
| | 346.1. Despite section 346, a private seniors’ residence must |
| | be equipped with a fire alarm and detection system, except |
| | |
| | (1) a single-family type residential occupancy for the elderly;|
| | |
| | (2) a residential board and care occupancy that lodges no more |
| | than 9 persons and whose building consists of a dwelling unit |
| | having a building height of no more than 2 storeys. |
| | |
| | 347. In a residential occupancy for the elderly and a |
| | residential board and care occupancy designed in compliance |
| | with Sentence of NBC 1995 am. Québec or 2005 am. |
| | Québec, a single-signal fire alarm and detection system must |
| | be connected to a fire department; the connection must be |
| | designed to ensure that, when the fire alarm is triggered, the |
| | fire department is alerted, in accordance with NBC 1995 am. |
| | Québec. |
| | |
| | 348. In a residential board and care occupancy designed in |
| | compliance with Sentence of NBC 1995 am. Québec |
| | or 2005 am. Québec, the fire alarm and detection system may |
| | be a single-signal or dual-signal system. |
| | |
| | 349. In a residential occupancy for the elderly equipped with a|
| | fire alarm system, smoke detectors must be installed in each |
| | bedroom that is not part of a dwelling unit. |
| | |
| | 350. In a residential occupancy for the elderly, when a sound |
| | signal device must be added to a bedroom or dwelling unit, it |
| | must include a visual signal device having a power level of at |
| | least 110 cd. |
| | |
| | 351. In a dwelling unit and in a hotel or motel suite |
| | comprising several rooms, the acoustic pressure level of a fire|
| | alarm signal must be at least 85 dBA near the entry door, once |
| | the door is closed. |
| | |
| | In the bedrooms of a residential occupancy, other than in the |
| | bedrooms of a dwelling unit, the standard is 75 dBA. |
| | |
| | 352 The provisions of Sentences and (11) NBC |
| | 1995 am. Québec do not apply if the sound signal devices are |
| | connected to a class “A” circuit according to CAN/ULC-S524, |
| | Installation of Fire Alarm Systems. |
| | |
| | The provisions come into force on 18 March 2016.”. |
| | |
| | “B- The more stringent provisions applicable to certain|
| | buildings are provided for in Division IV (sections 346 to 387)|
| | of Chapter VIII of the Safety Code and cover residential |
| | occupancies and care and treatment occupancy. |
| | |
| | Sections 353 to 358 cover smoke alarms. |
| | |
| | 353. Smoke alarms conforming to CAN/ULC-S531, Smoke Alarms, |
| | must be installed |
| | |
| | (1) in every dwelling unit; |
| | |
| | a) on each storey; and |
| | |
| | b) on each storey where bedrooms are located, the smoke alarms |
| | must be installed between the bedrooms and the remainder of the|
| | storey, except if the bedrooms are accessed by a corridor, in |
| | which case the smoke alarms must be installed in the corridor; |
| | |
| | (2) in each sleeping room that is not part of a dwelling unit, |
| | except in care or detention occupancies, which must be |
| | equipped with a fire alarm system; |
| | |
| | (3) in each corridor and each shared rest or activity area in |
| | a residential occupancy for the elderly that is not equipped |
| | with a fire alarm and detection system; |
| | |
| | (4) in sleeping rooms and in the corridors of a residential |
| | board and care occupancy designed in compliance with Article |
| | of NBC 1995 am. Québec or 2005 am. Québec, if the |
| | bedrooms are not equipped with smoke detectors; |
| | |
| | (5) in each sleeping room, corridor and shared rest or |
| | activity area of a single-family type residential occupancy for|
| | the elderly. |
| | |
| | 354. Subject to the more stringent requirements of sections |
| | 355 and 356, the smoke alarms required under section 353 must, |
| | when required by the standard in force at the time of |
| | construction or alteration of the building, |
| | |
| | (1) be installed by permanent connections to an electrical |
| | circuit and have no disconnect switch between the overcurrent |
| | device and the smoke alarm; and |
| | |
| | (2) be wired so that the activation of one alarm will |
| | automatically cause all alarms within the dwelling unit to |
| | sound. |
| | |
| | 355. The smoke alarms required under paragraphs 3 to 5 of |
| | section 353 must |
| | |
| | (1) be installed by permanent connections to an electrical |
| | circuit and have no disconnect switch between the overcurrent |
| | device and the smoke alarm; |
| | |
| | (2) be wired so that the activation of one alarm will |
| | automatically cause all alarms within the dwelling unit to |
| | sound; and |
| | |
| | (3) be wired so that the activation of one alarm in a building |
| | housing a residential occupancy for the elderly of the rooming |
| | house type will automatically cause all the alarms to sound. |
| | |
| | In addition, the smoke alarms required under paragraph 4 of |
| | section 353 must |
| | |
| | (1) be of a photoelectric type; |
| | |
| | (2) be interconnected and connected to visual signal devices |
| | that allow the personnel assigned to the sleeping rooms to see |
| | from where the smoke alarm is triggered, and |
| | |
| | (3) be connected to the fire department as provided for in NBC |
| | 1995 am. Québec. |
| | |
| | 356. Smoke alarms must be installed on or close to the ceiling |
| | in accordance with CAN/ULC-S553, Standard for the Installation |
| | of Smoke Alarms. |
| | |
| | 357. A manual device may be installed at a specific point in |
| | the electrical circuit for the smoke alarm in a dwelling unit |
| | to shut off the sound signal emitted by the smoke alarm for no |
| | more than 10 minutes; after that time, the smoke alarm must |
| | re-activate. |
| | |
| | 358. Every smoke alarm must be replaced 10 years after the |
| | date of manufacture indicated on the cover. If no date of |
| | manufacture is indicated, the smoke alarm is considered to |
| | be non-compliant and must be replaced without delay. |
| | |
| | The provisions of sections 353 to 357 come into force on 18 |
| | March 2014.”. |
| | |
| | (cf. 2027-12-02) |
| | |
| | “B- The more stringent provisions applicable to |
| | certain buildings are provided for in Division IV |
| | (sections 369.1 and 369.2) of Chapter VIII of the Safety Code |
| | and cover private seniors’ residences. |
| | |
| | Sections 369.1 and 369.2 cover the installation of sprinkler |
| | systems: |
| | |
| | 369.1. A building housing a private seniors’ residence, |
| | constructed or altered in compliance with an applicable |
| | standard prior to NBC 2010 am. Québec, must be completely |
| | sprinklered, except |
| | |
| | (1) a single-family type residential occupancy for the elderly,|
| | provided that each storey accessible to the persons lodged in |
| | the occupancy is served by 2 means of egress, one of which |
| | leads directly to the exterior; |
| | |
| | (2) a residential board and care occupancy that lodges no more |
| | than 9 persons and whose building consists of a dwelling unit |
| | having a building height of no more than 2 storeys, provided |
| | that each storey accessible to the persons lodged in the |
| | occupancy is served by 2 means of egress, one of which leads |
| | directly to the exterior and the other leads to another floor |
| | area and is separated from adjoining spaces by a fire |
| | separation; |
| | |
| | (3) a building housing solely a residential occupancy for the |
| | elderly having a building height of 1 storey, a building area |
| | no more than 600 m2 and no more than 8 dwelling units, and in |
| | which no more than 16 persons lodge. |
| | |
| | 369.2. The sprinkler system required in section 369.1 must |
| | conform to the requirements of Subsection 3.2.5. of NBC 2005 |
| | am. Québec, but must be designed, constructed, installed and |
| | tested in accordance with NFPA 13-2007,Standard for the |
| | Installation of Sprinkler Systems, except a combustible |
| | concealed space no more than 450 mm high that does not have to |
| | be sprinklered. |
| | |
| | Despite the foregoing, the following may be sprinklered in |
| | compliance with NFPA 13D-2007, Standard for the Installation |
| | of Sprinkler Systems in One- and Two-Family Dwellings |
| | and Manufactured Homes where the water supply |
| | capacity for the sprinkler system is not less than 30 minutes: |
| | |
| | (1) a single-family type residential occupancy for the elderly,|
| | provided that each storey accessible to the persons lodged in |
| | the occupancy, except the second storey, is served by 2 means |
| | of egress, one of which leads directly to the exterior; |
| | |
| | (2) a residential board and care occupancy that lodges no more |
| | than 9 persons and whose building consists of a dwelling unit |
| | having a building height of no more than 2 storeys, provided |
| | that each storey accessible to the persons lodged in the |
| | occupancy, except the second storey, is served by 2 means of |
| | egress, one of which leads directly to the exterior. |
| | |
| | This section does not apply to a building which, on |
| | 2 December 2015, is completely sprinklered by a system |
| | installed in accordance with the standard applicable on the |
| | year of construction. |
| | |
| | The provisions come into force on 2 December 2027.” |
| | |
| |“B-2.1.6. The more stringent provisions applicable to certain |
| | buildings are provided for in Division IV (sections 346 to 369)|
| | of Chapter VIII of the Safety Code and cover residential |
| | occupancies and care and treatment occupancy. |
| | |
| | Sections 359 and 360 cover carbon monoxide alarms. |
| | |
| | 359. A carbon monoxide alarm must be installed in every |
| | dwelling unit, residential occupancy for the elderly or |
| | residential board and care occupancy designed in compliance |
| | with Article of NBC 1995 am. Québec or 2005 am. |
| | Québec that contains |
| | |
| | (1) a heating appliance; or |
| | |
| | (2) direct access to an indoor parking garage. |
| | |
| | 360. Carbon monoxide alarms must |
| | |
| | (1) conform to CAN/CSA-6.19, “Residential Carbon Monoxide |
| | Alarming Devices”; |
| | |
| | (2) be equipped with an integrated alarm that meets the |
| | audibility requirements of CAN/CSA-6.19, “Residential Carbon |
| | Monoxide Alarming Devices”; |
| | |
| | (3) be installed according to the manufacturer’s |
| | recommendations. |
| | |
| | The provisions come into force on 18 March 2014.”. |
| | |
| | “B- The most stringent provisions applicable to |
| | certain buildings are provided for in Division IV |
| | (sections 346 to 369) of Chapter VIII of the Safety Code and |
| | cover residential occupancies and care and treatment occupancy.|
| | |
| | Sections 361 to 365 cover fire separation. |
| | |
| | 361. In a building constructed or altered prior to 1 December |
| | 1976, the floors must constitute fire separations with a fire |
| | resistance rating of at least 30 minutes or meet the |
| | requirements of NBC 1980 am. Québec. The elements supporting |
| | the floors must also have a fire resistance rating of at least |
| | 30 minutes or meet the requirements of NBC 1980. |
| | |
| | 362. In a building constructed or altered prior to 25 May 1984,|
| | suites of residential occupancy must be isolated from the |
| | remainder of the building by fire separations in accordance |
| | with the requirements of Section 3.3 or with Part 9 of NBC 1980|
| | am. Québec. However, existing fire separations may have a fire |
| | resistance rating of only 30 minutes. |
| | |
| | 363. In a care occupancy constructed or altered prior to |
| | 25 May 1984, all or part of a floor area occupied by bedrooms |
| | must conform to Subsection 3.3.3. of NBC 1980 am. Québec. |
| | |
| | 364. Every opening in a fire separation of a building |
| | constructed or altered prior to 25 May 1984 must be equipped |
| | with a closure in accordance with the requirements of NBC 1980 |
| | am. Québec. |
| | |
| | 365. A building constructed or altered prior to 25 May 1984 |
| | and containing a floor that does not end with a vertical fire |
| | separation from the floor to the underside of the floor or |
| | roof and have a fire resistance rating at least equal to the |
| | rating for the floor on which it abuts must meet the |
| | requirements of NBC 1980 am. Québec. |
| | |
| | The provisions come into force on 18 March 2018.”. |
| | |
| | “B. The most stringent provisions applicable to certain|
| | buildings are provided for in Division IV (sections 346 to 369)|
| | of Chapter VIII of the Safety Code and cover residential |
| | occupancies and care and treatment occupancy. |
| | |
| | Sections 361 to 365 cover openings in fire separation. |
| | |
| | 361. In a building constructed or altered prior to 1 December |
| | 1976, the floors must constitute fire separations with a fire |
| | resistance rating of at least 30 minutes or meet the |
| | requirements of NBC 1980 am. Québec. The elements supporting |
| | the floors must also have a fire resistance rating of at least |
| | 30 minutes or meet the requirements of NBC 1980. |
| | |
| | 362. In a building constructed or altered prior to 25 May 1984,|
| | suites of residential occupancy must be isolated from the |
| | remainder of the building by fire separations in accordance |
| | with the requirements of Section 3.3 or with Part 9 of NBC |
| | 1980 am. Québec. However, existing fire separations may have a |
| | fire resistance rating of only 30 minutes. |
| | |
| | 363. In a care occupancy constructed or altered prior to 25 May|
| | 1984, all or part of a floor area occupied by bedrooms must |
| | conform to Subsection 3.3.3. of NBC 1980 am. Québec. |
| | |
| | 364. Every opening in a fire separation of a building |
| | constructed or altered prior to 25 May 1984 must be equipped |
| | with a closure in accordance with the requirements of NBC 1980 |
| | am. Québec. |
| | |
| | 365. A building constructed or altered prior to 25 May 1984 and|
| | containing a floor that does not end with a vertical fire |
| | separation from the floor to the underside of the floor or roof|
| | and have a fire resistance rating at least equal to the rating |
| | for the floor on which it abuts must meet the requirements of |
| | NBC 1980 am. Québec. |
| | |
| | The provisions come into force on 18 March 2018.”. |
| | |
| | “B- The most stringent provisions applicable to certain|
| | buildings are provided for in Division IV (sections 346 to 369)|
| | of Chapter VIII of the Safety Code and cover residential |
| | occupancies and care and treatment occupancy. |
| | |
| | Section 368 covers interior finish. |
| | |
| | 368. In a residential occupancy for the elderly constructed or |
| | altered prior to 25 May 1984, the flame-spread rating of the |
| | interior finish of the walls and ceilings must conform to NBC |
| | 1985 am. Québec. |
| | |
| | The provision comes into force on 18 March 2014.”. |
| | |
| | “B- The most stringent provisions applicable to certain|
| | buildings are provided for in Division IV (sections 346 to 369)|
| | of Chapter VIII of the Safety Code and cover residential |
| | occupancies and care and treatment occupancy. |
| | |
| | Section 369 covers means of egress. |
| | |
| | 369. In a single-family type residential occupancy for the |
| | elderly, when at least 1 bedroom is laid out to accommodate the|
| | elderly, the basement must have an exit opening directly to the|
| | exterior. |
| | |
| | The provision comes into force on 18 march 2016.”. |
| | |
| | “B- The most stringent provisions applicable to certain|
| | buildings are provided for in Division IV (sections 346 to 369)|
| | of Chapter VIII of the Safety Code and cover residential |
| | occupancies and care and treatment occupancy. |
| | |
| | Sections 366 and 367 cover emergency lighting. |
| | |
| | 366. Emergency lighting must conform to the requirements of the|
| | Construction Code, NBC 1995 am. Québec. |
| | |
| | 367. In a single-family type residential occupancy for the |
| | elderly, emergency lighting must be installed in corridors, |
| | stairways and means of egress and be designed to provide |
| | automatically electric power for 30 minutes if the normal |
| | source of power supply fails. |
| | |
| | The provisions come into force on 18 March 2014.”. |
| | |
| Division C | Strike out. |
| Appendix A | |
| | |
| Explanatory | |
| notes | |
O.C. 1263-2012, s. 1; O.C. 1035-2015, s. 5; O.C. 1035-2015, s. 6; O.C. 1213-2019, s. 1; O.C. 1721-2022, ss. 1 and 2; O.C. 1605-2024, s. 2.
Chapter VIII Building, Division A, (Section 370)
National Fire Code of Canada 2010 (NRCC 53303)
| | |
| Article | Amendment |
| | |
| Division A - | |
| Part 1 | |
| | |
| | Replace Sentence 1 by the following: |
| | |
| | “1) This Code applies to all facilities intended for use by the|
| | public, all installations and all new and existing buildings, |
| | and to building construction, renovation and demolition sites, |
| | subject to the field of application determined by the Board or |
| | by another authority having jurisdiction (see Appendix A).”. |
| | |
| | Add “and approved by the Board or, in the case of buildings |
| | over which the Board does not have jurisdiction, by the |
| | authority having jurisdiction” after “solutions” in Clause |
| | |
| | |
| | Replace everything following “defined” in Sentence 1 by “the |
| | standard applicable at the time of construction of |
| | alteration.”. |
| | |
| | Replace the relevant definitions in Sentence 1 by the |
| | following definitions: |
| | |
| | “Air-supported structure (structure gonflable) means a movable |
| | structure consisting of a pliable membrane that achieves and |
| | maintains its shape and support by internal air pressure and is|
| | installed for a maximum period of 6 months.”; |
| | |
| | “Authority having jurisdiction (autorité compétente) means the |
| | Régie du bâtiment du Québec (the “Board”), a regional county |
| | municipality or a local municipality.”; |
| | |
| | “Care occupancy (établissement de soins) has the meaning |
| | defined by the standard applicable at the time of construction |
| | or alteration of the building.”; |
| | |
| | “Firewall (mur coupe-feu) has the meaning defined by the |
| | standard applicable at the time of construction or alteration |
| | of the building.”; |
| | |
| | “First storey (premier étage) means the floor defined by the |
| | standard applicable at the time of construction or alteration |
| | of the building.”; |
| | |
| | “Grade (niveau moyen du sol) has the meaning defined by the |
| | standard applicable at the time of construction or alteration |
| | of the building.”; |
| | |
| | “Major occupancy (usage principal) has the meaning defined by |
| | the standard applicable at the time of construction or |
| | alteration of the building.”; |
| | |
| | “Treatment occupancy (établissement de traitement) has the |
| | meaning defined by the standard applicable at the time of |
| | construction or alteration of the building.”; |
| | |
| | Replace everything following “harboured” in the definition of |
| | “Residential occupancy” in Sentence 1 by “or interned, for |
| | the purpose of receiving medical care, and are not |
| involuntarily detained.”; |
| | |
| | Add the following definition after Sentence 1: |
| | |
| | “Building height (hauteur de bâtiment) (in stories) has the |
| | meaning defined by the standard applicable at the time of |
| | construction or alteration of the building.”; |
| | |
| | “Stage (scène) means a space designed for public performances |
| | and rapid changes of scenery, with lighting at ceiling level |
| | and facilities to create sound and light effects, generally but|
| | not compulsorily separated from the room by a proscenium wall |
| | and a curtain.”; |
| | |
| | “Tent (tente) means a movable, portable fabric structure that |
| | is erected outdoors for a maximum period of 6 months.”; |
| | |
| | Add “as a domicile” after “to be used” in the definition of |
| | “Dwelling unit” in Sentence 1; |
| | |
| | Strike out the definitions of “Care” and “Treatment”. |
| | |
| | Add “Lx ……… Lux” and “ml ………. millilitre” in Sentence 1, in |
| | alphabetical order. |
| | |
| Division A | |
| Appendix A | |
| Explanatory | |
| notes | |
| | |
| A- | Strike out the last two sentences of the third paragraph of |
| | note A- 1). |
| | |
| A- | Strike out the paragraphs “Treatment”, “Care Occupancy”, |
| | “Treatment Occupancy” and “Grade” |
| | |
| Division B | |
| Part 1 | |
| | |
| | Replace respectively, in Table, referred to hereafter, |
| | the following standards: |
| | |
| | NFPA |
| | |
| | 68-2007 Explosion Protection by Deflagration Venting |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | Add, in Table, in order of the organizations, the |
| | following standards: |
| | |
| | “CSA |
| | CAN/CSA-B149.5-05 |
| | Installation Code for Propane Fuel Systems and Tanks on |
| | Highway Vehicles |
| |” |
| | |
| | “NFPA |
| | 101-2009 |
| | Life Safety Code |
| | |
| |” |
| | |
| | “NFPA |
| | 45-2011 |
| | Standard on Fire Protection for Laboratories Using Chemicals |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| |” |
| | |
| | “ULC |
| | ULC/ORD-C107.4- |
| | Ducted Flexible Underground Piping Systems for Flammable and |
| | Combustible Liquids |
| |” |
| | |
| | “ULC |
| | ULC/ORD-C107.7 |
| | Glass Fibre Reinforced Plastic Pipe and Fittings for Flammable |
| | and Combustible Liquids |
| |” |
| | |
| | “ULC |
| | ULC/ORD-C107.19 |
| | Secondary Containment of Underground Piping for Flammable and |
| | Combustible Liquids |
| |” |
| | |
| | “ULC |
| | ULC/ORD-C-627.1-2008-EN-EL |
| | Unvented Ethyl Alcohol Fuel Burning Decorative Appliances |
| |” |
| | |
| | “ULC |
| | ULC/ORD-C971 |
| | Nonmetallic Underground Piping for Flammable and Combustible |
| | Liquids |
| |” |
| | |
| Division B | |
| Part 2 | |
| | |
| | Replace “the NBC. (See Appendix A.)” in Sentence 1 by “the |
| | requirements in force at the time of construction or |
| | alteration”. |
| | |
| | Replace Sentence 1 by the following: |
| | |
| | “1) Fire alarm, standpipe and sprinkler systems shall conform |
| | to the requirements in force at the time of construction or |
| | alteration or, if applicable, to the more stringent provisions |
| | applicable to certain buildings under Section IV of Chapter |
| | VIII of the Safety Code (see Appendix B).”. |
| | |
| | Replace Sentence 1 by the following: |
| | |
| | “1) A voice communications system or systems integrated with |
| | the general fire alarm system shall be provided in buildings in|
| | conformance with the requirements in force at the time of |
| | construction or alteration.”. |
| | |
| | Replace by the following: |
| | |
| | “ Smoke Alarms |
| | |
| | 1) Smoke alarms shall conform to the requirements in force at |
| | the time of construction, or, if applicable, to the more |
| | stringent provisions applicable to certain buildings under |
| | Section IV of Chapter VIII of the Safety Code (see Appendix B).|
| | |
| | 2) Every smoke alarm shall be replaced 10 years after the date |
| | of manufacture indicated on the cover. If no date of |
| | manufacture is indicated, the smoke alarm shall be replaced |
| | without delay.”. |
| | |
| | In Sentence 1, replace “, as is required by the NBC” by “in |
| | conformance with the standard in force at the time of |
| | construction or alteration”, and replace “edition of the NBC” |
| | by “standard”. |
| | |
| | Replace Sentence 1 by the following: |
| | |
| | “1) A fire suppression system shall conform to one of the |
| | standards listed in Sentences (3) and (4).”. |
| | |
| | Replace “the NBC” in Sentence 1 by “the requirements in force |
| | at the time of construction or alteration”. |
| | |
| | Replace “the NBC” in Sentence 1 by “the requirements in force |
| | at the time of construction or alteration”. |
| | |
| | Replace Sentence 1 by the following: |
| | |
| | “1) Portable extinguishers that meet the requirements of |
| | Sentences (2) to (4) shall be installed in all buildings, |
| | except dwelling units and shared areas serving fewer than 5 |
| | dwelling units, except in the case of a day-care centre (see |
| | Appendix A).”. |
| | |
| | Add the following: |
| | |
| | “2.1.6 Carbon Monoxide Alarms |
| | |
| | Carbon Monoxide Alarms |
| | |
| | 1) Carbon monoxide alarms shall conform to the requirements in |
| | force at the time of construction or alteration or, if |
| | applicable, to the more stringent provisions applicable to |
| | certain buildings under Section IV of Chapter VIII of the |
| | Safety Code (see Appendix B).”. |
| | |
| | Replace “the NBC” in Sentences (1), (2) and (3) by “the |
| | requirements in force at the time of construction or alteration|
| | or, if applicable, to the more stringent provisions applicable |
| | to certain buildings under Section IV of Chapter VIII of the |
| | Safety Code (see Appendix B).”. |
| | |
| | Replace “the NBC” in Sentence 1 by “the requirements in force |
| | at the time of construction or alteration or, if applicable, to|
| | the more stringent provisions applicable to certain buildings |
| | under Section IV of Chapter VIII of the Safety Code (see |
| | Appendix B).”; |
| | |
| | Replace “the NBC” in Sentence 2 by “the requirements in force |
| | at the time of construction or alteration”. |
| | |
| | Replace “conforming to the NBC” in Sentence 2 by “that conforms|
| | to the requirements in force at the time of construction or |
| | alteration”. |
| | |
| | Replace “the NBC” in Sentence 1 by “the requirements in force |
| | at the time of construction or alteration or, if applicable, |
| | with the more stringent provisions applicable to certain |
| | buildings under Section IV of Chapter VIII of the Safety Code |
| | (see Appendix B).”. |
| | |
| | Add the following: |
| | |
| | “2) The use of cut softwoods, softwood branches, dried plants |
| | or plastic foam as decorative materials is prohibited in |
| | |
| | a) an exit, |
| | b) an assembly occupancy, |
| | c) a hotel establishment, |
| | d) a care occupancy or detention occupancy, or |
| | e) a mercantile occupancy.”. |
| | |
| | Replace Sentence 1 by the following: |
| | |
| | “1) Except as provided in Sentence (3), bed linen, window |
| | drapes and cubicle curtains used in care occupancies shall |
| | conform to CAN/CGSB-4.162-M, “Hospital Textiles - Flammability |
| | Performance Requirements”.”; |
| | |
| | Replace Sentence 3 by the following: |
| | |
| | “3) Mattresses, bed linen, window drapes and cubicle curtains |
| | need not conform to Sentences (1) and (2) if used in |
| | residential board and care occupancies”. |
| | |
| | Replace “waste” in Sentence 1 by “materials”; |
| | |
| | Add “attic or roof spaces” after “crawl spaces” in Sentence 3; |
| | |
| | Add the following: |
| | |
| | “7) Outdoor storage receptacles, such as dumpsters, used for |
| | combustible materials and over 2,000 litres in capacity shall |
| | |
| | a) be located at least 3 m from any opening in a building or |
| | combustible component of a building, except if a steel screen |
| | with an air space of 25 mm or a masonry screen protects the |
| | opening or wall, and |
| | |
| | b) be equipped with a cover that shall remain closed and |
| | padlocked.”. |
| | |
| | Replace “the NBC” in Sentence 1 by “the requirements in force |
| | at the time of construction or alteration”. |
| | |
| | Replace Clause (b) of Sentence 1 by the following: |
| | |
| | “b) in dining areas in care occupancies.”. |
| | |
| | Replace “Group B, Divisions 2 and 3 care and” in Sentence 1 by |
| | “care or”. |
| | |
| | Add the following: |
| | |
| | “ Propane-Powered Vehicles |
| | |
| | 1) Propane-powered vehicles shall not be exposed indoors unless|
| | the relevant safety measures, namely those of Section 5.14 of |
| | CAN/CGA-B149.5 M95, “Installation Code for Propane Systems and |
| | C Tanks on Highway Vehicles, are followed”.”. |
| | |
| | Add the following: |
| | |
| | “2.4.8. Plastic Foam |
| | |
| | “ Protection of Plastic Foam |
| | |
| | 1) Plastic foam insulators shall be protected in conformance |
| | with the requirements in force at the time of construction or |
| | alteration. |
| | |
| | “2.4.9. Work Tables |
| | |
| | “ Work Tables |
| | |
| | 1) In mercantile occupancies or industrial occupancies, every |
| | work table over 7.5 m in length under which combustible |
| | materials are stored shall |
| | |
| | a) be equipped with incombustible dividers fixed transversally |
| | under the table at a distance of no more than 3 m from each |
| | other, or |
| | |
| | b) be equipped with sprinklers underneath. |
| | |
| | “2.4.10. Ethyl Alcohol Fuel Burning Appliances |
| | |
| | “ Ethyl Alcohol Fuel Burning Appliances |
| | |
| | 1) All ethyl alcohol fuel burning appliances containing over |
| | 250 ml shall be manufactured in accordance with ULC/ORDC-627.1,|
| | “Unvented Ethyl Alcohol Fuel Burning Decorative Appliances”. |
| | |
| | “2.4.11. Lightning Protection Installations |
| | |
| | “ Lightning Protection Installations |
| | |
| | 1) All lightning protection installations shall be maintained |
| | in good operating condition. |
| | |
| | “2.4.12. Portable Cooking Appliances |
| | |
| | “ Inside a Building |
| | |
| | 1) No portable cooking appliance fuelled by charcoal or gas may|
| | may be used inside a building. |
| | |
| | “ Outside a Building |
| | |
| | 1) No portable cooking appliance fuelled by charcoal or gas |
| | may be used outside a building less than 600 mm from a door |
| | or window. |
| | |
| | “2.4.13. Stages |
| | |
| | “ Protection Equipment |
| | |
| | 1) All stages shall be equipped with at least 2 portable |
| | extinguishers that conform to Subdivision 2.1.5. |
| | |
| | 2) All walkways over a stage shall be equipped with at least 2 |
| | portable extinguishers that conform to Subdivision 2.1.5. |
| | |
| | “ Scenery and Props |
| | |
| | 1) Only the scenery and props required for the current |
| | performance may be kept on the stage and on walkways over the |
| | stage. All other scenery and props shall be stored in storage |
| | areas that conform to the requirements in force at the time of|
| | construction or alteration.”. |
| | |
| | Replace “the NBC” in Sentence 1 by “the requirements in force |
| | at the time of construction or alteration (see Appendix A).”. |
| | |
| | Add the following: |
| | |
| | “2) The access panels or windows provided to facilitate |
| | firefighting operations shall be marked.”. |
| | |
| | Replace by the following: |
| | |
| | “ Fire Department Connections |
| | |
| | 1) Access to fire department connections for sprinkler or |
| | standpipe systems by firefighters and their equipment shall be |
| | maintained free of obstructions to a distance of at least 1.5 m|
| | at all times. |
| | |
| | 2) When a building has more than one fire department |
| | connection, each fire department connection shall be identified|
| | on the basis of its functions.”. |
| | |
| | Replace “the NCB” in Sentence 1 by “the requirements in force |
| | at the time of construction or alteration”. |
| | |
| | Replace by the following: |
| | |
| | “ Solid Fuels |
| | |
| | 1) Solid fuel bins shall be located not less than 1.2 m from |
| | the appliance served.”. |
| | |
| | Replace “the NBC” in Sentence 1 by “the requirements in force |
| | at the time of construction or alteration”. |
| | |
| | Replace “disconnect switches” in Sentence 2 by “circuit |
| | breakers”. |
| | |
| | Replace Sentence 1 by the following: |
| | |
| | “1) Commercial cooking equipment exhaust and fire protection |
| | systems shall be designed and installed in conformance with the|
| | requirements in force at the time of construction or |
| | alteration.”. |
| | |
| | Replace “the NBC” in Sentence 1 by “the requirements in force |
| | at the time of construction or alteration”. |
| | |
| | Add the following: |
| | |
| | “2) All electrical equipment vaults shall be identified by a |
| | poster.”. |
| | |
| | Replace by the following: |
| | |
| | “ Means of Egress |
| | |
| | 1) Means of egress shall be provided in buildings in |
| | conformance with the requirements in force at the time of |
| | construction or alteration or, if applicable, with the more |
| | stringent provisions applicable to certain buildings under |
| | Section IV of Chapter VIII of the Safety Code (see Appendix |
| | B).”. |
| | |
| | Replace “by the NBC” in Clause (b) of Sentence 1 by “by the |
| | requirements in force at the time of construction or |
| | alteration”; |
| | |
| | Strike out “business and personal services,” in Clause (a) of |
| | Sentence 3; |
| | |
| | Add “business and personal services and” after “in” in Clause |
| | (c) of Sentence 3. |
| | |
| | Replace by the following: |
| | |
| | “ Occupant Load |
| | |
| | 1) The maximum number of occupants permitted in any room shall |
| | be calculated |
| | |
| | a) except as provided in Sentence (2), in Group A assembly |
| | occupancies, on the basis of the net floor space per occupant |
| | specified in Table, |
| | |
| | b) for occupancies in another group, on the basis of the net |
| | floor space per occupant of 0.4 m2, excluding the floor space |
| | occupied by furniture and equipment, or |
| | |
| | c) on the basis of the number of occupants for which means of |
| | egress are provided, if that number is below the number |
| | determined under Clause (a) or (b). |
| | |
| | (See Appendix A.) |
| | |
| | Table |
| | Number of Occupants |
| | Forming an integral part of Sentence |
| | |
| | _______________________________________________________ |
| | | | | |
| | | Use of floor space or part of floor | Net floor space| |
| | | space | coefficient | |
| | | | per | |
| | | Assembly occupancy | occupant in m2 | |
| | |______________________________________|________________| |
| | | | | |
| | | Bars, dining areas and cafeterias | 1.2 | |
| | |(note 1) | | |
| | |______________________________________|________________| |
| | | | | |
| | | Rooms with movable seating other than| 0.75 | |
| | | bars and dining areas (note 2) | | |
| | |______________________________________|________________| |
| | | | | |
| | | Rooms with tables and movable seating| 0.95 | |
| | | other than bars and dining areas | | |
| | | (note 2) | | |
| | |______________________________________|________________| |
| | | | | |
| | | Meeting rooms without seats (note 3) | 0.6 | |
| | |______________________________________|________________| |
| | | | | |
| | | Bowling alleys and pool halls (note | 9.3 | |
| | | 4) | | |
| | |______________________________________|________________| |
| | | | | |
| | | Classrooms | 1.85 | |
| | |______________________________________|________________| |
| | | | | |
| | | Exhibition rooms | 3 | |
| | |______________________________________|________________| |
| | | | | |
| | | Reading, study and rest rooms | 1.85 | |
| | |______________________________________|________________| |
| | | | | |
| | | Stages | 0.75 | |
| | |______________________________________|________________| |
| | |
| | Note 1: The coefficient of 1.2 m2 shall be used for dining |
| | areas, bars and cafeterias, whatever their layout. In bars |
| | and licensed beverage establishments, the coefficient of |
| | 0.6 m2 may be used only for the parts of the floor area used |
| | without seating or tables (dance floor, standing bar, etc.). |
| | |
| | Note 2: The coefficients of 0.75 m2 and 0.95 m2 are reserved |
| | for occupancies other than dining areas, bars or cafeterias |
| | (see note 1) such as bingo halls, assembly rooms and meeting |
| | rooms. |
| | |
| | Note 3: The density of occupants in assembly occupancies is |
| | limited to 0.6 m2 of free floor space per occupant to ensure |
| | that occupants are not prevented from reaching exits by |
| | excessive occupant density. |
| | |
| | Note 4: The coefficient of 9.3 m2 shall be used for bowling |
| | alleys and pool halls. When the room is used as a bar or |
| | licensed beverage establishment, the coefficient of 1.2 m2 |
| | shall be used once the area of the pool table has been |
| | subtracted from the space used by the public. |
| | |
| | 2) In a room or part of a room in an assembly occupancy with |
| | fixed seating, the maximum number of occupants shall be |
| | determined by the number of fixed seats and the aisles |
| | required for the fixed seating shall not be used to increase |
| | the maximum permitted number of occupants. |
| | |
| | 3) For the purposes of Sentences (1) and (2), the maximum |
| | occupancy load of a room shall be determined by the maximum |
| | number of occupants that may be admitted to the floor area |
| | where the room is situated, taking the means of egress into |
| | consideration. |
| | |
| | 4) The number of occupants admitted to a room shall not exceed |
| | the maximum number of occupants calculated in conformance with |
| | Sentences (1) to (3). |
| | |
| | 5) The authority having jurisdiction may require that the |
| | information, calculations and drawings showing compliance with |
| | Sentence (4) be provided in writing.”. |
| | |
| | Replace “the NBC” in Sentence 2 by “the requirements in force |
| | at the time of construction or alteration”. |
| | |
| | Add “Except as provided in Sentence (4),” before “When” in |
| | Sentence 1; |
| | |
| | Replace the part of Clause (f) of Clause 1 preceding Clause (i)|
| | by the following: |
| | |
| | “f) except as provided in Sentence (3), when the number of |
| | seats in the room exceeds 100,”; |
| | |
| | Add “Except as provided in Sentence (5)” before “When” in |
| | Sentence 3; |
| | |
| | Add the following: |
| | |
| | “4) Nonfixed seats may be laid out using the criteria in |
| | Sections and of NFPA 101, “Life Safety Code”,|
| | if |
| | |
| | a) the minimum clear width specified in Clause (a) of |
| | Sentence (1) is respected; and |
| | |
| | b) the requirements of Clause (f) of Sentence (1) are |
| | respected. |
| | |
| | “5) Tables provided with nonfixed seats may be laid out using |
| | the criteria in Sections and of NFPA 101, |
| | “Life Safety Code”.”. |
| | |
| | Replace Sentence 2 by the following: |
| | |
| | “2) The windows of sleeping rooms that are required as an exit |
| | and are located in a basement shall not be obstructed by snow, |
| | materials or objects that prevent emergency evacuation.”. |
| | |
| | Replace everything following “buildings” in Sentence 1 by “in |
| | conformance with the requirements in force at the time of |
| | construction or alteration or, if applicable, with the more |
| | stringent provisions applicable to certain buildings under |
| | Section IV of Chapter VIII of the Safety Code (see Appendix |
| | B).”. |
| | |
| | Replace “the NBC” in Clause (b) of Sentence 1 by “the |
| | requirements in force at the time of construction or |
| | alteration”; |
| | |
| | Add the following after Clause (f) in Sentence 1: |
| | |
| | “g) every building housing a private seniors’ residence.”. |
| | |
| | Strike out “in cooperation with the fire department and other |
| | applicable regulatory authorities” in Sentence 1. |
| | |
| | Replace by the following: |
| | |
| | “ Care, Treatment and Detention Occupancies and |
| | Private Seniors’ Residences |
| | |
| | 1) A sufficient number of supervisory staff shall be on duty in|
| | care and detention occupancies and private seniors’ residences |
| | to apply the emergency procedures to be used in case of fire |
| | detailed in clause”. |
| | |
| | Replace everything preceding “fire safety plan” by the |
| | following: |
| | |
| | “1) In high buildings as defined in the standard applicable at |
| | the time of construction or alteration, and in buildings in |
| | which any of the following facilities is installed,”. |
| | |
| | Replace Sentence 2 by the following: |
| | |
| | “2) The copy reserved for use by the fire department shall be |
| | kept: |
| | |
| | a) at the central alarm and control facility in the case of a |
| | high building as defined in the standard applicable at the time|
| | of construction or alteration, and |
| | |
| | b) at the place determined in cooperation with the fire |
| | department in all other cases.”; |
| | |
| | Add the following: |
| | |
| | “3) In a residential board and care occupancy, a copy of the |
| | fire safety plan and a complete list of all occupants, |
| | including the location of all occupants with special egress |
| | needs, shall be available and kept at a place determined in |
| | cooperation with the fire department.”. |
| | |
| | Add after “hotel” in Sentence 2 “, rooming house”. |
| | |
| | Add the following: |
| | |
| | “ Supervisory Staff |
| | |
| | 1) In an occupied building equipped with a dual signal fire |
| | alarm, there shall be sufficient supervisory staff, and no less|
| | than 3 persons, on duty able to apply the emergency procedures |
| | to be used in case of fire referred to in Sentence,|
| | combat an incipient fire using appropriate means, and using |
| | the building’s firefighting equipment appropriately. One such |
| | person shall be present at all times at the central alarm and |
| | control facility or at the fire alarm panel.”. |
| | |
| | Replace Clause (e) in Sentence 1 by the following: |
| | |
| | “e) the features of the fire emergency systems installed in the|
| | building and subject to additional requirements for high |
| | buildings in force at the time of construction or alteration, |
| | and”. |
| | |
| | Replace by the following: |
| | |
| | “ Fire Drill Frequency |
| | |
| | 1) Fire drills as described in Sentence shall be |
| | held at intervals not greater than 12 months for the |
| | supervisory staff, except that |
| | |
| | a) in Group B major occupancies and in private seniors’ |
| | residences, such drills shall be held at intervals not greater |
| | than 6 months; however, occupants who cannot evacuate the |
| | building without assistance or who have health problems are |
| | not required to take part in the evacuation, but the |
| | supervisory staff shall still prepare them as if they were to |
| | be evacuated, |
| | |
| | b) in schools and day-care centres, total evacuation drills |
| | shall be held at least once in the fall and once in the spring,|
| | |
| | c) in high buildings as defined by the requirements in force at|
| | the time of construction or alteration, except a Group C major |
| | occupancy building, such drills shall be held at intervals not |
| | greater than 6 months, |
| | |
| | d) in Group A, Division 1 major occupancies, such drills shall |
| | be held at intervals not greater than 3 months.”. |
| | |
| | Add the following: |
| | |
| | “2.8.4. Duties of the Owner |
| | |
| | “ Duties of the Owner |
| | |
| | 1) The portion of a building occupied before the end of its |
| | construction or alteration shall be |
| | |
| | a) equipped with a fire detection and alarm system in proper |
| | working order, |
| | |
| | b) equipped with the fire suppression measures required by the |
| | requirements in force at the time of construction or alteration|
| | and in proper working order, |
| | |
| | c) equipped with usable means of egress free from all |
| | obstructions, |
| | |
| | d) served by at least 2 exits, and |
| | |
| | e) isolated from the portion of the building where work is in |
| | progress by a fire separation with a fire-resistance rating of |
| | not less than 1 h. |
| | |
| | 2) The portion of the building where work is in progress shall |
| | be under appropriate surveillance.” |
| | |
| 2.9. | Add the following after “2.9 Tents and Air-Supported |
| | Structures”: |
| | |
| | “(See Appendix A.)”. |
| | |
| | Replace by the following: |
| | |
| | “ General |
| | |
| | 1) Tents and air-supported structures shall conform to the |
| | NBC.”. |
| | |
| | Strike out “(see Appendix A.)”. |
| | |
| | Add the following: |
| | |
| | “ Heat- or Light-Producing Appliances |
| | |
| | 1) The use of cooking equipment or a combustion appliance is |
| | prohibited in a tent or air-supported structure that is |
| | accessible to the public. |
| | |
| | 2) Cooking appliances with more than 2 baskets used to fry |
| | food that are used inside a tent or air-supported structure |
| | that is not accessible to the public shall be protected by a |
| | special fire suppression system in conformance with Article |
| | |
| | |
| | 3) Bulbs and projectors for any lighting apparatus for a tent |
| | or air-supported structure shall be placed at least 600 mm from|
| | any combustible substance. |
| | |
| | “ Interior Dividers |
| | |
| | 1) Fabric panels used to divide the interior space of a tent or|
| | air-supported structure shall not be installed less than 1 m |
| | from the ceiling (see Appendix A.).”. |
| | |
| | Replace “the NBC” in Sentence 1 by “the requirements in force |
| | at the time of construction or alteration”. |
| | |
| | Replace by the following article: |
| | |
| | “ Supervision of Children |
| | |
| | 1) There shall be sufficient numbers of staff to ensure the |
| | evacuation of children in an emergency.”. |
| | |
| | Strike out. |
| | |
| | Replace Sentence 1 by the following: |
| | |
| | “1) Buildings housing boarders, lodgers or roomers shall |
| | conform to the requirements in force at the time of |
| | construction or alteration.”. |
| | |
| | Strike out. |
| | |
| | Replace “Subsection 2.3.2.” by “Section 2.3.”. |
| | |
| | Strike out. |
| | |
| | Replace “the NBC” by “the requirements in force at the time |
| | of construction or alteration”. |
| | |
| Division B | |
| Part 2 | |
| Table | |
| | |
| Table | Strike out (3). |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Table | Add the following: |
| | |
| | “ Carbon Monoxide Alarms |
| | (1) [F81, F44-OS3.4]”. |
| | |
| Table | Add the following: |
| | “(2) [F02, OS1.5]”. |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Table | Add the following: |
| | |
| | “ Propane-Powered Vehicles |
| | |
| | (1) [F01, F43, F81-OS1.1] |
| | [F01, F43, F81-OS1.5]. |
| | |
| Table | Add the following: |
| | |
| | “ Protection of Plastic Foam |
| | (1) [F02-OS1.5] |
| | |
| | Work Tables |
| | (1) [F02, F03-OS1.4] |
| | |
| | Ethyl Alcohol Fuel Burning Appliances |
| | (1) [F01-OS1.1] |
| | |
| | Inside a building |
| | (1) [F01-OS1.1] |
| | [F44-OS3.4] |
| | |
| | Outside a building |
| | (2) [F03-OP3.1] |
| | [F03-OP1.2] |
| | |
| | Protection Equipment |
| | (1) [F02-OS1.2] |
| | [F02-OP1.2] |
| | (2) [F02-OS1.2] |
| | [F02-OS1.2] |
| | |
| | Scenery and Props |
| | (1) [F01, F02-OS1.5]”. |
| | |
| Table | Add the following: |
| | |
| | “(2) [F12-OP1.2] |
| | [F12-OS1.2]”. |
| | |
| Table | Replace the heading by “Fire Department Connections”. |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Table | Replace the heading by “Solid Fuels”. |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Table | Add the following: |
| | |
| | “(2) [F34-OS3.3]”. |
| | |
| | |
| Table | Add the following: |
| | |
| | “(3) [F10-OS3.7] |
| | (4) [F10-OS3.7] |
| | (5) [F10-OS3.7]”. |
| | |
| Table | Add the following: |
| | |
| | “(4) [F10-OS3.7] |
| | (5) [F10-OS3.7]”. |
| | |
| Table | Replace the heading by the following: “Care, Treatment and |
| | Detention Occupancies and Private Seniors’ Residences |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Table | Add the following: |
| | |
| | “(3) [F12-OS1.2] |
| | [F12-OP1.2]”. |
| | |
| Table | Add the following: |
| | |
| | “ Supervisory staff |
| | (1) [F12, F13-OP1.2] |
| | [F12-OS1.2] |
| | [F13-OS1.5]”. |
| | |
| Table | Add the following: |
| | |
| | “ Duties of the Owner |
| | (1) [F02, F03, F13-OS1.5] |
| | [F02, F03, F13-OS3.7]”. |
| | |
| Table | Add the following: |
| | |
| | “ Heat- or Light-Producing Appliances |
| | “(1) [F01-OS1.1] |
| | [F01-OS1.5] |
| | (2) [F02-OP3.1] |
| | (3) [F01-OS1.1]”. |
| | |
| Table | Strike out (2). |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Table | Strike out. |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Table | Strike out. |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Table | Strike out. |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Division B | |
| Part 3 | |
| | |
| 3.1.2. | Add “(See Appendix A.)” after “Dangerous Goods”. |
| | |
| | Replace everything following “persons” in Sentence 1 by |
| | “responsible for the application of the fire safety plan to be |
| | contacted in case of fire during non-operating hours, along |
| | with the data sheets for hazardous materials stored or |
| | handled in the building.”. |
| | |
| | Replace Sentence 1 by the following: |
| | |
| | “1) Where wiring or electrical equipment is located in areas in|
| | which flammable gases or vapours, combustible dusts or |
| | combustible fibres are present in quantities sufficient to |
| | create a hazard, such wiring and electrical equipment shall |
| | conform to CSA C22.1, Canadian Electrical Code, Part I, (see |
| | note A-”. |
| | |
| | Replace the part of Sentence 1 preceding Clause (a) by the |
| | following: |
| | |
| | “1) This Section shall apply to buildings or parts of buildings|
| | used for the short or long term storage of the following |
| | products, whether raw materials, waste, products undergoing |
| | processing or finished products:”. |
| | |
| | Replace Sentence 3 by the following: |
| | |
| | “3) A clear space of at least 300 mm shall be maintained at |
| | all times between stored products and the lower chords of |
| | structural framing members.”. |
| | |
| | Replace everything following “fire separation” in Sentence 1 |
| | by “having a rating of not less than 2 h. (see Appendix A).”. |
| | |
| | Add the following: |
| | |
| | “2) A clear space of at least 900 mm shall be maintained |
| | between the top of the piles and the sprinkler heads.”. |
| | |
| | Replace everything following “shall” in Sentence 1 by “be |
| | classified as medium hazard industrial occupancies.”. |
| | |
| | Add the following: |
| | |
| | “6) The minimum clearance between the top of a pile and a |
| | sprinkler head shall be 900 mm.”. |
| | |
| | Add “(see Appendix A)” after “Application”. |
| | |
| | Replace everything following “building” in Sentence 6 by “fire |
| | separations having a rating of not less than 2 h.”; |
| | |
| | Replace everything following “building” in Sentence 7 by “fire |
| | separations having a rating of not less than 2 h (see note A- |
| |”. |
| | |
| | Add “(see Appendix A)” after “Separation from Other Dangerous |
| | Goods”. |
| | |
| | Replace Clause (a) of Sentence 1 by the following: |
| | |
| | “a) constructed in conformance with the requirements in force |
| | at the time of construction or alteration, and”. |
| | |
| | Replace “the NBC” in Sentence 3 by “the requirements in force |
| | at the time of construction or alteration”. |
| | |
| | Replace Clause (a) in Sentence 1 by the following: |
| | |
| | “a) is separated from the remainder of the building by gasproof|
| | fire separations having a rating of not less than 2 h,”; |
| | |
| | Replace everything in Clause (c) of Sentence 1 following “are” |
| | by the following: |
| | |
| | “i) equipped with an automatic closing device that ensures |
| | that the closures are closed when not in use, and |
| | |
| | ii) constructed in such a way as to prevent the migration of |
| | gas into the remainder of the building,”; |
| | |
| | Replace Clause (a) in Sentence 1 by the following: |
| | |
| | “a) is separated from the remainder of the building by gasproof|
| | fire separations having a rating of not less than 1 h,”; |
| | |
| | Replace Clause (c) in Sentence 1 by the following: |
| | |
| | “c) can be entered from the exterior, and whose closures |
| | leading to the interior of the building are |
| | |
| | i) equipped with an automatic closing device that ensures |
| | that the closures are closed when not in use, and |
| | |
| | ii) constructed in such a way as to prevent the migration of |
| | gas into the remainder of the building, and”. |
| | |
| | Replace everything following “nitrate” in Sentence 1 by “shall |
| | be medium hazard industrial occupancy.”. |
| | |
| | Replace everything following “nitrate” in Sentence 2 by “shall |
| | not exceed 1 storey.”. |
| | |
| | Replace Sentences 3 and 4 by the following: |
| | |
| | “3) Buildings intended for the storage of ammonium nitrate |
| | shall not have |
| | |
| | a) a basement or crawl space, |
| | b) uncovered area drains, tunnels, elevator or hoist pits or |
| | other cavities where molten ammonium nitrate may accumulate. |
| | |
| | “4) Buildings intended for the storage of ammonium nitrate |
| | shall have ventilation openings of at least 0.007 m2 per square|
| | metre of storage area, unless mechanical ventilation is |
| | is provided.”; |
| | |
| | Add the following sentences: |
| | |
| | 6) All flooring in storage areas shall be constructed of |
| | non-combustible materials. |
| | |
| | 7) Buildings used for the storage of ammonium nitrate shall |
| | be designed so as to prevent any contact with construction |
| | materials that may |
| | |
| | a) cause the ammonium nitrate to become unstable, |
| | b) corrode or deteriorate after coming into contact with |
| | ammonium nitrate, or |
| | c) become saturated with ammonium nitrate.”. |
| | |
| | Insert “, whether raw materials, waste, products undergoing |
| | processing or finished products” after “following products” in |
| | Sentence 1. |
| | |
| | Strike out everything following “stored products” in Sentence |
| | 2. |
| | |
| Division B | |
| Part 4 | |
| | |
| | Add “(See Appendix A.)” after the heading of the article; |
| | |
| | Add the following after Sentence 5: |
| | |
| | “6) The application of the requirements of this Part concerning|
| | maximum storage capacity shall take into account the presence |
| | of petroleum products.”. |
| | |
| | Replace “will not” in Sentence 1 by “reduces to a tolerable |
| | level the”. |
| | |
| | Replace “NBC” in Sentence 1 by “requirements in force at the |
| | time of construction or alteration”. |
| | |
| | Add “and rooms” after “cabinets” in Sentence 1. |
| | |
| | Strike out Sentence 2. |
| | |
| | Replace “the NBC” in Clause (b) of Sentence 2 by “the |
| | requirements in force at the time of construction or |
| | alteration”. |
| | |
| | Replace “Sentence of Division B of the NBC” in |
| | Sentence 1 by “good practice, as set out in NFPA-68, |
| | “Venting of Deflagrations””. |
| | |
| | Replace Clause (a) of Sentence 1 by the following: |
| | |
| | “a) the requirements in force at the time of construction or |
| | alteration, and”. |
| | |
| | Replace Sentence 3 by the following: |
| | |
| | “3) The use of non-metallic piping shall be permitted in |
| | underground installations if it conforms to one of the |
| | following standards: |
| | |
| | a) CAN/ULC-S660, “Standard for Nonmetallic Underground |
| | Piping for Flammable and Combustible Liquids”, |
| | |
| | b) ULC/ORD-C107.4, “Ducted Flexible Underground Piping |
| | Systems for Flammable and Combustible Liquids”; |
| | |
| | c) ULC/ORD-C107.7, “Glass Fibre Reinforced Plastic Pipe |
| | and Fittings for Flammable and Combustible Liquids”, |
| | |
| | d) ULC/ORD-C107.19, “Secondary Containment of |
| | Underground Piping for Flammable and Combustible Liquids”, or |
| | |
| | e) ULC/ORD-C971, “Nonmetallic Underground Piping for Flammable |
| | and Combustible Liquids.”. |
| | |
| | Replace everything following “trench” in Sentence 2 by the |
| | following: “shall |
| | |
| | a) be equipped with positive ventilation vented directly to the|
| | outside air, or |
| | |
| | b) be designed to prevent the accumulation of flammable |
| | vapours.”. |
| | |
| | Replace “the NBC” in Sentence 3 by “the requirements in force |
| | at the time of construction or alteration”. |
| | |
| | Replace everything following “shall” in Sentence 1 by “be |
| | isolated from the remainder of the building by a fire |
| | separation having a rating of not less than 2 h.”. |
| | |
| Division B | |
| Part 5 | |
| | |
| | Add “(See Appendix A.)” at the end of Sentence 1. |
| | |
| | Replace “NBC” in Sentence 1 by “requirements in force at the |
| | time of construction or alteration”. |
| | |
| | Replace Sentence 1 by the following: |
| | |
| | “1) Nozzles for the standpipe and hose systems shall be of |
| | the fog and fine spray type to prevent combustible dust from |
| | being driven up by a powerful jet and remaining suspended.”. |
| | |
| | Replace “conform” and everything following in Sentence 2 by: |
| | “conform |
| | |
| | a) to Parts 3, 4 and 5, or |
| | |
| | b) in the case of a laboratory to which Sentence, |
| | applies, to NFPA 45 “Standard on Fire Protection for |
| | Laboratories Using Chemicals”.”. |
| | |
| | Replace by the following: |
| | |
| | “ Separation |
| | |
| | 1) Except as provided in Sentence 2, a laboratory shall be |
| | separated from other parts of the building by fire separations |
| | conforming to this Code and the requirements in force at the |
| | time of construction or alteration, but having a |
| | fire-resistance rating of not less than 1 h. |
| | |
| | 2) In a sprinklered building, the required fire separation |
| | between a laboratory and the other parts of the building may |
| | be designed to meet the requirements of NFPA 45 “Standard on |
| | Fire Protection for Laboratories Using Chemicals”. (See |
| | Appendix A.)”. |
| | |
| | Replace by the following: |
| | |
| | “ General Ventilation |
| | |
| | 1) A laboratory shall be provided with continuous mechanical |
| | ventilation that is designed and maintained in a manner that |
| | ensures that the vapours and particles produced by dangerous |
| | goods |
| | |
| | a) do not accumulate in the laboratory, |
| | b) do not spread to other parts of the building, |
| | c) do no accumulate in the ventilation ducts, |
| | d) are vented to the outside, and |
| | e) cannot re-enter the building. |
| | |
| | 2) The ventilation system required under this Section shall be |
| | equipped with monitoring devices that |
| | |
| | a) indicate when the system is in operation, and |
| | b) trigger an alarm if the system fails.”. |
| | |
| | Replace the part of Sentence 1 preceding Clause (a) by the |
| | following: |
| | |
| | “1) Except as provided in Sentence (3), the use of dangerous |
| | goods in a laboratory shall be confined inside a |
| | power-ventilated enclosure conforming to Articles and |
| | when”; |
| | |
| | Add the following: |
| | |
| | “3) In a laboratory referred to in Sentence, the |
| | power-ventilated enclosure mentioned in Sentence (1) and the |
| | laboratory ventilation system shall conform to NFPA 45 |
| | “Standard on Fire Protection for Laboratories Using |
| | Chemicals”.”. |
| | |
| | Replace Sentence 1 by the following: |
| | |
| | “1) The ventilation system for a power-ventilated enclosure |
| | required in Article shall |
| | |
| | a) conform to NFPA 45 “Standard on Fire Protection for |
| | Laboratories Using Chemicals”, |
| | b) ensure the continuous extraction of air at a rate sufficient|
| | to prevent the formation of combustible or reactive deposits |
| | inside the enclosure or the exhaust ducts, |
| | c) confine vapours and particles of dangerous goods to the |
| | place where they are produced and vent them to the outside, |
| | d) prevent the re-entry of extracted air to the building, and |
| | e) be equipped with clearly identified control switches |
| | i) located outside the power-ventilated enclosure, and |
| | ii) accessible in an emergency.”. |
| | |
| | Replace “shall conform” and everything that follows in Sentence|
| | 1 by “shall |
| | |
| | a) except as provided in Sentences (2) and (3), be constructed |
| | of incombustible materials that are compatible to the vapours |
| | and particles produced by the dangerous goods and resistant to |
| | chemical attack, |
| | b) include inspection hatches for the inspection and |
| | maintenance of fans and ducts, |
| | c) be provided with instructions for its use and the operation |
| | of the ventilation system, and |
| | d) be provided with means to control accidental spillage.”; |
| | |
| | Add the following sentences: |
| | |
| | “2) The use of combustible materials shall be permitted under |
| | Clause |
| | a) if no other material offers the necessary degree of |
| | resistance to the corrosive action or reactive properties of |
| | the dangerous goods used, and |
| | b) if their flame propagation rating is not more than 25. |
| | |
| | “3) The flame propagation rating in Sentence (2) may be |
| | exceeded if the exhaust ducts are provided with an automatic |
| | fire suppression system.”. |
| | |
| | Replace “The quantity” in Sentence 1 by “Except as provided |
| | in Sentence (4), the quantity”; |
| | |
| | Add the following: |
| | |
| | “4) In a laboratory referred to in Sentence, the |
| | maximum quantity of dangerous goods stored in the laboratory |
| | shall conform to NFPA 45 “Standard on Fire Protection for |
| | Laboratories Using Chemicals”.”. |
| | |
| | Replace “(2) and (3)” in Sentence 1 by “(2), (3) and (4)”; |
| | |
| | Add the following: |
| | |
| | “4) In a laboratory referred to in Sentence, |
| | flammable and combustible liquids shall be stored in |
| | recipients that conform to NFPA 45 “Standard on Fire |
| | Protection for Laboratories Using Chemicals”.”. |
| | |
| Division B | |
| Part 6 | |
| | |
| | Replace Sentence 1 by the following: |
| | |
| | “1) Where an emergency power generation system is installed, |
| | legible and visible instructions shall be provided permanently |
| | on or close to the system for switching on essential loads and |
| | for starting the generator when this is not done |
| | automatically.”. |
| | |
| | Replace Clause (b) of Sentence 2 by the following: |
| | |
| | “b) at intervals of not more than 12 months, the equipment |
| | can provide the necessary lighting in a simulated power shutoff|
| | for the time prescribed by the requirements in force at |
| | the time of construction or alteration.”. |
| | |
| | Replace by the following: |
| | |
| | “ Inspection, Testing and Maintenance |
| | |
| | 1) Except as provided in Sentence 2, the inspection, testing |
| | and maintenance of special fire suppression systems shall be |
| | conducted in conformance with the relevant standards listed |
| | in Article |
| | |
| | “2) If the relevant standard referred to in Sentence 1 does not|
| | specify the inspection and maintenance interval, an interval of|
| | not more than 6 months shall apply.”. |
| | |
| Division B | |
| Part 7 | |
| | |
| | Replace everything following “defined” in Sentence 1 by “by |
| | the standard in force at the time of construction or |
| | alteration”. |
| | |
| | Replace “Subsection 3.2.6. of Division B of the NBC” by “the |
| | requirements in force at the time of construction or |
| | alteration”; |
| | |
| | Add “(See note A-” at the end of Sentence 2. |
| | |
| | Replace everything following “kept” in Sentence 2 by “placed |
| | in an easily recognizable box located in plain view outside the|
| | elevator shaft close to the central alarm and control facility,|
| | and an extra set of keys for use by firefighters shall be kept |
| | at the facility”. |
| | |
| Division B | |
| Appendix A | |
| Explanatory | |
| notes | |
| | |
| A- | Strike out. |
| | |
| A- | Strike out. |
| | |
| | Add the following: |
| | |
| | “A- Battery-powered alarms due for replacement may be|
| | replaced by photoelectric alarms powered by a lithium |
| | battery.”. |
| | |
| A- | Replace the second paragraph by the following: |
| (3)(c) and d) | |
| | “NFPA-12A, “Halon 1301 Fire Extinguishing Systems”, and |
| | NFPA-12B, “Halon 1211 Fire Extinguishing Systems”, are |
| | obsolete. The installation of new halon fire suppression |
| | systems is prohibited following the international ban on halon |
| | gas production. However, both standards are still relevant to |
| | the maintenance, decommissioning and recycling of existing |
| | halon fire suppression systems.”. |
| | |
| A- | Add the following: |
| | |
| | “A- A dwelling used as a daycare centre shall also |
| | be equipped with portable extinguishers.”. |
| | |
| | Add the following: |
| | |
| | “A-2.1.6. Carbon monoxide (CO) is a colourless, odourless |
| | gas that can accumulate in confined spaces and reach a lethal |
| | concentration without the knowledge of the occupants. |
| | Accordingly, as a precautionary measure, rooms that contain |
| | or are close to a potential source of CO shall be equipped |
| | with some means to detect that gas. |
| | |
| | Dwelling units commonly have two potential sources of CO: |
| | |
| | • fuel-burning space-heating appliances and fuel-burning |
| | service water heaters located in the dwelling or in an adjacent|
| | room in the building; |
| | |
| | • an adjacent garage. |
| | |
| | Fuel-burning space-heating appliances generally produce no CO |
| | and, even when they do produce some gas, it is normally |
| | vented outside the building by the appliance’s venting system. |
| | However, heating appliances and ventilation systems may |
| | malfunction, and the installation of a CO alarm at appropriate |
| | places in dwelling units constitutes an inexpensive additional |
| | safety measure. Similarly, although the walls and floors |
| | separating adjacent garages from dwelling units are required |
| | by code to be airtight, carbon monoxide from a garage may |
| | infiltrate into a dwelling since it is difficult to make the |
| | air barrier completely airtight. It is even harder to prevent |
| | CO infiltration when the air pressure is lower inside the |
| | dwelling than inside the garage. This pressure gradient may be |
| | due to the ventilation system, or simply to the draft created |
| | by the heating system. Once again, the installation of a CO |
| | alarm constitutes an inexpensive additional safety measure.”. |
| | |
| A- | Replace “waste” by “materials” in the first sentence; |
| | |
| | Replace “the presence of these combustibles” in the second |
| | sentence by “their presence”. |
| | |
| A- | Replace “must be taken” by “are acceptable”. |
| | |
| | Add the following: |
| | |
| | “A- Traffic prohibited |
| | |
| | 1) When vehicle traffic is prohibited in a street, yard or |
| | roadway referred to in Article, a corridor along the |
| | centre-line of the street, yard or roadway at least 5 m high |
| | and 5 m wide shall be provided to allow the movement of fire |
| | department vehicles and pedestrians at all times.”. |
| | |
| A- | Strike out the last sentence of the first paragraph; |
| | |
| | Replace the third paragraph by the following: |
| | |
| | “Net floor space referred to in Clauses (a) and (b) is the |
| | floor space in a room, excluding accessory areas that cannot be|
| | used by the public and areas occupied by exits and structural |
| | features. Corridors and passages providing access to exits, |
| | toilets and accessory areas that cannot be used by the public |
| | shall be excluded from the net floor space except if the |
| | corridor or passage has a permitted use. For certain uses, when|
| | the layout may change depending on the activity, it may be |
| | appropriate to calculate maximum occupant loads for each of the|
| | different activities anticipated.”. |
| | |
| | Add the following: |
| | |
| | “A-2.9 The requirements of this Section apply only to certain |
| | types of structures. The word “tent”, for example, as used in |
| | this Chapter, refers to a temporary enclosure erected during |
| | outdoor events such as fairs and exhibitions. A tent generally |
| | comprises a piece of fabric stretched over poles and tethered |
| | with ropes to the ground. The requirements for tents, as a |
| | result, are not intended to apply to fabric structures within |
| | buildings or located on building roofs. |
| | |
| | Similarly, the expression “air-supported structure” as used in |
| | the Code refers to an envelope supported solely by air |
| | pressure and erected at ground level or over a basement. It is |
| | generally weighted or anchored to the ground around its |
| | perimeter. For this reason, the NBC prohibits the installation |
| | of an air-supported structure above a building’s first |
| | storey.”. |
| | |
| A- | Strike out. |
| | |
| | Add the following: |
| | |
| | “A- A space of at least 1 m is required above the |
| | dividers to facilitate smoke detection inside tents and |
| | air-supported structures. Taking into account the slope of the |
| | roof, a maximum of 30% of the divider’s width may be less |
| | than 1 m from the ceiling.”. |
| | |
| | Add the following: |
| | |
| | “A-3.1.2 For the storage of dangerous goods, the regulations |
| | of the Commission de la santé et de la sécurité du travail du |
| | Québec (CSST) apply to covered establishments. Refer to the |
| | the following regulations: |
| | |
| | Regulation respecting occupational health and safety (chapter |
| | S-2.1, r. 13) |
| | |
| | Regulation respecting information on controlled products |
| | (chapter S-2.1, r. 8).”. |
| | |
| | Add the following: |
| | |
| | “A- The following table, A-, has been designed |
| | to include controlled products (WHMIS). It comprises Table |
| | with the addition of identification for two existing |
| | columns, A and B, and of a new column C. It allows the small |
| | quantity exemption (column B) to be applied to controlled |
| | products (column C) that are not identified as dangerous goods |
| | (column A). Column B gives the maximum exempt amount of a |
| | (controlled product or association of controlled products |
| | identified in column C. It is important to note that a class of|
| | dangerous goods (column A) on the same line as a class of |
| | controlled products (column C) does not indicate an |
| | equivalency. Dangerous goods and controlled products are not |
| | classified or categorized using the same criteria. In addition,|
| | a line relating to dangerously reactive materials F (column C) |
| | has no link to the TDG (column A). |
| | |
| | When storing dangerous goods indoors, if controlled products |
| | are present, it is recommended to proceed as follows: |
| | |
| | When the controlled products are stored at the same time as |
| | dangerous goods, to determine the maximum quantity of dangerous|
| | goods or controlled products mentioned in the preceding |
| | Sentence, according to column B in Table A-, the |
| | following should be used (see the organization chart below for |
| | determining the exemption for small quantities of dangerous |
| | goods or controlled products): |
| | |
| | a) column A in Table A- using the primary class based |
| | on section 2.8 of TC SOR/2008-34, “Transportation of |
| | Dangerous Goods Regulations”; |
| | b) for merchandise that does not fall into a class under Clause|
| | (a), column C of Table A- based on the primary class of|
| | controlled products in the Table ranking categories of |
| | controlled products (see below); or |
| | c) the most stringent for small quantities based on column B |
| | of Table A-, amended if the precedence mentioned in |
| | Clause (a) or (b) has not been established. |
Table A- amended
Small Quantity Exemptions for Dangerous Goods and Controlled Products
Organization chart for determining small quantity exemptions for dangerous goods or controlled products
| | |
| | Order of Precedence Chart for Classes of Controlled Products |
| | (WHMIS)* |
| | |
| | When a hazardous material meets the requirements for inclusion |
| | in more than one class of controlled product, the class of |
| | controlled product indicated in this table is deemed to be the |
| | primary class for segregation purposes only. |
| | |
| | _____________________________________________________________ |
| ||- | |
| || - Class of controlled product | |
| || - __________________________________________________| |
| || - |------| | | | | | | |
| || |------| B6 | C | D1A | D1B | D2A or | E | |
| || |------| | | | | D2B | | |
| || |______|______|_____|_______|_______|________|_____| |
| || | | | | | | | | |
| || | B2 | B6 | B2 | B2 | B2 | B2 | B2 | |
| || |______|______|_____|_______|_______|________|_____| |
| || | | | | | | | | |
| || | B3 | B6 | B3 | D1A | D1B | B3 | E | |
| || |______|______|_____|_______|_______|________|_____| |
| || | | | | | | | | |
| || | B4 | B6 | B4 | D1A | D1B | B4 | E | |
| || |______|______|_____|_______|_______|________|_____| |
| || | | | | | | | | |
| || Class | B6 |------| B6 | D1A | B6 | B6 | B6 | |
| || |______|______|_____|_______|_______|________|_____| |
| || | | | | | | | | |
| || of | C | B6 |-----| D1A | C | C | C | |
| || |______|______|_____|_______|_______|________|_____| |
| || | | | | | | | | |
| ||controlled| D1A | D1A | D1A |-------| D1A | D1A | D1A | |
| || |______|______|_____|_______|_______|________|_____| |
| || | | | | | | | | |
| || product | D1B | B6 | C | D1A |-------| D1B | D1B | |
| || |______|______|_____|_______|_______|________|_____| |
| || | | | | | | | | |
| || |D2A or| B6 | C | D1A | D1B |--------| E | |
| || | D2B | | | | |--------| | |
| ||__________|______|______|_____|_______|_______|________|_____| |
| || | |
| ||* This table is adapted from the table “Table-Precedence | |
| || of Classes-Class and Packing Group” for classes of | |
| || controlled products (WHMIS) under section 2.8 of the | |
| || Transportation of Dangerous Goods Regulations. | |
| ||_____________________________________________________________| |
| | |
| |Using the Order of Precedence Chart for Classes of Controlled |
| |Products |
| | |
| |If, after gathering the appropriate information, a material is |
| |found to meet the criteria for inclusion in classes B2, E and |
| |D1A, the class having precedence class having precedence is |
| |is determined by comparing the classes in pairs. The first |
| |combination is B2 and E. After locating class B2 in the |
| |left-hand column, and class E in the first row, the class |
| |having precedence is indicated in the box where the row and |
| |column meet. For this combination, class B2 has precedence over |
| |class E. Class E can be ignored. |
|________________| _______________________________________________________________|
| ||- | |
| || - Class of controlled product | |
| || - __________________________________________________| |
| || - |------| | | | | | | |
| || |------| B6 | C | D1A | D1B | D2A or | E | |
| || |------| | | | | D2B | | |
| || |______|______|_____|_______|_______|________|_____| |
| ||Class of | | | | | | | | |
| ||controlled| B2 | B6 | B2 | B2 | B2 | B2 | B2 | |
| ||product | | | | | | | | |
| ||__________|______|______|_____|_______|_______|________|_____| |
| | |
| |Using the same approach, class B2 can be compared to class D1A. |
| |Class B2 has precedence. Class D1A can be ignored, and class B2 |
| |becomes the primary class for segregation purposes only. |
| | |
| | _____________________________________________________________ |
| ||- | |
| || - Class of controlled product | |
| || - __________________________________________________| |
| || - |------| | | | | | | |
| || |------| B6 | C | D1A | D1B | D2A or | E | |
| || |------| | | | | D2B | | |
| || |______|______|_____|_______|_______|________|_____| |
| ||Class of | | | | | | | | |
| ||controlled| B2 | B6 | B2 | B2 | B2 | B2 | B2 | |
| ||product | | | | | | | | |
| | |
| | Add the following: |
| | |
| | «A- When controlled products (WHMIS) are present |
| | during the storage of dangerous goods indoors, it is |
| | recommended to use the information on labels and data sheets |
| | and to refer to Table A- This Table adds columns and |
| | lines to Table, providing for the application of the |
| | principle of separate storage to controlled products that are |
| | not identified as dangerous goods. The addition of the top line|
| | and the left-hand column allows controlled products and |
| | combinations of controlled products to be located. The addition|
| | of two columns on the right-hand side and two bottom lines, |
| | specifically for corrosive products, allows acids to be |
| | separated from bases. Lastly, the addition of the last |
| | right-hand column and the last line at the bottom allows class |
| | F controlled products to be separated. It is important to note |
| | that a class of dangerous goods on the same line or in the same|
| | column as a class of controlled products does not indicate an |
| | equivalency.". |
Table A- amended
Separation Chart for Storage of Dangerous Goods and Controlled Products
| | |
| A- | Add the following after “should not be stored with acids”: |
| | |
| | “· Hypochlorites, dichloroisocyanurates and |
| | trichloroisocianuric acid should not be stored with acids. |
| | |
| | · Oxidizing materials should not be stored with easily |
| | oxidized materials, including wooden surfaces. |
| | |
| | · Toxic or corrosive materials in liquid form should not be |
| | stored without anti-spill devices. |
| | |
| | · Reactive hazardous materials and materials likely to trigger |
| | a violent polymerization, decomposition or condensation |
| | reaction if subjected to vibration, light or sound waves shall |
| | be stored separately with appropriate protection and |
| | stability.”; |
| | |
| | Replace the last paragraph by the following: |
| | |
| | “Toxic substances should not be stored in the vicinity of |
| | chemicals with the following purity levels: B.P. (British |
| | Pharmacopeia), B.P.C. (Biotechnology Performance Certified), |
| | U.S.P. (U.S. Pharmacopeia), F.C.C. (Food Chemical Codex) and |
| | N.F. (National Formulary), since many of them are used in |
| | cosmetics, medication and food products. In the event of |
| | spillage, the toxic materials will contaminate not only the |
| | chemical, but also its container and the “clean room in which |
| | it is processed.”. |
| | |
| | Add the following: |
| | |
| | “A- The CSST regulates the storage, handling and |
| | use of flammable and combustible materials in liquid form via |
| | NFPA 30 Flammable and Combustible Liquids Code: 1996 edition |
| | - translated into French. See also section 82 of the Regulation|
| | respecting occupational health and safety |
| | (chapter S-2.1, r. 13).”. |
| | |
| A- | Strike out the first paragraph. |
| | |
| A- | Add the following paragraph: |
| (3)(b) | |
| | “In this connection, see also the website for the CSST |
| | Répertoire toxicologique (www.reptox.csst.qc.ca).”. |
| | |
| | Add the following: |
| | |
| | “A- Québec’s Act respecting explosives (chapter E-22) |
| | and Regulation under the Act respecting explosives (chapter |
| | E-22, r. 1) contain Québec adaptations of Canada’s Explosives |
| | Act (R.S.C. 1985, c. E-17) and Explosives Regulations (C.R.C., |
| | c. 599). |
| | |
| | The Safety Code for the construction industry (chapter S-2.1, |
| | r. 4), under the Act respecting occupational health and safety |
| | (chapter S-2.1), deals with the transportation, storage, |
| | handling and use of explosives on construction sites (Division |
| | IV) and underground work sites (Division VIII) and the |
| | requirements for using explosive actuated tools (Division VII).|
| | |
| | The Regulation respecting occupational health and safety |
| | (chapter S-2.1, r. 13) specifies the qualifications and refers |
| | to Division IV of the Safety Code for the construction industry|
| | (chapter S-2.1, r. 4) in connection with all blasting work and |
| | work requiring the use of explosives.”. |
| | |
| | Add the following: |
| | |
| | “A- NFPA 45 “Standard on Fire Protection for |
| | Laboratories Using Chemicals” determines the fire separation |
| | requirements for laboratories based on the types and |
| | quantities of flammable and combustible liquids stored and used|
| | in each laboratory.”. |
| | |
| Division B | Add Appendix B |
| Appendix B | Explanatory notes |
| | |
| | “B- The more stringent provisions applicable to certain|
| | buildings are provided for in Division IV (sections 346 to 369)|
| | of Chapter VIII of the Safety Code and cover residential |
| | occupancies and care and treatment occupancy. |
| | |
| | Sections 346 to 352 cover fire alarm and detection systems. |
| | |
| | 346. In buildings constructed or altered prior to 7 November |
| | 2000, the fire alarm and detection system must conform to |
| | the requirements of NBC 1995 am. Québec, except those of |
| | Sentence |
| | |
| | 346.1. Despite section 346, a private seniors’ residence must |
| | be equipped with a fire alarm and detection system, except |
| | |
| | (1) a single-family type residential occupancy for the elderly;|
| | |
| | (2) a residential board and care occupancy that lodges no more |
| | than 9 persons and whose building consists of a dwelling unit |
| | having a building height of no more than 2 storeys. |
| | |
| | 347. In a residential occupancy for the elderly and a |
| | residential board and care occupancy designed in compliance |
| | with Sentence of NBC 1995 am. Québec or 2005 am. |
| | Québec, a single-signal fire alarm and detection system must |
| | be connected to a fire department; the connection must be |
| | designed to ensure that, when the fire alarm is triggered, the |
| | fire department is alerted, in accordance with NBC 1995 am. |
| | Québec. |
| | |
| | 348. In a residential board and care occupancy designed in |
| | compliance with Sentence of NBC 1995 am. Québec |
| | or 2005 am. Québec, the fire alarm and detection system may |
| | be a single-signal or dual-signal system. |
| | |
| | 349. In a residential occupancy for the elderly equipped with a|
| | fire alarm system, smoke detectors must be installed in each |
| | bedroom that is not part of a dwelling unit. |
| | |
| | 350. In a residential occupancy for the elderly, when a sound |
| | signal device must be added to a bedroom or dwelling unit, it |
| | must include a visual signal device having a power level of at |
| | least 110 cd. |
| | |
| | 351. In a dwelling unit and in a hotel or motel suite |
| | comprising several rooms, the acoustic pressure level of a fire|
| | alarm signal must be at least 85 dBA near the entry door, once |
| | the door is closed. |
| | |
| | In the bedrooms of a residential occupancy, other than in the |
| | bedrooms of a dwelling unit, the standard is 75 dBA. |
| | |
| | 352 The provisions of Sentences and (11) NBC |
| | 1995 am. Québec do not apply if the sound signal devices are |
| | connected to a class “A” circuit according to CAN/ULC-S524, |
| | Installation of Fire Alarm Systems. |
| | |
| | The provisions come into force on 18 March 2016.”. |
| | |
| | “B- The more stringent provisions applicable to certain|
| | buildings are provided for in Division IV (sections 346 to 387)|
| | of Chapter VIII of the Safety Code and cover residential |
| | occupancies and care and treatment occupancy. |
| | |
| | Sections 353 to 358 cover smoke alarms. |
| | |
| | 353. Smoke alarms conforming to CAN/ULC-S531, Smoke Alarms, |
| | must be installed |
| | |
| | (1) in every dwelling unit; |
| | |
| | a) on each storey; and |
| | |
| | b) on each storey where bedrooms are located, the smoke alarms |
| | must be installed between the bedrooms and the remainder of the|
| | storey, except if the bedrooms are accessed by a corridor, in |
| | which case the smoke alarms must be installed in the corridor; |
| | |
| | (2) in each sleeping room that is not part of a dwelling unit, |
| | except in care or detention occupancies, which must be |
| | equipped with a fire alarm system; |
| | |
| | (3) in each corridor and each shared rest or activity area in |
| | a residential occupancy for the elderly that is not equipped |
| | with a fire alarm and detection system; |
| | |
| | (4) in sleeping rooms and in the corridors of a residential |
| | board and care occupancy designed in compliance with Article |
| | of NBC 1995 am. Québec or 2005 am. Québec, if the |
| | bedrooms are not equipped with smoke detectors; |
| | |
| | (5) in each sleeping room, corridor and shared rest or |
| | activity area of a single-family type residential occupancy for|
| | the elderly. |
| | |
| | 354. Subject to the more stringent requirements of sections |
| | 355 and 356, the smoke alarms required under section 353 must, |
| | when required by the standard in force at the time of |
| | construction or alteration of the building, |
| | |
| | (1) be installed by permanent connections to an electrical |
| | circuit and have no disconnect switch between the overcurrent |
| | device and the smoke alarm; and |
| | |
| | (2) be wired so that the activation of one alarm will |
| | automatically cause all alarms within the dwelling unit to |
| | sound. |
| | |
| | 355. The smoke alarms required under paragraphs 3 to 5 of |
| | section 353 must |
| | |
| | (1) be installed by permanent connections to an electrical |
| | circuit and have no disconnect switch between the overcurrent |
| | device and the smoke alarm; |
| | |
| | (2) be wired so that the activation of one alarm will |
| | automatically cause all alarms within the dwelling unit to |
| | sound; and |
| | |
| | (3) be wired so that the activation of one alarm in a building |
| | housing a residential occupancy for the elderly of the rooming |
| | house type will automatically cause all the alarms to sound. |
| | |
| | In addition, the smoke alarms required under paragraph 4 of |
| | section 353 must |
| | |
| | (1) be of a photoelectric type; |
| | |
| | (2) be interconnected and connected to visual signal devices |
| | that allow the personnel assigned to the sleeping rooms to see |
| | from where the smoke alarm is triggered, and |
| | |
| | (3) be connected to the fire department as provided for in NBC |
| | 1995 am. Québec. |
| | |
| | 356. Smoke alarms must be installed on or close to the ceiling |
| | in accordance with CAN/ULC-S553, Standard for the Installation |
| | of Smoke Alarms. |
| | |
| | 357. A manual device may be installed at a specific point in |
| | the electrical circuit for the smoke alarm in a dwelling unit |
| | to shut off the sound signal emitted by the smoke alarm for no |
| | more than 10 minutes; after that time, the smoke alarm must |
| | re-activate. |
| | |
| | 358. Every smoke alarm must be replaced 10 years after the |
| | date of manufacture indicated on the cover. If no date of |
| | manufacture is indicated, the smoke alarm is considered to |
| | be non-compliant and must be replaced without delay. |
| | |
| | The provisions of sections 353 to 357 come into force on 18 |
| | March 2014.”. |
| | |
| | (cf. 2024-12-02)
| | |
| | “B- The more stringent provisions applicable to |
| | certain buildings are provided for in Division IV |
| | (sections 369.1 and 369.2) of Chapter VIII of the Safety Code |
| | and cover private seniors’ residences. |
| | |
| | Sections 369.1 and 369.2 cover the installation of sprinkler |
| | systems: |
| | |
| | 369.1. A building housing a private seniors’ residence, |
| | constructed or altered in compliance with an applicable |
| | standard prior to NBC 2010 am. Québec, must be completely |
| | sprinklered, except |
| | |
| | (1) a single-family type residential occupancy for the elderly,|
| | provided that each storey accessible to the persons lodged in |
| | the occupancy is served by 2 means of egress, one of which |
| | leads directly to the exterior; |
| | |
| | (2) a residential board and care occupancy that lodges no more |
| | than 9 persons and whose building consists of a dwelling unit |
| | having a building height of no more than 2 storeys, provided |
| | that each storey accessible to the persons lodged in the |
| | occupancy is served by 2 means of egress, one of which leads |
| | directly to the exterior and the other leads to another floor |
| | area and is separated from adjoining spaces by a fire |
| | separation; |
| | |
| | (3) a building housing solely a residential occupancy for the |
| | elderly having a building height of 1 storey, a building area |
| | no more than 600 m2 and no more than 8 dwelling units, and in |
| | which no more than 16 persons lodge. |
| | |
| | 369.2. The sprinkler system required in section 369.1 must |
| | conform to the requirements of Section 3.2.5. of NBC 2005 am. |
| | Québec, but must be designed, constructed, installed and tested|
| | in accordance with NFPA Standard 13, except a combustible |
| | concealed space no more than 450 mm high that does not have to |
| | be sprinklered. |
| | |
| | Despite the foregoing, the following may be sprinklered in |
| | compliance with NFPA Standard 13D where the water supply |
| | capacity for the sprinkler system is not less than 30 minutes: |
| | |
| | (1) a single-family type residential occupancy for the elderly,|
| | provided that each storey accessible to the persons lodged in |
| | the occupancy, except the second storey, is served by 2 means |
| | of egress, one of which leads directly to the exterior; |
| | |
| | (2) a residential board and care occupancy that lodges no more |
| | than 9 persons and whose building consists of a dwelling unit |
| | having a building height of no more than 2 storeys, provided |
| | that each storey accessible to the persons lodged in the |
| | occupancy, except the second storey, is served by 2 means of |
| | egress, one of which leads directly to the exterior. |
| | |
| | This section does not apply to a building which, on |
| | 2 December 2015, is completely sprinklered by a system |
| | installed in accordance with the standard applicable on the |
| | year of construction. |
| | |
| | The provisions come into force on 2 December 2024.” |
| | |
| |“B-2.1.6. The more stringent provisions applicable to certain |
| | buildings are provided for in Division IV (sections 346 to 369)|
| | of Chapter VIII of the Safety Code and cover residential |
| | occupancies and care and treatment occupancy. |
| | |
| | Sections 359 and 360 cover carbon monoxide alarms. |
| | |
| | 359. A carbon monoxide alarm must be installed in every |
| | dwelling unit, residential occupancy for the elderly or |
| | residential board and care occupancy designed in compliance |
| | with Article of NBC 1995 am. Québec or 2005 am. |
| | Québec that contains |
| | |
| | (1) a heating appliance; or |
| | |
| | (2) direct access to an indoor parking garage. |
| | |
| | 360. Carbon monoxide alarms must |
| | |
| | (1) conform to CAN/CSA-6.19, “Residential Carbon Monoxide |
| | Alarming Devices”; |
| | |
| | (2) be equipped with an integrated alarm that meets the |
| | audibility requirements of CAN/CSA-6.19, “Residential Carbon |
| | Monoxide Alarming Devices”; |
| | |
| | (3) be installed according to the manufacturer’s |
| | recommendations. |
| | |
| | The provisions come into force on 18 March 2014.”. |
| | |
| | “B- The most stringent provisions applicable to |
| | certain buildings are provided for in Division IV |
| | (sections 346 to 369) of Chapter VIII of the Safety Code and |
| | cover residential occupancies and care and treatment occupancy.|
| | |
| | Sections 361 to 365 cover fire separation. |
| | |
| | 361. In a building constructed or altered prior to 1 December |
| | 1976, the floors must constitute fire separations with a fire |
| | resistance rating of at least 30 minutes or meet the |
| | requirements of NBC 1980 am. Québec. The elements supporting |
| | the floors must also have a fire resistance rating of at least |
| | 30 minutes or meet the requirements of NBC 1980. |
| | |
| | 362. In a building constructed or altered prior to 25 May 1984,|
| | suites of residential occupancy must be isolated from the |
| | remainder of the building by fire separations in accordance |
| | with the requirements of Section 3.3 or with Part 9 of NBC 1980|
| | am. Québec. However, existing fire separations may have a fire |
| | resistance rating of only 30 minutes. |
| | |
| | 363. In a care occupancy constructed or altered prior to |
| | 25 May 1984, all or part of a floor area occupied by bedrooms |
| | must conform to Subsection 3.3.3. of NBC 1980 am. Québec. |
| | |
| | 364. Every opening in a fire separation of a building |
| | constructed or altered prior to 25 May 1984 must be equipped |
| | with a closure in accordance with the requirements of NBC 1980 |
| | am. Québec. |
| | |
| | 365. A building constructed or altered prior to 25 May 1984 |
| | and containing a floor that does not end with a vertical fire |
| | separation from the floor to the underside of the floor or |
| | roof and have a fire resistance rating at least equal to the |
| | rating for the floor on which it abuts must meet the |
| | requirements of NBC 1980 am. Québec. |
| | |
| | The provisions come into force on 18 March 2018.”. |
| | |
| | “B. The most stringent provisions applicable to certain|
| | buildings are provided for in Division IV (sections 346 to 369)|
| | of Chapter VIII of the Safety Code and cover residential |
| | occupancies and care and treatment occupancy. |
| | |
| | Sections 361 to 365 cover openings in fire separation. |
| | |
| | 361. In a building constructed or altered prior to 1 December |
| | 1976, the floors must constitute fire separations with a fire |
| | resistance rating of at least 30 minutes or meet the |
| | requirements of NBC 1980 am. Québec. The elements supporting |
| | the floors must also have a fire resistance rating of at least |
| | 30 minutes or meet the requirements of NBC 1980. |
| | |
| | 362. In a building constructed or altered prior to 25 May 1984,|
| | suites of residential occupancy must be isolated from the |
| | remainder of the building by fire separations in accordance |
| | with the requirements of Section 3.3 or with Part 9 of NBC |
| | 1980 am. Québec. However, existing fire separations may have a |
| | fire resistance rating of only 30 minutes. |
| | |
| | 363. In a care occupancy constructed or altered prior to 25 May|
| | 1984, all or part of a floor area occupied by bedrooms must |
| | conform to Subsection 3.3.3. of NBC 1980 am. Québec. |
| | |
| | 364. Every opening in a fire separation of a building |
| | constructed or altered prior to 25 May 1984 must be equipped |
| | with a closure in accordance with the requirements of NBC 1980 |
| | am. Québec. |
| | |
| | 365. A building constructed or altered prior to 25 May 1984 and|
| | containing a floor that does not end with a vertical fire |
| | separation from the floor to the underside of the floor or roof|
| | and have a fire resistance rating at least equal to the rating |
| | for the floor on which it abuts must meet the requirements of |
| | NBC 1980 am. Québec. |
| | |
| | The provisions come into force on 18 March 2018.”. |
| | |
| | “B- The most stringent provisions applicable to certain|
| | buildings are provided for in Division IV (sections 346 to 369)|
| | of Chapter VIII of the Safety Code and cover residential |
| | occupancies and care and treatment occupancy. |
| | |
| | Section 368 covers interior finish. |
| | |
| | 368. In a residential occupancy for the elderly constructed or |
| | altered prior to 25 May 1984, the flame-spread rating of the |
| | interior finish of the walls and ceilings must conform to NBC |
| | 1985 am. Québec. |
| | |
| | The provision comes into force on 18 March 2014.”. |
| | |
| | “B- The most stringent provisions applicable to certain|
| | buildings are provided for in Division IV (sections 346 to 369)|
| | of Chapter VIII of the Safety Code and cover residential |
| | occupancies and care and treatment occupancy. |
| | |
| | Section 369 covers means of egress. |
| | |
| | 369. In a single-family type residential occupancy for the |
| | elderly, when at least 1 bedroom is laid out to accommodate the|
| | elderly, the basement must have an exit opening directly to the|
| | exterior. |
| | |
| | The provision comes into force on 18 march 2016.”. |
| | |
| | “B- The most stringent provisions applicable to certain|
| | buildings are provided for in Division IV (sections 346 to 369)|
| | of Chapter VIII of the Safety Code and cover residential |
| | occupancies and care and treatment occupancy. |
| | |
| | Sections 366 and 367 cover emergency lighting. |
| | |
| | 366. Emergency lighting must conform to the requirements of the|
| | Construction Code, NBC 1995 am. Québec. |
| | |
| | 367. In a single-family type residential occupancy for the |
| | elderly, emergency lighting must be installed in corridors, |
| | stairways and means of egress and be designed to provide |
| | automatically electric power for 30 minutes if the normal |
| | source of power supply fails. |
| | |
| | The provisions come into force on 18 March 2014.”. |
| | |
| Division C | Strike out. |
| Appendix A | |
| | |
| Explanatory | |
| notes | |
O.C. 1263-2012, s. 1; O.C. 1035-2015, s. 5; O.C. 1035-2015, s. 6; O.C. 1213-2019, s. 1; O.C. 1721-2022, ss. 1 and 2.
Chapter VIII Building, Division A, (Section 370)
National Fire Code of Canada 2010 (NRCC 53303)
| | |
| Article | Amendment |
| | |
| Division A - | |
| Part 1 | |
| | |
| | Replace Sentence 1 by the following: |
| | |
| | “1) This Code applies to all facilities intended for use by the|
| | public, all installations and all new and existing buildings, |
| | and to building construction, renovation and demolition sites, |
| | subject to the field of application determined by the Board or |
| | by another authority having jurisdiction (see Appendix A).”. |
| | |
| | Add “and approved by the Board or, in the case of buildings |
| | over which the Board does not have jurisdiction, by the |
| | authority having jurisdiction” after “solutions” in Clause |
| | |
| | |
| | Replace everything following “defined” in Sentence 1 by “the |
| | standard applicable at the time of construction of |
| | alteration.”. |
| | |
| | Replace the relevant definitions in Sentence 1 by the |
| | following definitions: |
| | |
| | “Air-supported structure (structure gonflable) means a movable |
| | structure consisting of a pliable membrane that achieves and |
| | maintains its shape and support by internal air pressure and is|
| | installed for a maximum period of 6 months.”; |
| | |
| | “Authority having jurisdiction (autorité compétente) means the |
| | Régie du bâtiment du Québec (the “Board”), a regional county |
| | municipality or a local municipality.”; |
| | |
| | “Care occupancy (établissement de soins) has the meaning |
| | defined by the standard applicable at the time of construction |
| | or alteration of the building.”; |
| | |
| | “Firewall (mur coupe-feu) has the meaning defined by the |
| | standard applicable at the time of construction or alteration |
| | of the building.”; |
| | |
| | “First storey (premier étage) means the floor defined by the |
| | standard applicable at the time of construction or alteration |
| | of the building.”; |
| | |
| | “Grade (niveau moyen du sol) has the meaning defined by the |
| | standard applicable at the time of construction or alteration |
| | of the building.”; |
| | |
| | “Major occupancy (usage principal) has the meaning defined by |
| | the standard applicable at the time of construction or |
| | alteration of the building.”; |
| | |
| | “Treatment occupancy (établissement de traitement) has the |
| | meaning defined by the standard applicable at the time of |
| | construction or alteration of the building.”; |
| | |
| | Replace everything following “harboured” in the definition of |
| | “Residential occupancy” in Sentence 1 by “or interned, for |
| | the purpose of receiving medical care, and are not |
| involuntarily detained.”; |
| | |
| | Add the following definition after Sentence 1: |
| | |
| | “Building height (hauteur de bâtiment) (in stories) has the |
| | meaning defined by the standard applicable at the time of |
| | construction or alteration of the building.”; |
| | |
| | “Stage (scène) means a space designed for public performances |
| | and rapid changes of scenery, with lighting at ceiling level |
| | and facilities to create sound and light effects, generally but|
| | not compulsorily separated from the room by a proscenium wall |
| | and a curtain.”; |
| | |
| | “Tent (tente) means a movable, portable fabric structure that |
| | is erected outdoors for a maximum period of 6 months.”; |
| | |
| | Add “as a domicile” after “to be used” in the definition of |
| | “Dwelling unit” in Sentence 1; |
| | |
| | Strike out the definitions of “Care” and “Treatment”. |
| | |
| | Add “Lx ……… Lux” and “ml ………. millilitre” in Sentence 1, in |
| | alphabetical order. |
| | |
| Division A | |
| Appendix A | |
| Explanatory | |
| notes | |
| | |
| A- | Strike out the last two sentences of the third paragraph of |
| | note A- 1). |
| | |
| A- | Strike out the paragraphs “Treatment”, “Care Occupancy”, |
| | “Treatment Occupancy” and “Grade” |
| | |
| Division B | |
| Part 1 | |
| | |
| | Replace respectively, in Table, referred to hereafter, |
| | the following standards: |
| | |
| | NFPA |
| | |
| | 68-2007 Explosion Protection by Deflagration Venting |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | Add, in Table, in order of the organizations, the |
| | following standards: |
| | |
| | “CSA |
| | CAN/CSA-B149.5-05 |
| | Installation Code for Propane Fuel Systems and Tanks on |
| | Highway Vehicles |
| |” |
| | |
| | “NFPA |
| | 101-2009 |
| | Life Safety Code |
| | |
| |” |
| | |
| | “NFPA |
| | 45-2011 |
| | Standard on Fire Protection for Laboratories Using Chemicals |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| |” |
| | |
| | “ULC |
| | ULC/ORD-C107.4- |
| | Ducted Flexible Underground Piping Systems for Flammable and |
| | Combustible Liquids |
| |” |
| | |
| | “ULC |
| | ULC/ORD-C107.7 |
| | Glass Fibre Reinforced Plastic Pipe and Fittings for Flammable |
| | and Combustible Liquids |
| |” |
| | |
| | “ULC |
| | ULC/ORD-C107.19 |
| | Secondary Containment of Underground Piping for Flammable and |
| | Combustible Liquids |
| |” |
| | |
| | “ULC |
| | ULC/ORD-C-627.1-2008-EN-EL |
| | Unvented Ethyl Alcohol Fuel Burning Decorative Appliances |
| |” |
| | |
| | “ULC |
| | ULC/ORD-C971 |
| | Nonmetallic Underground Piping for Flammable and Combustible |
| | Liquids |
| |” |
| | |
| Division B | |
| Part 2 | |
| | |
| | Replace “the NBC. (See Appendix A.)” in Sentence 1 by “the |
| | requirements in force at the time of construction or |
| | alteration”. |
| | |
| | Replace Sentence 1 by the following: |
| | |
| | “1) Fire alarm, standpipe and sprinkler systems shall conform |
| | to the requirements in force at the time of construction or |
| | alteration or, if applicable, to the more stringent provisions |
| | applicable to certain buildings under Section IV of Chapter |
| | VIII of the Safety Code (see Appendix B).”. |
| | |
| | Replace Sentence 1 by the following: |
| | |
| | “1) A voice communications system or systems integrated with |
| | the general fire alarm system shall be provided in buildings in|
| | conformance with the requirements in force at the time of |
| | construction or alteration.”. |
| | |
| | Replace by the following: |
| | |
| | “ Smoke Alarms |
| | |
| | 1) Smoke alarms shall conform to the requirements in force at |
| | the time of construction, or, if applicable, to the more |
| | stringent provisions applicable to certain buildings under |
| | Section IV of Chapter VIII of the Safety Code (see Appendix B).|
| | |
| | 2) Every smoke alarm shall be replaced 10 years after the date |
| | of manufacture indicated on the cover. If no date of |
| | manufacture is indicated, the smoke alarm shall be replaced |
| | without delay.”. |
| | |
| | In Sentence 1, replace “, as is required by the NBC” by “in |
| | conformance with the standard in force at the time of |
| | construction or alteration”, and replace “edition of the NBC” |
| | by “standard”. |
| | |
| | Replace Sentence 1 by the following: |
| | |
| | “1) A fire suppression system shall conform to one of the |
| | standards listed in Sentences (3) and (4).”. |
| | |
| | Replace “the NBC” in Sentence 1 by “the requirements in force |
| | at the time of construction or alteration”. |
| | |
| | Replace “the NBC” in Sentence 1 by “the requirements in force |
| | at the time of construction or alteration”. |
| | |
| | Replace Sentence 1 by the following: |
| | |
| | “1) Portable extinguishers that meet the requirements of |
| | Sentences (2) to (4) shall be installed in all buildings, |
| | except dwelling units and shared areas serving fewer than 5 |
| | dwelling units, except in the case of a day-care centre (see |
| | Appendix A).”. |
| | |
| | Add the following: |
| | |
| | “2.1.6 Carbon Monoxide Alarms |
| | |
| | Carbon Monoxide Alarms |
| | |
| | 1) Carbon monoxide alarms shall conform to the requirements in |
| | force at the time of construction or alteration or, if |
| | applicable, to the more stringent provisions applicable to |
| | certain buildings under Section IV of Chapter VIII of the |
| | Safety Code (see Appendix B).”. |
| | |
| | Replace “the NBC” in Sentences (1), (2) and (3) by “the |
| | requirements in force at the time of construction or alteration|
| | or, if applicable, to the more stringent provisions applicable |
| | to certain buildings under Section IV of Chapter VIII of the |
| | Safety Code (see Appendix B).”. |
| | |
| | Replace “the NBC” in Sentence 1 by “the requirements in force |
| | at the time of construction or alteration or, if applicable, to|
| | the more stringent provisions applicable to certain buildings |
| | under Section IV of Chapter VIII of the Safety Code (see |
| | Appendix B).”; |
| | |
| | Replace “the NBC” in Sentence 2 by “the requirements in force |
| | at the time of construction or alteration”. |
| | |
| | Replace “conforming to the NBC” in Sentence 2 by “that conforms|
| | to the requirements in force at the time of construction or |
| | alteration”. |
| | |
| | Replace “the NBC” in Sentence 1 by “the requirements in force |
| | at the time of construction or alteration or, if applicable, |
| | with the more stringent provisions applicable to certain |
| | buildings under Section IV of Chapter VIII of the Safety Code |
| | (see Appendix B).”. |
| | |
| | Add the following: |
| | |
| | “2) The use of cut softwoods, softwood branches, dried plants |
| | or plastic foam as decorative materials is prohibited in |
| | |
| | a) an exit, |
| | b) an assembly occupancy, |
| | c) a hotel establishment, |
| | d) a care occupancy or detention occupancy, or |
| | e) a mercantile occupancy.”. |
| | |
| | Replace Sentence 1 by the following: |
| | |
| | “1) Except as provided in Sentence (3), bed linen, window |
| | drapes and cubicle curtains used in care occupancies shall |
| | conform to CAN/CGSB-4.162-M, “Hospital Textiles - Flammability |
| | Performance Requirements”.”; |
| | |
| | Replace Sentence 3 by the following: |
| | |
| | “3) Mattresses, bed linen, window drapes and cubicle curtains |
| | need not conform to Sentences (1) and (2) if used in |
| | residential board and care occupancies”. |
| | |
| | Replace “waste” in Sentence 1 by “materials”; |
| | |
| | Add “attic or roof spaces” after “crawl spaces” in Sentence 3; |
| | |
| | Add the following: |
| | |
| | “7) Outdoor storage receptacles, such as dumpsters, used for |
| | combustible materials and over 2,000 litres in capacity shall |
| | |
| | a) be located at least 3 m from any opening in a building or |
| | combustible component of a building, except if a steel screen |
| | with an air space of 25 mm or a masonry screen protects the |
| | opening or wall, and |
| | |
| | b) be equipped with a cover that shall remain closed and |
| | padlocked.”. |
| | |
| | Replace “the NBC” in Sentence 1 by “the requirements in force |
| | at the time of construction or alteration”. |
| | |
| | Replace Clause (b) of Sentence 1 by the following: |
| | |
| | “b) in dining areas in care occupancies.”. |
| | |
| | Replace “Group B, Divisions 2 and 3 care and” in Sentence 1 by |
| | “care or”. |
| | |
| | Add the following: |
| | |
| | “ Propane-Powered Vehicles |
| | |
| | 1) Propane-powered vehicles shall not be exposed indoors unless|
| | the relevant safety measures, namely those of Section 5.14 of |
| | CAN/CGA-B149.5 M95, “Installation Code for Propane Systems and |
| | C Tanks on Highway Vehicles, are followed”.”. |
| | |
| | Add the following: |
| | |
| | “2.4.8. Plastic Foam |
| | |
| | “ Protection of Plastic Foam |
| | |
| | 1) Plastic foam insulators shall be protected in conformance |
| | with the requirements in force at the time of construction or |
| | alteration. |
| | |
| | “2.4.9. Work Tables |
| | |
| | “ Work Tables |
| | |
| | 1) In mercantile occupancies or industrial occupancies, every |
| | work table over 7.5 m in length under which combustible |
| | materials are stored shall |
| | |
| | a) be equipped with incombustible dividers fixed transversally |
| | under the table at a distance of no more than 3 m from each |
| | other, or |
| | |
| | b) be equipped with sprinklers underneath. |
| | |
| | “2.4.10. Ethyl Alcohol Fuel Burning Appliances |
| | |
| | “ Ethyl Alcohol Fuel Burning Appliances |
| | |
| | 1) All ethyl alcohol fuel burning appliances containing over |
| | 250 ml shall be manufactured in accordance with ULC/ORDC-627.1,|
| | “Unvented Ethyl Alcohol Fuel Burning Decorative Appliances”. |
| | |
| | “2.4.11. Lightning Protection Installations |
| | |
| | “ Lightning Protection Installations |
| | |
| | 1) All lightning protection installations shall be maintained |
| | in good operating condition. |
| | |
| | “2.4.12. Portable Cooking Appliances |
| | |
| | “ Inside a Building |
| | |
| | 1) No portable cooking appliance fuelled by charcoal or gas may|
| | may be used inside a building. |
| | |
| | “ Outside a Building |
| | |
| | 1) No portable cooking appliance fuelled by charcoal or gas |
| | may be used outside a building less than 600 mm from a door |
| | or window. |
| | |
| | “2.4.13. Stages |
| | |
| | “ Protection Equipment |
| | |
| | 1) All stages shall be equipped with at least 2 portable |
| | extinguishers that conform to Subdivision 2.1.5. |
| | |
| | 2) All walkways over a stage shall be equipped with at least 2 |
| | portable extinguishers that conform to Subdivision 2.1.5. |
| | |
| | “ Scenery and Props |
| | |
| | 1) Only the scenery and props required for the current |
| | performance may be kept on the stage and on walkways over the |
| | stage. All other scenery and props shall be stored in storage |
| | areas that conform to the requirements in force at the time of|
| | construction or alteration.”. |
| | |
| | Replace “the NBC” in Sentence 1 by “the requirements in force |
| | at the time of construction or alteration (see Appendix A).”. |
| | |
| | Add the following: |
| | |
| | “2) The access panels or windows provided to facilitate |
| | firefighting operations shall be marked.”. |
| | |
| | Replace by the following: |
| | |
| | “ Fire Department Connections |
| | |
| | 1) Access to fire department connections for sprinkler or |
| | standpipe systems by firefighters and their equipment shall be |
| | maintained free of obstructions to a distance of at least 1.5 m|
| | at all times. |
| | |
| | 2) When a building has more than one fire department |
| | connection, each fire department connection shall be identified|
| | on the basis of its functions.”. |
| | |
| | Replace “the NCB” in Sentence 1 by “the requirements in force |
| | at the time of construction or alteration”. |
| | |
| | Replace by the following: |
| | |
| | “ Solid Fuels |
| | |
| | 1) Solid fuel bins shall be located not less than 1.2 m from |
| | the appliance served.”. |
| | |
| | Replace “the NBC” in Sentence 1 by “the requirements in force |
| | at the time of construction or alteration”. |
| | |
| | Replace “disconnect switches” in Sentence 2 by “circuit |
| | breakers”. |
| | |
| | Replace Sentence 1 by the following: |
| | |
| | “1) Commercial cooking equipment exhaust and fire protection |
| | systems shall be designed and installed in conformance with the|
| | requirements in force at the time of construction or |
| | alteration.”. |
| | |
| | Replace “the NBC” in Sentence 1 by “the requirements in force |
| | at the time of construction or alteration”. |
| | |
| | Add the following: |
| | |
| | “2) All electrical equipment vaults shall be identified by a |
| | poster.”. |
| | |
| | Replace by the following: |
| | |
| | “ Means of Egress |
| | |
| | 1) Means of egress shall be provided in buildings in |
| | conformance with the requirements in force at the time of |
| | construction or alteration or, if applicable, with the more |
| | stringent provisions applicable to certain buildings under |
| | Section IV of Chapter VIII of the Safety Code (see Appendix |
| | B).”. |
| | |
| | Replace “by the NBC” in Clause (b) of Sentence 1 by “by the |
| | requirements in force at the time of construction or |
| | alteration”; |
| | |
| | Strike out “business and personal services,” in Clause (a) of |
| | Sentence 3; |
| | |
| | Add “business and personal services and” after “in” in Clause |
| | (c) of Sentence 3. |
| | |
| | Replace by the following: |
| | |
| | “ Occupant Load |
| | |
| | 1) The maximum number of occupants permitted in any room shall |
| | be calculated |
| | |
| | a) except as provided in Sentence (2), in Group A assembly |
| | occupancies, on the basis of the net floor space per occupant |
| | specified in Table, |
| | |
| | b) for occupancies in another group, on the basis of the net |
| | floor space per occupant of 0.4 m2, excluding the floor space |
| | occupied by furniture and equipment, or |
| | |
| | c) on the basis of the number of occupants for which means of |
| | egress are provided, if that number is below the number |
| | determined under Clause (a) or (b). |
| | |
| | (See Appendix A.) |
| | |
| | Table |
| | Number of Occupants |
| | Forming an integral part of Sentence |
| | |
| | _______________________________________________________ |
| | | | | |
| | | Use of floor space or part of floor | Net floor space| |
| | | space | coefficient | |
| | | | per | |
| | | Assembly occupancy | occupant in m2 | |
| | |______________________________________|________________| |
| | | | | |
| | | Bars, dining areas and cafeterias | 1.2 | |
| | |(note 1) | | |
| | |______________________________________|________________| |
| | | | | |
| | | Rooms with movable seating other than| 0.75 | |
| | | bars and dining areas (note 2) | | |
| | |______________________________________|________________| |
| | | | | |
| | | Rooms with tables and movable seating| 0.95 | |
| | | other than bars and dining areas | | |
| | | (note 2) | | |
| | |______________________________________|________________| |
| | | | | |
| | | Meeting rooms without seats (note 3) | 0.6 | |
| | |______________________________________|________________| |
| | | | | |
| | | Bowling alleys and pool halls (note | 9.3 | |
| | | 4) | | |
| | |______________________________________|________________| |
| | | | | |
| | | Classrooms | 1.85 | |
| | |______________________________________|________________| |
| | | | | |
| | | Exhibition rooms | 3 | |
| | |______________________________________|________________| |
| | | | | |
| | | Reading, study and rest rooms | 1.85 | |
| | |______________________________________|________________| |
| | | | | |
| | | Stages | 0.75 | |
| | |______________________________________|________________| |
| | |
| | Note 1: The coefficient of 1.2 m2 shall be used for dining |
| | areas, bars and cafeterias, whatever their layout. In bars |
| | and licensed beverage establishments, the coefficient of |
| | 0.6 m2 may be used only for the parts of the floor area used |
| | without seating or tables (dance floor, standing bar, etc.). |
| | |
| | Note 2: The coefficients of 0.75 m2 and 0.95 m2 are reserved |
| | for occupancies other than dining areas, bars or cafeterias |
| | (see note 1) such as bingo halls, assembly rooms and meeting |
| | rooms. |
| | |
| | Note 3: The density of occupants in assembly occupancies is |
| | limited to 0.6 m2 of free floor space per occupant to ensure |
| | that occupants are not prevented from reaching exits by |
| | excessive occupant density. |
| | |
| | Note 4: The coefficient of 9.3 m2 shall be used for bowling |
| | alleys and pool halls. When the room is used as a bar or |
| | licensed beverage establishment, the coefficient of 1.2 m2 |
| | shall be used once the area of the pool table has been |
| | subtracted from the space used by the public. |
| | |
| | 2) In a room or part of a room in an assembly occupancy with |
| | fixed seating, the maximum number of occupants shall be |
| | determined by the number of fixed seats and the aisles |
| | required for the fixed seating shall not be used to increase |
| | the maximum permitted number of occupants. |
| | |
| | 3) For the purposes of Sentences (1) and (2), the maximum |
| | occupancy load of a room shall be determined by the maximum |
| | number of occupants that may be admitted to the floor area |
| | where the room is situated, taking the means of egress into |
| | consideration. |
| | |
| | 4) The number of occupants admitted to a room shall not exceed |
| | the maximum number of occupants calculated in conformance with |
| | Sentences (1) to (3). |
| | |
| | 5) The authority having jurisdiction may require that the |
| | information, calculations and drawings showing compliance with |
| | Sentence (4) be provided in writing.”. |
| | |
| | Replace “the NBC” in Sentence 2 by “the requirements in force |
| | at the time of construction or alteration”. |
| | |
| | Add “Except as provided in Sentence (4),” before “When” in |
| | Sentence 1; |
| | |
| | Replace the part of Clause (f) of Clause 1 preceding Clause (i)|
| | by the following: |
| | |
| | “f) except as provided in Sentence (3), when the number of |
| | seats in the room exceeds 100,”; |
| | |
| | Add “Except as provided in Sentence (5)” before “When” in |
| | Sentence 3; |
| | |
| | Add the following: |
| | |
| | “4) Nonfixed seats may be laid out using the criteria in |
| | Sections and of NFPA 101, “Life Safety Code”,|
| | if |
| | |
| | a) the minimum clear width specified in Clause (a) of |
| | Sentence (1) is respected; and |
| | |
| | b) the requirements of Clause (f) of Sentence (1) are |
| | respected. |
| | |
| | “5) Tables provided with nonfixed seats may be laid out using |
| | the criteria in Sections and of NFPA 101, |
| | “Life Safety Code”.”. |
| | |
| | Replace Sentence 2 by the following: |
| | |
| | “2) The windows of sleeping rooms that are required as an exit |
| | and are located in a basement shall not be obstructed by snow, |
| | materials or objects that prevent emergency evacuation.”. |
| | |
| | Replace everything following “buildings” in Sentence 1 by “in |
| | conformance with the requirements in force at the time of |
| | construction or alteration or, if applicable, with the more |
| | stringent provisions applicable to certain buildings under |
| | Section IV of Chapter VIII of the Safety Code (see Appendix |
| | B).”. |
| | |
| | Replace “the NBC” in Clause (b) of Sentence 1 by “the |
| | requirements in force at the time of construction or |
| | alteration”; |
| | |
| | Add the following after Clause (f) in Sentence 1: |
| | |
| | “g) every building housing a private seniors’ residence.”. |
| | |
| | Strike out “in cooperation with the fire department and other |
| | applicable regulatory authorities” in Sentence 1. |
| | |
| | Replace by the following: |
| | |
| | “ Care, Treatment and Detention Occupancies and |
| | Private Seniors’ Residences |
| | |
| | 1) A sufficient number of supervisory staff shall be on duty in|
| | care and detention occupancies and private seniors’ residences |
| | to apply the emergency procedures to be used in case of fire |
| | detailed in clause”. |
| | |
| | Replace everything preceding “fire safety plan” by the |
| | following: |
| | |
| | “1) In high buildings as defined in the standard applicable at |
| | the time of construction or alteration, and in buildings in |
| | which any of the following facilities is installed,”. |
| | |
| | Replace Sentence 2 by the following: |
| | |
| | “2) The copy reserved for use by the fire department shall be |
| | kept: |
| | |
| | a) at the central alarm and control facility in the case of a |
| | high building as defined in the standard applicable at the time|
| | of construction or alteration, and |
| | |
| | b) at the place determined in cooperation with the fire |
| | department in all other cases.”; |
| | |
| | Add the following: |
| | |
| | “3) In a residential board and care occupancy, a copy of the |
| | fire safety plan and a complete list of all occupants, |
| | including the location of all occupants with special egress |
| | needs, shall be available and kept at a place determined in |
| | cooperation with the fire department.”. |
| | |
| | Add after “hotel” in Sentence 2 “, rooming house”. |
| | |
| | Add the following: |
| | |
| | “ Supervisory Staff |
| | |
| | 1) In an occupied building equipped with a dual signal fire |
| | alarm, there shall be sufficient supervisory staff, and no less|
| | than 3 persons, on duty able to apply the emergency procedures |
| | to be used in case of fire referred to in Sentence,|
| | combat an incipient fire using appropriate means, and using |
| | the building’s firefighting equipment appropriately. One such |
| | person shall be present at all times at the central alarm and |
| | control facility or at the fire alarm panel.”. |
| | |
| | Replace Clause (e) in Sentence 1 by the following: |
| | |
| | “e) the features of the fire emergency systems installed in the|
| | building and subject to additional requirements for high |
| | buildings in force at the time of construction or alteration, |
| | and”. |
| | |
| | Replace by the following: |
| | |
| | “ Fire Drill Frequency |
| | |
| | 1) Fire drills as described in Sentence shall be |
| | held at intervals not greater than 12 months for the |
| | supervisory staff, except that |
| | |
| | a) in Group B major occupancies and in private seniors’ |
| | residences, such drills shall be held at intervals not greater |
| | than 6 months; however, occupants who cannot evacuate the |
| | building without assistance or who have health problems are |
| | not required to take part in the evacuation, but the |
| | supervisory staff shall still prepare them as if they were to |
| | be evacuated, |
| | |
| | b) in schools and day-care centres, total evacuation drills |
| | shall be held at least once in the fall and once in the spring,|
| | |
| | c) in high buildings as defined by the requirements in force at|
| | the time of construction or alteration, except a Group C major |
| | occupancy building, such drills shall be held at intervals not |
| | greater than 6 months, |
| | |
| | d) in Group A, Division 1 major occupancies, such drills shall |
| | be held at intervals not greater than 3 months.”. |
| | |
| | Add the following: |
| | |
| | “2.8.4. Duties of the Owner |
| | |
| | “ Duties of the Owner |
| | |
| | 1) The portion of a building occupied before the end of its |
| | construction or alteration shall be |
| | |
| | a) equipped with a fire detection and alarm system in proper |
| | working order, |
| | |
| | b) equipped with the fire suppression measures required by the |
| | requirements in force at the time of construction or alteration|
| | and in proper working order, |
| | |
| | c) equipped with usable means of egress free from all |
| | obstructions, |
| | |
| | d) served by at least 2 exits, and |
| | |
| | e) isolated from the portion of the building where work is in |
| | progress by a fire separation with a fire-resistance rating of |
| | not less than 1 h. |
| | |
| | 2) The portion of the building where work is in progress shall |
| | be under appropriate surveillance.” |
| | |
| 2.9. | Add the following after “2.9 Tents and Air-Supported |
| | Structures”: |
| | |
| | “(See Appendix A.)”. |
| | |
| | Replace by the following: |
| | |
| | “ General |
| | |
| | 1) Tents and air-supported structures shall conform to the |
| | NBC.”. |
| | |
| | Strike out “(see Appendix A.)”. |
| | |
| | Add the following: |
| | |
| | “ Heat- or Light-Producing Appliances |
| | |
| | 1) The use of cooking equipment or a combustion appliance is |
| | prohibited in a tent or air-supported structure that is |
| | accessible to the public. |
| | |
| | 2) Cooking appliances with more than 2 baskets used to fry |
| | food that are used inside a tent or air-supported structure |
| | that is not accessible to the public shall be protected by a |
| | special fire suppression system in conformance with Article |
| | |
| | |
| | 3) Bulbs and projectors for any lighting apparatus for a tent |
| | or air-supported structure shall be placed at least 600 mm from|
| | any combustible substance. |
| | |
| | “ Interior Dividers |
| | |
| | 1) Fabric panels used to divide the interior space of a tent or|
| | air-supported structure shall not be installed less than 1 m |
| | from the ceiling (see Appendix A.).”. |
| | |
| | Replace “the NBC” in Sentence 1 by “the requirements in force |
| | at the time of construction or alteration”. |
| | |
| | Replace by the following article: |
| | |
| | “ Supervision of Children |
| | |
| | 1) There shall be sufficient numbers of staff to ensure the |
| | evacuation of children in an emergency.”. |
| | |
| | Strike out. |
| | |
| | Replace Sentence 1 by the following: |
| | |
| | “1) Buildings housing boarders, lodgers or roomers shall |
| | conform to the requirements in force at the time of |
| | construction or alteration.”. |
| | |
| | Strike out. |
| | |
| | Replace “Subsection 2.3.2.” by “Section 2.3.”. |
| | |
| | Strike out. |
| | |
| | Replace “the NBC” by “the requirements in force at the time |
| | of construction or alteration”. |
| | |
| Division B | |
| Part 2 | |
| Table | |
| | |
| Table | Strike out (3). |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Table | Add the following: |
| | |
| | “ Carbon Monoxide Alarms |
| | (1) [F81, F44-OS3.4]”. |
| | |
| Table | Add the following: |
| | “(2) [F02, OS1.5]”. |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Table | Add the following: |
| | |
| | “ Propane-Powered Vehicles |
| | |
| | (1) [F01, F43, F81-OS1.1] |
| | [F01, F43, F81-OS1.5]. |
| | |
| Table | Add the following: |
| | |
| | “ Protection of Plastic Foam |
| | (1) [F02-OS1.5] |
| | |
| | Work Tables |
| | (1) [F02, F03-OS1.4] |
| | |
| | Ethyl Alcohol Fuel Burning Appliances |
| | (1) [F01-OS1.1] |
| | |
| | Inside a building |
| | (1) [F01-OS1.1] |
| | [F44-OS3.4] |
| | |
| | Outside a building |
| | (2) [F03-OP3.1] |
| | [F03-OP1.2] |
| | |
| | Protection Equipment |
| | (1) [F02-OS1.2] |
| | [F02-OP1.2] |
| | (2) [F02-OS1.2] |
| | [F02-OS1.2] |
| | |
| | Scenery and Props |
| | (1) [F01, F02-OS1.5]”. |
| | |
| Table | Add the following: |
| | |
| | “(2) [F12-OP1.2] |
| | [F12-OS1.2]”. |
| | |
| Table | Replace the heading by “Fire Department Connections”. |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Table | Replace the heading by “Solid Fuels”. |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Table | Add the following: |
| | |
| | “(2) [F34-OS3.3]”. |
| | |
| | |
| Table | Add the following: |
| | |
| | “(3) [F10-OS3.7] |
| | (4) [F10-OS3.7] |
| | (5) [F10-OS3.7]”. |
| | |
| Table | Add the following: |
| | |
| | “(4) [F10-OS3.7] |
| | (5) [F10-OS3.7]”. |
| | |
| Table | Replace the heading by the following: “Care, Treatment and |
| | Detention Occupancies and Private Seniors’ Residences |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Table | Add the following: |
| | |
| | “(3) [F12-OS1.2] |
| | [F12-OP1.2]”. |
| | |
| Table | Add the following: |
| | |
| | “ Supervisory staff |
| | (1) [F12, F13-OP1.2] |
| | [F12-OS1.2] |
| | [F13-OS1.5]”. |
| | |
| Table | Add the following: |
| | |
| | “ Duties of the Owner |
| | (1) [F02, F03, F13-OS1.5] |
| | [F02, F03, F13-OS3.7]”. |
| | |
| Table | Add the following: |
| | |
| | “ Heat- or Light-Producing Appliances |
| | “(1) [F01-OS1.1] |
| | [F01-OS1.5] |
| | (2) [F02-OP3.1] |
| | (3) [F01-OS1.1]”. |
| | |
| Table | Strike out (2). |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Table | Strike out. |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Table | Strike out. |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Table | Strike out. |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Division B | |
| Part 3 | |
| | |
| 3.1.2. | Add “(See Appendix A.)” after “Dangerous Goods”. |
| | |
| | Replace everything following “persons” in Sentence 1 by |
| | “responsible for the application of the fire safety plan to be |
| | contacted in case of fire during non-operating hours, along |
| | with the data sheets for hazardous materials stored or |
| | handled in the building.”. |
| | |
| | Replace Sentence 1 by the following: |
| | |
| | “1) Where wiring or electrical equipment is located in areas in|
| | which flammable gases or vapours, combustible dusts or |
| | combustible fibres are present in quantities sufficient to |
| | create a hazard, such wiring and electrical equipment shall |
| | conform to CSA C22.1, Canadian Electrical Code, Part I, (see |
| | note A-”. |
| | |
| | Replace the part of Sentence 1 preceding Clause (a) by the |
| | following: |
| | |
| | “1) This Section shall apply to buildings or parts of buildings|
| | used for the short or long term storage of the following |
| | products, whether raw materials, waste, products undergoing |
| | processing or finished products:”. |
| | |
| | Replace Sentence 3 by the following: |
| | |
| | “3) A clear space of at least 300 mm shall be maintained at |
| | all times between stored products and the lower chords of |
| | structural framing members.”. |
| | |
| | Replace everything following “fire separation” in Sentence 1 |
| | by “having a rating of not less than 2 h. (see Appendix A).”. |
| | |
| | Add the following: |
| | |
| | “2) A clear space of at least 900 mm shall be maintained |
| | between the top of the piles and the sprinkler heads.”. |
| | |
| | Replace everything following “shall” in Sentence 1 by “be |
| | classified as medium hazard industrial occupancies.”. |
| | |
| | Add the following: |
| | |
| | “6) The minimum clearance between the top of a pile and a |
| | sprinkler head shall be 900 mm.”. |
| | |
| | Add “(see Appendix A)” after “Application”. |
| | |
| | Replace everything following “building” in Sentence 6 by “fire |
| | separations having a rating of not less than 2 h.”; |
| | |
| | Replace everything following “building” in Sentence 7 by “fire |
| | separations having a rating of not less than 2 h (see note A- |
| |”. |
| | |
| | Add “(see Appendix A)” after “Separation from Other Dangerous |
| | Goods”. |
| | |
| | Replace Clause (a) of Sentence 1 by the following: |
| | |
| | “a) constructed in conformance with the requirements in force |
| | at the time of construction or alteration, and”. |
| | |
| | Replace “the NBC” in Sentence 3 by “the requirements in force |
| | at the time of construction or alteration”. |
| | |
| | Replace Clause (a) in Sentence 1 by the following: |
| | |
| | “a) is separated from the remainder of the building by gasproof|
| | fire separations having a rating of not less than 2 h,”; |
| | |
| | Replace everything in Clause (c) of Sentence 1 following “are” |
| | by the following: |
| | |
| | “i) equipped with an automatic closing device that ensures |
| | that the closures are closed when not in use, and |
| | |
| | ii) constructed in such a way as to prevent the migration of |
| | gas into the remainder of the building,”; |
| | |
| | Replace Clause (a) in Sentence 1 by the following: |
| | |
| | “a) is separated from the remainder of the building by gasproof|
| | fire separations having a rating of not less than 1 h,”; |
| | |
| | Replace Clause (c) in Sentence 1 by the following: |
| | |
| | “c) can be entered from the exterior, and whose closures |
| | leading to the interior of the building are |
| | |
| | i) equipped with an automatic closing device that ensures |
| | that the closures are closed when not in use, and |
| | |
| | ii) constructed in such a way as to prevent the migration of |
| | gas into the remainder of the building, and”. |
| | |
| | Replace everything following “nitrate” in Sentence 1 by “shall |
| | be medium hazard industrial occupancy.”. |
| | |
| | Replace everything following “nitrate” in Sentence 2 by “shall |
| | not exceed 1 storey.”. |
| | |
| | Replace Sentences 3 and 4 by the following: |
| | |
| | “3) Buildings intended for the storage of ammonium nitrate |
| | shall not have |
| | |
| | a) a basement or crawl space, |
| | b) uncovered area drains, tunnels, elevator or hoist pits or |
| | other cavities where molten ammonium nitrate may accumulate. |
| | |
| | “4) Buildings intended for the storage of ammonium nitrate |
| | shall have ventilation openings of at least 0.007 m2 per square|
| | metre of storage area, unless mechanical ventilation is |
| | is provided.”; |
| | |
| | Add the following sentences: |
| | |
| | 6) All flooring in storage areas shall be constructed of |
| | non-combustible materials. |
| | |
| | 7) Buildings used for the storage of ammonium nitrate shall |
| | be designed so as to prevent any contact with construction |
| | materials that may |
| | |
| | a) cause the ammonium nitrate to become unstable, |
| | b) corrode or deteriorate after coming into contact with |
| | ammonium nitrate, or |
| | c) become saturated with ammonium nitrate.”. |
| | |
| | Insert “, whether raw materials, waste, products undergoing |
| | processing or finished products” after “following products” in |
| | Sentence 1. |
| | |
| | Strike out everything following “stored products” in Sentence |
| | 2. |
| | |
| Division B | |
| Part 4 | |
| | |
| | Add “(See Appendix A.)” after the heading of the article; |
| | |
| | Add the following after Sentence 5: |
| | |
| | “6) The application of the requirements of this Part concerning|
| | maximum storage capacity shall take into account the presence |
| | of petroleum products.”. |
| | |
| | Replace “will not” in Sentence 1 by “reduces to a tolerable |
| | level the”. |
| | |
| | Replace “NBC” in Sentence 1 by “requirements in force at the |
| | time of construction or alteration”. |
| | |
| | Add “and rooms” after “cabinets” in Sentence 1. |
| | |
| | Strike out Sentence 2. |
| | |
| | Replace “the NBC” in Clause (b) of Sentence 2 by “the |
| | requirements in force at the time of construction or |
| | alteration”. |
| | |
| | Replace “Sentence of Division B of the NBC” in |
| | Sentence 1 by “good practice, as set out in NFPA-68, |
| | “Venting of Deflagrations””. |
| | |
| | Replace Clause (a) of Sentence 1 by the following: |
| | |
| | “a) the requirements in force at the time of construction or |
| | alteration, and”. |
| | |
| | Replace Sentence 3 by the following: |
| | |
| | “3) The use of non-metallic piping shall be permitted in |
| | underground installations if it conforms to one of the |
| | following standards: |
| | |
| | a) CAN/ULC-S660, “Standard for Nonmetallic Underground |
| | Piping for Flammable and Combustible Liquids”, |
| | |
| | b) ULC/ORD-C107.4, “Ducted Flexible Underground Piping |
| | Systems for Flammable and Combustible Liquids”; |
| | |
| | c) ULC/ORD-C107.7, “Glass Fibre Reinforced Plastic Pipe |
| | and Fittings for Flammable and Combustible Liquids”, |
| | |
| | d) ULC/ORD-C107.19, “Secondary Containment of |
| | Underground Piping for Flammable and Combustible Liquids”, or |
| | |
| | e) ULC/ORD-C971, “Nonmetallic Underground Piping for Flammable |
| | and Combustible Liquids.”. |
| | |
| | Replace everything following “trench” in Sentence 2 by the |
| | following: “shall |
| | |
| | a) be equipped with positive ventilation vented directly to the|
| | outside air, or |
| | |
| | b) be designed to prevent the accumulation of flammable |
| | vapours.”. |
| | |
| | Replace “the NBC” in Sentence 3 by “the requirements in force |
| | at the time of construction or alteration”. |
| | |
| | Replace everything following “shall” in Sentence 1 by “be |
| | isolated from the remainder of the building by a fire |
| | separation having a rating of not less than 2 h.”. |
| | |
| Division B | |
| Part 5 | |
| | |
| | Add “(See Appendix A.)” at the end of Sentence 1. |
| | |
| | Replace “NBC” in Sentence 1 by “requirements in force at the |
| | time of construction or alteration”. |
| | |
| | Replace Sentence 1 by the following: |
| | |
| | “1) Nozzles for the standpipe and hose systems shall be of |
| | the fog and fine spray type to prevent combustible dust from |
| | being driven up by a powerful jet and remaining suspended.”. |
| | |
| | Replace “conform” and everything following in Sentence 2 by: |
| | “conform |
| | |
| | a) to Parts 3, 4 and 5, or |
| | |
| | b) in the case of a laboratory to which Sentence, |
| | applies, to NFPA 45 “Standard on Fire Protection for |
| | Laboratories Using Chemicals”.”. |
| | |
| | Replace by the following: |
| | |
| | “ Separation |
| | |
| | 1) Except as provided in Sentence 2, a laboratory shall be |
| | separated from other parts of the building by fire separations |
| | conforming to this Code and the requirements in force at the |
| | time of construction or alteration, but having a |
| | fire-resistance rating of not less than 1 h. |
| | |
| | 2) In a sprinklered building, the required fire separation |
| | between a laboratory and the other parts of the building may |
| | be designed to meet the requirements of NFPA 45 “Standard on |
| | Fire Protection for Laboratories Using Chemicals”. (See |
| | Appendix A.)”. |
| | |
| | Replace by the following: |
| | |
| | “ General Ventilation |
| | |
| | 1) A laboratory shall be provided with continuous mechanical |
| | ventilation that is designed and maintained in a manner that |
| | ensures that the vapours and particles produced by dangerous |
| | goods |
| | |
| | a) do not accumulate in the laboratory, |
| | b) do not spread to other parts of the building, |
| | c) do no accumulate in the ventilation ducts, |
| | d) are vented to the outside, and |
| | e) cannot re-enter the building. |
| | |
| | 2) The ventilation system required under this Section shall be |
| | equipped with monitoring devices that |
| | |
| | a) indicate when the system is in operation, and |
| | b) trigger an alarm if the system fails.”. |
| | |
| | Replace the part of Sentence 1 preceding Clause (a) by the |
| | following: |
| | |
| | “1) Except as provided in Sentence (3), the use of dangerous |
| | goods in a laboratory shall be confined inside a |
| | power-ventilated enclosure conforming to Articles and |
| | when”; |
| | |
| | Add the following: |
| | |
| | “3) In a laboratory referred to in Sentence, the |
| | power-ventilated enclosure mentioned in Sentence (1) and the |
| | laboratory ventilation system shall conform to NFPA 45 |
| | “Standard on Fire Protection for Laboratories Using |
| | Chemicals”.”. |
| | |
| | Replace Sentence 1 by the following: |
| | |
| | “1) The ventilation system for a power-ventilated enclosure |
| | required in Article shall |
| | |
| | a) conform to NFPA 45 “Standard on Fire Protection for |
| | Laboratories Using Chemicals”, |
| | b) ensure the continuous extraction of air at a rate sufficient|
| | to prevent the formation of combustible or reactive deposits |
| | inside the enclosure or the exhaust ducts, |
| | c) confine vapours and particles of dangerous goods to the |
| | place where they are produced and vent them to the outside, |
| | d) prevent the re-entry of extracted air to the building, and |
| | e) be equipped with clearly identified control switches |
| | i) located outside the power-ventilated enclosure, and |
| | ii) accessible in an emergency.”. |
| | |
| | Replace “shall conform” and everything that follows in Sentence|
| | 1 by “shall |
| | |
| | a) except as provided in Sentences (2) and (3), be constructed |
| | of incombustible materials that are compatible to the vapours |
| | and particles produced by the dangerous goods and resistant to |
| | chemical attack, |
| | b) include inspection hatches for the inspection and |
| | maintenance of fans and ducts, |
| | c) be provided with instructions for its use and the operation |
| | of the ventilation system, and |
| | d) be provided with means to control accidental spillage.”; |
| | |
| | Add the following sentences: |
| | |
| | “2) The use of combustible materials shall be permitted under |
| | Clause |
| | a) if no other material offers the necessary degree of |
| | resistance to the corrosive action or reactive properties of |
| | the dangerous goods used, and |
| | b) if their flame propagation rating is not more than 25. |
| | |
| | “3) The flame propagation rating in Sentence (2) may be |
| | exceeded if the exhaust ducts are provided with an automatic |
| | fire suppression system.”. |
| | |
| | Replace “The quantity” in Sentence 1 by “Except as provided |
| | in Sentence (4), the quantity”; |
| | |
| | Add the following: |
| | |
| | “4) In a laboratory referred to in Sentence, the |
| | maximum quantity of dangerous goods stored in the laboratory |
| | shall conform to NFPA 45 “Standard on Fire Protection for |
| | Laboratories Using Chemicals”.”. |
| | |
| | Replace “(2) and (3)” in Sentence 1 by “(2), (3) and (4)”; |
| | |
| | Add the following: |
| | |
| | “4) In a laboratory referred to in Sentence, |
| | flammable and combustible liquids shall be stored in |
| | recipients that conform to NFPA 45 “Standard on Fire |
| | Protection for Laboratories Using Chemicals”.”. |
| | |
| Division B | |
| Part 6 | |
| | |
| | Replace Sentence 1 by the following: |
| | |
| | “1) Where an emergency power generation system is installed, |
| | legible and visible instructions shall be provided permanently |
| | on or close to the system for switching on essential loads and |
| | for starting the generator when this is not done |
| | automatically.”. |
| | |
| | Replace Clause (b) of Sentence 2 by the following: |
| | |
| | “b) at intervals of not more than 12 months, the equipment |
| | can provide the necessary lighting in a simulated power shutoff|
| | for the time prescribed by the requirements in force at |
| | the time of construction or alteration.”. |
| | |
| | Replace by the following: |
| | |
| | “ Inspection, Testing and Maintenance |
| | |
| | 1) Except as provided in Sentence 2, the inspection, testing |
| | and maintenance of special fire suppression systems shall be |
| | conducted in conformance with the relevant standards listed |
| | in Article |
| | |
| | “2) If the relevant standard referred to in Sentence 1 does not|
| | specify the inspection and maintenance interval, an interval of|
| | not more than 6 months shall apply.”. |
| | |
| Division B | |
| Part 7 | |
| | |
| | Replace everything following “defined” in Sentence 1 by “by |
| | the standard in force at the time of construction or |
| | alteration”. |
| | |
| | Replace “Subsection 3.2.6. of Division B of the NBC” by “the |
| | requirements in force at the time of construction or |
| | alteration”; |
| | |
| | Add “(See note A-” at the end of Sentence 2. |
| | |
| | Replace everything following “kept” in Sentence 2 by “placed |
| | in an easily recognizable box located in plain view outside the|
| | elevator shaft close to the central alarm and control facility,|
| | and an extra set of keys for use by firefighters shall be kept |
| | at the facility”. |
| | |
| Division B | |
| Appendix A | |
| Explanatory | |
| notes | |
| | |
| A- | Strike out. |
| | |
| A- | Strike out. |
| | |
| | Add the following: |
| | |
| | “A- Battery-powered alarms due for replacement may be|
| | replaced by photoelectric alarms powered by a lithium |
| | battery.”. |
| | |
| A- | Replace the second paragraph by the following: |
| (3)(c) and d) | |
| | “NFPA-12A, “Halon 1301 Fire Extinguishing Systems”, and |
| | NFPA-12B, “Halon 1211 Fire Extinguishing Systems”, are |
| | obsolete. The installation of new halon fire suppression |
| | systems is prohibited following the international ban on halon |
| | gas production. However, both standards are still relevant to |
| | the maintenance, decommissioning and recycling of existing |
| | halon fire suppression systems.”. |
| | |
| A- | Add the following: |
| | |
| | “A- A dwelling used as a daycare centre shall also |
| | be equipped with portable extinguishers.”. |
| | |
| | Add the following: |
| | |
| | “A-2.1.6. Carbon monoxide (CO) is a colourless, odourless |
| | gas that can accumulate in confined spaces and reach a lethal |
| | concentration without the knowledge of the occupants. |
| | Accordingly, as a precautionary measure, rooms that contain |
| | or are close to a potential source of CO shall be equipped |
| | with some means to detect that gas. |
| | |
| | Dwelling units commonly have two potential sources of CO: |
| | |
| | • fuel-burning space-heating appliances and fuel-burning |
| | service water heaters located in the dwelling or in an adjacent|
| | room in the building; |
| | |
| | • an adjacent garage. |
| | |
| | Fuel-burning space-heating appliances generally produce no CO |
| | and, even when they do produce some gas, it is normally |
| | vented outside the building by the appliance’s venting system. |
| | However, heating appliances and ventilation systems may |
| | malfunction, and the installation of a CO alarm at appropriate |
| | places in dwelling units constitutes an inexpensive additional |
| | safety measure. Similarly, although the walls and floors |
| | separating adjacent garages from dwelling units are required |
| | by code to be airtight, carbon monoxide from a garage may |
| | infiltrate into a dwelling since it is difficult to make the |
| | air barrier completely airtight. It is even harder to prevent |
| | CO infiltration when the air pressure is lower inside the |
| | dwelling than inside the garage. This pressure gradient may be |
| | due to the ventilation system, or simply to the draft created |
| | by the heating system. Once again, the installation of a CO |
| | alarm constitutes an inexpensive additional safety measure.”. |
| | |
| A- | Replace “waste” by “materials” in the first sentence; |
| | |
| | Replace “the presence of these combustibles” in the second |
| | sentence by “their presence”. |
| | |
| A- | Replace “must be taken” by “are acceptable”. |
| | |
| | Add the following: |
| | |
| | “A- Traffic prohibited |
| | |
| | 1) When vehicle traffic is prohibited in a street, yard or |
| | roadway referred to in Article, a corridor along the |
| | centre-line of the street, yard or roadway at least 5 m high |
| | and 5 m wide shall be provided to allow the movement of fire |
| | department vehicles and pedestrians at all times.”. |
| | |
| A- | Strike out the last sentence of the first paragraph; |
| | |
| | Replace the third paragraph by the following: |
| | |
| | “Net floor space referred to in Clauses (a) and (b) is the |
| | floor space in a room, excluding accessory areas that cannot be|
| | used by the public and areas occupied by exits and structural |
| | features. Corridors and passages providing access to exits, |
| | toilets and accessory areas that cannot be used by the public |
| | shall be excluded from the net floor space except if the |
| | corridor or passage has a permitted use. For certain uses, when|
| | the layout may change depending on the activity, it may be |
| | appropriate to calculate maximum occupant loads for each of the|
| | different activities anticipated.”. |
| | |
| | Add the following: |
| | |
| | “A-2.9 The requirements of this Section apply only to certain |
| | types of structures. The word “tent”, for example, as used in |
| | this Chapter, refers to a temporary enclosure erected during |
| | outdoor events such as fairs and exhibitions. A tent generally |
| | comprises a piece of fabric stretched over poles and tethered |
| | with ropes to the ground. The requirements for tents, as a |
| | result, are not intended to apply to fabric structures within |
| | buildings or located on building roofs. |
| | |
| | Similarly, the expression “air-supported structure” as used in |
| | the Code refers to an envelope supported solely by air |
| | pressure and erected at ground level or over a basement. It is |
| | generally weighted or anchored to the ground around its |
| | perimeter. For this reason, the NBC prohibits the installation |
| | of an air-supported structure above a building’s first |
| | storey.”. |
| | |
| A- | Strike out. |
| | |
| | Add the following: |
| | |
| | “A- A space of at least 1 m is required above the |
| | dividers to facilitate smoke detection inside tents and |
| | air-supported structures. Taking into account the slope of the |
| | roof, a maximum of 30% of the divider’s width may be less |
| | than 1 m from the ceiling.”. |
| | |
| | Add the following: |
| | |
| | “A-3.1.2 For the storage of dangerous goods, the regulations |
| | of the Commission de la santé et de la sécurité du travail du |
| | Québec (CSST) apply to covered establishments. Refer to the |
| | the following regulations: |
| | |
| | Regulation respecting occupational health and safety (chapter |
| | S-2.1, r. 13) |
| | |
| | Regulation respecting information on controlled products |
| | (chapter S-2.1, r. 8).”. |
| | |
| | Add the following: |
| | |
| | “A- The following table, A-, has been designed |
| | to include controlled products (WHMIS). It comprises Table |
| | with the addition of identification for two existing |
| | columns, A and B, and of a new column C. It allows the small |
| | quantity exemption (column B) to be applied to controlled |
| | products (column C) that are not identified as dangerous goods |
| | (column A). Column B gives the maximum exempt amount of a |
| | (controlled product or association of controlled products |
| | identified in column C. It is important to note that a class of|
| | dangerous goods (column A) on the same line as a class of |
| | controlled products (column C) does not indicate an |
| | equivalency. Dangerous goods and controlled products are not |
| | classified or categorized using the same criteria. In addition,|
| | a line relating to dangerously reactive materials F (column C) |
| | has no link to the TDG (column A). |
| | |
| | When storing dangerous goods indoors, if controlled products |
| | are present, it is recommended to proceed as follows: |
| | |
| | When the controlled products are stored at the same time as |
| | dangerous goods, to determine the maximum quantity of dangerous|
| | goods or controlled products mentioned in the preceding |
| | Sentence, according to column B in Table A-, the |
| | following should be used (see the organization chart below for |
| | determining the exemption for small quantities of dangerous |
| | goods or controlled products): |
| | |
| | a) column A in Table A- using the primary class based |
| | on section 2.8 of TC SOR/2008-34, “Transportation of |
| | Dangerous Goods Regulations”; |
| | b) for merchandise that does not fall into a class under Clause|
| | (a), column C of Table A- based on the primary class of|
| | controlled products in the Table ranking categories of |
| | controlled products (see below); or |
| | c) the most stringent for small quantities based on column B |
| | of Table A-, amended if the precedence mentioned in |
| | Clause (a) or (b) has not been established. |
Table A- amended
Small Quantity Exemptions for Dangerous Goods and Controlled Products
Organization chart for determining small quantity exemptions for dangerous goods or controlled products
| | |
| | Order of Precedence Chart for Classes of Controlled Products |
| | (WHMIS)* |
| | |
| | When a hazardous material meets the requirements for inclusion |
| | in more than one class of controlled product, the class of |
| | controlled product indicated in this table is deemed to be the |
| | primary class for segregation purposes only. |
| | |
| | _____________________________________________________________ |
| ||- | |
| || - Class of controlled product | |
| || - __________________________________________________| |
| || - |------| | | | | | | |
| || |------| B6 | C | D1A | D1B | D2A or | E | |
| || |------| | | | | D2B | | |
| || |______|______|_____|_______|_______|________|_____| |
| || | | | | | | | | |
| || | B2 | B6 | B2 | B2 | B2 | B2 | B2 | |
| || |______|______|_____|_______|_______|________|_____| |
| || | | | | | | | | |
| || | B3 | B6 | B3 | D1A | D1B | B3 | E | |
| || |______|______|_____|_______|_______|________|_____| |
| || | | | | | | | | |
| || | B4 | B6 | B4 | D1A | D1B | B4 | E | |
| || |______|______|_____|_______|_______|________|_____| |
| || | | | | | | | | |
| || Class | B6 |------| B6 | D1A | B6 | B6 | B6 | |
| || |______|______|_____|_______|_______|________|_____| |
| || | | | | | | | | |
| || of | C | B6 |-----| D1A | C | C | C | |
| || |______|______|_____|_______|_______|________|_____| |
| || | | | | | | | | |
| ||controlled| D1A | D1A | D1A |-------| D1A | D1A | D1A | |
| || |______|______|_____|_______|_______|________|_____| |
| || | | | | | | | | |
| || product | D1B | B6 | C | D1A |-------| D1B | D1B | |
| || |______|______|_____|_______|_______|________|_____| |
| || | | | | | | | | |
| || |D2A or| B6 | C | D1A | D1B |--------| E | |
| || | D2B | | | | |--------| | |
| ||__________|______|______|_____|_______|_______|________|_____| |
| || | |
| ||* This table is adapted from the table “Table-Precedence | |
| || of Classes-Class and Packing Group” for classes of | |
| || controlled products (WHMIS) under section 2.8 of the | |
| || Transportation of Dangerous Goods Regulations. | |
| ||_____________________________________________________________| |
| | |
| |Using the Order of Precedence Chart for Classes of Controlled |
| |Products |
| | |
| |If, after gathering the appropriate information, a material is |
| |found to meet the criteria for inclusion in classes B2, E and |
| |D1A, the class having precedence class having precedence is |
| |is determined by comparing the classes in pairs. The first |
| |combination is B2 and E. After locating class B2 in the |
| |left-hand column, and class E in the first row, the class |
| |having precedence is indicated in the box where the row and |
| |column meet. For this combination, class B2 has precedence over |
| |class E. Class E can be ignored. |
|________________| _______________________________________________________________|
| ||- | |
| || - Class of controlled product | |
| || - __________________________________________________| |
| || - |------| | | | | | | |
| || |------| B6 | C | D1A | D1B | D2A or | E | |
| || |------| | | | | D2B | | |
| || |______|______|_____|_______|_______|________|_____| |
| ||Class of | | | | | | | | |
| ||controlled| B2 | B6 | B2 | B2 | B2 | B2 | B2 | |
| ||product | | | | | | | | |
| ||__________|______|______|_____|_______|_______|________|_____| |
| | |
| |Using the same approach, class B2 can be compared to class D1A. |
| |Class B2 has precedence. Class D1A can be ignored, and class B2 |
| |becomes the primary class for segregation purposes only. |
| | |
| | _____________________________________________________________ |
| ||- | |
| || - Class of controlled product | |
| || - __________________________________________________| |
| || - |------| | | | | | | |
| || |------| B6 | C | D1A | D1B | D2A or | E | |
| || |------| | | | | D2B | | |
| || |______|______|_____|_______|_______|________|_____| |
| ||Class of | | | | | | | | |
| ||controlled| B2 | B6 | B2 | B2 | B2 | B2 | B2 | |
| ||product | | | | | | | | |
| | |
| | Add the following: |
| | |
| | «A- When controlled products (WHMIS) are present |
| | during the storage of dangerous goods indoors, it is |
| | recommended to use the information on labels and data sheets |
| | and to refer to Table A- This Table adds columns and |
| | lines to Table, providing for the application of the |
| | principle of separate storage to controlled products that are |
| | not identified as dangerous goods. The addition of the top line|
| | and the left-hand column allows controlled products and |
| | combinations of controlled products to be located. The addition|
| | of two columns on the right-hand side and two bottom lines, |
| | specifically for corrosive products, allows acids to be |
| | separated from bases. Lastly, the addition of the last |
| | right-hand column and the last line at the bottom allows class |
| | F controlled products to be separated. It is important to note |
| | that a class of dangerous goods on the same line or in the same|
| | column as a class of controlled products does not indicate an |
| | equivalency.". |
Table A- amended
Separation Chart for Storage of Dangerous Goods and Controlled Products
| | |
| A- | Add the following after “should not be stored with acids”: |
| | |
| | “· Hypochlorites, dichloroisocyanurates and |
| | trichloroisocianuric acid should not be stored with acids. |
| | |
| | · Oxidizing materials should not be stored with easily |
| | oxidized materials, including wooden surfaces. |
| | |
| | · Toxic or corrosive materials in liquid form should not be |
| | stored without anti-spill devices. |
| | |
| | · Reactive hazardous materials and materials likely to trigger |
| | a violent polymerization, decomposition or condensation |
| | reaction if subjected to vibration, light or sound waves shall |
| | be stored separately with appropriate protection and |
| | stability.”; |
| | |
| | Replace the last paragraph by the following: |
| | |
| | “Toxic substances should not be stored in the vicinity of |
| | chemicals with the following purity levels: B.P. (British |
| | Pharmacopeia), B.P.C. (Biotechnology Performance Certified), |
| | U.S.P. (U.S. Pharmacopeia), F.C.C. (Food Chemical Codex) and |
| | N.F. (National Formulary), since many of them are used in |
| | cosmetics, medication and food products. In the event of |
| | spillage, the toxic materials will contaminate not only the |
| | chemical, but also its container and the “clean room in which |
| | it is processed.”. |
| | |
| | Add the following: |
| | |
| | “A- The CSST regulates the storage, handling and |
| | use of flammable and combustible materials in liquid form via |
| | NFPA 30 Flammable and Combustible Liquids Code: 1996 edition |
| | - translated into French. See also section 82 of the Regulation|
| | respecting occupational health and safety |
| | (chapter S-2.1, r. 13).”. |
| | |
| A- | Strike out the first paragraph. |
| | |
| A- | Add the following paragraph: |
| (3)(b) | |
| | “In this connection, see also the website for the CSST |
| | Répertoire toxicologique (www.reptox.csst.qc.ca).”. |
| | |
| | Add the following: |
| | |
| | “A- Québec’s Act respecting explosives (chapter E-22) |
| | and Regulation under the Act respecting explosives (chapter |
| | E-22, r. 1) contain Québec adaptations of Canada’s Explosives |
| | Act (R.S.C. 1985, c. E-17) and Explosives Regulations (C.R.C., |
| | c. 599). |
| | |
| | The Safety Code for the construction industry (chapter S-2.1, |
| | r. 4), under the Act respecting occupational health and safety |
| | (chapter S-2.1), deals with the transportation, storage, |
| | handling and use of explosives on construction sites (Division |
| | IV) and underground work sites (Division VIII) and the |
| | requirements for using explosive actuated tools (Division VII).|
| | |
| | The Regulation respecting occupational health and safety |
| | (chapter S-2.1, r. 13) specifies the qualifications and refers |
| | to Division IV of the Safety Code for the construction industry|
| | (chapter S-2.1, r. 4) in connection with all blasting work and |
| | work requiring the use of explosives.”. |
| | |
| | Add the following: |
| | |
| | “A- NFPA 45 “Standard on Fire Protection for |
| | Laboratories Using Chemicals” determines the fire separation |
| | requirements for laboratories based on the types and |
| | quantities of flammable and combustible liquids stored and used|
| | in each laboratory.”. |
| | |
| Division B | Add Appendix B |
| Appendix B | Explanatory notes |
| | |
| | “B- The more stringent provisions applicable to certain|
| | buildings are provided for in Division IV (sections 346 to 369)|
| | of Chapter VIII of the Safety Code and cover residential |
| | occupancies and care and treatment occupancy. |
| | |
| | Sections 346 to 352 cover fire alarm and detection systems. |
| | |
| | 346. In buildings constructed or altered prior to 7 November |
| | 2000, the fire alarm and detection system must conform to |
| | the requirements of NBC 1995 am. Québec, except those of |
| | Sentence |
| | |
| | 346.1. Despite section 346, a private seniors’ residence must |
| | be equipped with a fire alarm and detection system, except |
| | |
| | (1) a single-family type residential occupancy for the elderly;|
| | |
| | (2) a residential board and care occupancy that lodges no more |
| | than 9 persons and whose building consists of a dwelling unit |
| | having a building height of no more than 2 storeys. |
| | |
| | 347. In a residential occupancy for the elderly and a |
| | residential board and care occupancy designed in compliance |
| | with Sentence of NBC 1995 am. Québec or 2005 am. |
| | Québec, a single-signal fire alarm and detection system must |
| | be connected to a fire department; the connection must be |
| | designed to ensure that, when the fire alarm is triggered, the |
| | fire department is alerted, in accordance with NBC 1995 am. |
| | Québec. |
| | |
| | 348. In a residential board and care occupancy designed in |
| | compliance with Sentence of NBC 1995 am. Québec |
| | or 2005 am. Québec, the fire alarm and detection system may |
| | be a single-signal or dual-signal system. |
| | |
| | 349. In a residential occupancy for the elderly equipped with a|
| | fire alarm system, smoke detectors must be installed in each |
| | bedroom that is not part of a dwelling unit. |
| | |
| | 350. In a residential occupancy for the elderly, when a sound |
| | signal device must be added to a bedroom or dwelling unit, it |
| | must include a visual signal device having a power level of at |
| | least 110 cd. |
| | |
| | 351. In a dwelling unit and in a hotel or motel suite |
| | comprising several rooms, the acoustic pressure level of a fire|
| | alarm signal must be at least 85 dBA near the entry door, once |
| | the door is closed. |
| | |
| | In the bedrooms of a residential occupancy, other than in the |
| | bedrooms of a dwelling unit, the standard is 75 dBA. |
| | |
| | 352 The provisions of Sentences and (11) NBC |
| | 1995 am. Québec do not apply if the sound signal devices are |
| | connected to a class “A” circuit according to CAN/ULC-S524, |
| | Installation of Fire Alarm Systems. |
| | |
| | The provisions come into force on 18 March 2016.”. |
| | |
| | “B- The more stringent provisions applicable to certain|
| | buildings are provided for in Division IV (sections 346 to 387)|
| | of Chapter VIII of the Safety Code and cover residential |
| | occupancies and care and treatment occupancy. |
| | |
| | Sections 353 to 358 cover smoke alarms. |
| | |
| | 353. Smoke alarms conforming to CAN/ULC-S531, Smoke Alarms, |
| | must be installed |
| | |
| | (1) in every dwelling unit; |
| | |
| | a) on each storey; and |
| | |
| | b) on each storey where bedrooms are located, the smoke alarms |
| | must be installed between the bedrooms and the remainder of the|
| | storey, except if the bedrooms are accessed by a corridor, in |
| | which case the smoke alarms must be installed in the corridor; |
| | |
| | (2) in each sleeping room that is not part of a dwelling unit, |
| | except in care or detention occupancies, which must be |
| | equipped with a fire alarm system; |
| | |
| | (3) in each corridor and each shared rest or activity area in |
| | a residential occupancy for the elderly that is not equipped |
| | with a fire alarm and detection system; |
| | |
| | (4) in sleeping rooms and in the corridors of a residential |
| | board and care occupancy designed in compliance with Article |
| | of NBC 1995 am. Québec or 2005 am. Québec, if the |
| | bedrooms are not equipped with smoke detectors; |
| | |
| | (5) in each sleeping room, corridor and shared rest or |
| | activity area of a single-family type residential occupancy for|
| | the elderly. |
| | |
| | 354. Subject to the more stringent requirements of sections |
| | 355 and 356, the smoke alarms required under section 353 must, |
| | when required by the standard in force at the time of |
| | construction or alteration of the building, |
| | |
| | (1) be installed by permanent connections to an electrical |
| | circuit and have no disconnect switch between the overcurrent |
| | device and the smoke alarm; and |
| | |
| | (2) be wired so that the activation of one alarm will |
| | automatically cause all alarms within the dwelling unit to |
| | sound. |
| | |
| | 355. The smoke alarms required under paragraphs 3 to 5 of |
| | section 353 must |
| | |
| | (1) be installed by permanent connections to an electrical |
| | circuit and have no disconnect switch between the overcurrent |
| | device and the smoke alarm; |
| | |
| | (2) be wired so that the activation of one alarm will |
| | automatically cause all alarms within the dwelling unit to |
| | sound; and |
| | |
| | (3) be wired so that the activation of one alarm in a building |
| | housing a residential occupancy for the elderly of the rooming |
| | house type will automatically cause all the alarms to sound. |
| | |
| | In addition, the smoke alarms required under paragraph 4 of |
| | section 353 must |
| | |
| | (1) be of a photoelectric type; |
| | |
| | (2) be interconnected and connected to visual signal devices |
| | that allow the personnel assigned to the sleeping rooms to see |
| | from where the smoke alarm is triggered, and |
| | |
| | (3) be connected to the fire department as provided for in NBC |
| | 1995 am. Québec. |
| | |
| | 356. Smoke alarms must be installed on or close to the ceiling |
| | in accordance with CAN/ULC-S553, Standard for the Installation |
| | of Smoke Alarms. |
| | |
| | 357. A manual device may be installed at a specific point in |
| | the electrical circuit for the smoke alarm in a dwelling unit |
| | to shut off the sound signal emitted by the smoke alarm for no |
| | more than 10 minutes; after that time, the smoke alarm must |
| | re-activate. |
| | |
| | 358. Every smoke alarm must be replaced 10 years after the |
| | date of manufacture indicated on the cover. If no date of |
| | manufacture is indicated, the smoke alarm is considered to |
| | be non-compliant and must be replaced without delay. |
| | |
| | The provisions of sections 353 to 357 come into force on 18 |
| | March 2014.”. |
| | |
| | (cf. 2022-12-02)
| | |
| | “B- The more stringent provisions applicable to |
| | certain buildings are provided for in Division IV |
| | (sections 369.1 and 369.2) of Chapter VIII of the Safety Code |
| | and cover private seniors’ residences. |
| | |
| | Sections 369.1 and 369.2 cover the installation of sprinkler |
| | systems: |
| | |
| | 369.1. A building housing a private seniors’ residence, |
| | constructed or altered in compliance with an applicable |
| | standard prior to NBC 2010 am. Québec, must be completely |
| | sprinklered, except |
| | |
| | (1) a single-family type residential occupancy for the elderly,|
| | provided that each storey accessible to the persons lodged in |
| | the occupancy is served by 2 means of egress, one of which |
| | leads directly to the exterior; |
| | |
| | (2) a residential board and care occupancy that lodges no more |
| | than 9 persons and whose building consists of a dwelling unit |
| | having a building height of no more than 2 storeys, provided |
| | that each storey accessible to the persons lodged in the |
| | occupancy is served by 2 means of egress, one of which leads |
| | directly to the exterior and the other leads to another floor |
| | area and is separated from adjoining spaces by a fire |
| | separation; |
| | |
| | (3) a building housing solely a residential occupancy for the |
| | elderly having a building height of 1 storey, a building area |
| | no more than 600 m2 and no more than 8 dwelling units, and in |
| | which no more than 16 persons lodge. |
| | |
| | 369.2. The sprinkler system required in section 369.1 must |
| | conform to the requirements of Section 3.2.5. of NBC 2005 am. |
| | Québec, but must be designed, constructed, installed and tested|
| | in accordance with NFPA Standard 13, except a combustible |
| | concealed space no more than 450 mm high that does not have to |
| | be sprinklered. |
| | |
| | Despite the foregoing, the following may be sprinklered in |
| | compliance with NFPA Standard 13D where the water supply |
| | capacity for the sprinkler system is not less than 30 minutes: |
| | |
| | (1) a single-family type residential occupancy for the elderly,|
| | provided that each storey accessible to the persons lodged in |
| | the occupancy, except the second storey, is served by 2 means |
| | of egress, one of which leads directly to the exterior; |
| | |
| | (2) a residential board and care occupancy that lodges no more |
| | than 9 persons and whose building consists of a dwelling unit |
| | having a building height of no more than 2 storeys, provided |
| | that each storey accessible to the persons lodged in the |
| | occupancy, except the second storey, is served by 2 means of |
| | egress, one of which leads directly to the exterior. |
| | |
| | This section does not apply to a building which, on |
| | 2 December 2015, is completely sprinklered by a system |
| | installed in accordance with the standard applicable on the |
| | year of construction. |
| | |
| | The provisions come into force on 2 December 2022.” |
| | |
| |“B-2.1.6. The more stringent provisions applicable to certain |
| | buildings are provided for in Division IV (sections 346 to 369)|
| | of Chapter VIII of the Safety Code and cover residential |
| | occupancies and care and treatment occupancy. |
| | |
| | Sections 359 and 360 cover carbon monoxide alarms. |
| | |
| | 359. A carbon monoxide alarm must be installed in every |
| | dwelling unit, residential occupancy for the elderly or |
| | residential board and care occupancy designed in compliance |
| | with Article of NBC 1995 am. Québec or 2005 am. |
| | Québec that contains |
| | |
| | (1) a heating appliance; or |
| | |
| | (2) direct access to an indoor parking garage. |
| | |
| | 360. Carbon monoxide alarms must |
| | |
| | (1) conform to CAN/CSA-6.19, “Residential Carbon Monoxide |
| | Alarming Devices”; |
| | |
| | (2) be equipped with an integrated alarm that meets the |
| | audibility requirements of CAN/CSA-6.19, “Residential Carbon |
| | Monoxide Alarming Devices”; |
| | |
| | (3) be installed according to the manufacturer’s |
| | recommendations. |
| | |
| | The provisions come into force on 18 March 2014.”. |
| | |
| | “B- The most stringent provisions applicable to |
| | certain buildings are provided for in Division IV |
| | (sections 346 to 369) of Chapter VIII of the Safety Code and |
| | cover residential occupancies and care and treatment occupancy.|
| | |
| | Sections 361 to 365 cover fire separation. |
| | |
| | 361. In a building constructed or altered prior to 1 December |
| | 1976, the floors must constitute fire separations with a fire |
| | resistance rating of at least 30 minutes or meet the |
| | requirements of NBC 1980 am. Québec. The elements supporting |
| | the floors must also have a fire resistance rating of at least |
| | 30 minutes or meet the requirements of NBC 1980. |
| | |
| | 362. In a building constructed or altered prior to 25 May 1984,|
| | suites of residential occupancy must be isolated from the |
| | remainder of the building by fire separations in accordance |
| | with the requirements of Section 3.3 or with Part 9 of NBC 1980|
| | am. Québec. However, existing fire separations may have a fire |
| | resistance rating of only 30 minutes. |
| | |
| | 363. In a care occupancy constructed or altered prior to |
| | 25 May 1984, all or part of a floor area occupied by bedrooms |
| | must conform to Subsection 3.3.3. of NBC 1980 am. Québec. |
| | |
| | 364. Every opening in a fire separation of a building |
| | constructed or altered prior to 25 May 1984 must be equipped |
| | with a closure in accordance with the requirements of NBC 1980 |
| | am. Québec. |
| | |
| | 365. A building constructed or altered prior to 25 May 1984 |
| | and containing a floor that does not end with a vertical fire |
| | separation from the floor to the underside of the floor or |
| | roof and have a fire resistance rating at least equal to the |
| | rating for the floor on which it abuts must meet the |
| | requirements of NBC 1980 am. Québec. |
| | |
| | The provisions come into force on 18 March 2018.”. |
| | |
| | “B. The most stringent provisions applicable to certain|
| | buildings are provided for in Division IV (sections 346 to 369)|
| | of Chapter VIII of the Safety Code and cover residential |
| | occupancies and care and treatment occupancy. |
| | |
| | Sections 361 to 365 cover openings in fire separation. |
| | |
| | 361. In a building constructed or altered prior to 1 December |
| | 1976, the floors must constitute fire separations with a fire |
| | resistance rating of at least 30 minutes or meet the |
| | requirements of NBC 1980 am. Québec. The elements supporting |
| | the floors must also have a fire resistance rating of at least |
| | 30 minutes or meet the requirements of NBC 1980. |
| | |
| | 362. In a building constructed or altered prior to 25 May 1984,|
| | suites of residential occupancy must be isolated from the |
| | remainder of the building by fire separations in accordance |
| | with the requirements of Section 3.3 or with Part 9 of NBC |
| | 1980 am. Québec. However, existing fire separations may have a |
| | fire resistance rating of only 30 minutes. |
| | |
| | 363. In a care occupancy constructed or altered prior to 25 May|
| | 1984, all or part of a floor area occupied by bedrooms must |
| | conform to Subsection 3.3.3. of NBC 1980 am. Québec. |
| | |
| | 364. Every opening in a fire separation of a building |
| | constructed or altered prior to 25 May 1984 must be equipped |
| | with a closure in accordance with the requirements of NBC 1980 |
| | am. Québec. |
| | |
| | 365. A building constructed or altered prior to 25 May 1984 and|
| | containing a floor that does not end with a vertical fire |
| | separation from the floor to the underside of the floor or roof|
| | and have a fire resistance rating at least equal to the rating |
| | for the floor on which it abuts must meet the requirements of |
| | NBC 1980 am. Québec. |
| | |
| | The provisions come into force on 18 March 2018.”. |
| | |
| | “B- The most stringent provisions applicable to certain|
| | buildings are provided for in Division IV (sections 346 to 369)|
| | of Chapter VIII of the Safety Code and cover residential |
| | occupancies and care and treatment occupancy. |
| | |
| | Section 368 covers interior finish. |
| | |
| | 368. In a residential occupancy for the elderly constructed or |
| | altered prior to 25 May 1984, the flame-spread rating of the |
| | interior finish of the walls and ceilings must conform to NBC |
| | 1985 am. Québec. |
| | |
| | The provision comes into force on 18 March 2014.”. |
| | |
| | “B- The most stringent provisions applicable to certain|
| | buildings are provided for in Division IV (sections 346 to 369)|
| | of Chapter VIII of the Safety Code and cover residential |
| | occupancies and care and treatment occupancy. |
| | |
| | Section 369 covers means of egress. |
| | |
| | 369. In a single-family type residential occupancy for the |
| | elderly, when at least 1 bedroom is laid out to accommodate the|
| | elderly, the basement must have an exit opening directly to the|
| | exterior. |
| | |
| | The provision comes into force on 18 march 2016.”. |
| | |
| | “B- The most stringent provisions applicable to certain|
| | buildings are provided for in Division IV (sections 346 to 369)|
| | of Chapter VIII of the Safety Code and cover residential |
| | occupancies and care and treatment occupancy. |
| | |
| | Sections 366 and 367 cover emergency lighting. |
| | |
| | 366. Emergency lighting must conform to the requirements of the|
| | Construction Code, NBC 1995 am. Québec. |
| | |
| | 367. In a single-family type residential occupancy for the |
| | elderly, emergency lighting must be installed in corridors, |
| | stairways and means of egress and be designed to provide |
| | automatically electric power for 30 minutes if the normal |
| | source of power supply fails. |
| | |
| | The provisions come into force on 18 March 2014.”. |
| | |
| Division C | Strike out. |
| Appendix A | |
| | |
| Explanatory | |
| notes | |
O.C. 1263-2012, s. 1; O.C. 1035-2015, s. 5; O.C. 1035-2015, s. 6; O.C. 1213-2019, s. 1.
Chapter VIII Building, Division A, (Section 370)
National Fire Code of Canada 2010 (NRCC 53303)
| | |
| Article | Amendment |
| | |
| Division A - | |
| Part 1 | |
| | |
| | Replace Sentence 1 by the following: |
| | |
| | “1) This Code applies to all facilities intended for use by the|
| | public, all installations and all new and existing buildings, |
| | and to building construction, renovation and demolition sites, |
| | subject to the field of application determined by the Board or |
| | by another authority having jurisdiction (see Appendix A).”. |
| | |
| | Add “and approved by the Board or, in the case of buildings |
| | over which the Board does not have jurisdiction, by the |
| | authority having jurisdiction” after “solutions” in Clause |
| | |
| | |
| | Replace everything following “defined” in Sentence 1 by “the |
| | standard applicable at the time of construction of |
| | alteration.”. |
| | |
| | Replace the relevant definitions in Sentence 1 by the |
| | following definitions: |
| | |
| | “Air-supported structure (structure gonflable) means a movable |
| | structure consisting of a pliable membrane that achieves and |
| | maintains its shape and support by internal air pressure and is|
| | installed for a maximum period of 6 months.”; |
| | |
| | “Authority having jurisdiction (autorité compétente) means the |
| | Régie du bâtiment du Québec (the “Board”), a regional county |
| | municipality or a local municipality.”; |
| | |
| | “Care occupancy (établissement de soins) has the meaning |
| | defined by the standard applicable at the time of construction |
| | or alteration of the building.”; |
| | |
| | “Firewall (mur coupe-feu) has the meaning defined by the |
| | standard applicable at the time of construction or alteration |
| | of the building.”; |
| | |
| | “First storey (premier étage) means the floor defined by the |
| | standard applicable at the time of construction or alteration |
| | of the building.”; |
| | |
| | “Grade (niveau moyen du sol) has the meaning defined by the |
| | standard applicable at the time of construction or alteration |
| | of the building.”; |
| | |
| | “Major occupancy (usage principal) has the meaning defined by |
| | the standard applicable at the time of construction or |
| | alteration of the building.”; |
| | |
| | “Treatment occupancy (établissement de traitement) has the |
| | meaning defined by the standard applicable at the time of |
| | construction or alteration of the building.”; |
| | |
| | Replace everything following “harboured” in the definition of |
| | “Residential occupancy” in Sentence 1 by “or interned, for |
| | the purpose of receiving medical care, and are not |
| involuntarily detained.”; |
| | |
| | Add the following definition after Sentence 1: |
| | |
| | “Building height (hauteur de bâtiment) (in stories) has the |
| | meaning defined by the standard applicable at the time of |
| | construction or alteration of the building.”; |
| | |
| | “Stage (scène) means a space designed for public performances |
| | and rapid changes of scenery, with lighting at ceiling level |
| | and facilities to create sound and light effects, generally but|
| | not compulsorily separated from the room by a proscenium wall |
| | and a curtain.”; |
| | |
| | “Tent (tente) means a movable, portable fabric structure that |
| | is erected outdoors for a maximum period of 6 months.”; |
| | |
| | Add “as a domicile” after “to be used” in the definition of |
| | “Dwelling unit” in Sentence 1; |
| | |
| | Strike out the definitions of “Care” and “Treatment”. |
| | |
| | Add “Lx ……… Lux” and “ml ………. millilitre” in Sentence 1, in |
| | alphabetical order. |
| | |
| Division A | |
| Appendix A | |
| Explanatory | |
| notes | |
| | |
| A- | Strike out the last two sentences of the third paragraph of |
| | note A- 1). |
| | |
| A- | Strike out the paragraphs “Treatment”, “Care Occupancy”, |
| | “Treatment Occupancy” and “Grade” |
| | |
| Division B | |
| Part 1 | |
| | |
| | Replace respectively, in Table, referred to hereafter, |
| | the following standards: |
| | |
| | NFPA |
| | |
| | 68-2007 Explosion Protection by Deflagration Venting |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | Add, in Table, in order of the organizations, the |
| | following standards: |
| | |
| | “CSA |
| | CAN/CSA-B149.5-05 |
| | Installation Code for Propane Fuel Systems and Tanks on |
| | Highway Vehicles |
| |” |
| | |
| | “NFPA |
| | 101-2009 |
| | Life Safety Code |
| | |
| |” |
| | |
| | “NFPA |
| | 45-2011 |
| | Standard on Fire Protection for Laboratories Using Chemicals |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| |” |
| | |
| | “ULC |
| | ULC/ORD-C107.4- |
| | Ducted Flexible Underground Piping Systems for Flammable and |
| | Combustible Liquids |
| |” |
| | |
| | “ULC |
| | ULC/ORD-C107.7 |
| | Glass Fibre Reinforced Plastic Pipe and Fittings for Flammable |
| | and Combustible Liquids |
| |” |
| | |
| | “ULC |
| | ULC/ORD-C107.19 |
| | Secondary Containment of Underground Piping for Flammable and |
| | Combustible Liquids |
| |” |
| | |
| | “ULC |
| | ULC/ORD-C-627.1-2008-EN-EL |
| | Unvented Ethyl Alcohol Fuel Burning Decorative Appliances |
| |” |
| | |
| | “ULC |
| | ULC/ORD-C971 |
| | Nonmetallic Underground Piping for Flammable and Combustible |
| | Liquids |
| |” |
| | |
| Division B | |
| Part 2 | |
| | |
| | Replace “the NBC. (See Appendix A.)” in Sentence 1 by “the |
| | requirements in force at the time of construction or |
| | alteration”. |
| | |
| | Replace Sentence 1 by the following: |
| | |
| | “1) Fire alarm, standpipe and sprinkler systems shall conform |
| | to the requirements in force at the time of construction or |
| | alteration or, if applicable, to the more stringent provisions |
| | applicable to certain buildings under Section IV of Chapter |
| | VIII of the Safety Code (see Appendix B).”. |
| | |
| | Replace Sentence 1 by the following: |
| | |
| | “1) A voice communications system or systems integrated with |
| | the general fire alarm system shall be provided in buildings in|
| | conformance with the requirements in force at the time of |
| | construction or alteration.”. |
| | |
| | Replace by the following: |
| | |
| | “ Smoke Alarms |
| | |
| | 1) Smoke alarms shall conform to the requirements in force at |
| | the time of construction, or, if applicable, to the more |
| | stringent provisions applicable to certain buildings under |
| | Section IV of Chapter VIII of the Safety Code (see Appendix B).|
| | |
| | 2) Every smoke alarm shall be replaced 10 years after the date |
| | of manufacture indicated on the cover. If no date of |
| | manufacture is indicated, the smoke alarm shall be replaced |
| | without delay.”. |
| | |
| | In Sentence 1, replace “, as is required by the NBC” by “in |
| | conformance with the standard in force at the time of |
| | construction or alteration”, and replace “edition of the NBC” |
| | by “standard”. |
| | |
| | Replace Sentence 1 by the following: |
| | |
| | “1) A fire suppression system shall conform to one of the |
| | standards listed in Sentences (3) and (4).”. |
| | |
| | Replace “the NBC” in Sentence 1 by “the requirements in force |
| | at the time of construction or alteration”. |
| | |
| | Replace “the NBC” in Sentence 1 by “the requirements in force |
| | at the time of construction or alteration”. |
| | |
| | Replace Sentence 1 by the following: |
| | |
| | “1) Portable extinguishers that meet the requirements of |
| | Sentences (2) to (4) shall be installed in all buildings, |
| | except dwelling units and shared areas serving fewer than 5 |
| | dwelling units, except in the case of a day-care centre (see |
| | Appendix A).”. |
| | |
| | Add the following: |
| | |
| | “2.1.6 Carbon Monoxide Alarms |
| | |
| | Carbon Monoxide Alarms |
| | |
| | 1) Carbon monoxide alarms shall conform to the requirements in |
| | force at the time of construction or alteration or, if |
| | applicable, to the more stringent provisions applicable to |
| | certain buildings under Section IV of Chapter VIII of the |
| | Safety Code (see Appendix B).”. |
| | |
| | Replace “the NBC” in Sentences (1), (2) and (3) by “the |
| | requirements in force at the time of construction or alteration|
| | or, if applicable, to the more stringent provisions applicable |
| | to certain buildings under Section IV of Chapter VIII of the |
| | Safety Code (see Appendix B).”. |
| | |
| | Replace “the NBC” in Sentence 1 by “the requirements in force |
| | at the time of construction or alteration or, if applicable, to|
| | the more stringent provisions applicable to certain buildings |
| | under Section IV of Chapter VIII of the Safety Code (see |
| | Appendix B).”; |
| | |
| | Replace “the NBC” in Sentence 2 by “the requirements in force |
| | at the time of construction or alteration”. |
| | |
| | Replace “conforming to the NBC” in Sentence 2 by “that conforms|
| | to the requirements in force at the time of construction or |
| | alteration”. |
| | |
| | Replace “the NBC” in Sentence 1 by “the requirements in force |
| | at the time of construction or alteration or, if applicable, |
| | with the more stringent provisions applicable to certain |
| | buildings under Section IV of Chapter VIII of the Safety Code |
| | (see Appendix B).”. |
| | |
| | Add the following: |
| | |
| | “2) The use of cut softwoods, softwood branches, dried plants |
| | or plastic foam as decorative materials is prohibited in |
| | |
| | a) an exit, |
| | b) an assembly occupancy, |
| | c) a hotel establishment, |
| | d) a care occupancy or detention occupancy, or |
| | e) a mercantile occupancy.”. |
| | |
| | Replace Sentence 1 by the following: |
| | |
| | “1) Except as provided in Sentence (3), bed linen, window |
| | drapes and cubicle curtains used in care occupancies shall |
| | conform to CAN/CGSB-4.162-M, “Hospital Textiles - Flammability |
| | Performance Requirements”.”; |
| | |
| | Replace Sentence 3 by the following: |
| | |
| | “3) Mattresses, bed linen, window drapes and cubicle curtains |
| | need not conform to Sentences (1) and (2) if used in |
| | residential board and care occupancies”. |
| | |
| | Replace “waste” in Sentence 1 by “materials”; |
| | |
| | Add “attic or roof spaces” after “crawl spaces” in Sentence 3; |
| | |
| | Add the following: |
| | |
| | “7) Outdoor storage receptacles, such as dumpsters, used for |
| | combustible materials and over 2,000 litres in capacity shall |
| | |
| | a) be located at least 3 m from any opening in a building or |
| | combustible component of a building, except if a steel screen |
| | with an air space of 25 mm or a masonry screen protects the |
| | opening or wall, and |
| | |
| | b) be equipped with a cover that shall remain closed and |
| | padlocked.”. |
| | |
| | Replace “the NBC” in Sentence 1 by “the requirements in force |
| | at the time of construction or alteration”. |
| | |
| | Replace Clause (b) of Sentence 1 by the following: |
| | |
| | “b) in dining areas in care occupancies.”. |
| | |
| | Replace “Group B, Divisions 2 and 3 care and” in Sentence 1 by |
| | “care or”. |
| | |
| | Add the following: |
| | |
| | “ Propane-Powered Vehicles |
| | |
| | 1) Propane-powered vehicles shall not be exposed indoors unless|
| | the relevant safety measures, namely those of Section 5.14 of |
| | CAN/CGA-B149.5 M95, “Installation Code for Propane Systems and |
| | C Tanks on Highway Vehicles, are followed”.”. |
| | |
| | Add the following: |
| | |
| | “2.4.8. Plastic Foam |
| | |
| | “ Protection of Plastic Foam |
| | |
| | 1) Plastic foam insulators shall be protected in conformance |
| | with the requirements in force at the time of construction or |
| | alteration. |
| | |
| | “2.4.9. Work Tables |
| | |
| | “ Work Tables |
| | |
| | 1) In mercantile occupancies or industrial occupancies, every |
| | work table over 7.5 m in length under which combustible |
| | materials are stored shall |
| | |
| | a) be equipped with incombustible dividers fixed transversally |
| | under the table at a distance of no more than 3 m from each |
| | other, or |
| | |
| | b) be equipped with sprinklers underneath. |
| | |
| | “2.4.10. Ethyl Alcohol Fuel Burning Appliances |
| | |
| | “ Ethyl Alcohol Fuel Burning Appliances |
| | |
| | 1) All ethyl alcohol fuel burning appliances containing over |
| | 250 ml shall be manufactured in accordance with ULC/ORDC-627.1,|
| | “Unvented Ethyl Alcohol Fuel Burning Decorative Appliances”. |
| | |
| | “2.4.11. Lightning Protection Installations |
| | |
| | “ Lightning Protection Installations |
| | |
| | 1) All lightning protection installations shall be maintained |
| | in good operating condition. |
| | |
| | “2.4.12. Portable Cooking Appliances |
| | |
| | “ Inside a Building |
| | |
| | 1) No portable cooking appliance fuelled by charcoal or gas may|
| | may be used inside a building. |
| | |
| | “ Outside a Building |
| | |
| | 1) No portable cooking appliance fuelled by charcoal or gas |
| | may be used outside a building less than 600 mm from a door |
| | or window. |
| | |
| | “2.4.13. Stages |
| | |
| | “ Protection Equipment |
| | |
| | 1) All stages shall be equipped with at least 2 portable |
| | extinguishers that conform to Subdivision 2.1.5. |
| | |
| | 2) All walkways over a stage shall be equipped with at least 2 |
| | portable extinguishers that conform to Subdivision 2.1.5. |
| | |
| | “ Scenery and Props |
| | |
| | 1) Only the scenery and props required for the current |
| | performance may be kept on the stage and on walkways over the |
| | stage. All other scenery and props shall be stored in storage |
| | areas that conform to the requirements in force at the time of|
| | construction or alteration.”. |
| | |
| | Replace “the NBC” in Sentence 1 by “the requirements in force |
| | at the time of construction or alteration (see Appendix A).”. |
| | |
| | Add the following: |
| | |
| | “2) The access panels or windows provided to facilitate |
| | firefighting operations shall be marked.”. |
| | |
| | Replace by the following: |
| | |
| | “ Fire Department Connections |
| | |
| | 1) Access to fire department connections for sprinkler or |
| | standpipe systems by firefighters and their equipment shall be |
| | maintained free of obstructions to a distance of at least 1.5 m|
| | at all times. |
| | |
| | 2) When a building has more than one fire department |
| | connection, each fire department connection shall be identified|
| | on the basis of its functions.”. |
| | |
| | Replace “the NCB” in Sentence 1 by “the requirements in force |
| | at the time of construction or alteration”. |
| | |
| | Replace by the following: |
| | |
| | “ Solid Fuels |
| | |
| | 1) Solid fuel bins shall be located not less than 1.2 m from |
| | the appliance served.”. |
| | |
| | Replace “the NBC” in Sentence 1 by “the requirements in force |
| | at the time of construction or alteration”. |
| | |
| | Replace “disconnect switches” in Sentence 2 by “circuit |
| | breakers”. |
| | |
| | Replace Sentence 1 by the following: |
| | |
| | “1) Commercial cooking equipment exhaust and fire protection |
| | systems shall be designed and installed in conformance with the|
| | requirements in force at the time of construction or |
| | alteration.”. |
| | |
| | Replace “the NBC” in Sentence 1 by “the requirements in force |
| | at the time of construction or alteration”. |
| | |
| | Add the following: |
| | |
| | “2) All electrical equipment vaults shall be identified by a |
| | poster.”. |
| | |
| | Replace by the following: |
| | |
| | “ Means of Egress |
| | |
| | 1) Means of egress shall be provided in buildings in |
| | conformance with the requirements in force at the time of |
| | construction or alteration or, if applicable, with the more |
| | stringent provisions applicable to certain buildings under |
| | Section IV of Chapter VIII of the Safety Code (see Appendix |
| | B).”. |
| | |
| | Replace “by the NBC” in Clause (b) of Sentence 1 by “by the |
| | requirements in force at the time of construction or |
| | alteration”; |
| | |
| | Strike out “business and personal services,” in Clause (a) of |
| | Sentence 3; |
| | |
| | Add “business and personal services and” after “in” in Clause |
| | (c) of Sentence 3. |
| | |
| | Replace by the following: |
| | |
| | “ Occupant Load |
| | |
| | 1) The maximum number of occupants permitted in any room shall |
| | be calculated |
| | |
| | a) except as provided in Sentence (2), in Group A assembly |
| | occupancies, on the basis of the net floor space per occupant |
| | specified in Table, |
| | |
| | b) for occupancies in another group, on the basis of the net |
| | floor space per occupant of 0.4 m2, excluding the floor space |
| | occupied by furniture and equipment, or |
| | |
| | c) on the basis of the number of occupants for which means of |
| | egress are provided, if that number is below the number |
| | determined under Clause (a) or (b). |
| | |
| | (See Appendix A.) |
| | |
| | Table |
| | Number of Occupants |
| | Forming an integral part of Sentence |
| | |
| | _______________________________________________________ |
| | | | | |
| | | Use of floor space or part of floor | Net floor space| |
| | | space | coefficient | |
| | | | per | |
| | | Assembly occupancy | occupant in m2 | |
| | |______________________________________|________________| |
| | | | | |
| | | Bars, dining areas and cafeterias | 1.2 | |
| | |(note 1) | | |
| | |______________________________________|________________| |
| | | | | |
| | | Rooms with movable seating other than| 0.75 | |
| | | bars and dining areas (note 2) | | |
| | |______________________________________|________________| |
| | | | | |
| | | Rooms with tables and movable seating| 0.95 | |
| | | other than bars and dining areas | | |
| | | (note 2) | | |
| | |______________________________________|________________| |
| | | | | |
| | | Meeting rooms without seats (note 3) | 0.6 | |
| | |______________________________________|________________| |
| | | | | |
| | | Bowling alleys and pool halls (note | 9.3 | |
| | | 4) | | |
| | |______________________________________|________________| |
| | | | | |
| | | Classrooms | 1.85 | |
| | |______________________________________|________________| |
| | | | | |
| | | Exhibition rooms | 3 | |
| | |______________________________________|________________| |
| | | | | |
| | | Reading, study and rest rooms | 1.85 | |
| | |______________________________________|________________| |
| | | | | |
| | | Stages | 0.75 | |
| | |______________________________________|________________| |
| | |
| | Note 1: The coefficient of 1.2 m2 shall be used for dining |
| | areas, bars and cafeterias, whatever their layout. In bars |
| | and licensed beverage establishments, the coefficient of |
| | 0.6 m2 may be used only for the parts of the floor area used |
| | without seating or tables (dance floor, standing bar, etc.). |
| | |
| | Note 2: The coefficients of 0.75 m2 and 0.95 m2 are reserved |
| | for occupancies other than dining areas, bars or cafeterias |
| | (see note 1) such as bingo halls, assembly rooms and meeting |
| | rooms. |
| | |
| | Note 3: The density of occupants in assembly occupancies is |
| | limited to 0.6 m2 of free floor space per occupant to ensure |
| | that occupants are not prevented from reaching exits by |
| | excessive occupant density. |
| | |
| | Note 4: The coefficient of 9.3 m2 shall be used for bowling |
| | alleys and pool halls. When the room is used as a bar or |
| | licensed beverage establishment, the coefficient of 1.2 m2 |
| | shall be used once the area of the pool table has been |
| | subtracted from the space used by the public. |
| | |
| | 2) In a room or part of a room in an assembly occupancy with |
| | fixed seating, the maximum number of occupants shall be |
| | determined by the number of fixed seats and the aisles |
| | required for the fixed seating shall not be used to increase |
| | the maximum permitted number of occupants. |
| | |
| | 3) For the purposes of Sentences (1) and (2), the maximum |
| | occupancy load of a room shall be determined by the maximum |
| | number of occupants that may be admitted to the floor area |
| | where the room is situated, taking the means of egress into |
| | consideration. |
| | |
| | 4) The number of occupants admitted to a room shall not exceed |
| | the maximum number of occupants calculated in conformance with |
| | Sentences (1) to (3). |
| | |
| | 5) The authority having jurisdiction may require that the |
| | information, calculations and drawings showing compliance with |
| | Sentence (4) be provided in writing.”. |
| | |
| | Replace “the NBC” in Sentence 2 by “the requirements in force |
| | at the time of construction or alteration”. |
| | |
| | Add “Except as provided in Sentence (4),” before “When” in |
| | Sentence 1; |
| | |
| | Replace the part of Clause (f) of Clause 1 preceding Clause (i)|
| | by the following: |
| | |
| | “f) except as provided in Sentence (3), when the number of |
| | seats in the room exceeds 100,”; |
| | |
| | Add “Except as provided in Sentence (5)” before “When” in |
| | Sentence 3; |
| | |
| | Add the following: |
| | |
| | “4) Nonfixed seats may be laid out using the criteria in |
| | Sections and of NFPA 101, “Life Safety Code”,|
| | if |
| | |
| | a) the minimum clear width specified in Clause (a) of |
| | Sentence (1) is respected; and |
| | |
| | b) the requirements of Clause (f) of Sentence (1) are |
| | respected. |
| | |
| | “5) Tables provided with nonfixed seats may be laid out using |
| | the criteria in Sections and of NFPA 101, |
| | “Life Safety Code”.”. |
| | |
| | Replace Sentence 2 by the following: |
| | |
| | “2) The windows of sleeping rooms that are required as an exit |
| | and are located in a basement shall not be obstructed by snow, |
| | materials or objects that prevent emergency evacuation.”. |
| | |
| | Replace everything following “buildings” in Sentence 1 by “in |
| | conformance with the requirements in force at the time of |
| | construction or alteration or, if applicable, with the more |
| | stringent provisions applicable to certain buildings under |
| | Section IV of Chapter VIII of the Safety Code (see Appendix |
| | B).”. |
| | |
| | Replace “the NBC” in Clause (b) of Sentence 1 by “the |
| | requirements in force at the time of construction or |
| | alteration”; |
| | |
| | Add the following after Clause (f) in Sentence 1: |
| | |
| | “g) every building housing a private seniors’ residence.”. |
| | |
| | Strike out “in cooperation with the fire department and other |
| | applicable regulatory authorities” in Sentence 1. |
| | |
| | Replace by the following: |
| | |
| | “ Care, Treatment and Detention Occupancies and |
| | Private Seniors’ Residences |
| | |
| | 1) A sufficient number of supervisory staff shall be on duty in|
| | care and detention occupancies and private seniors’ residences |
| | to apply the emergency procedures to be used in case of fire |
| | detailed in clause”. |
| | |
| | Replace everything preceding “fire safety plan” by the |
| | following: |
| | |
| | “1) In high buildings as defined in the standard applicable at |
| | the time of construction or alteration, and in buildings in |
| | which any of the following facilities is installed,”. |
| | |
| | Replace Sentence 2 by the following: |
| | |
| | “2) The copy reserved for use by the fire department shall be |
| | kept: |
| | |
| | a) at the central alarm and control facility in the case of a |
| | high building as defined in the standard applicable at the time|
| | of construction or alteration, and |
| | |
| | b) at the place determined in cooperation with the fire |
| | department in all other cases.”; |
| | |
| | Add the following: |
| | |
| | “3) In a residential board and care occupancy, a copy of the |
| | fire safety plan and a complete list of all occupants, |
| | including the location of all occupants with special egress |
| | needs, shall be available and kept at a place determined in |
| | cooperation with the fire department.”. |
| | |
| | Add after “hotel” in Sentence 2 “, rooming house”. |
| | |
| | Add the following: |
| | |
| | “ Supervisory Staff |
| | |
| | 1) In an occupied building equipped with a dual signal fire |
| | alarm, there shall be sufficient supervisory staff, and no less|
| | than 3 persons, on duty able to apply the emergency procedures |
| | to be used in case of fire referred to in Sentence,|
| | combat an incipient fire using appropriate means, and using |
| | the building’s firefighting equipment appropriately. One such |
| | person shall be present at all times at the central alarm and |
| | control facility or at the fire alarm panel.”. |
| | |
| | Replace Clause (e) in Sentence 1 by the following: |
| | |
| | “e) the features of the fire emergency systems installed in the|
| | building and subject to additional requirements for high |
| | buildings in force at the time of construction or alteration, |
| | and”. |
| | |
| | Replace by the following: |
| | |
| | “ Fire Drill Frequency |
| | |
| | 1) Fire drills as described in Sentence shall be |
| | held at intervals not greater than 12 months for the |
| | supervisory staff, except that |
| | |
| | a) in Group B major occupancies and in private seniors’ |
| | residences, such drills shall be held at intervals not greater |
| | than 6 months; however, occupants who cannot evacuate the |
| | building without assistance or who have health problems are |
| | not required to take part in the evacuation, but the |
| | supervisory staff shall still prepare them as if they were to |
| | be evacuated, |
| | |
| | b) in schools and day-care centres, total evacuation drills |
| | shall be held at least once in the fall and once in the spring,|
| | |
| | c) in high buildings as defined by the requirements in force at|
| | the time of construction or alteration, except a Group C major |
| | occupancy building, such drills shall be held at intervals not |
| | greater than 6 months, |
| | |
| | d) in Group A, Division 1 major occupancies, such drills shall |
| | be held at intervals not greater than 3 months.”. |
| | |
| | Add the following: |
| | |
| | “2.8.4. Duties of the Owner |
| | |
| | “ Duties of the Owner |
| | |
| | 1) The portion of a building occupied before the end of its |
| | construction or alteration shall be |
| | |
| | a) equipped with a fire detection and alarm system in proper |
| | working order, |
| | |
| | b) equipped with the fire suppression measures required by the |
| | requirements in force at the time of construction or alteration|
| | and in proper working order, |
| | |
| | c) equipped with usable means of egress free from all |
| | obstructions, |
| | |
| | d) served by at least 2 exits, and |
| | |
| | e) isolated from the portion of the building where work is in |
| | progress by a fire separation with a fire-resistance rating of |
| | not less than 1 h. |
| | |
| | 2) The portion of the building where work is in progress shall |
| | be under appropriate surveillance.” |
| | |
| 2.9. | Add the following after “2.9 Tents and Air-Supported |
| | Structures”: |
| | |
| | “(See Appendix A.)”. |
| | |
| | Replace by the following: |
| | |
| | “ General |
| | |
| | 1) Tents and air-supported structures shall conform to the |
| | NBC.”. |
| | |
| | Strike out “(see Appendix A.)”. |
| | |
| | Add the following: |
| | |
| | “ Heat- or Light-Producing Appliances |
| | |
| | 1) The use of cooking equipment or a combustion appliance is |
| | prohibited in a tent or air-supported structure that is |
| | accessible to the public. |
| | |
| | 2) Cooking appliances with more than 2 baskets used to fry |
| | food that are used inside a tent or air-supported structure |
| | that is not accessible to the public shall be protected by a |
| | special fire suppression system in conformance with Article |
| | |
| | |
| | 3) Bulbs and projectors for any lighting apparatus for a tent |
| | or air-supported structure shall be placed at least 600 mm from|
| | any combustible substance. |
| | |
| | “ Interior Dividers |
| | |
| | 1) Fabric panels used to divide the interior space of a tent or|
| | air-supported structure shall not be installed less than 1 m |
| | from the ceiling (see Appendix A.).”. |
| | |
| | Replace “the NBC” in Sentence 1 by “the requirements in force |
| | at the time of construction or alteration”. |
| | |
| | Replace by the following article: |
| | |
| | “ Supervision of Children |
| | |
| | 1) There shall be sufficient numbers of staff to ensure the |
| | evacuation of children in an emergency.”. |
| | |
| | Strike out. |
| | |
| | Replace Sentence 1 by the following: |
| | |
| | “1) Buildings housing boarders, lodgers or roomers shall |
| | conform to the requirements in force at the time of |
| | construction or alteration.”. |
| | |
| | Strike out. |
| | |
| | Replace “Subsection 2.3.2.” by “Section 2.3.”. |
| | |
| | Strike out. |
| | |
| | Replace “the NBC” by “the requirements in force at the time |
| | of construction or alteration”. |
| | |
| Division B | |
| Part 2 | |
| Table | |
| | |
| Table | Strike out (3). |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Table | Add the following: |
| | |
| | “ Carbon Monoxide Alarms |
| | (1) [F81, F44-OS3.4]”. |
| | |
| Table | Add the following: |
| | “(2) [F02, OS1.5]”. |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Table | Add the following: |
| | |
| | “ Propane-Powered Vehicles |
| | |
| | (1) [F01, F43, F81-OS1.1] |
| | [F01, F43, F81-OS1.5]. |
| | |
| Table | Add the following: |
| | |
| | “ Protection of Plastic Foam |
| | (1) [F02-OS1.5] |
| | |
| | Work Tables |
| | (1) [F02, F03-OS1.4] |
| | |
| | Ethyl Alcohol Fuel Burning Appliances |
| | (1) [F01-OS1.1] |
| | |
| | Inside a building |
| | (1) [F01-OS1.1] |
| | [F44-OS3.4] |
| | |
| | Outside a building |
| | (2) [F03-OP3.1] |
| | [F03-OP1.2] |
| | |
| | Protection Equipment |
| | (1) [F02-OS1.2] |
| | [F02-OP1.2] |
| | (2) [F02-OS1.2] |
| | [F02-OS1.2] |
| | |
| | Scenery and Props |
| | (1) [F01, F02-OS1.5]”. |
| | |
| Table | Add the following: |
| | |
| | “(2) [F12-OP1.2] |
| | [F12-OS1.2]”. |
| | |
| Table | Replace the heading by “Fire Department Connections”. |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Table | Replace the heading by “Solid Fuels”. |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Table | Add the following: |
| | |
| | “(2) [F34-OS3.3]”. |
| | |
| | |
| Table | Add the following: |
| | |
| | “(3) [F10-OS3.7] |
| | (4) [F10-OS3.7] |
| | (5) [F10-OS3.7]”. |
| | |
| Table | Add the following: |
| | |
| | “(4) [F10-OS3.7] |
| | (5) [F10-OS3.7]”. |
| | |
| Table | Replace the heading by the following: “Care, Treatment and |
| | Detention Occupancies and Private Seniors’ Residences |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Table | Add the following: |
| | |
| | “(3) [F12-OS1.2] |
| | [F12-OP1.2]”. |
| | |
| Table | Add the following: |
| | |
| | “ Supervisory staff |
| | (1) [F12, F13-OP1.2] |
| | [F12-OS1.2] |
| | [F13-OS1.5]”. |
| | |
| Table | Add the following: |
| | |
| | “ Duties of the Owner |
| | (1) [F02, F03, F13-OS1.5] |
| | [F02, F03, F13-OS3.7]”. |
| | |
| Table | Add the following: |
| | |
| | “ Heat- or Light-Producing Appliances |
| | “(1) [F01-OS1.1] |
| | [F01-OS1.5] |
| | (2) [F02-OP3.1] |
| | (3) [F01-OS1.1]”. |
| | |
| Table | Strike out (2). |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Table | Strike out. |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Table | Strike out. |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Table | Strike out. |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Division B | |
| Part 3 | |
| | |
| 3.1.2. | Add “(See Appendix A.)” after “Dangerous Goods”. |
| | |
| | Replace everything following “persons” in Sentence 1 by |
| | “responsible for the application of the fire safety plan to be |
| | contacted in case of fire during non-operating hours, along |
| | with the data sheets for hazardous materials stored or |
| | handled in the building.”. |
| | |
| | Replace Sentence 1 by the following: |
| | |
| | “1) Where wiring or electrical equipment is located in areas in|
| | which flammable gases or vapours, combustible dusts or |
| | combustible fibres are present in quantities sufficient to |
| | create a hazard, such wiring and electrical equipment shall |
| | conform to CSA C22.1, Canadian Electrical Code, Part I, (see |
| | note A-”. |
| | |
| | Replace the part of Sentence 1 preceding Clause (a) by the |
| | following: |
| | |
| | “1) This Section shall apply to buildings or parts of buildings|
| | used for the short or long term storage of the following |
| | products, whether raw materials, waste, products undergoing |
| | processing or finished products:”. |
| | |
| | Replace Sentence 3 by the following: |
| | |
| | “3) A clear space of at least 300 mm shall be maintained at |
| | all times between stored products and the lower chords of |
| | structural framing members.”. |
| | |
| | Replace everything following “fire separation” in Sentence 1 |
| | by “having a rating of not less than 2 h. (see Appendix A).”. |
| | |
| | Add the following: |
| | |
| | “2) A clear space of at least 900 mm shall be maintained |
| | between the top of the piles and the sprinkler heads.”. |
| | |
| | Replace everything following “shall” in Sentence 1 by “be |
| | classified as medium hazard industrial occupancies.”. |
| | |
| | Add the following: |
| | |
| | “6) The minimum clearance between the top of a pile and a |
| | sprinkler head shall be 900 mm.”. |
| | |
| | Add “(see Appendix A)” after “Application”. |
| | |
| | Replace everything following “building” in Sentence 6 by “fire |
| | separations having a rating of not less than 2 h.”; |
| | |
| | Replace everything following “building” in Sentence 7 by “fire |
| | separations having a rating of not less than 2 h (see note A- |
| |”. |
| | |
| | Add “(see Appendix A)” after “Separation from Other Dangerous |
| | Goods”. |
| | |
| | Replace Clause (a) of Sentence 1 by the following: |
| | |
| | “a) constructed in conformance with the requirements in force |
| | at the time of construction or alteration, and”. |
| | |
| | Replace “the NBC” in Sentence 3 by “the requirements in force |
| | at the time of construction or alteration”. |
| | |
| | Replace Clause (a) in Sentence 1 by the following: |
| | |
| | “a) is separated from the remainder of the building by gasproof|
| | fire separations having a rating of not less than 2 h,”; |
| | |
| | Replace everything in Clause (c) of Sentence 1 following “are” |
| | by the following: |
| | |
| | “i) equipped with an automatic closing device that ensures |
| | that the closures are closed when not in use, and |
| | |
| | ii) constructed in such a way as to prevent the migration of |
| | gas into the remainder of the building,”; |
| | |
| | Replace Clause (a) in Sentence 1 by the following: |
| | |
| | “a) is separated from the remainder of the building by gasproof|
| | fire separations having a rating of not less than 1 h,”; |
| | |
| | Replace Clause (c) in Sentence 1 by the following: |
| | |
| | “c) can be entered from the exterior, and whose closures |
| | leading to the interior of the building are |
| | |
| | i) equipped with an automatic closing device that ensures |
| | that the closures are closed when not in use, and |
| | |
| | ii) constructed in such a way as to prevent the migration of |
| | gas into the remainder of the building, and”. |
| | |
| | Replace everything following “nitrate” in Sentence 1 by “shall |
| | be medium hazard industrial occupancy.”. |
| | |
| | Replace everything following “nitrate” in Sentence 2 by “shall |
| | not exceed 1 storey.”. |
| | |
| | Replace Sentences 3 and 4 by the following: |
| | |
| | “3) Buildings intended for the storage of ammonium nitrate |
| | shall not have |
| | |
| | a) a basement or crawl space, |
| | b) uncovered area drains, tunnels, elevator or hoist pits or |
| | other cavities where molten ammonium nitrate may accumulate. |
| | |
| | “4) Buildings intended for the storage of ammonium nitrate |
| | shall have ventilation openings of at least 0.007 m2 per square|
| | metre of storage area, unless mechanical ventilation is |
| | is provided.”; |
| | |
| | Add the following sentences: |
| | |
| | 6) All flooring in storage areas shall be constructed of |
| | non-combustible materials. |
| | |
| | 7) Buildings used for the storage of ammonium nitrate shall |
| | be designed so as to prevent any contact with construction |
| | materials that may |
| | |
| | a) cause the ammonium nitrate to become unstable, |
| | b) corrode or deteriorate after coming into contact with |
| | ammonium nitrate, or |
| | c) become saturated with ammonium nitrate.”. |
| | |
| | Insert “, whether raw materials, waste, products undergoing |
| | processing or finished products” after “following products” in |
| | Sentence 1. |
| | |
| | Strike out everything following “stored products” in Sentence |
| | 2. |
| | |
| Division B | |
| Part 4 | |
| | |
| | Add “(See Appendix A.)” after the heading of the article; |
| | |
| | Add the following after Sentence 5: |
| | |
| | “6) The application of the requirements of this Part concerning|
| | maximum storage capacity shall take into account the presence |
| | of petroleum products.”. |
| | |
| | Replace “will not” in Sentence 1 by “reduces to a tolerable |
| | level the”. |
| | |
| | Replace “NBC” in Sentence 1 by “requirements in force at the |
| | time of construction or alteration”. |
| | |
| | Add “and rooms” after “cabinets” in Sentence 1. |
| | |
| | Strike out Sentence 2. |
| | |
| | Replace “the NBC” in Clause (b) of Sentence 2 by “the |
| | requirements in force at the time of construction or |
| | alteration”. |
| | |
| | Replace “Sentence of Division B of the NBC” in |
| | Sentence 1 by “good practice, as set out in NFPA-68, |
| | “Venting of Deflagrations””. |
| | |
| | Replace Clause (a) of Sentence 1 by the following: |
| | |
| | “a) the requirements in force at the time of construction or |
| | alteration, and”. |
| | |
| | Replace Sentence 3 by the following: |
| | |
| | “3) The use of non-metallic piping shall be permitted in |
| | underground installations if it conforms to one of the |
| | following standards: |
| | |
| | a) CAN/ULC-S660, “Standard for Nonmetallic Underground |
| | Piping for Flammable and Combustible Liquids”, |
| | |
| | b) ULC/ORD-C107.4, “Ducted Flexible Underground Piping |
| | Systems for Flammable and Combustible Liquids”; |
| | |
| | c) ULC/ORD-C107.7, “Glass Fibre Reinforced Plastic Pipe |
| | and Fittings for Flammable and Combustible Liquids”, |
| | |
| | d) ULC/ORD-C107.19, “Secondary Containment of |
| | Underground Piping for Flammable and Combustible Liquids”, or |
| | |
| | e) ULC/ORD-C971, “Nonmetallic Underground Piping for Flammable |
| | and Combustible Liquids.”. |
| | |
| | Replace everything following “trench” in Sentence 2 by the |
| | following: “shall |
| | |
| | a) be equipped with positive ventilation vented directly to the|
| | outside air, or |
| | |
| | b) be designed to prevent the accumulation of flammable |
| | vapours.”. |
| | |
| | Replace “the NBC” in Sentence 3 by “the requirements in force |
| | at the time of construction or alteration”. |
| | |
| | Replace everything following “shall” in Sentence 1 by “be |
| | isolated from the remainder of the building by a fire |
| | separation having a rating of not less than 2 h.”. |
| | |
| Division B | |
| Part 5 | |
| | |
| | Add “(See Appendix A.)” at the end of Sentence 1. |
| | |
| | Replace “NBC” in Sentence 1 by “requirements in force at the |
| | time of construction or alteration”. |
| | |
| | Replace Sentence 1 by the following: |
| | |
| | “1) Nozzles for the standpipe and hose systems shall be of |
| | the fog and fine spray type to prevent combustible dust from |
| | being driven up by a powerful jet and remaining suspended.”. |
| | |
| | Replace “conform” and everything following in Sentence 2 by: |
| | “conform |
| | |
| | a) to Parts 3, 4 and 5, or |
| | |
| | b) in the case of a laboratory to which Sentence, |
| | applies, to NFPA 45 “Standard on Fire Protection for |
| | Laboratories Using Chemicals”.”. |
| | |
| | Replace by the following: |
| | |
| | “ Separation |
| | |
| | 1) Except as provided in Sentence 2, a laboratory shall be |
| | separated from other parts of the building by fire separations |
| | conforming to this Code and the requirements in force at the |
| | time of construction or alteration, but having a |
| | fire-resistance rating of not less than 1 h. |
| | |
| | 2) In a sprinklered building, the required fire separation |
| | between a laboratory and the other parts of the building may |
| | be designed to meet the requirements of NFPA 45 “Standard on |
| | Fire Protection for Laboratories Using Chemicals”. (See |
| | Appendix A.)”. |
| | |
| | Replace by the following: |
| | |
| | “ General Ventilation |
| | |
| | 1) A laboratory shall be provided with continuous mechanical |
| | ventilation that is designed and maintained in a manner that |
| | ensures that the vapours and particles produced by dangerous |
| | goods |
| | |
| | a) do not accumulate in the laboratory, |
| | b) do not spread to other parts of the building, |
| | c) do no accumulate in the ventilation ducts, |
| | d) are vented to the outside, and |
| | e) cannot re-enter the building. |
| | |
| | 2) The ventilation system required under this Section shall be |
| | equipped with monitoring devices that |
| | |
| | a) indicate when the system is in operation, and |
| | b) trigger an alarm if the system fails.”. |
| | |
| | Replace the part of Sentence 1 preceding Clause (a) by the |
| | following: |
| | |
| | “1) Except as provided in Sentence (3), the use of dangerous |
| | goods in a laboratory shall be confined inside a |
| | power-ventilated enclosure conforming to Articles and |
| | when”; |
| | |
| | Add the following: |
| | |
| | “3) In a laboratory referred to in Sentence, the |
| | power-ventilated enclosure mentioned in Sentence (1) and the |
| | laboratory ventilation system shall conform to NFPA 45 |
| | “Standard on Fire Protection for Laboratories Using |
| | Chemicals”.”. |
| | |
| | Replace Sentence 1 by the following: |
| | |
| | “1) The ventilation system for a power-ventilated enclosure |
| | required in Article shall |
| | |
| | a) conform to NFPA 45 “Standard on Fire Protection for |
| | Laboratories Using Chemicals”, |
| | b) ensure the continuous extraction of air at a rate sufficient|
| | to prevent the formation of combustible or reactive deposits |
| | inside the enclosure or the exhaust ducts, |
| | c) confine vapours and particles of dangerous goods to the |
| | place where they are produced and vent them to the outside, |
| | d) prevent the re-entry of extracted air to the building, and |
| | e) be equipped with clearly identified control switches |
| | i) located outside the power-ventilated enclosure, and |
| | ii) accessible in an emergency.”. |
| | |
| | Replace “shall conform” and everything that follows in Sentence|
| | 1 by “shall |
| | |
| | a) except as provided in Sentences (2) and (3), be constructed |
| | of incombustible materials that are compatible to the vapours |
| | and particles produced by the dangerous goods and resistant to |
| | chemical attack, |
| | b) include inspection hatches for the inspection and |
| | maintenance of fans and ducts, |
| | c) be provided with instructions for its use and the operation |
| | of the ventilation system, and |
| | d) be provided with means to control accidental spillage.”; |
| | |
| | Add the following sentences: |
| | |
| | “2) The use of combustible materials shall be permitted under |
| | Clause |
| | a) if no other material offers the necessary degree of |
| | resistance to the corrosive action or reactive properties of |
| | the dangerous goods used, and |
| | b) if their flame propagation rating is not more than 25. |
| | |
| | “3) The flame propagation rating in Sentence (2) may be |
| | exceeded if the exhaust ducts are provided with an automatic |
| | fire suppression system.”. |
| | |
| | Replace “The quantity” in Sentence 1 by “Except as provided |
| | in Sentence (4), the quantity”; |
| | |
| | Add the following: |
| | |
| | “4) In a laboratory referred to in Sentence, the |
| | maximum quantity of dangerous goods stored in the laboratory |
| | shall conform to NFPA 45 “Standard on Fire Protection for |
| | Laboratories Using Chemicals”.”. |
| | |
| | Replace “(2) and (3)” in Sentence 1 by “(2), (3) and (4)”; |
| | |
| | Add the following: |
| | |
| | “4) In a laboratory referred to in Sentence, |
| | flammable and combustible liquids shall be stored in |
| | recipients that conform to NFPA 45 “Standard on Fire |
| | Protection for Laboratories Using Chemicals”.”. |
| | |
| Division B | |
| Part 6 | |
| | |
| | Replace Sentence 1 by the following: |
| | |
| | “1) Where an emergency power generation system is installed, |
| | legible and visible instructions shall be provided permanently |
| | on or close to the system for switching on essential loads and |
| | for starting the generator when this is not done |
| | automatically.”. |
| | |
| | Replace Clause (b) of Sentence 2 by the following: |
| | |
| | “b) at intervals of not more than 12 months, the equipment |
| | can provide the necessary lighting in a simulated power shutoff|
| | for the time prescribed by the requirements in force at |
| | the time of construction or alteration.”. |
| | |
| | Replace by the following: |
| | |
| | “ Inspection, Testing and Maintenance |
| | |
| | 1) Except as provided in Sentence 2, the inspection, testing |
| | and maintenance of special fire suppression systems shall be |
| | conducted in conformance with the relevant standards listed |
| | in Article |
| | |
| | “2) If the relevant standard referred to in Sentence 1 does not|
| | specify the inspection and maintenance interval, an interval of|
| | not more than 6 months shall apply.”. |
| | |
| Division B | |
| Part 7 | |
| | |
| | Replace everything following “defined” in Sentence 1 by “by |
| | the standard in force at the time of construction or |
| | alteration”. |
| | |
| | Replace “Subsection 3.2.6. of Division B of the NBC” by “the |
| | requirements in force at the time of construction or |
| | alteration”; |
| | |
| | Add “(See note A-” at the end of Sentence 2. |
| | |
| | Replace everything following “kept” in Sentence 2 by “placed |
| | in an easily recognizable box located in plain view outside the|
| | elevator shaft close to the central alarm and control facility,|
| | and an extra set of keys for use by firefighters shall be kept |
| | at the facility”. |
| | |
| Division B | |
| Appendix A | |
| Explanatory | |
| notes | |
| | |
| A- | Strike out. |
| | |
| A- | Strike out. |
| | |
| | Add the following: |
| | |
| | “A- Battery-powered alarms due for replacement may be|
| | replaced by photoelectric alarms powered by a lithium |
| | battery.”. |
| | |
| A- | Replace the second paragraph by the following: |
| (3)(c) and d) | |
| | “NFPA-12A, “Halon 1301 Fire Extinguishing Systems”, and |
| | NFPA-12B, “Halon 1211 Fire Extinguishing Systems”, are |
| | obsolete. The installation of new halon fire suppression |
| | systems is prohibited following the international ban on halon |
| | gas production. However, both standards are still relevant to |
| | the maintenance, decommissioning and recycling of existing |
| | halon fire suppression systems.”. |
| | |
| A- | Add the following: |
| | |
| | “A- A dwelling used as a daycare centre shall also |
| | be equipped with portable extinguishers.”. |
| | |
| | Add the following: |
| | |
| | “A-2.1.6. Carbon monoxide (CO) is a colourless, odourless |
| | gas that can accumulate in confined spaces and reach a lethal |
| | concentration without the knowledge of the occupants. |
| | Accordingly, as a precautionary measure, rooms that contain |
| | or are close to a potential source of CO shall be equipped |
| | with some means to detect that gas. |
| | |
| | Dwelling units commonly have two potential sources of CO: |
| | |
| | • fuel-burning space-heating appliances and fuel-burning |
| | service water heaters located in the dwelling or in an adjacent|
| | room in the building; |
| | |
| | • an adjacent garage. |
| | |
| | Fuel-burning space-heating appliances generally produce no CO |
| | and, even when they do produce some gas, it is normally |
| | vented outside the building by the appliance’s venting system. |
| | However, heating appliances and ventilation systems may |
| | malfunction, and the installation of a CO alarm at appropriate |
| | places in dwelling units constitutes an inexpensive additional |
| | safety measure. Similarly, although the walls and floors |
| | separating adjacent garages from dwelling units are required |
| | by code to be airtight, carbon monoxide from a garage may |
| | infiltrate into a dwelling since it is difficult to make the |
| | air barrier completely airtight. It is even harder to prevent |
| | CO infiltration when the air pressure is lower inside the |
| | dwelling than inside the garage. This pressure gradient may be |
| | due to the ventilation system, or simply to the draft created |
| | by the heating system. Once again, the installation of a CO |
| | alarm constitutes an inexpensive additional safety measure.”. |
| | |
| A- | Replace “waste” by “materials” in the first sentence; |
| | |
| | Replace “the presence of these combustibles” in the second |
| | sentence by “their presence”. |
| | |
| A- | Replace “must be taken” by “are acceptable”. |
| | |
| | Add the following: |
| | |
| | “A- Traffic prohibited |
| | |
| | 1) When vehicle traffic is prohibited in a street, yard or |
| | roadway referred to in Article, a corridor along the |
| | centre-line of the street, yard or roadway at least 5 m high |
| | and 5 m wide shall be provided to allow the movement of fire |
| | department vehicles and pedestrians at all times.”. |
| | |
| A- | Strike out the last sentence of the first paragraph; |
| | |
| | Replace the third paragraph by the following: |
| | |
| | “Net floor space referred to in Clauses (a) and (b) is the |
| | floor space in a room, excluding accessory areas that cannot be|
| | used by the public and areas occupied by exits and structural |
| | features. Corridors and passages providing access to exits, |
| | toilets and accessory areas that cannot be used by the public |
| | shall be excluded from the net floor space except if the |
| | corridor or passage has a permitted use. For certain uses, when|
| | the layout may change depending on the activity, it may be |
| | appropriate to calculate maximum occupant loads for each of the|
| | different activities anticipated.”. |
| | |
| | Add the following: |
| | |
| | “A-2.9 The requirements of this Section apply only to certain |
| | types of structures. The word “tent”, for example, as used in |
| | this Chapter, refers to a temporary enclosure erected during |
| | outdoor events such as fairs and exhibitions. A tent generally |
| | comprises a piece of fabric stretched over poles and tethered |
| | with ropes to the ground. The requirements for tents, as a |
| | result, are not intended to apply to fabric structures within |
| | buildings or located on building roofs. |
| | |
| | Similarly, the expression “air-supported structure” as used in |
| | the Code refers to an envelope supported solely by air |
| | pressure and erected at ground level or over a basement. It is |
| | generally weighted or anchored to the ground around its |
| | perimeter. For this reason, the NBC prohibits the installation |
| | of an air-supported structure above a building’s first |
| | storey.”. |
| | |
| A- | Strike out. |
| | |
| | Add the following: |
| | |
| | “A- A space of at least 1 m is required above the |
| | dividers to facilitate smoke detection inside tents and |
| | air-supported structures. Taking into account the slope of the |
| | roof, a maximum of 30% of the divider’s width may be less |
| | than 1 m from the ceiling.”. |
| | |
| | Add the following: |
| | |
| | “A-3.1.2 For the storage of dangerous goods, the regulations |
| | of the Commission de la santé et de la sécurité du travail du |
| | Québec (CSST) apply to covered establishments. Refer to the |
| | the following regulations: |
| | |
| | Regulation respecting occupational health and safety (chapter |
| | S-2.1, r. 13) |
| | |
| | Regulation respecting information on controlled products |
| | (chapter S-2.1, r. 8).”. |
| | |
| | Add the following: |
| | |
| | “A- The following table, A-, has been designed |
| | to include controlled products (WHMIS). It comprises Table |
| | with the addition of identification for two existing |
| | columns, A and B, and of a new column C. It allows the small |
| | quantity exemption (column B) to be applied to controlled |
| | products (column C) that are not identified as dangerous goods |
| | (column A). Column B gives the maximum exempt amount of a |
| | (controlled product or association of controlled products |
| | identified in column C. It is important to note that a class of|
| | dangerous goods (column A) on the same line as a class of |
| | controlled products (column C) does not indicate an |
| | equivalency. Dangerous goods and controlled products are not |
| | classified or categorized using the same criteria. In addition,|
| | a line relating to dangerously reactive materials F (column C) |
| | has no link to the TDG (column A). |
| | |
| | When storing dangerous goods indoors, if controlled products |
| | are present, it is recommended to proceed as follows: |
| | |
| | When the controlled products are stored at the same time as |
| | dangerous goods, to determine the maximum quantity of dangerous|
| | goods or controlled products mentioned in the preceding |
| | Sentence, according to column B in Table A-, the |
| | following should be used (see the organization chart below for |
| | determining the exemption for small quantities of dangerous |
| | goods or controlled products): |
| | |
| | a) column A in Table A- using the primary class based |
| | on section 2.8 of TC SOR/2008-34, “Transportation of |
| | Dangerous Goods Regulations”; |
| | b) for merchandise that does not fall into a class under Clause|
| | (a), column C of Table A- based on the primary class of|
| | controlled products in the Table ranking categories of |
| | controlled products (see below); or |
| | c) the most stringent for small quantities based on column B |
| | of Table A-, amended if the precedence mentioned in |
| | Clause (a) or (b) has not been established. |
Table A- amended
Small Quantity Exemptions for Dangerous Goods and Controlled Products

Organization chart for determining small quantity exemptions for dangerous goods or controlled products

| | |
| | Order of Precedence Chart for Classes of Controlled Products |
| | (WHMIS)* |
| | |
| | When a hazardous material meets the requirements for inclusion |
| | in more than one class of controlled product, the class of |
| | controlled product indicated in this table is deemed to be the |
| | primary class for segregation purposes only. |
| | |
| | _____________________________________________________________ |
| ||- | |
| || - Class of controlled product | |
| || - __________________________________________________| |
| || - |------| | | | | | | |
| || |------| B6 | C | D1A | D1B | D2A or | E | |
| || |------| | | | | D2B | | |
| || |______|______|_____|_______|_______|________|_____| |
| || | | | | | | | | |
| || | B2 | B6 | B2 | B2 | B2 | B2 | B2 | |
| || |______|______|_____|_______|_______|________|_____| |
| || | | | | | | | | |
| || | B3 | B6 | B3 | D1A | D1B | B3 | E | |
| || |______|______|_____|_______|_______|________|_____| |
| || | | | | | | | | |
| || | B4 | B6 | B4 | D1A | D1B | B4 | E | |
| || |______|______|_____|_______|_______|________|_____| |
| || | | | | | | | | |
| || Class | B6 |------| B6 | D1A | B6 | B6 | B6 | |
| || |______|______|_____|_______|_______|________|_____| |
| || | | | | | | | | |
| || of | C | B6 |-----| D1A | C | C | C | |
| || |______|______|_____|_______|_______|________|_____| |
| || | | | | | | | | |
| ||controlled| D1A | D1A | D1A |-------| D1A | D1A | D1A | |
| || |______|______|_____|_______|_______|________|_____| |
| || | | | | | | | | |
| || product | D1B | B6 | C | D1A |-------| D1B | D1B | |
| || |______|______|_____|_______|_______|________|_____| |
| || | | | | | | | | |
| || |D2A or| B6 | C | D1A | D1B |--------| E | |
| || | D2B | | | | |--------| | |
| ||__________|______|______|_____|_______|_______|________|_____| |
| || | |
| ||* This table is adapted from the table “Table-Precedence | |
| || of Classes-Class and Packing Group” for classes of | |
| || controlled products (WHMIS) under section 2.8 of the | |
| || Transportation of Dangerous Goods Regulations. | |
| ||_____________________________________________________________| |
| | |
| |Using the Order of Precedence Chart for Classes of Controlled |
| |Products |
| | |
| |If, after gathering the appropriate information, a material is |
| |found to meet the criteria for inclusion in classes B2, E and |
| |D1A, the class having precedence class having precedence is |
| |is determined by comparing the classes in pairs. The first |
| |combination is B2 and E. After locating class B2 in the |
| |left-hand column, and class E in the first row, the class |
| |having precedence is indicated in the box where the row and |
| |column meet. For this combination, class B2 has precedence over |
| |class E. Class E can be ignored. |
|________________| _______________________________________________________________|
| ||- | |
| || - Class of controlled product | |
| || - __________________________________________________| |
| || - |------| | | | | | | |
| || |------| B6 | C | D1A | D1B | D2A or | E | |
| || |------| | | | | D2B | | |
| || |______|______|_____|_______|_______|________|_____| |
| ||Class of | | | | | | | | |
| ||controlled| B2 | B6 | B2 | B2 | B2 | B2 | B2 | |
| ||product | | | | | | | | |
| ||__________|______|______|_____|_______|_______|________|_____| |
| | |
| |Using the same approach, class B2 can be compared to class D1A. |
| |Class B2 has precedence. Class D1A can be ignored, and class B2 |
| |becomes the primary class for segregation purposes only. |
| | |
| | _____________________________________________________________ |
| ||- | |
| || - Class of controlled product | |
| || - __________________________________________________| |
| || - |------| | | | | | | |
| || |------| B6 | C | D1A | D1B | D2A or | E | |
| || |------| | | | | D2B | | |
| || |______|______|_____|_______|_______|________|_____| |
| ||Class of | | | | | | | | |
| ||controlled| B2 | B6 | B2 | B2 | B2 | B2 | B2 | |
| ||product | | | | | | | | |
| | |
| | Add the following: |
| | |
| | «A- When controlled products (WHMIS) are present |
| | during the storage of dangerous goods indoors, it is |
| | recommended to use the information on labels and data sheets |
| | and to refer to Table A- This Table adds columns and |
| | lines to Table, providing for the application of the |
| | principle of separate storage to controlled products that are |
| | not identified as dangerous goods. The addition of the top line|
| | and the left-hand column allows controlled products and |
| | combinations of controlled products to be located. The addition|
| | of two columns on the right-hand side and two bottom lines, |
| | specifically for corrosive products, allows acids to be |
| | separated from bases. Lastly, the addition of the last |
| | right-hand column and the last line at the bottom allows class |
| | F controlled products to be separated. It is important to note |
| | that a class of dangerous goods on the same line or in the same|
| | column as a class of controlled products does not indicate an |
| | equivalency.". |
Table A- amended
Separation Chart for Storage of Dangerous Goods and Controlled Products

| | |
| A- | Add the following after “should not be stored with acids”: |
| | |
| | “· Hypochlorites, dichloroisocyanurates and |
| | trichloroisocianuric acid should not be stored with acids. |
| | |
| | · Oxidizing materials should not be stored with easily |
| | oxidized materials, including wooden surfaces. |
| | |
| | · Toxic or corrosive materials in liquid form should not be |
| | stored without anti-spill devices. |
| | |
| | · Reactive hazardous materials and materials likely to trigger |
| | a violent polymerization, decomposition or condensation |
| | reaction if subjected to vibration, light or sound waves shall |
| | be stored separately with appropriate protection and |
| | stability.”; |
| | |
| | Replace the last paragraph by the following: |
| | |
| | “Toxic substances should not be stored in the vicinity of |
| | chemicals with the following purity levels: B.P. (British |
| | Pharmacopeia), B.P.C. (Biotechnology Performance Certified), |
| | U.S.P. (U.S. Pharmacopeia), F.C.C. (Food Chemical Codex) and |
| | N.F. (National Formulary), since many of them are used in |
| | cosmetics, medication and food products. In the event of |
| | spillage, the toxic materials will contaminate not only the |
| | chemical, but also its container and the “clean room in which |
| | it is processed.”. |
| | |
| | Add the following: |
| | |
| | “A- The CSST regulates the storage, handling and |
| | use of flammable and combustible materials in liquid form via |
| | NFPA 30 Flammable and Combustible Liquids Code: 1996 edition |
| | - translated into French. See also section 82 of the Regulation|
| | respecting occupational health and safety |
| | (chapter S-2.1, r. 13).”. |
| | |
| A- | Strike out the first paragraph. |
| | |
| A- | Add the following paragraph: |
| (3)(b) | |
| | “In this connection, see also the website for the CSST |
| | Répertoire toxicologique (www.reptox.csst.qc.ca).”. |
| | |
| | Add the following: |
| | |
| | “A- Québec’s Act respecting explosives (chapter E-22) |
| | and Regulation under the Act respecting explosives (chapter |
| | E-22, r. 1) contain Québec adaptations of Canada’s Explosives |
| | Act (R.S.C. 1985, c. E-17) and Explosives Regulations (C.R.C., |
| | c. 599). |
| | |
| | The Safety Code for the construction industry (chapter S-2.1, |
| | r. 4), under the Act respecting occupational health and safety |
| | (chapter S-2.1), deals with the transportation, storage, |
| | handling and use of explosives on construction sites (Division |
| | IV) and underground work sites (Division VIII) and the |
| | requirements for using explosive actuated tools (Division VII).|
| | |
| | The Regulation respecting occupational health and safety |
| | (chapter S-2.1, r. 13) specifies the qualifications and refers |
| | to Division IV of the Safety Code for the construction industry|
| | (chapter S-2.1, r. 4) in connection with all blasting work and |
| | work requiring the use of explosives.”. |
| | |
| | Add the following: |
| | |
| | “A- NFPA 45 “Standard on Fire Protection for |
| | Laboratories Using Chemicals” determines the fire separation |
| | requirements for laboratories based on the types and |
| | quantities of flammable and combustible liquids stored and used|
| | in each laboratory.”. |
| | |
| Division B | Add Appendix B |
| Appendix B | Explanatory notes |
| | |
| | “B- The more stringent provisions applicable to certain|
| | buildings are provided for in Division IV (sections 346 to 369)|
| | of Chapter VIII of the Safety Code and cover residential |
| | occupancies and care and treatment occupancy. |
| | |
| | Sections 346 to 352 cover fire alarm and detection systems. |
| | |
| | 346. In buildings constructed or altered prior to 7 November |
| | 2000, the fire alarm and detection system must conform to |
| | the requirements of NBC 1995 am. Québec, except those of |
| | Sentence |
| | |
| | 346.1. Despite section 346, a private seniors’ residence must |
| | be equipped with a fire alarm and detection system, except |
| | |
| | (1) a single-family type residential occupancy for the elderly;|
| | |
| | (2) a residential board and care occupancy that lodges no more |
| | than 9 persons and whose building consists of a dwelling unit |
| | having a building height of no more than 2 storeys. |
| | |
| | 347. In a residential occupancy for the elderly and a |
| | residential board and care occupancy designed in compliance |
| | with Sentence of NBC 1995 am. Québec or 2005 am. |
| | Québec, a single-signal fire alarm and detection system must |
| | be connected to a fire department; the connection must be |
| | designed to ensure that, when the fire alarm is triggered, the |
| | fire department is alerted, in accordance with NBC 1995 am. |
| | Québec. |
| | |
| | 348. In a residential board and care occupancy designed in |
| | compliance with Sentence of NBC 1995 am. Québec |
| | or 2005 am. Québec, the fire alarm and detection system may |
| | be a single-signal or dual-signal system. |
| | |
| | 349. In a residential occupancy for the elderly equipped with a|
| | fire alarm system, smoke detectors must be installed in each |
| | bedroom that is not part of a dwelling unit. |
| | |
| | 350. In a residential occupancy for the elderly, when a sound |
| | signal device must be added to a bedroom or dwelling unit, it |
| | must include a visual signal device having a power level of at |
| | least 110 cd. |
| | |
| | 351. In a dwelling unit and in a hotel or motel suite |
| | comprising several rooms, the acoustic pressure level of a fire|
| | alarm signal must be at least 85 dBA near the entry door, once |
| | the door is closed. |
| | |
| | In the bedrooms of a residential occupancy, other than in the |
| | bedrooms of a dwelling unit, the standard is 75 dBA. |
| | |
| | 352 The provisions of Sentences and (11) NBC |
| | 1995 am. Québec do not apply if the sound signal devices are |
| | connected to a class “A” circuit according to CAN/ULC-S524, |
| | Installation of Fire Alarm Systems. |
| | |
| | The provisions come into force on 18 March 2016.”. |
| | |
| | “B- The more stringent provisions applicable to certain|
| | buildings are provided for in Division IV (sections 346 to 387)|
| | of Chapter VIII of the Safety Code and cover residential |
| | occupancies and care and treatment occupancy. |
| | |
| | Sections 353 to 358 cover smoke alarms. |
| | |
| | 353. Smoke alarms conforming to CAN/ULC-S531, Smoke Alarms, |
| | must be installed |
| | |
| | (1) in every dwelling unit; |
| | |
| | a) on each storey; and |
| | |
| | b) on each storey where bedrooms are located, the smoke alarms |
| | must be installed between the bedrooms and the remainder of the|
| | storey, except if the bedrooms are accessed by a corridor, in |
| | which case the smoke alarms must be installed in the corridor; |
| | |
| | (2) in each sleeping room that is not part of a dwelling unit, |
| | except in care or detention occupancies, which must be |
| | equipped with a fire alarm system; |
| | |
| | (3) in each corridor and each shared rest or activity area in |
| | a residential occupancy for the elderly that is not equipped |
| | with a fire alarm and detection system; |
| | |
| | (4) in sleeping rooms and in the corridors of a residential |
| | board and care occupancy designed in compliance with Article |
| | of NBC 1995 am. Québec or 2005 am. Québec, if the |
| | bedrooms are not equipped with smoke detectors; |
| | |
| | (5) in each sleeping room, corridor and shared rest or |
| | activity area of a single-family type residential occupancy for|
| | the elderly. |
| | |
| | 354. Subject to the more stringent requirements of sections |
| | 355 and 356, the smoke alarms required under section 353 must, |
| | when required by the standard in force at the time of |
| | construction or alteration of the building, |
| | |
| | (1) be installed by permanent connections to an electrical |
| | circuit and have no disconnect switch between the overcurrent |
| | device and the smoke alarm; and |
| | |
| | (2) be wired so that the activation of one alarm will |
| | automatically cause all alarms within the dwelling unit to |
| | sound. |
| | |
| | 355. The smoke alarms required under paragraphs 3 to 5 of |
| | section 353 must |
| | |
| | (1) be installed by permanent connections to an electrical |
| | circuit and have no disconnect switch between the overcurrent |
| | device and the smoke alarm; |
| | |
| | (2) be wired so that the activation of one alarm will |
| | automatically cause all alarms within the dwelling unit to |
| | sound; and |
| | |
| | (3) be wired so that the activation of one alarm in a building |
| | housing a residential occupancy for the elderly of the rooming |
| | house type will automatically cause all the alarms to sound. |
| | |
| | In addition, the smoke alarms required under paragraph 4 of |
| | section 353 must |
| | |
| | (1) be of a photoelectric type; |
| | |
| | (2) be interconnected and connected to visual signal devices |
| | that allow the personnel assigned to the sleeping rooms to see |
| | from where the smoke alarm is triggered, and |
| | |
| | (3) be connected to the fire department as provided for in NBC |
| | 1995 am. Québec. |
| | |
| | 356. Smoke alarms must be installed on or close to the ceiling |
| | in accordance with CAN/ULC-S553, Standard for the Installation |
| | of Smoke Alarms. |
| | |
| | 357. A manual device may be installed at a specific point in |
| | the electrical circuit for the smoke alarm in a dwelling unit |
| | to shut off the sound signal emitted by the smoke alarm for no |
| | more than 10 minutes; after that time, the smoke alarm must |
| | re-activate. |
| | |
| | 358. Every smoke alarm must be replaced 10 years after the |
| | date of manufacture indicated on the cover. If no date of |
| | manufacture is indicated, the smoke alarm is considered to |
| | be non-compliant and must be replaced without delay. |
| | |
| | The provisions of sections 353 to 357 come into force on 18 |
| | March 2014.”. |
| | |
| | (cf. 2020-12-02)
| | |
| | “B- The more stringent provisions applicable to |
| | certain buildings are provided for in Division IV |
| | (sections 369.1 and 369.2) of Chapter VIII of the Safety Code |
| | and cover private seniors’ residences. |
| | |
| | Sections 369.1 and 369.2 cover the installation of sprinkler |
| | systems: |
| | |
| | 369.1. A building housing a private seniors’ residence, |
| | constructed or altered in compliance with an applicable |
| | standard prior to NBC 2010 am. Québec, must be completely |
| | sprinklered, except |
| | |
| | (1) a single-family type residential occupancy for the elderly,|
| | provided that each storey accessible to the persons lodged in |
| | the occupancy is served by 2 means of egress, one of which |
| | leads directly to the exterior; |
| | |
| | (2) a residential board and care occupancy that lodges no more |
| | than 9 persons and whose building consists of a dwelling unit |
| | having a building height of no more than 2 storeys, provided |
| | that each storey accessible to the persons lodged in the |
| | occupancy is served by 2 means of egress, one of which leads |
| | directly to the exterior and the other leads to another floor |
| | area and is separated from adjoining spaces by a fire |
| | separation; |
| | |
| | (3) a building housing solely a residential occupancy for the |
| | elderly having a building height of 1 storey, a building area |
| | no more than 600 m2 and no more than 8 dwelling units, and in |
| | which no more than 16 persons lodge. |
| | |
| | 369.2. The sprinkler system required in section 369.1 must |
| | conform to the requirements of Section 3.2.5. of NBC 2005 am. |
| | Québec, but must be designed, constructed, installed and tested|
| | in accordance with NFPA Standard 13, except a combustible |
| | concealed space no more than 450 mm high that does not have to |
| | be sprinklered. |
| | |
| | Despite the foregoing, the following may be sprinklered in |
| | compliance with NFPA Standard 13D where the water supply |
| | capacity for the sprinkler system is not less than 30 minutes: |
| | |
| | (1) a single-family type residential occupancy for the elderly,|
| | provided that each storey accessible to the persons lodged in |
| | the occupancy, except the second storey, is served by 2 means |
| | of egress, one of which leads directly to the exterior; |
| | |
| | (2) a residential board and care occupancy that lodges no more |
| | than 9 persons and whose building consists of a dwelling unit |
| | having a building height of no more than 2 storeys, provided |
| | that each storey accessible to the persons lodged in the |
| | occupancy, except the second storey, is served by 2 means of |
| | egress, one of which leads directly to the exterior. |
| | |
| | This section does not apply to a building which, on |
| | 2 December 2015, is completely sprinklered by a system |
| | installed in accordance with the standard applicable on the |
| | year of construction. |
| | |
| | The provisions come into force on 2 December 2020.” |
| | |
| |“B-2.1.6. The more stringent provisions applicable to certain |
| | buildings are provided for in Division IV (sections 346 to 369)|
| | of Chapter VIII of the Safety Code and cover residential |
| | occupancies and care and treatment occupancy. |
| | |
| | Sections 359 and 360 cover carbon monoxide alarms. |
| | |
| | 359. A carbon monoxide alarm must be installed in every |
| | dwelling unit, residential occupancy for the elderly or |
| | residential board and care occupancy designed in compliance |
| | with Article of NBC 1995 am. Québec or 2005 am. |
| | Québec that contains |
| | |
| | (1) a heating appliance; or |
| | |
| | (2) direct access to an indoor parking garage. |
| | |
| | 360. Carbon monoxide alarms must |
| | |
| | (1) conform to CAN/CSA-6.19, “Residential Carbon Monoxide |
| | Alarming Devices”; |
| | |
| | (2) be equipped with an integrated alarm that meets the |
| | audibility requirements of CAN/CSA-6.19, “Residential Carbon |
| | Monoxide Alarming Devices”; |
| | |
| | (3) be installed according to the manufacturer’s |
| | recommendations. |
| | |
| | The provisions come into force on 18 March 2014.”. |
| | |
| | “B- The most stringent provisions applicable to |
| | certain buildings are provided for in Division IV |
| | (sections 346 to 369) of Chapter VIII of the Safety Code and |
| | cover residential occupancies and care and treatment occupancy.|
| | |
| | Sections 361 to 365 cover fire separation. |
| | |
| | 361. In a building constructed or altered prior to 1 December |
| | 1976, the floors must constitute fire separations with a fire |
| | resistance rating of at least 30 minutes or meet the |
| | requirements of NBC 1980 am. Québec. The elements supporting |
| | the floors must also have a fire resistance rating of at least |
| | 30 minutes or meet the requirements of NBC 1980. |
| | |
| | 362. In a building constructed or altered prior to 25 May 1984,|
| | suites of residential occupancy must be isolated from the |
| | remainder of the building by fire separations in accordance |
| | with the requirements of Section 3.3 or with Part 9 of NBC 1980|
| | am. Québec. However, existing fire separations may have a fire |
| | resistance rating of only 30 minutes. |
| | |
| | 363. In a care occupancy constructed or altered prior to |
| | 25 May 1984, all or part of a floor area occupied by bedrooms |
| | must conform to Subsection 3.3.3. of NBC 1980 am. Québec. |
| | |
| | 364. Every opening in a fire separation of a building |
| | constructed or altered prior to 25 May 1984 must be equipped |
| | with a closure in accordance with the requirements of NBC 1980 |
| | am. Québec. |
| | |
| | 365. A building constructed or altered prior to 25 May 1984 |
| | and containing a floor that does not end with a vertical fire |
| | separation from the floor to the underside of the floor or |
| | roof and have a fire resistance rating at least equal to the |
| | rating for the floor on which it abuts must meet the |
| | requirements of NBC 1980 am. Québec. |
| | |
| | The provisions come into force on 18 March 2018.”. |
| | |
| | “B. The most stringent provisions applicable to certain|
| | buildings are provided for in Division IV (sections 346 to 369)|
| | of Chapter VIII of the Safety Code and cover residential |
| | occupancies and care and treatment occupancy. |
| | |
| | Sections 361 to 365 cover openings in fire separation. |
| | |
| | 361. In a building constructed or altered prior to 1 December |
| | 1976, the floors must constitute fire separations with a fire |
| | resistance rating of at least 30 minutes or meet the |
| | requirements of NBC 1980 am. Québec. The elements supporting |
| | the floors must also have a fire resistance rating of at least |
| | 30 minutes or meet the requirements of NBC 1980. |
| | |
| | 362. In a building constructed or altered prior to 25 May 1984,|
| | suites of residential occupancy must be isolated from the |
| | remainder of the building by fire separations in accordance |
| | with the requirements of Section 3.3 or with Part 9 of NBC |
| | 1980 am. Québec. However, existing fire separations may have a |
| | fire resistance rating of only 30 minutes. |
| | |
| | 363. In a care occupancy constructed or altered prior to 25 May|
| | 1984, all or part of a floor area occupied by bedrooms must |
| | conform to Subsection 3.3.3. of NBC 1980 am. Québec. |
| | |
| | 364. Every opening in a fire separation of a building |
| | constructed or altered prior to 25 May 1984 must be equipped |
| | with a closure in accordance with the requirements of NBC 1980 |
| | am. Québec. |
| | |
| | 365. A building constructed or altered prior to 25 May 1984 and|
| | containing a floor that does not end with a vertical fire |
| | separation from the floor to the underside of the floor or roof|
| | and have a fire resistance rating at least equal to the rating |
| | for the floor on which it abuts must meet the requirements of |
| | NBC 1980 am. Québec. |
| | |
| | The provisions come into force on 18 March 2018.”. |
| | |
| | “B- The most stringent provisions applicable to certain|
| | buildings are provided for in Division IV (sections 346 to 369)|
| | of Chapter VIII of the Safety Code and cover residential |
| | occupancies and care and treatment occupancy. |
| | |
| | Section 368 covers interior finish. |
| | |
| | 368. In a residential occupancy for the elderly constructed or |
| | altered prior to 25 May 1984, the flame-spread rating of the |
| | interior finish of the walls and ceilings must conform to NBC |
| | 1985 am. Québec. |
| | |
| | The provision comes into force on 18 March 2014.”. |
| | |
| | “B- The most stringent provisions applicable to certain|
| | buildings are provided for in Division IV (sections 346 to 369)|
| | of Chapter VIII of the Safety Code and cover residential |
| | occupancies and care and treatment occupancy. |
| | |
| | Section 369 covers means of egress. |
| | |
| | 369. In a single-family type residential occupancy for the |
| | elderly, when at least 1 bedroom is laid out to accommodate the|
| | elderly, the basement must have an exit opening directly to the|
| | exterior. |
| | |
| | The provision comes into force on 18 march 2016.”. |
| | |
| | “B- The most stringent provisions applicable to certain|
| | buildings are provided for in Division IV (sections 346 to 369)|
| | of Chapter VIII of the Safety Code and cover residential |
| | occupancies and care and treatment occupancy. |
| | |
| | Sections 366 and 367 cover emergency lighting. |
| | |
| | 366. Emergency lighting must conform to the requirements of the|
| | Construction Code, NBC 1995 am. Québec. |
| | |
| | 367. In a single-family type residential occupancy for the |
| | elderly, emergency lighting must be installed in corridors, |
| | stairways and means of egress and be designed to provide |
| | automatically electric power for 30 minutes if the normal |
| | source of power supply fails. |
| | |
| | The provisions come into force on 18 March 2014.”. |
| | |
| Division C | Strike out. |
| Appendix A | |
| | |
| Explanatory | |
| notes | |
O.C. 1263-2012, s. 1; O.C. 1035-2015, s. 5; O.C. 1035-2015, s. 6.
Chapter VIII Building, Division A, (Section 370)
National Fire Code of Canada 2010 (NRCC 53303)
| | |
| Article | Amendment |
| | |
| Division A - | |
| Part 1 | |
| | |
| | Replace Sentence 1 by the following: |
| | |
| | “1) This Code applies to all facilities intended for use by the|
| | public, all installations and all new and existing buildings, |
| | and to building construction, renovation and demolition sites, |
| | subject to the field of application determined by the Board or |
| | by another authority having jurisdiction (see Appendix A).”. |
| | |
| | Add “and approved by the Board or, in the case of buildings |
| | over which the Board does not have jurisdiction, by the |
| | authority having jurisdiction” after “solutions” in Clause |
| | |
| | |
| | Replace everything following “defined” in Sentence 1 by “the |
| | standard applicable at the time of construction of |
| | alteration.”. |
| | |
| | Replace the relevant definitions in Sentence 1 by the |
| | following definitions: |
| | |
| | “Air-supported structure (structure gonflable) means a movable |
| | structure consisting of a pliable membrane that achieves and |
| | maintains its shape and support by internal air pressure and is|
| | installed for a maximum period of 6 months.”; |
| | |
| | “Authority having jurisdiction (autorité compétente) means the |
| | Régie du bâtiment du Québec (the “Board”), a regional county |
| | municipality or a local municipality.”; |
| | |
| | “Care occupancy (établissement de soins) has the meaning |
| | defined by the standard applicable at the time of construction |
| | or alteration of the building.”; |
| | |
| | “Firewall (mur coupe-feu) has the meaning defined by the |
| | standard applicable at the time of construction or alteration |
| | of the building.”; |
| | |
| | “First storey (premier étage) means the floor defined by the |
| | standard applicable at the time of construction or alteration |
| | of the building.”; |
| | |
| | “Grade (niveau moyen du sol) has the meaning defined by the |
| | standard applicable at the time of construction or alteration |
| | of the building.”; |
| | |
| | “Major occupancy (usage principal) has the meaning defined by |
| | the standard applicable at the time of construction or |
| | alteration of the building.”; |
| | |
| | “Treatment occupancy (établissement de traitement) has the |
| | meaning defined by the standard applicable at the time of |
| | construction or alteration of the building.”; |
| | |
| | Replace everything following “harboured” in the definition of |
| | “Residential occupancy” in Sentence 1 by “or interned, for |
| | the purpose of receiving medical care, and are not |
| involuntarily detained.”; |
| | |
| | Add the following definition after Sentence 1: |
| | |
| | “Building height (hauteur de bâtiment) (in stories) has the |
| | meaning defined by the standard applicable at the time of |
| | construction or alteration of the building.”; |
| | |
| | “Stage (scène) means a space designed for public performances |
| | and rapid changes of scenery, with lighting at ceiling level |
| | and facilities to create sound and light effects, generally but|
| | not compulsorily separated from the room by a proscenium wall |
| | and a curtain.”; |
| | |
| | “Tent (tente) means a movable, portable fabric structure that |
| | is erected outdoors for a maximum period of 6 months.”; |
| | |
| | Add “as a domicile” after “to be used” in the definition of |
| | “Dwelling unit” in Sentence 1; |
| | |
| | Strike out the definitions of “Care” and “Treatment”. |
| | |
| | Add “Lx ……… Lux” and “ml ………. millilitre” in Sentence 1, in |
| | alphabetical order. |
| | |
| Division A | |
| Appendix A | |
| Explanatory | |
| notes | |
| | |
| A- | Strike out the last two sentences of the third paragraph of |
| | note A- 1). |
| | |
| A- | Strike out the paragraphs “Treatment”, “Care Occupancy”, |
| | “Treatment Occupancy” and “Grade” |
| | |
| Division B | |
| Part 1 | |
| | |
| | Replace respectively, in Table, referred to hereafter, |
| | the following standards: |
| | |
| | NFPA |
| | |
| | 68-2007 Explosion Protection by Deflagration Venting |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | Add, in Table, in order of the organizations, the |
| | following standards: |
| | |
| | “CSA |
| | CAN/CSA-B149.5-05 |
| | Installation Code for Propane Fuel Systems and Tanks on |
| | Highway Vehicles |
| |” |
| | |
| | “NFPA |
| | 101-2009 |
| | Life Safety Code |
| | |
| |” |
| | |
| | “NFPA |
| | 45-2011 |
| | Standard on Fire Protection for Laboratories Using Chemicals |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| |” |
| | |
| | “ULC |
| | ULC/ORD-C107.4- |
| | Ducted Flexible Underground Piping Systems for Flammable and |
| | Combustible Liquids |
| |” |
| | |
| | “ULC |
| | ULC/ORD-C107.7 |
| | Glass Fibre Reinforced Plastic Pipe and Fittings for Flammable |
| | and Combustible Liquids |
| |” |
| | |
| | “ULC |
| | ULC/ORD-C107.19 |
| | Secondary Containment of Underground Piping for Flammable and |
| | Combustible Liquids |
| |” |
| | |
| | “ULC |
| | ULC/ORD-C-627.1-2008-EN-EL |
| | Unvented Ethyl Alcohol Fuel Burning Decorative Appliances |
| |” |
| | |
| | “ULC |
| | ULC/ORD-C971 |
| | Nonmetallic Underground Piping for Flammable and Combustible |
| | Liquids |
| |” |
| | |
| Division B | |
| Part 2 | |
| | |
| | Replace “the NBC. (See Appendix A.)” in Sentence 1 by “the |
| | requirements in force at the time of construction or |
| | alteration”. |
| | |
| | Replace Sentence 1 by the following: |
| | |
| | “1) Fire alarm, standpipe and sprinkler systems shall conform |
| | to the requirements in force at the time of construction or |
| | alteration or, if applicable, to the more stringent provisions |
| | applicable to certain buildings under Section IV of Chapter |
| | VIII of the Safety Code (see Appendix B).”. |
| | |
| | Replace Sentence 1 by the following: |
| | |
| | “1) A voice communications system or systems integrated with |
| | the general fire alarm system shall be provided in buildings in|
| | conformance with the requirements in force at the time of |
| | construction or alteration.”. |
| | |
| | Replace by the following: |
| | |
| | “ Smoke Alarms |
| | |
| | 1) Smoke alarms shall conform to the requirements in force at |
| | the time of construction, or, if applicable, to the more |
| | stringent provisions applicable to certain buildings under |
| | Section IV of Chapter VIII of the Safety Code (see Appendix B).|
| | |
| | 2) Every smoke alarm shall be replaced 10 years after the date |
| | of manufacture indicated on the cover. If no date of |
| | manufacture is indicated, the smoke alarm shall be replaced |
| | without delay.”. |
| | |
| | In Sentence 1, replace “, as is required by the NBC” by “in |
| | conformance with the standard in force at the time of |
| | construction or alteration”, and replace “edition of the NBC” |
| | by “standard”. |
| | |
| | Replace Sentence 1 by the following: |
| | |
| | “1) A fire suppression system shall conform to one of the |
| | standards listed in Sentences (3) and (4).”. |
| | |
| | Replace “the NBC” in Sentence 1 by “the requirements in force |
| | at the time of construction or alteration”. |
| | |
| | Replace “the NBC” in Sentence 1 by “the requirements in force |
| | at the time of construction or alteration”. |
| | |
| | Replace Sentence 1 by the following: |
| | |
| | “1) Portable extinguishers that meet the requirements of |
| | Sentences (2) to (4) shall be installed in all buildings, |
| | except dwelling units and shared areas serving fewer than 5 |
| | dwelling units, except in the case of a day-care centre (see |
| | Appendix A).”. |
| | |
| | Add the following: |
| | |
| | “2.1.6 Carbon Monoxide Alarms |
| | |
| | Carbon Monoxide Alarms |
| | |
| | 1) Carbon monoxide alarms shall conform to the requirements in |
| | force at the time of construction or alteration or, if |
| | applicable, to the more stringent provisions applicable to |
| | certain buildings under Section IV of Chapter VIII of the |
| | Safety Code (see Appendix B).”. |
| | |
| | Replace “the NBC” in Sentences (1), (2) and (3) by “the |
| | requirements in force at the time of construction or alteration|
| | or, if applicable, to the more stringent provisions applicable |
| | to certain buildings under Section IV of Chapter VIII of the |
| | Safety Code (see Appendix B).”. |
| | |
| | Replace “the NBC” in Sentence 1 by “the requirements in force |
| | at the time of construction or alteration or, if applicable, to|
| | the more stringent provisions applicable to certain buildings |
| | under Section IV of Chapter VIII of the Safety Code (see |
| | Appendix B).”; |
| | |
| | Replace “the NBC” in Sentence 2 by “the requirements in force |
| | at the time of construction or alteration”. |
| | |
| | Replace “conforming to the NBC” in Sentence 2 by “that conforms|
| | to the requirements in force at the time of construction or |
| | alteration”. |
| | |
| | Replace “the NBC” in Sentence 1 by “the requirements in force |
| | at the time of construction or alteration or, if applicable, |
| | with the more stringent provisions applicable to certain |
| | buildings under Section IV of Chapter VIII of the Safety Code |
| | (see Appendix B).”. |
| | |
| | Add the following: |
| | |
| | “2) The use of cut softwoods, softwood branches, dried plants |
| | or plastic foam as decorative materials is prohibited in |
| | |
| | a) an exit, |
| | b) an assembly occupancy, |
| | c) a hotel establishment, |
| | d) a care occupancy or detention occupancy, or |
| | e) a mercantile occupancy.”. |
| | |
| | Replace Sentence 1 by the following: |
| | |
| | “1) Except as provided in Sentence (3), bed linen, window |
| | drapes and cubicle curtains used in care occupancies shall |
| | conform to CAN/CGSB-4.162-M, “Hospital Textiles - Flammability |
| | Performance Requirements”.”; |
| | |
| | Replace Sentence 3 by the following: |
| | |
| | “3) Mattresses, bed linen, window drapes and cubicle curtains |
| | need not conform to Sentences (1) and (2) if used in |
| | residential board and care occupancies”. |
| | |
| | Replace “waste” in Sentence 1 by “materials”; |
| | |
| | Add “attic or roof spaces” after “crawl spaces” in Sentence 3; |
| | |
| | Add the following: |
| | |
| | “7) Outdoor storage receptacles, such as dumpsters, used for |
| | combustible materials and over 2,000 litres in capacity shall |
| | |
| | a) be located at least 3 m from any opening in a building or |
| | combustible component of a building, except if a steel screen |
| | with an air space of 25 mm or a masonry screen protects the |
| | opening or wall, and |
| | |
| | b) be equipped with a cover that shall remain closed and |
| | padlocked.”. |
| | |
| | Replace “the NBC” in Sentence 1 by “the requirements in force |
| | at the time of construction or alteration”. |
| | |
| | Replace Clause (b) of Sentence 1 by the following: |
| | |
| | “b) in dining areas in care occupancies.”. |
| | |
| | Replace “Group B, Divisions 2 and 3 care and” in Sentence 1 by |
| | “care or”. |
| | |
| | Add the following: |
| | |
| | “ Propane-Powered Vehicles |
| | |
| | 1) Propane-powered vehicles shall not be exposed indoors unless|
| | the relevant safety measures, namely those of Section 5.14 of |
| | CAN/CGA-B149.5 M95, “Installation Code for Propane Systems and |
| | C Tanks on Highway Vehicles, are followed”.”. |
| | |
| | Add the following: |
| | |
| | “2.4.8. Plastic Foam |
| | |
| | “ Protection of Plastic Foam |
| | |
| | 1) Plastic foam insulators shall be protected in conformance |
| | with the requirements in force at the time of construction or |
| | alteration. |
| | |
| | “2.4.9. Work Tables |
| | |
| | “ Work Tables |
| | |
| | 1) In mercantile occupancies or industrial occupancies, every |
| | work table over 7.5 m in length under which combustible |
| | materials are stored shall |
| | |
| | a) be equipped with incombustible dividers fixed transversally |
| | under the table at a distance of no more than 3 m from each |
| | other, or |
| | |
| | b) be equipped with sprinklers underneath. |
| | |
| | “2.4.10. Ethyl Alcohol Fuel Burning Appliances |
| | |
| | “ Ethyl Alcohol Fuel Burning Appliances |
| | |
| | 1) All ethyl alcohol fuel burning appliances containing over |
| | 250 ml shall be manufactured in accordance with ULC/ORDC-627.1,|
| | “Unvented Ethyl Alcohol Fuel Burning Decorative Appliances”. |
| | |
| | “2.4.11. Lightning Protection Installations |
| | |
| | “ Lightning Protection Installations |
| | |
| | 1) All lightning protection installations shall be maintained |
| | in good operating condition. |
| | |
| | “2.4.12. Portable Cooking Appliances |
| | |
| | “ Inside a Building |
| | |
| | 1) No portable cooking appliance fuelled by charcoal or gas may|
| | may be used inside a building. |
| | |
| | “ Outside a Building |
| | |
| | 1) No portable cooking appliance fuelled by charcoal or gas |
| | may be used outside a building less than 600 mm from a door |
| | or window. |
| | |
| | “2.4.13. Stages |
| | |
| | “ Protection Equipment |
| | |
| | 1) All stages shall be equipped with at least 2 portable |
| | extinguishers that conform to Subdivision 2.1.5. |
| | |
| | 2) All walkways over a stage shall be equipped with at least 2 |
| | portable extinguishers that conform to Subdivision 2.1.5. |
| | |
| | “ Scenery and Props |
| | |
| | 1) Only the scenery and props required for the current |
| | performance may be kept on the stage and on walkways over the |
| | stage. All other scenery and props shall be stored in storage |
| | areas that conform to the requirements in force at the time of|
| | construction or alteration.”. |
| | |
| | Replace “the NBC” in Sentence 1 by “the requirements in force |
| | at the time of construction or alteration (see Appendix A).”. |
| | |
| | Add the following: |
| | |
| | “2) The access panels or windows provided to facilitate |
| | firefighting operations shall be marked.”. |
| | |
| | Replace by the following: |
| | |
| | “ Fire Department Connections |
| | |
| | 1) Access to fire department connections for sprinkler or |
| | standpipe systems by firefighters and their equipment shall be |
| | maintained free of obstructions to a distance of at least 1.5 m|
| | at all times. |
| | |
| | 2) When a building has more than one fire department |
| | connection, each fire department connection shall be identified|
| | on the basis of its functions.”. |
| | |
| | Replace “the NCB” in Sentence 1 by “the requirements in force |
| | at the time of construction or alteration”. |
| | |
| | Replace by the following: |
| | |
| | “ Solid Fuels |
| | |
| | 1) Solid fuel bins shall be located not less than 1.2 m from |
| | the appliance served.”. |
| | |
| | Replace “the NBC” in Sentence 1 by “the requirements in force |
| | at the time of construction or alteration”. |
| | |
| | Replace “disconnect switches” in Sentence 2 by “circuit |
| | breakers”. |
| | |
| | Replace Sentence 1 by the following: |
| | |
| | “1) Commercial cooking equipment exhaust and fire protection |
| | systems shall be designed and installed in conformance with the|
| | requirements in force at the time of construction or |
| | alteration.”. |
| | |
| | Replace “the NBC” in Sentence 1 by “the requirements in force |
| | at the time of construction or alteration”. |
| | |
| | Add the following: |
| | |
| | “2) All electrical equipment vaults shall be identified by a |
| | poster.”. |
| | |
| | Replace by the following: |
| | |
| | “ Means of Egress |
| | |
| | 1) Means of egress shall be provided in buildings in |
| | conformance with the requirements in force at the time of |
| | construction or alteration or, if applicable, with the more |
| | stringent provisions applicable to certain buildings under |
| | Section IV of Chapter VIII of the Safety Code (see Appendix |
| | B).”. |
| | |
| | Replace “by the NBC” in Clause (b) of Sentence 1 by “by the |
| | requirements in force at the time of construction or |
| | alteration”; |
| | |
| | Strike out “business and personal services,” in Clause (a) of |
| | Sentence 3; |
| | |
| | Add “business and personal services and” after “in” in Clause |
| | (c) of Sentence 3. |
| | |
| | Replace by the following: |
| | |
| | “ Occupant Load |
| | |
| | 1) The maximum number of occupants permitted in any room shall |
| | be calculated |
| | |
| | a) except as provided in Sentence (2), in Group A assembly |
| | occupancies, on the basis of the net floor space per occupant |
| | specified in Table, |
| | |
| | b) for occupancies in another group, on the basis of the net |
| | floor space per occupant of 0.4 m2, excluding the floor space |
| | occupied by furniture and equipment, or |
| | |
| | c) on the basis of the number of occupants for which means of |
| | egress are provided, if that number is below the number |
| | determined under Clause (a) or (b). |
| | |
| | (See Appendix A.) |
| | |
| | Table |
| | Number of Occupants |
| | Forming an integral part of Sentence |
| | |
| | _______________________________________________________ |
| | | | | |
| | | Use of floor space or part of floor | Net floor space| |
| | | space | coefficient | |
| | | | per | |
| | | Assembly occupancy | occupant in m2 | |
| | |______________________________________|________________| |
| | | | | |
| | | Bars, dining areas and cafeterias | 1.2 | |
| | |(note 1) | | |
| | |______________________________________|________________| |
| | | | | |
| | | Rooms with movable seating other than| 0.75 | |
| | | bars and dining areas (note 2) | | |
| | |______________________________________|________________| |
| | | | | |
| | | Rooms with tables and movable seating| 0.95 | |
| | | other than bars and dining areas | | |
| | | (note 2) | | |
| | |______________________________________|________________| |
| | | | | |
| | | Meeting rooms without seats (note 3) | 0.6 | |
| | |______________________________________|________________| |
| | | | | |
| | | Bowling alleys and pool halls (note | 9.3 | |
| | | 4) | | |
| | |______________________________________|________________| |
| | | | | |
| | | Classrooms | 1.85 | |
| | |______________________________________|________________| |
| | | | | |
| | | Exhibition rooms | 3 | |
| | |______________________________________|________________| |
| | | | | |
| | | Reading, study and rest rooms | 1.85 | |
| | |______________________________________|________________| |
| | | | | |
| | | Stages | 0.75 | |
| | |______________________________________|________________| |
| | |
| | Note 1: The coefficient of 1.2 m2 shall be used for dining |
| | areas, bars and cafeterias, whatever their layout. In bars |
| | and licensed beverage establishments, the coefficient of |
| | 0.6 m2 may be used only for the parts of the floor area used |
| | without seating or tables (dance floor, standing bar, etc.). |
| | |
| | Note 2: The coefficients of 0.75 m2 and 0.95 m2 are reserved |
| | for occupancies other than dining areas, bars or cafeterias |
| | (see note 1) such as bingo halls, assembly rooms and meeting |
| | rooms. |
| | |
| | Note 3: The density of occupants in assembly occupancies is |
| | limited to 0.6 m2 of free floor space per occupant to ensure |
| | that occupants are not prevented from reaching exits by |
| | excessive occupant density. |
| | |
| | Note 4: The coefficient of 9.3 m2 shall be used for bowling |
| | alleys and pool halls. When the room is used as a bar or |
| | licensed beverage establishment, the coefficient of 1.2 m2 |
| | shall be used once the area of the pool table has been |
| | subtracted from the space used by the public. |
| | |
| | 2) In a room or part of a room in an assembly occupancy with |
| | fixed seating, the maximum number of occupants shall be |
| | determined by the number of fixed seats and the aisles |
| | required for the fixed seating shall not be used to increase |
| | the maximum permitted number of occupants. |
| | |
| | 3) For the purposes of Sentences (1) and (2), the maximum |
| | occupancy load of a room shall be determined by the maximum |
| | number of occupants that may be admitted to the floor area |
| | where the room is situated, taking the means of egress into |
| | consideration. |
| | |
| | 4) The number of occupants admitted to a room shall not exceed |
| | the maximum number of occupants calculated in conformance with |
| | Sentences (1) to (3). |
| | |
| | 5) The authority having jurisdiction may require that the |
| | information, calculations and drawings showing compliance with |
| | Sentence (4) be provided in writing.”. |
| | |
| | Replace “the NBC” in Sentence 2 by “the requirements in force |
| | at the time of construction or alteration”. |
| | |
| | Add “Except as provided in Sentence (4),” before “When” in |
| | Sentence 1; |
| | |
| | Replace the part of Clause (f) of Clause 1 preceding Clause (i)|
| | by the following: |
| | |
| | “f) except as provided in Sentence (3), when the number of |
| | seats in the room exceeds 100,”; |
| | |
| | Add “Except as provided in Sentence (5)” before “When” in |
| | Sentence 3; |
| | |
| | Add the following: |
| | |
| | “4) Nonfixed seats may be laid out using the criteria in |
| | Sections and of NFPA 101, “Life Safety Code”,|
| | if |
| | |
| | a) the minimum clear width specified in Clause (a) of |
| | Sentence (1) is respected; and |
| | |
| | b) the requirements of Clause (f) of Sentence (1) are |
| | respected. |
| | |
| | “5) Tables provided with nonfixed seats may be laid out using |
| | the criteria in Sections and of NFPA 101, |
| | “Life Safety Code”.”. |
| | |
| | Replace Sentence 2 by the following: |
| | |
| | “2) The windows of sleeping rooms that are required as an exit |
| | and are located in a basement shall not be obstructed by snow, |
| | materials or objects that prevent emergency evacuation.”. |
| | |
| | Replace everything following “buildings” in Sentence 1 by “in |
| | conformance with the requirements in force at the time of |
| | construction or alteration or, if applicable, with the more |
| | stringent provisions applicable to certain buildings under |
| | Section IV of Chapter VIII of the Safety Code (see Appendix |
| | B).”. |
| | |
| | Replace “the NBC” in Clause (b) of Sentence 1 by “the |
| | requirements in force at the time of construction or |
| | alteration”; |
| | |
| | Add the following after Clause (f) in Sentence 1: |
| | |
| | “g) every building housing a private seniors’ residence.”. |
| | |
| | Strike out “in cooperation with the fire department and other |
| | applicable regulatory authorities” in Sentence 1. |
| | |
| | Replace by the following: |
| | |
| | “ Care, Treatment and Detention Occupancies and |
| | Private Seniors’ Residences |
| | |
| | 1) A sufficient number of supervisory staff shall be on duty in|
| | care and detention occupancies and private seniors’ residences |
| | to apply the emergency procedures to be used in case of fire |
| | detailed in clause”. |
| | |
| | Replace everything preceding “fire safety plan” by the |
| | following: |
| | |
| | “1) In high buildings as defined in the standard applicable at |
| | the time of construction or alteration, and in buildings in |
| | which any of the following facilities is installed,”. |
| | |
| | Replace Sentence 2 by the following: |
| | |
| | “2) The copy reserved for use by the fire department shall be |
| | kept: |
| | |
| | a) at the central alarm and control facility in the case of a |
| | high building as defined in the standard applicable at the time|
| | of construction or alteration, and |
| | |
| | b) at the place determined in cooperation with the fire |
| | department in all other cases.”; |
| | |
| | Add the following: |
| | |
| | “3) In a residential board and care occupancy, a copy of the |
| | fire safety plan and a complete list of all occupants, |
| | including the location of all occupants with special egress |
| | needs, shall be available and kept at a place determined in |
| | cooperation with the fire department.”. |
| | |
| | Add after “hotel” in Sentence 2 “, rooming house”. |
| | |
| | Add the following: |
| | |
| | “ Supervisory Staff |
| | |
| | 1) In an occupied building equipped with a dual signal fire |
| | alarm, there shall be sufficient supervisory staff, and no less|
| | than 3 persons, on duty able to apply the emergency procedures |
| | to be used in case of fire referred to in Sentence,|
| | combat an incipient fire using appropriate means, and using |
| | the building’s firefighting equipment appropriately. One such |
| | person shall be present at all times at the central alarm and |
| | control facility or at the fire alarm panel.”. |
| | |
| | Replace Clause (e) in Sentence 1 by the following: |
| | |
| | “e) the features of the fire emergency systems installed in the|
| | building and subject to additional requirements for high |
| | buildings in force at the time of construction or alteration, |
| | and”. |
| | |
| | Replace by the following: |
| | |
| | “ Fire Drill Frequency |
| | |
| | 1) Fire drills as described in Sentence shall be |
| | held at intervals not greater than 12 months for the |
| | supervisory staff, except that |
| | |
| | a) in Group B major occupancies and in private seniors’ |
| | residences, such drills shall be held at intervals not greater |
| | than 6 months; however, occupants who cannot evacuate the |
| | building without assistance or who have health problems are |
| | not required to take part in the evacuation, but the |
| | supervisory staff shall still prepare them as if they were to |
| | be evacuated, |
| | |
| | b) in schools and day-care centres, total evacuation drills |
| | shall be held at least once in the fall and once in the spring,|
| | |
| | c) in high buildings as defined by the requirements in force at|
| | the time of construction or alteration, except a Group C major |
| | occupancy building, such drills shall be held at intervals not |
| | greater than 6 months, |
| | |
| | d) in Group A, Division 1 major occupancies, such drills shall |
| | be held at intervals not greater than 3 months.”. |
| | |
| | Add the following: |
| | |
| | “2.8.4. Duties of the Owner |
| | |
| | “ Duties of the Owner |
| | |
| | 1) The portion of a building occupied before the end of its |
| | construction or alteration shall be |
| | |
| | a) equipped with a fire detection and alarm system in proper |
| | working order, |
| | |
| | b) equipped with the fire suppression measures required by the |
| | requirements in force at the time of construction or alteration|
| | and in proper working order, |
| | |
| | c) equipped with usable means of egress free from all |
| | obstructions, |
| | |
| | d) served by at least 2 exits, and |
| | |
| | e) isolated from the portion of the building where work is in |
| | progress by a fire separation with a fire-resistance rating of |
| | not less than 1 h. |
| | |
| | 2) The portion of the building where work is in progress shall |
| | be under appropriate surveillance.” |
| | |
| 2.9. | Add the following after “2.9 Tents and Air-Supported |
| | Structures”: |
| | |
| | “(See Appendix A.)”. |
| | |
| | Replace by the following: |
| | |
| | “ General |
| | |
| | 1) Tents and air-supported structures shall conform to the |
| | NBC.”. |
| | |
| | Strike out “(see Appendix A.)”. |
| | |
| | Add the following: |
| | |
| | “ Heat- or Light-Producing Appliances |
| | |
| | 1) The use of cooking equipment or a combustion appliance is |
| | prohibited in a tent or air-supported structure that is |
| | accessible to the public. |
| | |
| | 2) Cooking appliances with more than 2 baskets used to fry |
| | food that are used inside a tent or air-supported structure |
| | that is not accessible to the public shall be protected by a |
| | special fire suppression system in conformance with Article |
| | |
| | |
| | 3) Bulbs and projectors for any lighting apparatus for a tent |
| | or air-supported structure shall be placed at least 600 mm from|
| | any combustible substance. |
| | |
| | “ Interior Dividers |
| | |
| | 1) Fabric panels used to divide the interior space of a tent or|
| | air-supported structure shall not be installed less than 1 m |
| | from the ceiling (see Appendix A.).”. |
| | |
| | Replace “the NBC” in Sentence 1 by “the requirements in force |
| | at the time of construction or alteration”. |
| | |
| | Replace by the following article: |
| | |
| | “ Supervision of Children |
| | |
| | 1) There shall be sufficient numbers of staff to ensure the |
| | evacuation of children in an emergency.”. |
| | |
| | Strike out. |
| | |
| | Replace Sentence 1 by the following: |
| | |
| | “1) Buildings housing boarders, lodgers or roomers shall |
| | conform to the requirements in force at the time of |
| | construction or alteration.”. |
| | |
| | Strike out. |
| | |
| | Replace “Subsection 2.3.2.” by “Section 2.3.”. |
| | |
| | Strike out. |
| | |
| | Replace “the NBC” by “the requirements in force at the time |
| | of construction or alteration”. |
| | |
| Division B | |
| Part 2 | |
| Table | |
| | |
| Table | Strike out (3). |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Table | Add the following: |
| | |
| | “ Carbon Monoxide Alarms |
| | (1) [F81, F44-OS3.4]”. |
| | |
| Table | Add the following: |
| | “(2) [F02, OS1.5]”. |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Table | Add the following: |
| | |
| | “ Propane-Powered Vehicles |
| | |
| | (1) [F01, F43, F81-OS1.1] |
| | [F01, F43, F81-OS1.5]. |
| | |
| Table | Add the following: |
| | |
| | “ Protection of Plastic Foam |
| | (1) [F02-OS1.5] |
| | |
| | Work Tables |
| | (1) [F02, F03-OS1.4] |
| | |
| | Ethyl Alcohol Fuel Burning Appliances |
| | (1) [F01-OS1.1] |
| | |
| | Inside a building |
| | (1) [F01-OS1.1] |
| | [F44-OS3.4] |
| | |
| | Outside a building |
| | (2) [F03-OP3.1] |
| | [F03-OP1.2] |
| | |
| | Protection Equipment |
| | (1) [F02-OS1.2] |
| | [F02-OP1.2] |
| | (2) [F02-OS1.2] |
| | [F02-OS1.2] |
| | |
| | Scenery and Props |
| | (1) [F01, F02-OS1.5]”. |
| | |
| Table | Add the following: |
| | |
| | “(2) [F12-OP1.2] |
| | [F12-OS1.2]”. |
| | |
| Table | Replace the heading by “Fire Department Connections”. |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Table | Replace the heading by “Solid Fuels”. |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Table | Add the following: |
| | |
| | “(2) [F34-OS3.3]”. |
| | |
| | |
| Table | Add the following: |
| | |
| | “(3) [F10-OS3.7] |
| | (4) [F10-OS3.7] |
| | (5) [F10-OS3.7]”. |
| | |
| Table | Add the following: |
| | |
| | “(4) [F10-OS3.7] |
| | (5) [F10-OS3.7]”. |
| | |
| Table | Replace the heading by the following: “Care, Treatment and |
| | Detention Occupancies and Private Seniors’ Residences |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Table | Add the following: |
| | |
| | “(3) [F12-OS1.2] |
| | [F12-OP1.2]”. |
| | |
| Table | Add the following: |
| | |
| | “ Supervisory staff |
| | (1) [F12, F13-OP1.2] |
| | [F12-OS1.2] |
| | [F13-OS1.5]”. |
| | |
| Table | Add the following: |
| | |
| | “ Duties of the Owner |
| | (1) [F02, F03, F13-OS1.5] |
| | [F02, F03, F13-OS3.7]”. |
| | |
| Table | Add the following: |
| | |
| | “ Heat- or Light-Producing Appliances |
| | “(1) [F01-OS1.1] |
| | [F01-OS1.5] |
| | (2) [F02-OP3.1] |
| | (3) [F01-OS1.1]”. |
| | |
| Table | Strike out (2). |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Table | Strike out. |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Table | Strike out. |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Table | Strike out. |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Division B | |
| Part 3 | |
| | |
| 3.1.2. | Add “(See Appendix A.)” after “Dangerous Goods”. |
| | |
| | Replace everything following “persons” in Sentence 1 by |
| | “responsible for the application of the fire safety plan to be |
| | contacted in case of fire during non-operating hours, along |
| | with the data sheets for hazardous materials stored or |
| | handled in the building.”. |
| | |
| | Replace Sentence 1 by the following: |
| | |
| | “1) Where wiring or electrical equipment is located in areas in|
| | which flammable gases or vapours, combustible dusts or |
| | combustible fibres are present in quantities sufficient to |
| | create a hazard, such wiring and electrical equipment shall |
| | conform to CSA C22.1, Canadian Electrical Code, Part I, (see |
| | note A-”. |
| | |
| | Replace the part of Sentence 1 preceding Clause (a) by the |
| | following: |
| | |
| | “1) This Section shall apply to buildings or parts of buildings|
| | used for the short or long term storage of the following |
| | products, whether raw materials, waste, products undergoing |
| | processing or finished products:”. |
| | |
| | Replace Sentence 3 by the following: |
| | |
| | “3) A clear space of at least 300 mm shall be maintained at |
| | all times between stored products and the lower chords of |
| | structural framing members.”. |
| | |
| | Replace everything following “fire separation” in Sentence 1 |
| | by “having a rating of not less than 2 h. (see Appendix A).”. |
| | |
| | Add the following: |
| | |
| | “2) A clear space of at least 900 mm shall be maintained |
| | between the top of the piles and the sprinkler heads.”. |
| | |
| | Replace everything following “shall” in Sentence 1 by “be |
| | classified as medium hazard industrial occupancies.”. |
| | |
| | Add the following: |
| | |
| | “6) The minimum clearance between the top of a pile and a |
| | sprinkler head shall be 900 mm.”. |
| | |
| | Add “(see Appendix A)” after “Application”. |
| | |
| | Replace everything following “building” in Sentence 6 by “fire |
| | separations having a rating of not less than 2 h.”; |
| | |
| | Replace everything following “building” in Sentence 7 by “fire |
| | separations having a rating of not less than 2 h (see note A- |
| |”. |
| | |
| | Add “(see Appendix A)” after “Separation from Other Dangerous |
| | Goods”. |
| | |
| | Replace Clause (a) of Sentence 1 by the following: |
| | |
| | “a) constructed in conformance with the requirements in force |
| | at the time of construction or alteration, and”. |
| | |
| | Replace “the NBC” in Sentence 3 by “the requirements in force |
| | at the time of construction or alteration”. |
| | |
| | Replace Clause (a) in Sentence 1 by the following: |
| | |
| | “a) is separated from the remainder of the building by gasproof|
| | fire separations having a rating of not less than 2 h,”; |
| | |
| | Replace everything in Clause (c) of Sentence 1 following “are” |
| | by the following: |
| | |
| | “i) equipped with an automatic closing device that ensures |
| | that the closures are closed when not in use, and |
| | |
| | ii) constructed in such a way as to prevent the migration of |
| | gas into the remainder of the building,”; |
| | |
| | Replace Clause (a) in Sentence 1 by the following: |
| | |
| | “a) is separated from the remainder of the building by gasproof|
| | fire separations having a rating of not less than 1 h,”; |
| | |
| | Replace Clause (c) in Sentence 1 by the following: |
| | |
| | “c) can be entered from the exterior, and whose closures |
| | leading to the interior of the building are |
| | |
| | i) equipped with an automatic closing device that ensures |
| | that the closures are closed when not in use, and |
| | |
| | ii) constructed in such a way as to prevent the migration of |
| | gas into the remainder of the building, and”. |
| | |
| | Replace everything following “nitrate” in Sentence 1 by “shall |
| | be medium hazard industrial occupancy.”. |
| | |
| | Replace everything following “nitrate” in Sentence 2 by “shall |
| | not exceed 1 storey.”. |
| | |
| | Replace Sentences 3 and 4 by the following: |
| | |
| | “3) Buildings intended for the storage of ammonium nitrate |
| | shall not have |
| | |
| | a) a basement or crawl space, |
| | b) uncovered area drains, tunnels, elevator or hoist pits or |
| | other cavities where molten ammonium nitrate may accumulate. |
| | |
| | “4) Buildings intended for the storage of ammonium nitrate |
| | shall have ventilation openings of at least 0.007 m2 per square|
| | metre of storage area, unless mechanical ventilation is |
| | is provided.”; |
| | |
| | Add the following sentences: |
| | |
| | 6) All flooring in storage areas shall be constructed of |
| | non-combustible materials. |
| | |
| | 7) Buildings used for the storage of ammonium nitrate shall |
| | be designed so as to prevent any contact with construction |
| | materials that may |
| | |
| | a) cause the ammonium nitrate to become unstable, |
| | b) corrode or deteriorate after coming into contact with |
| | ammonium nitrate, or |
| | c) become saturated with ammonium nitrate.”. |
| | |
| | Insert “, whether raw materials, waste, products undergoing |
| | processing or finished products” after “following products” in |
| | Sentence 1. |
| | |
| | Strike out everything following “stored products” in Sentence |
| | 2. |
| | |
| Division B | |
| Part 4 | |
| | |
| | Add “(See Appendix A.)” after the heading of the article; |
| | |
| | Add the following after Sentence 5: |
| | |
| | “6) The application of the requirements of this Part concerning|
| | maximum storage capacity shall take into account the presence |
| | of petroleum products.”. |
| | |
| | Replace “will not” in Sentence 1 by “reduces to a tolerable |
| | level the”. |
| | |
| | Replace “NBC” in Sentence 1 by “requirements in force at the |
| | time of construction or alteration”. |
| | |
| | Add “and rooms” after “cabinets” in Sentence 1. |
| | |
| | Strike out Sentence 2. |
| | |
| | Replace “the NBC” in Clause (b) of Sentence 2 by “the |
| | requirements in force at the time of construction or |
| | alteration”. |
| | |
| | Replace “Sentence of Division B of the NBC” in |
| | Sentence 1 by “good practice, as set out in NFPA-68, |
| | “Venting of Deflagrations””. |
| | |
| | Replace Clause (a) of Sentence 1 by the following: |
| | |
| | “a) the requirements in force at the time of construction or |
| | alteration, and”. |
| | |
| | Replace Sentence 3 by the following: |
| | |
| | “3) The use of non-metallic piping shall be permitted in |
| | underground installations if it conforms to one of the |
| | following standards: |
| | |
| | a) CAN/ULC-S660, “Standard for Nonmetallic Underground |
| | Piping for Flammable and Combustible Liquids”, |
| | |
| | b) ULC/ORD-C107.4, “Ducted Flexible Underground Piping |
| | Systems for Flammable and Combustible Liquids”; |
| | |
| | c) ULC/ORD-C107.7, “Glass Fibre Reinforced Plastic Pipe |
| | and Fittings for Flammable and Combustible Liquids”, |
| | |
| | d) ULC/ORD-C107.19, “Secondary Containment of |
| | Underground Piping for Flammable and Combustible Liquids”, or |
| | |
| | e) ULC/ORD-C971, “Nonmetallic Underground Piping for Flammable |
| | and Combustible Liquids.”. |
| | |
| | Replace everything following “trench” in Sentence 2 by the |
| | following: “shall |
| | |
| | a) be equipped with positive ventilation vented directly to the|
| | outside air, or |
| | |
| | b) be designed to prevent the accumulation of flammable |
| | vapours.”. |
| | |
| | Replace “the NBC” in Sentence 3 by “the requirements in force |
| | at the time of construction or alteration”. |
| | |
| | Replace everything following “shall” in Sentence 1 by “be |
| | isolated from the remainder of the building by a fire |
| | separation having a rating of not less than 2 h.”. |
| | |
| Division B | |
| Part 5 | |
| | |
| | Add “(See Appendix A.)” at the end of Sentence 1. |
| | |
| | Replace “NBC” in Sentence 1 by “requirements in force at the |
| | time of construction or alteration”. |
| | |
| | Replace Sentence 1 by the following: |
| | |
| | “1) Nozzles for the standpipe and hose systems shall be of |
| | the fog and fine spray type to prevent combustible dust from |
| | being driven up by a powerful jet and remaining suspended.”. |
| | |
| | Replace “conform” and everything following in Sentence 2 by: |
| | “conform |
| | |
| | a) to Parts 3, 4 and 5, or |
| | |
| | b) in the case of a laboratory to which Sentence, |
| | applies, to NFPA 45 “Standard on Fire Protection for |
| | Laboratories Using Chemicals”.”. |
| | |
| | Replace by the following: |
| | |
| | “ Separation |
| | |
| | 1) Except as provided in Sentence 2, a laboratory shall be |
| | separated from other parts of the building by fire separations |
| | conforming to this Code and the requirements in force at the |
| | time of construction or alteration, but having a |
| | fire-resistance rating of not less than 1 h. |
| | |
| | 2) In a sprinklered building, the required fire separation |
| | between a laboratory and the other parts of the building may |
| | be designed to meet the requirements of NFPA 45 “Standard on |
| | Fire Protection for Laboratories Using Chemicals”. (See |
| | Appendix A.)”. |
| | |
| | Replace by the following: |
| | |
| | “ General Ventilation |
| | |
| | 1) A laboratory shall be provided with continuous mechanical |
| | ventilation that is designed and maintained in a manner that |
| | ensures that the vapours and particles produced by dangerous |
| | goods |
| | |
| | a) do not accumulate in the laboratory, |
| | b) do not spread to other parts of the building, |
| | c) do no accumulate in the ventilation ducts, |
| | d) are vented to the outside, and |
| | e) cannot re-enter the building. |
| | |
| | 2) The ventilation system required under this Section shall be |
| | equipped with monitoring devices that |
| | |
| | a) indicate when the system is in operation, and |
| | b) trigger an alarm if the system fails.”. |
| | |
| | Replace the part of Sentence 1 preceding Clause (a) by the |
| | following: |
| | |
| | “1) Except as provided in Sentence (3), the use of dangerous |
| | goods in a laboratory shall be confined inside a |
| | power-ventilated enclosure conforming to Articles and |
| | when”; |
| | |
| | Add the following: |
| | |
| | “3) In a laboratory referred to in Sentence, the |
| | power-ventilated enclosure mentioned in Sentence (1) and the |
| | laboratory ventilation system shall conform to NFPA 45 |
| | “Standard on Fire Protection for Laboratories Using |
| | Chemicals”.”. |
| | |
| | Replace Sentence 1 by the following: |
| | |
| | “1) The ventilation system for a power-ventilated enclosure |
| | required in Article shall |
| | |
| | a) conform to NFPA 45 “Standard on Fire Protection for |
| | Laboratories Using Chemicals”, |
| | b) ensure the continuous extraction of air at a rate sufficient|
| | to prevent the formation of combustible or reactive deposits |
| | inside the enclosure or the exhaust ducts, |
| | c) confine vapours and particles of dangerous goods to the |
| | place where they are produced and vent them to the outside, |
| | d) prevent the re-entry of extracted air to the building, and |
| | e) be equipped with clearly identified control switches |
| | i) located outside the power-ventilated enclosure, and |
| | ii) accessible in an emergency.”. |
| | |
| | Replace “shall conform” and everything that follows in Sentence|
| | 1 by “shall |
| | |
| | a) except as provided in Sentences (2) and (3), be constructed |
| | of incombustible materials that are compatible to the vapours |
| | and particles produced by the dangerous goods and resistant to |
| | chemical attack, |
| | b) include inspection hatches for the inspection and |
| | maintenance of fans and ducts, |
| | c) be provided with instructions for its use and the operation |
| | of the ventilation system, and |
| | d) be provided with means to control accidental spillage.”; |
| | |
| | Add the following sentences: |
| | |
| | “2) The use of combustible materials shall be permitted under |
| | Clause |
| | a) if no other material offers the necessary degree of |
| | resistance to the corrosive action or reactive properties of |
| | the dangerous goods used, and |
| | b) if their flame propagation rating is not more than 25. |
| | |
| | “3) The flame propagation rating in Sentence (2) may be |
| | exceeded if the exhaust ducts are provided with an automatic |
| | fire suppression system.”. |
| | |
| | Replace “The quantity” in Sentence 1 by “Except as provided |
| | in Sentence (4), the quantity”; |
| | |
| | Add the following: |
| | |
| | “4) In a laboratory referred to in Sentence, the |
| | maximum quantity of dangerous goods stored in the laboratory |
| | shall conform to NFPA 45 “Standard on Fire Protection for |
| | Laboratories Using Chemicals”.”. |
| | |
| | Replace “(2) and (3)” in Sentence 1 by “(2), (3) and (4)”; |
| | |
| | Add the following: |
| | |
| | “4) In a laboratory referred to in Sentence, |
| | flammable and combustible liquids shall be stored in |
| | recipients that conform to NFPA 45 “Standard on Fire |
| | Protection for Laboratories Using Chemicals”.”. |
| | |
| Division B | |
| Part 6 | |
| | |
| | Replace Sentence 1 by the following: |
| | |
| | “1) Where an emergency power generation system is installed, |
| | legible and visible instructions shall be provided permanently |
| | on or close to the system for switching on essential loads and |
| | for starting the generator when this is not done |
| | automatically.”. |
| | |
| | Replace Clause (b) of Sentence 2 by the following: |
| | |
| | “b) at intervals of not more than 12 months, the equipment |
| | can provide the necessary lighting in a simulated power shutoff|
| | for the time prescribed by the requirements in force at |
| | the time of construction or alteration.”. |
| | |
| | Replace by the following: |
| | |
| | “ Inspection, Testing and Maintenance |
| | |
| | 1) Except as provided in Sentence 2, the inspection, testing |
| | and maintenance of special fire suppression systems shall be |
| | conducted in conformance with the relevant standards listed |
| | in Article |
| | |
| | “2) If the relevant standard referred to in Sentence 1 does not|
| | specify the inspection and maintenance interval, an interval of|
| | not more than 6 months shall apply.”. |
| | |
| Division B | |
| Part 7 | |
| | |
| | Replace everything following “defined” in Sentence 1 by “by |
| | the standard in force at the time of construction or |
| | alteration”. |
| | |
| | Replace “Subsection 3.2.6. of Division B of the NBC” by “the |
| | requirements in force at the time of construction or |
| | alteration”; |
| | |
| | Add “(See note A-” at the end of Sentence 2. |
| | |
| | Replace everything following “kept” in Sentence 2 by “placed |
| | in an easily recognizable box located in plain view outside the|
| | elevator shaft close to the central alarm and control facility,|
| | and an extra set of keys for use by firefighters shall be kept |
| | at the facility”. |
| | |
| Division B | |
| Appendix A | |
| Explanatory | |
| notes | |
| | |
| A- | Strike out. |
| | |
| A- | Strike out. |
| | |
| | Add the following: |
| | |
| | “A- Battery-powered alarms due for replacement may be|
| | replaced by photoelectric alarms powered by a lithium |
| | battery.”. |
| | |
| A- | Replace the second paragraph by the following: |
| (3)(c) and d) | |
| | “NFPA-12A, “Halon 1301 Fire Extinguishing Systems”, and |
| | NFPA-12B, “Halon 1211 Fire Extinguishing Systems”, are |
| | obsolete. The installation of new halon fire suppression |
| | systems is prohibited following the international ban on halon |
| | gas production. However, both standards are still relevant to |
| | the maintenance, decommissioning and recycling of existing |
| | halon fire suppression systems.”. |
| | |
| A- | Add the following: |
| | |
| | “A- A dwelling used as a daycare centre shall also |
| | be equipped with portable extinguishers.”. |
| | |
| | Add the following: |
| | |
| | “A-2.1.6. Carbon monoxide (CO) is a colourless, odourless |
| | gas that can accumulate in confined spaces and reach a lethal |
| | concentration without the knowledge of the occupants. |
| | Accordingly, as a precautionary measure, rooms that contain |
| | or are close to a potential source of CO shall be equipped |
| | with some means to detect that gas. |
| | |
| | Dwelling units commonly have two potential sources of CO: |
| | |
| | • fuel-burning space-heating appliances and fuel-burning |
| | service water heaters located in the dwelling or in an adjacent|
| | room in the building; |
| | |
| | • an adjacent garage. |
| | |
| | Fuel-burning space-heating appliances generally produce no CO |
| | and, even when they do produce some gas, it is normally |
| | vented outside the building by the appliance’s venting system. |
| | However, heating appliances and ventilation systems may |
| | malfunction, and the installation of a CO alarm at appropriate |
| | places in dwelling units constitutes an inexpensive additional |
| | safety measure. Similarly, although the walls and floors |
| | separating adjacent garages from dwelling units are required |
| | by code to be airtight, carbon monoxide from a garage may |
| | infiltrate into a dwelling since it is difficult to make the |
| | air barrier completely airtight. It is even harder to prevent |
| | CO infiltration when the air pressure is lower inside the |
| | dwelling than inside the garage. This pressure gradient may be |
| | due to the ventilation system, or simply to the draft created |
| | by the heating system. Once again, the installation of a CO |
| | alarm constitutes an inexpensive additional safety measure.”. |
| | |
| A- | Replace “waste” by “materials” in the first sentence; |
| | |
| | Replace “the presence of these combustibles” in the second |
| | sentence by “their presence”. |
| | |
| A- | Replace “must be taken” by “are acceptable”. |
| | |
| | Add the following: |
| | |
| | “A- Traffic prohibited |
| | |
| | 1) When vehicle traffic is prohibited in a street, yard or |
| | roadway referred to in Article, a corridor along the |
| | centre-line of the street, yard or roadway at least 5 m high |
| | and 5 m wide shall be provided to allow the movement of fire |
| | department vehicles and pedestrians at all times.”. |
| | |
| A- | Strike out the last sentence of the first paragraph; |
| | |
| | Replace the third paragraph by the following: |
| | |
| | “Net floor space referred to in Clauses (a) and (b) is the |
| | floor space in a room, excluding accessory areas that cannot be|
| | used by the public and areas occupied by exits and structural |
| | features. Corridors and passages providing access to exits, |
| | toilets and accessory areas that cannot be used by the public |
| | shall be excluded from the net floor space except if the |
| | corridor or passage has a permitted use. For certain uses, when|
| | the layout may change depending on the activity, it may be |
| | appropriate to calculate maximum occupant loads for each of the|
| | different activities anticipated.”. |
| | |
| | Add the following: |
| | |
| | “A-2.9 The requirements of this Section apply only to certain |
| | types of structures. The word “tent”, for example, as used in |
| | this Chapter, refers to a temporary enclosure erected during |
| | outdoor events such as fairs and exhibitions. A tent generally |
| | comprises a piece of fabric stretched over poles and tethered |
| | with ropes to the ground. The requirements for tents, as a |
| | result, are not intended to apply to fabric structures within |
| | buildings or located on building roofs. |
| | |
| | Similarly, the expression “air-supported structure” as used in |
| | the Code refers to an envelope supported solely by air |
| | pressure and erected at ground level or over a basement. It is |
| | generally weighted or anchored to the ground around its |
| | perimeter. For this reason, the NBC prohibits the installation |
| | of an air-supported structure above a building’s first |
| | storey.”. |
| | |
| A- | Strike out. |
| | |
| | Add the following: |
| | |
| | “A- A space of at least 1 m is required above the |
| | dividers to facilitate smoke detection inside tents and |
| | air-supported structures. Taking into account the slope of the |
| | roof, a maximum of 30% of the divider’s width may be less |
| | than 1 m from the ceiling.”. |
| | |
| | Add the following: |
| | |
| | “A-3.1.2 For the storage of dangerous goods, the regulations |
| | of the Commission de la santé et de la sécurité du travail du |
| | Québec (CSST) apply to covered establishments. Refer to the |
| | the following regulations: |
| | |
| | Regulation respecting occupational health and safety (chapter |
| | S-2.1, r. 13) |
| | |
| | Regulation respecting information on controlled products |
| | (chapter S-2.1, r. 8).”. |
| | |
| | Add the following: |
| | |
| | “A- The following table, A-, has been designed |
| | to include controlled products (WHMIS). It comprises Table |
| | with the addition of identification for two existing |
| | columns, A and B, and of a new column C. It allows the small |
| | quantity exemption (column B) to be applied to controlled |
| | products (column C) that are not identified as dangerous goods |
| | (column A). Column B gives the maximum exempt amount of a |
| | (controlled product or association of controlled products |
| | identified in column C. It is important to note that a class of|
| | dangerous goods (column A) on the same line as a class of |
| | controlled products (column C) does not indicate an |
| | equivalency. Dangerous goods and controlled products are not |
| | classified or categorized using the same criteria. In addition,|
| | a line relating to dangerously reactive materials F (column C) |
| | has no link to the TDG (column A). |
| | |
| | When storing dangerous goods indoors, if controlled products |
| | are present, it is recommended to proceed as follows: |
| | |
| | When the controlled products are stored at the same time as |
| | dangerous goods, to determine the maximum quantity of dangerous|
| | goods or controlled products mentioned in the preceding |
| | Sentence, according to column B in Table A-, the |
| | following should be used (see the organization chart below for |
| | determining the exemption for small quantities of dangerous |
| | goods or controlled products): |
| | |
| | a) column A in Table A- using the primary class based |
| | on section 2.8 of TC SOR/2008-34, “Transportation of |
| | Dangerous Goods Regulations”; |
| | b) for merchandise that does not fall into a class under Clause|
| | (a), column C of Table A- based on the primary class of|
| | controlled products in the Table ranking categories of |
| | controlled products (see below); or |
| | c) the most stringent for small quantities based on column B |
| | of Table A-, amended if the precedence mentioned in |
| | Clause (a) or (b) has not been established. |
Table A- amended
Small Quantity Exemptions for Dangerous Goods and Controlled Products

Organization chart for determining small quantity exemptions for dangerous goods or controlled products

| | |
| | Order of Precedence Chart for Classes of Controlled Products |
| | (WHMIS)* |
| | |
| | When a hazardous material meets the requirements for inclusion |
| | in more than one class of controlled product, the class of |
| | controlled product indicated in this table is deemed to be the |
| | primary class for segregation purposes only. |
| | |
| | _____________________________________________________________ |
| ||- | |
| || - Class of controlled product | |
| || - __________________________________________________| |
| || - |------| | | | | | | |
| || |------| B6 | C | D1A | D1B | D2A or | E | |
| || |------| | | | | D2B | | |
| || |______|______|_____|_______|_______|________|_____| |
| || | | | | | | | | |
| || | B2 | B6 | B2 | B2 | B2 | B2 | B2 | |
| || |______|______|_____|_______|_______|________|_____| |
| || | | | | | | | | |
| || | B3 | B6 | B3 | D1A | D1B | B3 | E | |
| || |______|______|_____|_______|_______|________|_____| |
| || | | | | | | | | |
| || | B4 | B6 | B4 | D1A | D1B | B4 | E | |
| || |______|______|_____|_______|_______|________|_____| |
| || | | | | | | | | |
| || Class | B6 |------| B6 | D1A | B6 | B6 | B6 | |
| || |______|______|_____|_______|_______|________|_____| |
| || | | | | | | | | |
| || of | C | B6 |-----| D1A | C | C | C | |
| || |______|______|_____|_______|_______|________|_____| |
| || | | | | | | | | |
| ||controlled| D1A | D1A | D1A |-------| D1A | D1A | D1A | |
| || |______|______|_____|_______|_______|________|_____| |
| || | | | | | | | | |
| || product | D1B | B6 | C | D1A |-------| D1B | D1B | |
| || |______|______|_____|_______|_______|________|_____| |
| || | | | | | | | | |
| || |D2A or| B6 | C | D1A | D1B |--------| E | |
| || | D2B | | | | |--------| | |
| ||__________|______|______|_____|_______|_______|________|_____| |
| || | |
| ||* This table is adapted from the table “Table-Precedence | |
| || of Classes-Class and Packing Group” for classes of | |
| || controlled products (WHMIS) under section 2.8 of the | |
| || Transportation of Dangerous Goods Regulations. | |
| ||_____________________________________________________________| |
| | |
| |Using the Order of Precedence Chart for Classes of Controlled |
| |Products |
| | |
| |If, after gathering the appropriate information, a material is |
| |found to meet the criteria for inclusion in classes B2, E and |
| |D1A, the class having precedence class having precedence is |
| |is determined by comparing the classes in pairs. The first |
| |combination is B2 and E. After locating class B2 in the |
| |left-hand column, and class E in the first row, the class |
| |having precedence is indicated in the box where the row and |
| |column meet. For this combination, class B2 has precedence over |
| |class E. Class E can be ignored. |
|________________| _______________________________________________________________|
| ||- | |
| || - Class of controlled product | |
| || - __________________________________________________| |
| || - |------| | | | | | | |
| || |------| B6 | C | D1A | D1B | D2A or | E | |
| || |------| | | | | D2B | | |
| || |______|______|_____|_______|_______|________|_____| |
| ||Class of | | | | | | | | |
| ||controlled| B2 | B6 | B2 | B2 | B2 | B2 | B2 | |
| ||product | | | | | | | | |
| ||__________|______|______|_____|_______|_______|________|_____| |
| | |
| |Using the same approach, class B2 can be compared to class D1A. |
| |Class B2 has precedence. Class D1A can be ignored, and class B2 |
| |becomes the primary class for segregation purposes only. |
| | |
| | _____________________________________________________________ |
| ||- | |
| || - Class of controlled product | |
| || - __________________________________________________| |
| || - |------| | | | | | | |
| || |------| B6 | C | D1A | D1B | D2A or | E | |
| || |------| | | | | D2B | | |
| || |______|______|_____|_______|_______|________|_____| |
| ||Class of | | | | | | | | |
| ||controlled| B2 | B6 | B2 | B2 | B2 | B2 | B2 | |
| ||product | | | | | | | | |
| | |
| | Add the following: |
| | |
| | «A- When controlled products (WHMIS) are present |
| | during the storage of dangerous goods indoors, it is |
| | recommended to use the information on labels and data sheets |
| | and to refer to Table A- This Table adds columns and |
| | lines to Table, providing for the application of the |
| | principle of separate storage to controlled products that are |
| | not identified as dangerous goods. The addition of the top line|
| | and the left-hand column allows controlled products and |
| | combinations of controlled products to be located. The addition|
| | of two columns on the right-hand side and two bottom lines, |
| | specifically for corrosive products, allows acids to be |
| | separated from bases. Lastly, the addition of the last |
| | right-hand column and the last line at the bottom allows class |
| | F controlled products to be separated. It is important to note |
| | that a class of dangerous goods on the same line or in the same|
| | column as a class of controlled products does not indicate an |
| | equivalency.". |
Table A- amended
Separation Chart for Storage of Dangerous Goods and Controlled Products

| | |
| A- | Add the following after “should not be stored with acids”: |
| | |
| | “· Hypochlorites, dichloroisocyanurates and |
| | trichloroisocianuric acid should not be stored with acids. |
| | |
| | · Oxidizing materials should not be stored with easily |
| | oxidized materials, including wooden surfaces. |
| | |
| | · Toxic or corrosive materials in liquid form should not be |
| | stored without anti-spill devices. |
| | |
| | · Reactive hazardous materials and materials likely to trigger |
| | a violent polymerization, decomposition or condensation |
| | reaction if subjected to vibration, light or sound waves shall |
| | be stored separately with appropriate protection and |
| | stability.”; |
| | |
| | Replace the last paragraph by the following: |
| | |
| | “Toxic substances should not be stored in the vicinity of |
| | chemicals with the following purity levels: B.P. (British |
| | Pharmacopeia), B.P.C. (Biotechnology Performance Certified), |
| | U.S.P. (U.S. Pharmacopeia), F.C.C. (Food Chemical Codex) and |
| | N.F. (National Formulary), since many of them are used in |
| | cosmetics, medication and food products. In the event of |
| | spillage, the toxic materials will contaminate not only the |
| | chemical, but also its container and the “clean room in which |
| | it is processed.”. |
| | |
| | Add the following: |
| | |
| | “A- The CSST regulates the storage, handling and |
| | use of flammable and combustible materials in liquid form via |
| | NFPA 30 Flammable and Combustible Liquids Code: 1996 edition |
| | - translated into French. See also section 82 of the Regulation|
| | respecting occupational health and safety |
| | (chapter S-2.1, r. 13).”. |
| | |
| A- | Strike out the first paragraph. |
| | |
| A- | Add the following paragraph: |
| (3)(b) | |
| | “In this connection, see also the website for the CSST |
| | Répertoire toxicologique (www.reptox.csst.qc.ca).”. |
| | |
| | Add the following: |
| | |
| | “A- Québec’s Act respecting explosives (chapter E-22) |
| | and Regulation under the Act respecting explosives (chapter |
| | E-22, r. 1) contain Québec adaptations of Canada’s Explosives |
| | Act (R.S.C. 1985, c. E-17) and Explosives Regulations (C.R.C., |
| | c. 599). |
| | |
| | The Safety Code for the construction industry (chapter S-2.1, |
| | r. 4), under the Act respecting occupational health and safety |
| | (chapter S-2.1), deals with the transportation, storage, |
| | handling and use of explosives on construction sites (Division |
| | IV) and underground work sites (Division VIII) and the |
| | requirements for using explosive actuated tools (Division VII).|
| | |
| | The Regulation respecting occupational health and safety |
| | (chapter S-2.1, r. 13) specifies the qualifications and refers |
| | to Division IV of the Safety Code for the construction industry|
| | (chapter S-2.1, r. 4) in connection with all blasting work and |
| | work requiring the use of explosives.”. |
| | |
| | Add the following: |
| | |
| | “A- NFPA 45 “Standard on Fire Protection for |
| | Laboratories Using Chemicals” determines the fire separation |
| | requirements for laboratories based on the types and |
| | quantities of flammable and combustible liquids stored and used|
| | in each laboratory.”. |
| | |
| Division B | Add Appendix B |
| Appendix B | Explanatory notes |
| | |
| | “B- The more stringent provisions applicable to certain|
| | buildings are provided for in Division IV (sections 346 to 369)|
| | of Chapter VIII of the Safety Code and cover residential |
| | occupancies and care and treatment occupancy. |
| | |
| | Sections 346 to 352 cover fire alarm and detection systems. |
| | |
| | 346. In buildings constructed or altered prior to 7 November |
| | 2000, the fire alarm and detection system must conform to |
| | the requirements of NBC 1995 am. Québec, except those of |
| | Sentence |
| | |
| | 346.1. Despite section 346, a private seniors’ residence must |
| | be equipped with a fire alarm and detection system, except |
| | |
| | (1) a single-family type residential occupancy for the elderly;|
| | |
| | (2) a residential board and care occupancy that lodges no more |
| | than 9 persons and whose building consists of a dwelling unit |
| | having a building height of no more than 2 storeys. |
| | |
| | 347. In a residential occupancy for the elderly and a |
| | residential board and care occupancy designed in compliance |
| | with Sentence of NBC 1995 am. Québec or 2005 am. |
| | Québec, a single-signal fire alarm and detection system must |
| | be connected to a fire department; the connection must be |
| | designed to ensure that, when the fire alarm is triggered, the |
| | fire department is alerted, in accordance with NBC 1995 am. |
| | Québec. |
| | |
| | 348. In a residential board and care occupancy designed in |
| | compliance with Sentence of NBC 1995 am. Québec |
| | or 2005 am. Québec, the fire alarm and detection system may |
| | be a single-signal or dual-signal system. |
| | |
| | 349. In a residential occupancy for the elderly equipped with a|
| | fire alarm system, smoke detectors must be installed in each |
| | bedroom that is not part of a dwelling unit. |
| | |
| | 350. In a residential occupancy for the elderly, when a sound |
| | signal device must be added to a bedroom or dwelling unit, it |
| | must include a visual signal device having a power level of at |
| | least 110 cd. |
| | |
| | 351. In a dwelling unit and in a hotel or motel suite |
| | comprising several rooms, the acoustic pressure level of a fire|
| | alarm signal must be at least 85 dBA near the entry door, once |
| | the door is closed. |
| | |
| | In the bedrooms of a residential occupancy, other than in the |
| | bedrooms of a dwelling unit, the standard is 75 dBA. |
| | |
| | 352 The provisions of Sentences and (11) NBC |
| | 1995 am. Québec do not apply if the sound signal devices are |
| | connected to a class “A” circuit according to CAN/ULC-S524, |
| | Installation of Fire Alarm Systems. |
| | |
| | The provisions come into force on 18 March 2016.”. |
| | |
| | “B- The more stringent provisions applicable to certain|
| | buildings are provided for in Division IV (sections 346 to 387)|
| | of Chapter VIII of the Safety Code and cover residential |
| | occupancies and care and treatment occupancy. |
| | |
| | Sections 353 to 358 cover smoke alarms. |
| | |
| | 353. Smoke alarms conforming to CAN/ULC-S531, Smoke Alarms, |
| | must be installed |
| | |
| | (1) in every dwelling unit; |
| | |
| | a) on each storey; and |
| | |
| | b) on each storey where bedrooms are located, the smoke alarms |
| | must be installed between the bedrooms and the remainder of the|
| | storey, except if the bedrooms are accessed by a corridor, in |
| | which case the smoke alarms must be installed in the corridor; |
| | |
| | (2) in each sleeping room that is not part of a dwelling unit, |
| | except in care or detention occupancies, which must be |
| | equipped with a fire alarm system; |
| | |
| | (3) in each corridor and each shared rest or activity area in |
| | a residential occupancy for the elderly that is not equipped |
| | with a fire alarm and detection system; |
| | |
| | (4) in sleeping rooms and in the corridors of a residential |
| | board and care occupancy designed in compliance with Article |
| | of NBC 1995 am. Québec or 2005 am. Québec, if the |
| | bedrooms are not equipped with smoke detectors; |
| | |
| | (5) in each sleeping room, corridor and shared rest or |
| | activity area of a single-family type residential occupancy for|
| | the elderly. |
| | |
| | 354. Subject to the more stringent requirements of sections |
| | 355 and 356, the smoke alarms required under section 353 must, |
| | when required by the standard in force at the time of |
| | construction or alteration of the building, |
| | |
| | (1) be installed by permanent connections to an electrical |
| | circuit and have no disconnect switch between the overcurrent |
| | device and the smoke alarm; and |
| | |
| | (2) be wired so that the activation of one alarm will |
| | automatically cause all alarms within the dwelling unit to |
| | sound. |
| | |
| | 355. The smoke alarms required under paragraphs 3 to 5 of |
| | section 353 must |
| | |
| | (1) be installed by permanent connections to an electrical |
| | circuit and have no disconnect switch between the overcurrent |
| | device and the smoke alarm; |
| | |
| | (2) be wired so that the activation of one alarm will |
| | automatically cause all alarms within the dwelling unit to |
| | sound; and |
| | |
| | (3) be wired so that the activation of one alarm in a building |
| | housing a residential occupancy for the elderly of the rooming |
| | house type will automatically cause all the alarms to sound. |
| | |
| | In addition, the smoke alarms required under paragraph 4 of |
| | section 353 must |
| | |
| | (1) be of a photoelectric type; |
| | |
| | (2) be interconnected and connected to visual signal devices |
| | that allow the personnel assigned to the sleeping rooms to see |
| | from where the smoke alarm is triggered, and |
| | |
| | (3) be connected to the fire department as provided for in NBC |
| | 1995 am. Québec. |
| | |
| | 356. Smoke alarms must be installed on or close to the ceiling |
| | in accordance with CAN/ULC-S553, Standard for the Installation |
| | of Smoke Alarms. |
| | |
| | 357. A manual device may be installed at a specific point in |
| | the electrical circuit for the smoke alarm in a dwelling unit |
| | to shut off the sound signal emitted by the smoke alarm for no |
| | more than 10 minutes; after that time, the smoke alarm must |
| | re-activate. |
| | |
| | 358. Every smoke alarm must be replaced 10 years after the |
| | date of manufacture indicated on the cover. If no date of |
| | manufacture is indicated, the smoke alarm is considered to |
| | be non-compliant and must be replaced without delay. |
| | |
| | The provisions of sections 353 to 357 come into force on 18 |
| | March 2014.”. |
| | |
| |“B-2.1.6. The more stringent provisions applicable to certain |
| | buildings are provided for in Division IV (sections 346 to 369)|
| | of Chapter VIII of the Safety Code and cover residential |
| | occupancies and care and treatment occupancy. |
| | |
| | Sections 359 and 360 cover carbon monoxide alarms. |
| | |
| | 359. A carbon monoxide alarm must be installed in every |
| | dwelling unit, residential occupancy for the elderly or |
| | residential board and care occupancy designed in compliance |
| | with Article of NBC 1995 am. Québec or 2005 am. |
| | Québec that contains |
| | |
| | (1) a heating appliance; or |
| | |
| | (2) direct access to an indoor parking garage. |
| | |
| | 360. Carbon monoxide alarms must |
| | |
| | (1) conform to CAN/CSA-6.19, “Residential Carbon Monoxide |
| | Alarming Devices”; |
| | |
| | (2) be equipped with an integrated alarm that meets the |
| | audibility requirements of CAN/CSA-6.19, “Residential Carbon |
| | Monoxide Alarming Devices”; |
| | |
| | (3) be installed according to the manufacturer’s |
| | recommendations. |
| | |
| | The provisions come into force on 18 March 2014.”. |
| | |
| | “B- The most stringent provisions applicable to |
| | certain buildings are provided for in Division IV |
| | (sections 346 to 369) of Chapter VIII of the Safety Code and |
| | cover residential occupancies and care and treatment occupancy.|
| | |
| | Sections 361 to 365 cover fire separation. |
| | |
| | 361. In a building constructed or altered prior to 1 December |
| | 1976, the floors must constitute fire separations with a fire |
| | resistance rating of at least 30 minutes or meet the |
| | requirements of NBC 1980 am. Québec. The elements supporting |
| | the floors must also have a fire resistance rating of at least |
| | 30 minutes or meet the requirements of NBC 1980. |
| | |
| | 362. In a building constructed or altered prior to 25 May 1984,|
| | suites of residential occupancy must be isolated from the |
| | remainder of the building by fire separations in accordance |
| | with the requirements of Section 3.3 or with Part 9 of NBC 1980|
| | am. Québec. However, existing fire separations may have a fire |
| | resistance rating of only 30 minutes. |
| | |
| | 363. In a care occupancy constructed or altered prior to |
| | 25 May 1984, all or part of a floor area occupied by bedrooms |
| | must conform to Subsection 3.3.3. of NBC 1980 am. Québec. |
| | |
| | 364. Every opening in a fire separation of a building |
| | constructed or altered prior to 25 May 1984 must be equipped |
| | with a closure in accordance with the requirements of NBC 1980 |
| | am. Québec. |
| | |
| | 365. A building constructed or altered prior to 25 May 1984 |
| | and containing a floor that does not end with a vertical fire |
| | separation from the floor to the underside of the floor or |
| | roof and have a fire resistance rating at least equal to the |
| | rating for the floor on which it abuts must meet the |
| | requirements of NBC 1980 am. Québec. |
| | |
| | The provisions come into force on 18 March 2018.”. |
| | |
| | “B. The most stringent provisions applicable to certain|
| | buildings are provided for in Division IV (sections 346 to 369)|
| | of Chapter VIII of the Safety Code and cover residential |
| | occupancies and care and treatment occupancy. |
| | |
| | Sections 361 to 365 cover openings in fire separation. |
| | |
| | 361. In a building constructed or altered prior to 1 December |
| | 1976, the floors must constitute fire separations with a fire |
| | resistance rating of at least 30 minutes or meet the |
| | requirements of NBC 1980 am. Québec. The elements supporting |
| | the floors must also have a fire resistance rating of at least |
| | 30 minutes or meet the requirements of NBC 1980. |
| | |
| | 362. In a building constructed or altered prior to 25 May 1984,|
| | suites of residential occupancy must be isolated from the |
| | remainder of the building by fire separations in accordance |
| | with the requirements of Section 3.3 or with Part 9 of NBC |
| | 1980 am. Québec. However, existing fire separations may have a |
| | fire resistance rating of only 30 minutes. |
| | |
| | 363. In a care occupancy constructed or altered prior to 25 May|
| | 1984, all or part of a floor area occupied by bedrooms must |
| | conform to Subsection 3.3.3. of NBC 1980 am. Québec. |
| | |
| | 364. Every opening in a fire separation of a building |
| | constructed or altered prior to 25 May 1984 must be equipped |
| | with a closure in accordance with the requirements of NBC 1980 |
| | am. Québec. |
| | |
| | 365. A building constructed or altered prior to 25 May 1984 and|
| | containing a floor that does not end with a vertical fire |
| | separation from the floor to the underside of the floor or roof|
| | and have a fire resistance rating at least equal to the rating |
| | for the floor on which it abuts must meet the requirements of |
| | NBC 1980 am. Québec. |
| | |
| | The provisions come into force on 18 March 2018.”. |
| | |
| | “B- The most stringent provisions applicable to certain|
| | buildings are provided for in Division IV (sections 346 to 369)|
| | of Chapter VIII of the Safety Code and cover residential |
| | occupancies and care and treatment occupancy. |
| | |
| | Section 368 covers interior finish. |
| | |
| | 368. In a residential occupancy for the elderly constructed or |
| | altered prior to 25 May 1984, the flame-spread rating of the |
| | interior finish of the walls and ceilings must conform to NBC |
| | 1985 am. Québec. |
| | |
| | The provision comes into force on 18 March 2014.”. |
| | |
| | “B- The most stringent provisions applicable to certain|
| | buildings are provided for in Division IV (sections 346 to 369)|
| | of Chapter VIII of the Safety Code and cover residential |
| | occupancies and care and treatment occupancy. |
| | |
| | Section 369 covers means of egress. |
| | |
| | 369. In a single-family type residential occupancy for the |
| | elderly, when at least 1 bedroom is laid out to accommodate the|
| | elderly, the basement must have an exit opening directly to the|
| | exterior. |
| | |
| | The provision comes into force on 18 march 2016.”. |
| | |
| | “B- The most stringent provisions applicable to certain|
| | buildings are provided for in Division IV (sections 346 to 369)|
| | of Chapter VIII of the Safety Code and cover residential |
| | occupancies and care and treatment occupancy. |
| | |
| | Sections 366 and 367 cover emergency lighting. |
| | |
| | 366. Emergency lighting must conform to the requirements of the|
| | Construction Code, NBC 1995 am. Québec. |
| | |
| | 367. In a single-family type residential occupancy for the |
| | elderly, emergency lighting must be installed in corridors, |
| | stairways and means of egress and be designed to provide |
| | automatically electric power for 30 minutes if the normal |
| | source of power supply fails. |
| | |
| | The provisions come into force on 18 March 2014.”. |
| | |
| Division C | Strike out. |
| Appendix A | |
| | |
| Explanatory | |
| notes | |
O.C. 1263-2012, s. 1; O.C. 1035-2015, s. 5.
Chapter VIII Building, Division A, (Section 370)
National Fire Code of Canada 2010 (NRCC 53303)
| | |
| Article | Amendment |
| | |
| Division A - | |
| Part 1 | |
| | |
| | Replace Sentence 1 by the following: |
| | |
| | “1) This Code applies to all facilities intended for use by the|
| | public, all installations and all new and existing buildings, |
| | and to building construction, renovation and demolition sites, |
| | subject to the field of application determined by the Board or |
| | by another authority having jurisdiction (see Appendix A).”. |
| | |
| | Add “and approved by the Board or, in the case of buildings |
| | over which the Board does not have jurisdiction, by the |
| | authority having jurisdiction” after “solutions” in Clause |
| | |
| | |
| | Replace everything following “defined” in Sentence 1 by “the |
| | standard applicable at the time of construction of |
| | alteration.”. |
| | |
| | Replace the relevant definitions in Sentence 1 by the |
| | following definitions: |
| | |
| | “Air-supported structure (structure gonflable) means a movable |
| | structure consisting of a pliable membrane that achieves and |
| | maintains its shape and support by internal air pressure and is|
| | installed for a maximum period of 6 months.”; |
| | |
| | “Authority having jurisdiction (autorité compétente) means the |
| | Régie du bâtiment du Québec (the “Board”), a regional county |
| | municipality or a local municipality.”; |
| | |
| | “Care occupancy (établissement de soins) has the meaning |
| | defined by the standard applicable at the time of construction |
| | or alteration of the building.”; |
| | |
| | “Firewall (mur coupe-feu) has the meaning defined by the |
| | standard applicable at the time of construction or alteration |
| | of the building.”; |
| | |
| | “First storey (premier étage) means the floor defined by the |
| | standard applicable at the time of construction or alteration |
| | of the building.”; |
| | |
| | “Grade (niveau moyen du sol) has the meaning defined by the |
| | standard applicable at the time of construction or alteration |
| | of the building.”; |
| | |
| | “Major occupancy (usage principal) has the meaning defined by |
| | the standard applicable at the time of construction or |
| | alteration of the building.”; |
| | |
| | “Treatment occupancy (établissement de traitement) has the |
| | meaning defined by the standard applicable at the time of |
| | construction or alteration of the building.”; |
| | |
| | Replace everything following “harboured” in the definition of |
| | “Residential occupancy” in Sentence 1 by “or interned, for |
| | the purpose of receiving medical care, and are not |
| involuntarily detained.”; |
| | |
| | Add the following definition after Sentence 1: |
| | |
| | “Building height (hauteur de bâtiment) (in stories) has the |
| | meaning defined by the standard applicable at the time of |
| | construction or alteration of the building.”; |
| | |
| | “Stage (scène) means a space designed for public performances |
| | and rapid changes of scenery, with lighting at ceiling level |
| | and facilities to create sound and light effects, generally but|
| | not compulsorily separated from the room by a proscenium wall |
| | and a curtain.”; |
| | |
| | “Tent (tente) means a movable, portable fabric structure that |
| | is erected outdoors for a maximum period of 6 months.”; |
| | |
| | Add “as a domicile” after “to be used” in the definition of |
| | “Dwelling unit” in Sentence 1; |
| | |
| | Strike out the definitions of “Care” and “Treatment”. |
| | |
| | Add “Lx ……… Lux” and “ml ………. millilitre” in Sentence 1, in |
| | alphabetical order. |
| | |
| Division A | |
| Appendix A | |
| Explanatory | |
| notes | |
| | |
| A- | Strike out the last two sentences of the third paragraph of |
| | note A- 1). |
| | |
| A- | Strike out the paragraphs “Treatment”, “Care Occupancy”, |
| | “Treatment Occupancy” and “Grade” |
| | |
| Division B | |
| Part 1 | |
| | |
| | Replace respectively, in Table, referred to hereafter, |
| | the following standards: |
| | |
| | NFPA |
| | |
| | 68-2007 Explosion Protection by Deflagration Venting |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | Add, in Table, in order of the organizations, the |
| | following standards: |
| | |
| | “CSA |
| | CAN/CSA-B149.5-05 |
| | Installation Code for Propane Fuel Systems and Tanks on |
| | Highway Vehicles |
| |” |
| | |
| | “NFPA |
| | 101-2009 |
| | Life Safety Code |
| | |
| |” |
| | |
| | “NFPA |
| | 45-2011 |
| | Standard on Fire Protection for Laboratories Using Chemicals |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| |” |
| | |
| | “ULC |
| | ULC/ORD-C107.4- |
| | Ducted Flexible Underground Piping Systems for Flammable and |
| | Combustible Liquids |
| |” |
| | |
| | “ULC |
| | ULC/ORD-C107.7 |
| | Glass Fibre Reinforced Plastic Pipe and Fittings for Flammable |
| | and Combustible Liquids |
| |” |
| | |
| | “ULC |
| | ULC/ORD-C107.19 |
| | Secondary Containment of Underground Piping for Flammable and |
| | Combustible Liquids |
| |” |
| | |
| | “ULC |
| | ULC/ORD-C-627.1-2008-EN-EL |
| | Unvented Ethyl Alcohol Fuel Burning Decorative Appliances |
| |” |
| | |
| | “ULC |
| | ULC/ORD-C971 |
| | Nonmetallic Underground Piping for Flammable and Combustible |
| | Liquids |
| |” |
| | |
| Division B | |
| Part 2 | |
| | |
| | Replace “the NBC. (See Appendix A.)” in Sentence 1 by “the |
| | requirements in force at the time of construction or |
| | alteration”. |
| | |
| | Replace Sentence 1 by the following: |
| | |
| | “1) Fire alarm, standpipe and sprinkler systems shall conform |
| | to the requirements in force at the time of construction or |
| | alteration or, if applicable, to the more stringent provisions |
| | applicable to certain buildings under Section IV of Chapter |
| | VIII of the Safety Code (see Appendix B).”. |
| | |
| | Replace Sentence 1 by the following: |
| | |
| | “1) A voice communications system or systems integrated with |
| | the general fire alarm system shall be provided in buildings in|
| | conformance with the requirements in force at the time of |
| | construction or alteration.”. |
| | |
| | Replace by the following: |
| | |
| | “ Smoke Alarms |
| | |
| | 1) Smoke alarms shall conform to the requirements in force at |
| | the time of construction, or, if applicable, to the more |
| | stringent provisions applicable to certain buildings under |
| | Section IV of Chapter VIII of the Safety Code (see Appendix B).|
| | |
| | 2) Every smoke alarm shall be replaced 10 years after the date |
| | of manufacture indicated on the cover. If no date of |
| | manufacture is indicated, the smoke alarm shall be replaced |
| | without delay.”. |
| | |
| | In Sentence 1, replace “, as is required by the NBC” by “in |
| | conformance with the standard in force at the time of |
| | construction or alteration”, and replace “edition of the NBC” |
| | by “standard”. |
| | |
| | Replace Sentence 1 by the following: |
| | |
| | “1) A fire suppression system shall conform to one of the |
| | standards listed in Sentences (3) and (4).”. |
| | |
| | Replace “the NBC” in Sentence 1 by “the requirements in force |
| | at the time of construction or alteration”. |
| | |
| | Replace “the NBC” in Sentence 1 by “the requirements in force |
| | at the time of construction or alteration”. |
| | |
| | Replace Sentence 1 by the following: |
| | |
| | “1) Portable extinguishers that meet the requirements of |
| | Sentences (2) to (4) shall be installed in all buildings, |
| | except dwelling units and shared areas serving fewer than 5 |
| | dwelling units, except in the case of a day-care centre (see |
| | Appendix A).”. |
| | |
| | Add the following: |
| | |
| | “2.1.6 Carbon Monoxide Alarms |
| | |
| | Carbon Monoxide Alarms |
| | |
| | 1) Carbon monoxide alarms shall conform to the requirements in |
| | force at the time of construction or alteration or, if |
| | applicable, to the more stringent provisions applicable to |
| | certain buildings under Section IV of Chapter VIII of the |
| | Safety Code (see Appendix B).”. |
| | |
| | Replace “the NBC” in Sentences (1), (2) and (3) by “the |
| | requirements in force at the time of construction or alteration|
| | or, if applicable, to the more stringent provisions applicable |
| | to certain buildings under Section IV of Chapter VIII of the |
| | Safety Code (see Appendix B).”. |
| | |
| | Replace “the NBC” in Sentence 1 by “the requirements in force |
| | at the time of construction or alteration or, if applicable, to|
| | the more stringent provisions applicable to certain buildings |
| | under Section IV of Chapter VIII of the Safety Code (see |
| | Appendix B).”; |
| | |
| | Replace “the NBC” in Sentence 2 by “the requirements in force |
| | at the time of construction or alteration”. |
| | |
| | Replace “conforming to the NBC” in Sentence 2 by “that conforms|
| | to the requirements in force at the time of construction or |
| | alteration”. |
| | |
| | Replace “the NBC” in Sentence 1 by “the requirements in force |
| | at the time of construction or alteration or, if applicable, |
| | with the more stringent provisions applicable to certain |
| | buildings under Section IV of Chapter VIII of the Safety Code |
| | (see Appendix B).”. |
| | |
| | Add the following: |
| | |
| | “2) The use of cut softwoods, softwood branches, dried plants |
| | or plastic foam as decorative materials is prohibited in |
| | |
| | a) an exit, |
| | b) an assembly occupancy, |
| | c) a hotel establishment, |
| | d) a care occupancy or detention occupancy, or |
| | e) a mercantile occupancy.”. |
| | |
| | Replace Sentence 1 by the following: |
| | |
| | “1) Except as provided in Sentence (3), bed linen, window |
| | drapes and cubicle curtains used in care occupancies shall |
| | conform to CAN/CGSB-4.162-M, “Hospital Textiles - Flammability |
| | Performance Requirements”.”; |
| | |
| | Replace Sentence 3 by the following: |
| | |
| | “3) Mattresses, bed linen, window drapes and cubicle curtains |
| | need not conform to Sentences (1) and (2) if used in |
| | residential board and care occupancies”. |
| | |
| | Replace “waste” in Sentence 1 by “materials”; |
| | |
| | Add “attic or roof spaces” after “crawl spaces” in Sentence 3; |
| | |
| | Add the following: |
| | |
| | “7) Outdoor storage receptacles, such as dumpsters, used for |
| | combustible materials and over 2,000 litres in capacity shall |
| | |
| | a) be located at least 3 m from any opening in a building or |
| | combustible component of a building, except if a steel screen |
| | with an air space of 25 mm or a masonry screen protects the |
| | opening or wall, and |
| | |
| | b) be equipped with a cover that shall remain closed and |
| | padlocked.”. |
| | |
| | Replace “the NBC” in Sentence 1 by “the requirements in force |
| | at the time of construction or alteration”. |
| | |
| | Replace Clause (b) of Sentence 1 by the following: |
| | |
| | “b) in dining areas in care occupancies.”. |
| | |
| | Replace “Group B, Divisions 2 and 3 care and” in Sentence 1 by |
| | “care or”. |
| | |
| | Add the following: |
| | |
| | “ Propane-Powered Vehicles |
| | |
| | 1) Propane-powered vehicles shall not be exposed indoors unless|
| | the relevant safety measures, namely those of Section 5.14 of |
| | CAN/CGA-B149.5 M95, “Installation Code for Propane Systems and |
| | C Tanks on Highway Vehicles, are followed”.”. |
| | |
| | Add the following: |
| | |
| | “2.4.8. Plastic Foam |
| | |
| | “ Protection of Plastic Foam |
| | |
| | 1) Plastic foam insulators shall be protected in conformance |
| | with the requirements in force at the time of construction or |
| | alteration. |
| | |
| | “2.4.9. Work Tables |
| | |
| | “ Work Tables |
| | |
| | 1) In mercantile occupancies or industrial occupancies, every |
| | work table over 7.5 m in length under which combustible |
| | materials are stored shall |
| | |
| | a) be equipped with incombustible dividers fixed transversally |
| | under the table at a distance of no more than 3 m from each |
| | other, or |
| | |
| | b) be equipped with sprinklers underneath. |
| | |
| | “2.4.10. Ethyl Alcohol Fuel Burning Appliances |
| | |
| | “ Ethyl Alcohol Fuel Burning Appliances |
| | |
| | 1) All ethyl alcohol fuel burning appliances containing over |
| | 250 ml shall be manufactured in accordance with ULC/ORDC-627.1,|
| | “Unvented Ethyl Alcohol Fuel Burning Decorative Appliances”. |
| | |
| | “2.4.11. Lightning Protection Installations |
| | |
| | “ Lightning Protection Installations |
| | |
| | 1) All lightning protection installations shall be maintained |
| | in good operating condition. |
| | |
| | “2.4.12. Portable Cooking Appliances |
| | |
| | “ Inside a Building |
| | |
| | 1) No portable cooking appliance fuelled by charcoal or gas may|
| | may be used inside a building. |
| | |
| | “ Outside a Building |
| | |
| | 1) No portable cooking appliance fuelled by charcoal or gas |
| | may be used outside a building less than 600 mm from a door |
| | or window. |
| | |
| | “2.4.13. Stages |
| | |
| | “ Protection Equipment |
| | |
| | 1) All stages shall be equipped with at least 2 portable |
| | extinguishers that conform to Subdivision 2.1.5. |
| | |
| | 2) All walkways over a stage shall be equipped with at least 2 |
| | portable extinguishers that conform to Subdivision 2.1.5. |
| | |
| | “ Scenery and Props |
| | |
| | 1) Only the scenery and props required for the current |
| | performance may be kept on the stage and on walkways over the |
| | stage. All other scenery and props shall be stored in storage |
| | areas that conform to the requirements in force at the time of|
| | construction or alteration.”. |
| | |
| | Replace “the NBC” in Sentence 1 by “the requirements in force |
| | at the time of construction or alteration (see Appendix A).”. |
| | |
| | Add the following: |
| | |
| | “2) The access panels or windows provided to facilitate |
| | firefighting operations shall be marked.”. |
| | |
| | Replace by the following: |
| | |
| | “ Fire Department Connections |
| | |
| | 1) Access to fire department connections for sprinkler or |
| | standpipe systems by firefighters and their equipment shall be |
| | maintained free of obstructions to a distance of at least 1.5 m|
| | at all times. |
| | |
| | 2) When a building has more than one fire department |
| | connection, each fire department connection shall be identified|
| | on the basis of its functions.”. |
| | |
| | Replace “the NCB” in Sentence 1 by “the requirements in force |
| | at the time of construction or alteration”. |
| | |
| | Replace by the following: |
| | |
| | “ Solid Fuels |
| | |
| | 1) Solid fuel bins shall be located not less than 1.2 m from |
| | the appliance served.”. |
| | |
| | Replace “the NBC” in Sentence 1 by “the requirements in force |
| | at the time of construction or alteration”. |
| | |
| | Replace “disconnect switches” in Sentence 2 by “circuit |
| | breakers”. |
| | |
| | Replace Sentence 1 by the following: |
| | |
| | “1) Commercial cooking equipment exhaust and fire protection |
| | systems shall be designed and installed in conformance with the|
| | requirements in force at the time of construction or |
| | alteration.”. |
| | |
| | Replace “the NBC” in Sentence 1 by “the requirements in force |
| | at the time of construction or alteration”. |
| | |
| | Add the following: |
| | |
| | “2) All electrical equipment vaults shall be identified by a |
| | poster.”. |
| | |
| | Replace by the following: |
| | |
| | “ Means of Egress |
| | |
| | 1) Means of egress shall be provided in buildings in |
| | conformance with the requirements in force at the time of |
| | construction or alteration or, if applicable, with the more |
| | stringent provisions applicable to certain buildings under |
| | Section IV of Chapter VIII of the Safety Code (see Appendix |
| | B).”. |
| | |
| | Replace “by the NBC” in Clause (b) of Sentence 1 by “by the |
| | requirements in force at the time of construction or |
| | alteration”; |
| | |
| | Strike out “business and personal services,” in Clause (a) of |
| | Sentence 3; |
| | |
| | Add “business and personal services and” after “in” in Clause |
| | (c) of Sentence 3. |
| | |
| | Replace by the following: |
| | |
| | “ Occupant Load |
| | |
| | 1) The maximum number of occupants permitted in any room shall |
| | be calculated |
| | |
| | a) except as provided in Sentence (2), in Group A assembly |
| | occupancies, on the basis of the net floor space per occupant |
| | specified in Table, |
| | |
| | b) for occupancies in another group, on the basis of the net |
| | floor space per occupant of 0.4 m2, excluding the floor space |
| | occupied by furniture and equipment, or |
| | |
| | c) on the basis of the number of occupants for which means of |
| | egress are provided, if that number is below the number |
| | determined under Clause (a) or (b). |
| | |
| | (See Appendix A.) |
| | |
| | Table |
| | Number of Occupants |
| | Forming an integral part of Sentence |
| | |
| | _______________________________________________________ |
| | | | | |
| | | Use of floor space or part of floor | Net floor space| |
| | | space | coefficient | |
| | | | per | |
| | | Assembly occupancy | occupant in m2 | |
| | |______________________________________|________________| |
| | | | | |
| | | Bars, dining areas and cafeterias | 1.2 | |
| | |(note 1) | | |
| | |______________________________________|________________| |
| | | | | |
| | | Rooms with movable seating other than| 0.75 | |
| | | bars and dining areas (note 2) | | |
| | |______________________________________|________________| |
| | | | | |
| | | Rooms with tables and movable seating| 0.95 | |
| | | other than bars and dining areas | | |
| | | (note 2) | | |
| | |______________________________________|________________| |
| | | | | |
| | | Meeting rooms without seats (note 3) | 0.6 | |
| | |______________________________________|________________| |
| | | | | |
| | | Bowling alleys and pool halls (note | 9.3 | |
| | | 4) | | |
| | |______________________________________|________________| |
| | | | | |
| | | Classrooms | 1.85 | |
| | |______________________________________|________________| |
| | | | | |
| | | Exhibition rooms | 3 | |
| | |______________________________________|________________| |
| | | | | |
| | | Reading, study and rest rooms | 1.85 | |
| | |______________________________________|________________| |
| | | | | |
| | | Stages | 0.75 | |
| | |______________________________________|________________| |
| | |
| | Note 1: The coefficient of 1.2 m2 shall be used for dining |
| | areas, bars and cafeterias, whatever their layout. In bars |
| | and licensed beverage establishments, the coefficient of |
| | 0.6 m2 may be used only for the parts of the floor area used |
| | without seating or tables (dance floor, standing bar, etc.). |
| | |
| | Note 2: The coefficients of 0.75 m2 and 0.95 m2 are reserved |
| | for occupancies other than dining areas, bars or cafeterias |
| | (see note 1) such as bingo halls, assembly rooms and meeting |
| | rooms. |
| | |
| | Note 3: The density of occupants in assembly occupancies is |
| | limited to 0.6 m2 of free floor space per occupant to ensure |
| | that occupants are not prevented from reaching exits by |
| | excessive occupant density. |
| | |
| | Note 4: The coefficient of 9.3 m2 shall be used for bowling |
| | alleys and pool halls. When the room is used as a bar or |
| | licensed beverage establishment, the coefficient of 1.2 m2 |
| | shall be used once the area of the pool table has been |
| | subtracted from the space used by the public. |
| | |
| | 2) In a room or part of a room in an assembly occupancy with |
| | fixed seating, the maximum number of occupants shall be |
| | determined by the number of fixed seats and the aisles |
| | required for the fixed seating shall not be used to increase |
| | the maximum permitted number of occupants. |
| | |
| | 3) For the purposes of Sentences (1) and (2), the maximum |
| | occupancy load of a room shall be determined by the maximum |
| | number of occupants that may be admitted to the floor area |
| | where the room is situated, taking the means of egress into |
| | consideration. |
| | |
| | 4) The number of occupants admitted to a room shall not exceed |
| | the maximum number of occupants calculated in conformance with |
| | Sentences (1) to (3). |
| | |
| | 5) The authority having jurisdiction may require that the |
| | information, calculations and drawings showing compliance with |
| | Sentence (4) be provided in writing.”. |
| | |
| | Replace “the NBC” in Sentence 2 by “the requirements in force |
| | at the time of construction or alteration”. |
| | |
| | Add “Except as provided in Sentence (4),” before “When” in |
| | Sentence 1; |
| | |
| | Replace the part of Clause (f) of Clause 1 preceding Clause (i)|
| | by the following: |
| | |
| | “f) except as provided in Sentence (3), when the number of |
| | seats in the room exceeds 100,”; |
| | |
| | Add “Except as provided in Sentence (5)” before “When” in |
| | Sentence 3; |
| | |
| | Add the following: |
| | |
| | “4) Nonfixed seats may be laid out using the criteria in |
| | Sections and of NFPA 101, “Life Safety Code”,|
| | if |
| | |
| | a) the minimum clear width specified in Clause (a) of |
| | Sentence (1) is respected; and |
| | |
| | b) the requirements of Clause (f) of Sentence (1) are |
| | respected. |
| | |
| | “5) Tables provided with nonfixed seats may be laid out using |
| | the criteria in Sections and of NFPA 101, |
| | “Life Safety Code”.”. |
| | |
| | Replace Sentence 2 by the following: |
| | |
| | “2) The windows of sleeping rooms that are required as an exit |
| | and are located in a basement shall not be obstructed by snow, |
| | materials or objects that prevent emergency evacuation.”. |
| | |
| | Replace everything following “buildings” in Sentence 1 by “in |
| | conformance with the requirements in force at the time of |
| | construction or alteration or, if applicable, with the more |
| | stringent provisions applicable to certain buildings under |
| | Section IV of Chapter VIII of the Safety Code (see Appendix |
| | B).”. |
| | |
| | Replace “the NBC” in Clause (b) of Sentence 1 by “the |
| | requirements in force at the time of construction or |
| | alteration”; |
| | |
| | Add the following after Clause (f) in Sentence 1: |
| | |
| | “g) every building housing a private seniors’ residence.”. |
| | |
| | Strike out “in cooperation with the fire department and other |
| | applicable regulatory authorities” in Sentence 1. |
| | |
| | Replace by the following: |
| | |
| | “ Care, Treatment and Detention Occupancies and |
| | Private Seniors’ Residences |
| | |
| | 1) A sufficient number of supervisory staff shall be on duty in|
| | care and detention occupancies and private seniors’ residences |
| | to apply the emergency procedures to be used in case of fire |
| | detailed in clause”. |
| | |
| | Replace everything preceding “fire safety plan” by the |
| | following: |
| | |
| | “1) In high buildings as defined in the standard applicable at |
| | the time of construction or alteration, and in buildings in |
| | which any of the following facilities is installed,”. |
| | |
| | Replace Sentence 2 by the following: |
| | |
| | “2) The copy reserved for use by the fire department shall be |
| | kept: |
| | |
| | a) at the central alarm and control facility in the case of a |
| | high building as defined in the standard applicable at the time|
| | of construction or alteration, and |
| | |
| | b) at the place determined in cooperation with the fire |
| | department in all other cases.”; |
| | |
| | Add the following: |
| | |
| | “3) In a residential board and care occupancy, a copy of the |
| | fire safety plan and a complete list of all occupants, |
| | including the location of all occupants with special egress |
| | needs, shall be available and kept at a place determined in |
| | cooperation with the fire department.”. |
| | |
| | Add after “hotel” in Sentence 2 “, rooming house”. |
| | |
| | Add the following: |
| | |
| | “ Supervisory Staff |
| | |
| | 1) In an occupied building equipped with a dual signal fire |
| | alarm, there shall be sufficient supervisory staff, and no less|
| | than 3 persons, on duty able to apply the emergency procedures |
| | to be used in case of fire referred to in Sentence,|
| | combat an incipient fire using appropriate means, and using |
| | the building’s firefighting equipment appropriately. One such |
| | person shall be present at all times at the central alarm and |
| | control facility or at the fire alarm panel.”. |
| | |
| | Replace Clause (e) in Sentence 1 by the following: |
| | |
| | “e) the features of the fire emergency systems installed in the|
| | building and subject to additional requirements for high |
| | buildings in force at the time of construction or alteration, |
| | and”. |
| | |
| | Replace by the following: |
| | |
| | “ Fire Drill Frequency |
| | |
| | 1) Fire drills as described in Sentence shall be |
| | held at intervals not greater than 12 months for the |
| | supervisory staff, except that |
| | |
| | a) in Group B major occupancies and in private seniors’ |
| | residences, such drills shall be held at intervals not greater |
| | than 6 months; however, occupants who cannot evacuate the |
| | building without assistance or who have health problems are |
| | not required to take part in the evacuation, but the |
| | supervisory staff shall still prepare them as if they were to |
| | be evacuated, |
| | |
| | b) in schools and day-care centres, total evacuation drills |
| | shall be held at least once in the fall and once in the spring,|
| | |
| | c) in high buildings as defined by the requirements in force at|
| | the time of construction or alteration, except a Group C major |
| | occupancy building, such drills shall be held at intervals not |
| | greater than 6 months, |
| | |
| | d) in Group A, Division 1 major occupancies, such drills shall |
| | be held at intervals not greater than 3 months.”. |
| | |
| | Add the following: |
| | |
| | “2.8.4. Duties of the Owner |
| | |
| | “ Duties of the Owner |
| | |
| | 1) The portion of a building occupied before the end of its |
| | construction or alteration shall be |
| | |
| | a) equipped with a fire detection and alarm system in proper |
| | working order, |
| | |
| | b) equipped with the fire suppression measures required by the |
| | requirements in force at the time of construction or alteration|
| | and in proper working order, |
| | |
| | c) equipped with usable means of egress free from all |
| | obstructions, |
| | |
| | d) served by at least 2 exits, and |
| | |
| | e) isolated from the portion of the building where work is in |
| | progress by a fire separation with a fire-resistance rating of |
| | not less than 1 h. |
| | |
| | 2) The portion of the building where work is in progress shall |
| | be under appropriate surveillance.” |
| | |
| 2.9. | Add the following after “2.9 Tents and Air-Supported |
| | Structures”: |
| | |
| | “(See Appendix A.)”. |
| | |
| | Replace by the following: |
| | |
| | “ General |
| | |
| | 1) Tents and air-supported structures shall conform to the |
| | NBC.”. |
| | |
| | Strike out “(see Appendix A.)”. |
| | |
| | Add the following: |
| | |
| | “ Heat- or Light-Producing Appliances |
| | |
| | 1) The use of cooking equipment or a combustion appliance is |
| | prohibited in a tent or air-supported structure that is |
| | accessible to the public. |
| | |
| | 2) Cooking appliances with more than 2 baskets used to fry |
| | food that are used inside a tent or air-supported structure |
| | that is not accessible to the public shall be protected by a |
| | special fire suppression system in conformance with Article |
| | |
| | |
| | 3) Bulbs and projectors for any lighting apparatus for a tent |
| | or air-supported structure shall be placed at least 600 mm from|
| | any combustible substance. |
| | |
| | “ Interior Dividers |
| | |
| | 1) Fabric panels used to divide the interior space of a tent or|
| | air-supported structure shall not be installed less than 1 m |
| | from the ceiling (see Appendix A.).”. |
| | |
| | Replace “the NBC” in Sentence 1 by “the requirements in force |
| | at the time of construction or alteration”. |
| | |
| | Replace by the following article: |
| | |
| | “ Supervision of Children |
| | |
| | 1) There shall be sufficient numbers of staff to ensure the |
| | evacuation of children in an emergency.”. |
| | |
| | Strike out. |
| | |
| | Replace Sentence 1 by the following: |
| | |
| | “1) Buildings housing boarders, lodgers or roomers shall |
| | conform to the requirements in force at the time of |
| | construction or alteration.”. |
| | |
| | Strike out. |
| | |
| | Replace “Subsection 2.3.2.” by “Section 2.3.”. |
| | |
| | Strike out. |
| | |
| | Replace “the NBC” by “the requirements in force at the time |
| | of construction or alteration”. |
| | |
| Division B | |
| Part 2 | |
| Table | |
| | |
| Table | Strike out (3). |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Table | Add the following: |
| | |
| | “ Carbon Monoxide Alarms |
| | (1) [F81, F44-OS3.4]”. |
| | |
| Table | Add the following: |
| | “(2) [F02, OS1.5]”. |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Table | Add the following: |
| | |
| | “ Propane-Powered Vehicles |
| | |
| | (1) [F01, F43, F81-OS1.1] |
| | [F01, F43, F81-OS1.5]. |
| | |
| Table | Add the following: |
| | |
| | “ Protection of Plastic Foam |
| | (1) [F02-OS1.5] |
| | |
| | Work Tables |
| | (1) [F02, F03-OS1.4] |
| | |
| | Ethyl Alcohol Fuel Burning Appliances |
| | (1) [F01-OS1.1] |
| | |
| | Inside a building |
| | (1) [F01-OS1.1] |
| | [F44-OS3.4] |
| | |
| | Outside a building |
| | (2) [F03-OP3.1] |
| | [F03-OP1.2] |
| | |
| | Protection Equipment |
| | (1) [F02-OS1.2] |
| | [F02-OP1.2] |
| | (2) [F02-OS1.2] |
| | [F02-OS1.2] |
| | |
| | Scenery and Props |
| | (1) [F01, F02-OS1.5]”. |
| | |
| Table | Add the following: |
| | |
| | “(2) [F12-OP1.2] |
| | [F12-OS1.2]”. |
| | |
| Table | Replace the heading by “Fire Department Connections”. |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Table | Replace the heading by “Solid Fuels”. |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Table | Add the following: |
| | |
| | “(2) [F34-OS3.3]”. |
| | |
| | |
| Table | Add the following: |
| | |
| | “(3) [F10-OS3.7] |
| | (4) [F10-OS3.7] |
| | (5) [F10-OS3.7]”. |
| | |
| Table | Add the following: |
| | |
| | “(4) [F10-OS3.7] |
| | (5) [F10-OS3.7]”. |
| | |
| Table | Replace the heading by the following: “Care, Treatment and |
| | Detention Occupancies and Private Seniors’ Residences |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Table | Add the following: |
| | |
| | “(3) [F12-OS1.2] |
| | [F12-OP1.2]”. |
| | |
| Table | Add the following: |
| | |
| | “ Supervisory staff |
| | (1) [F12, F13-OP1.2] |
| | [F12-OS1.2] |
| | [F13-OS1.5]”. |
| | |
| Table | Add the following: |
| | |
| | “ Duties of the Owner |
| | (1) [F02, F03, F13-OS1.5] |
| | [F02, F03, F13-OS3.7]”. |
| | |
| Table | Add the following: |
| | |
| | “ Heat- or Light-Producing Appliances |
| | “(1) [F01-OS1.1] |
| | [F01-OS1.5] |
| | (2) [F02-OP3.1] |
| | (3) [F01-OS1.1]”. |
| | |
| Table | Strike out (2). |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Table | Strike out. |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Table | Strike out. |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Table | Strike out. |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Division B | |
| Part 3 | |
| | |
| 3.1.2. | Add “(See Appendix A.)” after “Dangerous Goods”. |
| | |
| | Replace everything following “persons” in Sentence 1 by |
| | “responsible for the application of the fire safety plan to be |
| | contacted in case of fire during non-operating hours, along |
| | with the data sheets for hazardous materials stored or |
| | handled in the building.”. |
| | |
| | Replace Sentence 1 by the following: |
| | |
| | “1) Where wiring or electrical equipment is located in areas in|
| | which flammable gases or vapours, combustible dusts or |
| | combustible fibres are present in quantities sufficient to |
| | create a hazard, such wiring and electrical equipment shall |
| | conform to CSA C22.1, Canadian Electrical Code, Part I, (see |
| | note A-”. |
| | |
| | Replace the part of Sentence 1 preceding Clause (a) by the |
| | following: |
| | |
| | “1) This Section shall apply to buildings or parts of buildings|
| | used for the short or long term storage of the following |
| | products, whether raw materials, waste, products undergoing |
| | processing or finished products:”. |
| | |
| | Replace Sentence 3 by the following: |
| | |
| | “3) A clear space of at least 300 mm shall be maintained at |
| | all times between stored products and the lower chords of |
| | structural framing members.”. |
| | |
| | Replace everything following “fire separation” in Sentence 1 |
| | by “having a rating of not less than 2 h. (see Appendix A).”. |
| | |
| | Add the following: |
| | |
| | “2) A clear space of at least 900 mm shall be maintained |
| | between the top of the piles and the sprinkler heads.”. |
| | |
| | Replace everything following “shall” in Sentence 1 by “be |
| | classified as medium hazard industrial occupancies.”. |
| | |
| | Add the following: |
| | |
| | “6) The minimum clearance between the top of a pile and a |
| | sprinkler head shall be 900 mm.”. |
| | |
| | Add “(see Appendix A)” after “Application”. |
| | |
| | Replace everything following “building” in Sentence 6 by “fire |
| | separations having a rating of not less than 2 h.”; |
| | |
| | Replace everything following “building” in Sentence 7 by “fire |
| | separations having a rating of not less than 2 h (see note A- |
| |”. |
| | |
| | Add “(see Appendix A)” after “Separation from Other Dangerous |
| | Goods”. |
| | |
| | Replace Clause (a) of Sentence 1 by the following: |
| | |
| | “a) constructed in conformance with the requirements in force |
| | at the time of construction or alteration, and”. |
| | |
| | Replace “the NBC” in Sentence 3 by “the requirements in force |
| | at the time of construction or alteration”. |
| | |
| | Replace Clause (a) in Sentence 1 by the following: |
| | |
| | “a) is separated from the remainder of the building by gasproof|
| | fire separations having a rating of not less than 2 h,”; |
| | |
| | Replace everything in Clause (c) of Sentence 1 following “are” |
| | by the following: |
| | |
| | “i) equipped with an automatic closing device that ensures |
| | that the closures are closed when not in use, and |
| | |
| | ii) constructed in such a way as to prevent the migration of |
| | gas into the remainder of the building,”; |
| | |
| | Replace Clause (a) in Sentence 1 by the following: |
| | |
| | “a) is separated from the remainder of the building by gasproof|
| | fire separations having a rating of not less than 1 h,”; |
| | |
| | Replace Clause (c) in Sentence 1 by the following: |
| | |
| | “c) can be entered from the exterior, and whose closures |
| | leading to the interior of the building are |
| | |
| | i) equipped with an automatic closing device that ensures |
| | that the closures are closed when not in use, and |
| | |
| | ii) constructed in such a way as to prevent the migration of |
| | gas into the remainder of the building, and”. |
| | |
| | Replace everything following “nitrate” in Sentence 1 by “shall |
| | be medium hazard industrial occupancy.”. |
| | |
| | Replace everything following “nitrate” in Sentence 2 by “shall |
| | not exceed 1 storey.”. |
| | |
| | Replace Sentences 3 and 4 by the following: |
| | |
| | “3) Buildings intended for the storage of ammonium nitrate |
| | shall not have |
| | |
| | a) a basement or crawl space, |
| | b) uncovered area drains, tunnels, elevator or hoist pits or |
| | other cavities where molten ammonium nitrate may accumulate. |
| | |
| | “4) Buildings intended for the storage of ammonium nitrate |
| | shall have ventilation openings of at least 0.007 m2 per square|
| | metre of storage area, unless mechanical ventilation is |
| | is provided.”; |
| | |
| | Add the following sentences: |
| | |
| | 6) All flooring in storage areas shall be constructed of |
| | non-combustible materials. |
| | |
| | 7) Buildings used for the storage of ammonium nitrate shall |
| | be designed so as to prevent any contact with construction |
| | materials that may |
| | |
| | a) cause the ammonium nitrate to become unstable, |
| | b) corrode or deteriorate after coming into contact with |
| | ammonium nitrate, or |
| | c) become saturated with ammonium nitrate.”. |
| | |
| | Insert “, whether raw materials, waste, products undergoing |
| | processing or finished products” after “following products” in |
| | Sentence 1. |
| | |
| | Strike out everything following “stored products” in Sentence |
| | 2. |
| | |
| Division B | |
| Part 4 | |
| | |
| | Add “(See Appendix A.)” after the heading of the article; |
| | |
| | Add the following after Sentence 5: |
| | |
| | “6) The application of the requirements of this Part concerning|
| | maximum storage capacity shall take into account the presence |
| | of petroleum products.”. |
| | |
| | Replace “will not” in Sentence 1 by “reduces to a tolerable |
| | level the”. |
| | |
| | Replace “NBC” in Sentence 1 by “requirements in force at the |
| | time of construction or alteration”. |
| | |
| | Add “and rooms” after “cabinets” in Sentence 1. |
| | |
| | Strike out Sentence 2. |
| | |
| | Replace “the NBC” in Clause (b) of Sentence 2 by “the |
| | requirements in force at the time of construction or |
| | alteration”. |
| | |
| | Replace “Sentence of Division B of the NBC” in |
| | Sentence 1 by “good practice, as set out in NFPA-68, |
| | “Venting of Deflagrations””. |
| | |
| | Replace Clause (a) of Sentence 1 by the following: |
| | |
| | “a) the requirements in force at the time of construction or |
| | alteration, and”. |
| | |
| | Replace Sentence 3 by the following: |
| | |
| | “3) The use of non-metallic piping shall be permitted in |
| | underground installations if it conforms to one of the |
| | following standards: |
| | |
| | a) CAN/ULC-S660, “Standard for Nonmetallic Underground |
| | Piping for Flammable and Combustible Liquids”, |
| | |
| | b) ULC/ORD-C107.4, “Ducted Flexible Underground Piping |
| | Systems for Flammable and Combustible Liquids”; |
| | |
| | c) ULC/ORD-C107.7, “Glass Fibre Reinforced Plastic Pipe |
| | and Fittings for Flammable and Combustible Liquids”, |
| | |
| | d) ULC/ORD-C107.19, “Secondary Containment of |
| | Underground Piping for Flammable and Combustible Liquids”, or |
| | |
| | e) ULC/ORD-C971, “Nonmetallic Underground Piping for Flammable |
| | and Combustible Liquids.”. |
| | |
| | Replace everything following “trench” in Sentence 2 by the |
| | following: “shall |
| | |
| | a) be equipped with positive ventilation vented directly to the|
| | outside air, or |
| | |
| | b) be designed to prevent the accumulation of flammable |
| | vapours.”. |
| | |
| | Replace “the NBC” in Sentence 3 by “the requirements in force |
| | at the time of construction or alteration”. |
| | |
| | Replace everything following “shall” in Sentence 1 by “be |
| | isolated from the remainder of the building by a fire |
| | separation having a rating of not less than 2 h.”. |
| | |
| Division B | |
| Part 5 | |
| | |
| | Add “(See Appendix A.)” at the end of Sentence 1. |
| | |
| | Replace “NBC” in Sentence 1 by “requirements in force at the |
| | time of construction or alteration”. |
| | |
| | Replace Sentence 1 by the following: |
| | |
| | “1) Nozzles for the standpipe and hose systems shall be of |
| | the fog and fine spray type to prevent combustible dust from |
| | being driven up by a powerful jet and remaining suspended.”. |
| | |
| | Replace “conform” and everything following in Sentence 2 by: |
| | “conform |
| | |
| | a) to Parts 3, 4 and 5, or |
| | |
| | b) in the case of a laboratory to which Sentence, |
| | applies, to NFPA 45 “Standard on Fire Protection for |
| | Laboratories Using Chemicals”.”. |
| | |
| | Replace by the following: |
| | |
| | “ Separation |
| | |
| | 1) Except as provided in Sentence 2, a laboratory shall be |
| | separated from other parts of the building by fire separations |
| | conforming to this Code and the requirements in force at the |
| | time of construction or alteration, but having a |
| | fire-resistance rating of not less than 1 h. |
| | |
| | 2) In a sprinklered building, the required fire separation |
| | between a laboratory and the other parts of the building may |
| | be designed to meet the requirements of NFPA 45 “Standard on |
| | Fire Protection for Laboratories Using Chemicals”. (See |
| | Appendix A.)”. |
| | |
| | Replace by the following: |
| | |
| | “ General Ventilation |
| | |
| | 1) A laboratory shall be provided with continuous mechanical |
| | ventilation that is designed and maintained in a manner that |
| | ensures that the vapours and particles produced by dangerous |
| | goods |
| | |
| | a) do not accumulate in the laboratory, |
| | b) do not spread to other parts of the building, |
| | c) do no accumulate in the ventilation ducts, |
| | d) are vented to the outside, and |
| | e) cannot re-enter the building. |
| | |
| | 2) The ventilation system required under this Section shall be |
| | equipped with monitoring devices that |
| | |
| | a) indicate when the system is in operation, and |
| | b) trigger an alarm if the system fails.”. |
| | |
| | Replace the part of Sentence 1 preceding Clause (a) by the |
| | following: |
| | |
| | “1) Except as provided in Sentence (3), the use of dangerous |
| | goods in a laboratory shall be confined inside a |
| | power-ventilated enclosure conforming to Articles and |
| | when”; |
| | |
| | Add the following: |
| | |
| | “3) In a laboratory referred to in Sentence, the |
| | power-ventilated enclosure mentioned in Sentence (1) and the |
| | laboratory ventilation system shall conform to NFPA 45 |
| | “Standard on Fire Protection for Laboratories Using |
| | Chemicals”.”. |
| | |
| | Replace Sentence 1 by the following: |
| | |
| | “1) The ventilation system for a power-ventilated enclosure |
| | required in Article shall |
| | |
| | a) conform to NFPA 45 “Standard on Fire Protection for |
| | Laboratories Using Chemicals”, |
| | b) ensure the continuous extraction of air at a rate sufficient|
| | to prevent the formation of combustible or reactive deposits |
| | inside the enclosure or the exhaust ducts, |
| | c) confine vapours and particles of dangerous goods to the |
| | place where they are produced and vent them to the outside, |
| | d) prevent the re-entry of extracted air to the building, and |
| | e) be equipped with clearly identified control switches |
| | i) located outside the power-ventilated enclosure, and |
| | ii) accessible in an emergency.”. |
| | |
| | Replace “shall conform” and everything that follows in Sentence|
| | 1 by “shall |
| | |
| | a) except as provided in Sentences (2) and (3), be constructed |
| | of incombustible materials that are compatible to the vapours |
| | and particles produced by the dangerous goods and resistant to |
| | chemical attack, |
| | b) include inspection hatches for the inspection and |
| | maintenance of fans and ducts, |
| | c) be provided with instructions for its use and the operation |
| | of the ventilation system, and |
| | d) be provided with means to control accidental spillage.”; |
| | |
| | Add the following sentences: |
| | |
| | “2) The use of combustible materials shall be permitted under |
| | Clause |
| | a) if no other material offers the necessary degree of |
| | resistance to the corrosive action or reactive properties of |
| | the dangerous goods used, and |
| | b) if their flame propagation rating is not more than 25. |
| | |
| | “3) The flame propagation rating in Sentence (2) may be |
| | exceeded if the exhaust ducts are provided with an automatic |
| | fire suppression system.”. |
| | |
| | Replace “The quantity” in Sentence 1 by “Except as provided |
| | in Sentence (4), the quantity”; |
| | |
| | Add the following: |
| | |
| | “4) In a laboratory referred to in Sentence, the |
| | maximum quantity of dangerous goods stored in the laboratory |
| | shall conform to NFPA 45 “Standard on Fire Protection for |
| | Laboratories Using Chemicals”.”. |
| | |
| | Replace “(2) and (3)” in Sentence 1 by “(2), (3) and (4)”; |
| | |
| | Add the following: |
| | |
| | “4) In a laboratory referred to in Sentence, |
| | flammable and combustible liquids shall be stored in |
| | recipients that conform to NFPA 45 “Standard on Fire |
| | Protection for Laboratories Using Chemicals”.”. |
| | |
| Division B | |
| Part 6 | |
| | |
| | Replace Sentence 1 by the following: |
| | |
| | “1) Where an emergency power generation system is installed, |
| | legible and visible instructions shall be provided permanently |
| | on or close to the system for switching on essential loads and |
| | for starting the generator when this is not done |
| | automatically.”. |
| | |
| | Replace Clause (b) of Sentence 2 by the following: |
| | |
| | “b) at intervals of not more than 12 months, the equipment |
| | can provide the necessary lighting in a simulated power shutoff|
| | for the time prescribed by the requirements in force at |
| | the time of construction or alteration.”. |
| | |
| | Replace by the following: |
| | |
| | “ Inspection, Testing and Maintenance |
| | |
| | 1) Except as provided in Sentence 2, the inspection, testing |
| | and maintenance of special fire suppression systems shall be |
| | conducted in conformance with the relevant standards listed |
| | in Article |
| | |
| | “2) If the relevant standard referred to in Sentence 1 does not|
| | specify the inspection and maintenance interval, an interval of|
| | not more than 6 months shall apply.”. |
| | |
| Division B | |
| Part 7 | |
| | |
| | Replace everything following “defined” in Sentence 1 by “by |
| | the standard in force at the time of construction or |
| | alteration”. |
| | |
| | Replace “Subsection 3.2.6. of Division B of the NBC” by “the |
| | requirements in force at the time of construction or |
| | alteration”; |
| | |
| | Add “(See note A-” at the end of Sentence 2. |
| | |
| | Replace everything following “kept” in Sentence 2 by “placed |
| | in an easily recognizable box located in plain view outside the|
| | elevator shaft close to the central alarm and control facility,|
| | and an extra set of keys for use by firefighters shall be kept |
| | at the facility”. |
| | |
| Division B | |
| Appendix A | |
| Explanatory | |
| notes | |
| | |
| A- | Strike out. |
| | |
| A- | Strike out. |
| | |
| | Add the following: |
| | |
| | “A- Battery-powered alarms due for replacement may be|
| | replaced by photoelectric alarms powered by a lithium |
| | battery.”. |
| | |
| A- | Replace the second paragraph by the following: |
| (3)(c) and d) | |
| | “NFPA-12A, “Halon 1301 Fire Extinguishing Systems”, and |
| | NFPA-12B, “Halon 1211 Fire Extinguishing Systems”, are |
| | obsolete. The installation of new halon fire suppression |
| | systems is prohibited following the international ban on halon |
| | gas production. However, both standards are still relevant to |
| | the maintenance, decommissioning and recycling of existing |
| | halon fire suppression systems.”. |
| | |
| A- | Add the following: |
| | |
| | “A- A dwelling used as a daycare centre shall also |
| | be equipped with portable extinguishers.”. |
| | |
| | Add the following: |
| | |
| | “A-2.1.6. Carbon monoxide (CO) is a colourless, odourless |
| | gas that can accumulate in confined spaces and reach a lethal |
| | concentration without the knowledge of the occupants. |
| | Accordingly, as a precautionary measure, rooms that contain |
| | or are close to a potential source of CO shall be equipped |
| | with some means to detect that gas. |
| | |
| | Dwelling units commonly have two potential sources of CO: |
| | |
| | • fuel-burning space-heating appliances and fuel-burning |
| | service water heaters located in the dwelling or in an adjacent|
| | room in the building; |
| | |
| | • an adjacent garage. |
| | |
| | Fuel-burning space-heating appliances generally produce no CO |
| | and, even when they do produce some gas, it is normally |
| | vented outside the building by the appliance’s venting system. |
| | However, heating appliances and ventilation systems may |
| | malfunction, and the installation of a CO alarm at appropriate |
| | places in dwelling units constitutes an inexpensive additional |
| | safety measure. Similarly, although the walls and floors |
| | separating adjacent garages from dwelling units are required |
| | by code to be airtight, carbon monoxide from a garage may |
| | infiltrate into a dwelling since it is difficult to make the |
| | air barrier completely airtight. It is even harder to prevent |
| | CO infiltration when the air pressure is lower inside the |
| | dwelling than inside the garage. This pressure gradient may be |
| | due to the ventilation system, or simply to the draft created |
| | by the heating system. Once again, the installation of a CO |
| | alarm constitutes an inexpensive additional safety measure.”. |
| | |
| A- | Replace “waste” by “materials” in the first sentence; |
| | |
| | Replace “the presence of these combustibles” in the second |
| | sentence by “their presence”. |
| | |
| A- | Replace “must be taken” by “are acceptable”. |
| | |
| | Add the following: |
| | |
| | “A- Traffic prohibited |
| | |
| | 1) When vehicle traffic is prohibited in a street, yard or |
| | roadway referred to in Article, a corridor along the |
| | centre-line of the street, yard or roadway at least 5 m high |
| | and 5 m wide shall be provided to allow the movement of fire |
| | department vehicles and pedestrians at all times.”. |
| | |
| A- | Strike out the last sentence of the first paragraph; |
| | |
| | Replace the third paragraph by the following: |
| | |
| | “Net floor space referred to in Clauses (a) and (b) is the |
| | floor space in a room, excluding accessory areas that cannot be|
| | used by the public and areas occupied by exits and structural |
| | features. Corridors and passages providing access to exits, |
| | toilets and accessory areas that cannot be used by the public |
| | shall be excluded from the net floor space except if the |
| | corridor or passage has a permitted use. For certain uses, when|
| | the layout may change depending on the activity, it may be |
| | appropriate to calculate maximum occupant loads for each of the|
| | different activities anticipated.”. |
| | |
| | Add the following: |
| | |
| | “A-2.9 The requirements of this Section apply only to certain |
| | types of structures. The word “tent”, for example, as used in |
| | this Chapter, refers to a temporary enclosure erected during |
| | outdoor events such as fairs and exhibitions. A tent generally |
| | comprises a piece of fabric stretched over poles and tethered |
| | with ropes to the ground. The requirements for tents, as a |
| | result, are not intended to apply to fabric structures within |
| | buildings or located on building roofs. |
| | |
| | Similarly, the expression “air-supported structure” as used in |
| | the Code refers to an envelope supported solely by air |
| | pressure and erected at ground level or over a basement. It is |
| | generally weighted or anchored to the ground around its |
| | perimeter. For this reason, the NBC prohibits the installation |
| | of an air-supported structure above a building’s first |
| | storey.”. |
| | |
| A- | Strike out. |
| | |
| | Add the following: |
| | |
| | “A- A space of at least 1 m is required above the |
| | dividers to facilitate smoke detection inside tents and |
| | air-supported structures. Taking into account the slope of the |
| | roof, a maximum of 30% of the divider’s width may be less |
| | than 1 m from the ceiling.”. |
| | |
| | Add the following: |
| | |
| | “A-3.1.2 For the storage of dangerous goods, the regulations |
| | of the Commission de la santé et de la sécurité du travail du |
| | Québec (CSST) apply to covered establishments. Refer to the |
| | the following regulations: |
| | |
| | Regulation respecting occupational health and safety (chapter |
| | S-2.1, r. 13) |
| | |
| | Regulation respecting information on controlled products |
| | (chapter S-2.1, r. 8).”. |
| | |
| | Add the following: |
| | |
| | “A- The following table, A-, has been designed |
| | to include controlled products (WHMIS). It comprises Table |
| | with the addition of identification for two existing |
| | columns, A and B, and of a new column C. It allows the small |
| | quantity exemption (column B) to be applied to controlled |
| | products (column C) that are not identified as dangerous goods |
| | (column A). Column B gives the maximum exempt amount of a |
| | (controlled product or association of controlled products |
| | identified in column C. It is important to note that a class of|
| | dangerous goods (column A) on the same line as a class of |
| | controlled products (column C) does not indicate an |
| | equivalency. Dangerous goods and controlled products are not |
| | classified or categorized using the same criteria. In addition,|
| | a line relating to dangerously reactive materials F (column C) |
| | has no link to the TDG (column A). |
| | |
| | When storing dangerous goods indoors, if controlled products |
| | are present, it is recommended to proceed as follows: |
| | |
| | When the controlled products are stored at the same time as |
| | dangerous goods, to determine the maximum quantity of dangerous|
| | goods or controlled products mentioned in the preceding |
| | Sentence, according to column B in Table A-, the |
| | following should be used (see the organization chart below for |
| | determining the exemption for small quantities of dangerous |
| | goods or controlled products): |
| | |
| | a) column A in Table A- using the primary class based |
| | on section 2.8 of TC SOR/2008-34, “Transportation of |
| | Dangerous Goods Regulations”; |
| | b) for merchandise that does not fall into a class under Clause|
| | (a), column C of Table A- based on the primary class of|
| | controlled products in the Table ranking categories of |
| | controlled products (see below); or |
| | c) the most stringent for small quantities based on column B |
| | of Table A-, amended if the precedence mentioned in |
| | Clause (a) or (b) has not been established. |
Table A- amended
Small Quantity Exemptions for Dangerous Goods and Controlled Products

Organization chart for determining small quantity exemptions for dangerous goods or controlled products

| | |
| | Order of Precedence Chart for Classes of Controlled Products |
| | (WHMIS)* |
| | |
| | When a hazardous material meets the requirements for inclusion |
| | in more than one class of controlled product, the class of |
| | controlled product indicated in this table is deemed to be the |
| | primary class for segregation purposes only. |
| | |
| | _____________________________________________________________ |
| ||- | |
| || - Class of controlled product | |
| || - __________________________________________________| |
| || - |------| | | | | | | |
| || |------| B6 | C | D1A | D1B | D2A or | E | |
| || |------| | | | | D2B | | |
| || |______|______|_____|_______|_______|________|_____| |
| || | | | | | | | | |
| || | B2 | B6 | B2 | B2 | B2 | B2 | B2 | |
| || |______|______|_____|_______|_______|________|_____| |
| || | | | | | | | | |
| || | B3 | B6 | B3 | D1A | D1B | B3 | E | |
| || |______|______|_____|_______|_______|________|_____| |
| || | | | | | | | | |
| || | B4 | B6 | B4 | D1A | D1B | B4 | E | |
| || |______|______|_____|_______|_______|________|_____| |
| || | | | | | | | | |
| || Class | B6 |------| B6 | D1A | B6 | B6 | B6 | |
| || |______|______|_____|_______|_______|________|_____| |
| || | | | | | | | | |
| || of | C | B6 |-----| D1A | C | C | C | |
| || |______|______|_____|_______|_______|________|_____| |
| || | | | | | | | | |
| ||controlled| D1A | D1A | D1A |-------| D1A | D1A | D1A | |
| || |______|______|_____|_______|_______|________|_____| |
| || | | | | | | | | |
| || product | D1B | B6 | C | D1A |-------| D1B | D1B | |
| || |______|______|_____|_______|_______|________|_____| |
| || | | | | | | | | |
| || |D2A or| B6 | C | D1A | D1B |--------| E | |
| || | D2B | | | | |--------| | |
| ||__________|______|______|_____|_______|_______|________|_____| |
| || | |
| ||* This table is adapted from the table “Table-Precedence | |
| || of Classes-Class and Packing Group” for classes of | |
| || controlled products (WHMIS) under section 2.8 of the | |
| || Transportation of Dangerous Goods Regulations. | |
| ||_____________________________________________________________| |
| | |
| |Using the Order of Precedence Chart for Classes of Controlled |
| |Products |
| | |
| |If, after gathering the appropriate information, a material is |
| |found to meet the criteria for inclusion in classes B2, E and |
| |D1A, the class having precedence class having precedence is |
| |is determined by comparing the classes in pairs. The first |
| |combination is B2 and E. After locating class B2 in the |
| |left-hand column, and class E in the first row, the class |
| |having precedence is indicated in the box where the row and |
| |column meet. For this combination, class B2 has precedence over |
| |class E. Class E can be ignored. |
|________________| _______________________________________________________________|
| ||- | |
| || - Class of controlled product | |
| || - __________________________________________________| |
| || - |------| | | | | | | |
| || |------| B6 | C | D1A | D1B | D2A or | E | |
| || |------| | | | | D2B | | |
| || |______|______|_____|_______|_______|________|_____| |
| ||Class of | | | | | | | | |
| ||controlled| B2 | B6 | B2 | B2 | B2 | B2 | B2 | |
| ||product | | | | | | | | |
| ||__________|______|______|_____|_______|_______|________|_____| |
| | |
| |Using the same approach, class B2 can be compared to class D1A. |
| |Class B2 has precedence. Class D1A can be ignored, and class B2 |
| |becomes the primary class for segregation purposes only. |
| | |
| | _____________________________________________________________ |
| ||- | |
| || - Class of controlled product | |
| || - __________________________________________________| |
| || - |------| | | | | | | |
| || |------| B6 | C | D1A | D1B | D2A or | E | |
| || |------| | | | | D2B | | |
| || |______|______|_____|_______|_______|________|_____| |
| ||Class of | | | | | | | | |
| ||controlled| B2 | B6 | B2 | B2 | B2 | B2 | B2 | |
| ||product | | | | | | | | |
| | |
| | Add the following: |
| | |
| | «A- When controlled products (WHMIS) are present |
| | during the storage of dangerous goods indoors, it is |
| | recommended to use the information on labels and data sheets |
| | and to refer to Table A- This Table adds columns and |
| | lines to Table, providing for the application of the |
| | principle of separate storage to controlled products that are |
| | not identified as dangerous goods. The addition of the top line|
| | and the left-hand column allows controlled products and |
| | combinations of controlled products to be located. The addition|
| | of two columns on the right-hand side and two bottom lines, |
| | specifically for corrosive products, allows acids to be |
| | separated from bases. Lastly, the addition of the last |
| | right-hand column and the last line at the bottom allows class |
| | F controlled products to be separated. It is important to note |
| | that a class of dangerous goods on the same line or in the same|
| | column as a class of controlled products does not indicate an |
| | equivalency.". |
Table A- amended
Separation Chart for Storage of Dangerous Goods and Controlled Products

| | |
| A- | Add the following after “should not be stored with acids”: |
| | |
| | “· Hypochlorites, dichloroisocyanurates and |
| | trichloroisocianuric acid should not be stored with acids. |
| | |
| | · Oxidizing materials should not be stored with easily |
| | oxidized materials, including wooden surfaces. |
| | |
| | · Toxic or corrosive materials in liquid form should not be |
| | stored without anti-spill devices. |
| | |
| | · Reactive hazardous materials and materials likely to trigger |
| | a violent polymerization, decomposition or condensation |
| | reaction if subjected to vibration, light or sound waves shall |
| | be stored separately with appropriate protection and |
| | stability.”; |
| | |
| | Replace the last paragraph by the following: |
| | |
| | “Toxic substances should not be stored in the vicinity of |
| | chemicals with the following purity levels: B.P. (British |
| | Pharmacopeia), B.P.C. (Biotechnology Performance Certified), |
| | U.S.P. (U.S. Pharmacopeia), F.C.C. (Food Chemical Codex) and |
| | N.F. (National Formulary), since many of them are used in |
| | cosmetics, medication and food products. In the event of |
| | spillage, the toxic materials will contaminate not only the |
| | chemical, but also its container and the “clean room in which |
| | it is processed.”. |
| | |
| | Add the following: |
| | |
| | “A- The CSST regulates the storage, handling and |
| | use of flammable and combustible materials in liquid form via |
| | NFPA 30 Flammable and Combustible Liquids Code: 1996 edition |
| | - translated into French. See also section 82 of the Regulation|
| | respecting occupational health and safety |
| | (chapter S-2.1, r. 13).”. |
| | |
| A- | Strike out the first paragraph. |
| | |
| A- | Add the following paragraph: |
| (3)(b) | |
| | “In this connection, see also the website for the CSST |
| | Répertoire toxicologique (www.reptox.csst.qc.ca).”. |
| | |
| | Add the following: |
| | |
| | “A- Québec’s Act respecting explosives (chapter E-22) |
| | and Regulation under the Act respecting explosives (chapter |
| | E-22, r. 1) contain Québec adaptations of Canada’s Explosives |
| | Act (R.S.C. 1985, c. E-17) and Explosives Regulations (C.R.C., |
| | c. 599). |
| | |
| | The Safety Code for the construction industry (chapter S-2.1, |
| | r. 4), under the Act respecting occupational health and safety |
| | (chapter S-2.1), deals with the transportation, storage, |
| | handling and use of explosives on construction sites (Division |
| | IV) and underground work sites (Division VIII) and the |
| | requirements for using explosive actuated tools (Division VII).|
| | |
| | The Regulation respecting occupational health and safety |
| | (chapter S-2.1, r. 13) specifies the qualifications and refers |
| | to Division IV of the Safety Code for the construction industry|
| | (chapter S-2.1, r. 4) in connection with all blasting work and |
| | work requiring the use of explosives.”. |
| | |
| | Add the following: |
| | |
| | “A- NFPA 45 “Standard on Fire Protection for |
| | Laboratories Using Chemicals” determines the fire separation |
| | requirements for laboratories based on the types and |
| | quantities of flammable and combustible liquids stored and used|
| | in each laboratory.”. |
| | |
| Division B | Add Appendix B |
| Appendix B | Explanatory notes |
| | |
| | “B- The more stringent provisions applicable to certain|
| | buildings are provided for in Division IV (sections 346 to 369)|
| | of Chapter VIII of the Safety Code and cover residential |
| | occupancies and care and treatment occupancy. |
| | |
| | Sections 346 to 352 cover fire alarm and detection systems. |
| | |
| | 346. In buildings constructed or altered prior to 7 November |
| | 2000, the fire alarm and detection system must conform to |
| | the requirements of NBC 1995 am. Québec, except those of |
| | Sentence |
| | |
| | However, in a residential occupancy for the elderly, other than|
| | a single-family dwelling, despite Sentences and |
| | of NBC 1995 am. Québec, a fire alarm and |
| | detection system is required when more than 10 persons |
| | sleep in the building. |
| | |
| | 347. In a residential occupancy for the elderly and a |
| | residential board and care occupancy designed in compliance |
| | with Sentence of NBC 1995 am. Québec or 2005 am. |
| | Québec, a single-signal fire alarm and detection system must |
| | be connected to a fire department; the connection must be |
| | designed to ensure that, when the fire alarm is triggered, the |
| | fire department is alerted, in accordance with NBC 1995 am. |
| | Québec. |
| | |
| | 348. In a residential board and care occupancy designed in |
| | compliance with Sentence of NBC 1995 am. Québec |
| | or 2005 am. Québec, the fire alarm and detection system may |
| | be a single-signal or dual-signal system. |
| | |
| | 349. In a residential occupancy for the elderly equipped with a|
| | fire alarm system, smoke detectors must be installed in each |
| | bedroom that is not part of a dwelling unit. |
| | |
| | 350. In a residential occupancy for the elderly, when a sound |
| | signal device must be added to a bedroom or dwelling unit, it |
| | must include a visual signal device having a power level of at |
| | least 110 cd. |
| | |
| | 351. In a dwelling unit and in a hotel or motel suite |
| | comprising several rooms, the acoustic pressure level of a fire|
| | alarm signal must be at least 85 dBA near the entry door, once |
| | the door is closed. |
| | |
| | In the bedrooms of a residential occupancy, other than in the |
| | bedrooms of a dwelling unit, the standard is 75 dBA. |
| | |
| | 352 The provisions of Sentences and (11) NBC |
| | 1995 am. Québec do not apply if the sound signal devices are |
| | connected to a class “A” circuit according to CAN/ULC-S524, |
| | Installation of Fire Alarm Systems. |
| | |
| | The provisions come into force on 18 March 2016.”. |
| | |
| | “B- The more stringent provisions applicable to certain|
| | buildings are provided for in Division IV (sections 346 to 387)|
| | of Chapter VIII of the Safety Code and cover residential |
| | occupancies and care and treatment occupancy. |
| | |
| | Sections 353 to 358 cover smoke alarms. |
| | |
| | 353. Smoke alarms conforming to CAN/ULC-S531, Smoke Alarms, |
| | must be installed |
| | |
| | (1) in every dwelling unit; |
| | |
| | a) on each storey; and |
| | |
| | b) on each storey where bedrooms are located, the smoke alarms |
| | must be installed between the bedrooms and the remainder of the|
| | storey, except if the bedrooms are accessed by a corridor, in |
| | which case the smoke alarms must be installed in the corridor; |
| | |
| | (2) in each sleeping room that is not part of a dwelling unit, |
| | except in care or detention occupancies, which must be |
| | equipped with a fire alarm system; |
| | |
| | (3) in each corridor and each shared rest or activity area in |
| | a residential occupancy for the elderly that is not equipped |
| | with a fire alarm and detection system; |
| | |
| | (4) in sleeping rooms and in the corridors of a residential |
| | board and care occupancy designed in compliance with Article |
| | of NBC 1995 am. Québec or 2005 am. Québec, if the |
| | bedrooms are not equipped with smoke detectors; |
| | |
| | (5) in each sleeping room, corridor and shared rest or |
| | activity area of a single-family type residential occupancy for|
| | the elderly. |
| | |
| | 354. Subject to the more stringent requirements of sections |
| | 355 and 356, the smoke alarms required under section 353 must, |
| | when required by the standard in force at the time of |
| | construction or alteration of the building, |
| | |
| | (1) be installed by permanent connections to an electrical |
| | circuit and have no disconnect switch between the overcurrent |
| | device and the smoke alarm; and |
| | |
| | (2) be wired so that the activation of one alarm will |
| | automatically cause all alarms within the dwelling unit to |
| | sound. |
| | |
| | 355. The smoke alarms required under paragraphs 3 to 5 of |
| | section 353 must |
| | |
| | (1) be installed by permanent connections to an electrical |
| | circuit and have no disconnect switch between the overcurrent |
| | device and the smoke alarm; |
| | |
| | (2) be wired so that the activation of one alarm will |
| | automatically cause all alarms within the dwelling unit to |
| | sound; and |
| | |
| | (3) be wired so that the activation of one alarm in a building |
| | housing a residential occupancy for the elderly of the rooming |
| | house type will automatically cause all the alarms to sound. |
| | |
| | In addition, the smoke alarms required under paragraph 4 of |
| | section 353 must |
| | |
| | (1) be of a photoelectric type; |
| | |
| | (2) be interconnected and connected to visual signal devices |
| | that allow the personnel assigned to the sleeping rooms to see |
| | from where the smoke alarm is triggered, and |
| | |
| | (3) be connected to the fire department as provided for in NBC |
| | 1995 am. Québec. |
| | |
| | 356. Smoke alarms must be installed on or close to the ceiling |
| | in accordance with CAN/ULC-S553, Standard for the Installation |
| | of Smoke Alarms. |
| | |
| | 357. A manual device may be installed at a specific point in |
| | the electrical circuit for the smoke alarm in a dwelling unit |
| | to shut off the sound signal emitted by the smoke alarm for no |
| | more than 10 minutes; after that time, the smoke alarm must |
| | re-activate. |
| | |
| | 358. Every smoke alarm must be replaced 10 years after the |
| | date of manufacture indicated on the cover. If no date of |
| | manufacture is indicated, the smoke alarm is considered to |
| | be non-compliant and must be replaced without delay. |
| | |
| | The provisions of sections 353 to 357 come into force on 18 |
| | March 2014.”. |
| | |
| |“B-2.1.6. The more stringent provisions applicable to certain |
| | buildings are provided for in Division IV (sections 346 to 369)|
| | of Chapter VIII of the Safety Code and cover residential |
| | occupancies and care and treatment occupancy. |
| | |
| | Sections 359 and 360 cover carbon monoxide alarms. |
| | |
| | 359. A carbon monoxide alarm must be installed in every |
| | dwelling unit, residential occupancy for the elderly or |
| | residential board and care occupancy designed in compliance |
| | with Article of NBC 1995 am. Québec or 2005 am. |
| | Québec that contains |
| | |
| | (1) a heating appliance; or |
| | |
| | (2) direct access to an indoor parking garage. |
| | |
| | 360. Carbon monoxide alarms must |
| | |
| | (1) conform to CAN/CSA-6.19, “Residential Carbon Monoxide |
| | Alarming Devices”; |
| | |
| | (2) be equipped with an integrated alarm that meets the |
| | audibility requirements of CAN/CSA-6.19, “Residential Carbon |
| | Monoxide Alarming Devices”; |
| | |
| | (3) be installed according to the manufacturer’s |
| | recommendations. |
| | |
| | The provisions come into force on 18 March 2014.”. |
| | |
| | “B- The most stringent provisions applicable to |
| | certain buildings are provided for in Division IV |
| | (sections 346 to 369) of Chapter VIII of the Safety Code and |
| | cover residential occupancies and care and treatment occupancy.|
| | |
| | Sections 361 to 365 cover fire separation. |
| | |
| | 361. In a building constructed or altered prior to 1 December |
| | 1976, the floors must constitute fire separations with a fire |
| | resistance rating of at least 30 minutes or meet the |
| | requirements of NBC 1980 am. Québec. The elements supporting |
| | the floors must also have a fire resistance rating of at least |
| | 30 minutes or meet the requirements of NBC 1980. |
| | |
| | 362. In a building constructed or altered prior to 25 May 1984,|
| | suites of residential occupancy must be isolated from the |
| | remainder of the building by fire separations in accordance |
| | with the requirements of Section 3.3 or with Part 9 of NBC 1980|
| | am. Québec. However, existing fire separations may have a fire |
| | resistance rating of only 30 minutes. |
| | |
| | 363. In a care occupancy constructed or altered prior to |
| | 25 May 1984, all or part of a floor area occupied by bedrooms |
| | must conform to Subsection 3.3.3. of NBC 1980 am. Québec. |
| | |
| | 364. Every opening in a fire separation of a building |
| | constructed or altered prior to 25 May 1984 must be equipped |
| | with a closure in accordance with the requirements of NBC 1980 |
| | am. Québec. |
| | |
| | 365. A building constructed or altered prior to 25 May 1984 |
| | and containing a floor that does not end with a vertical fire |
| | separation from the floor to the underside of the floor or |
| | roof and have a fire resistance rating at least equal to the |
| | rating for the floor on which it abuts must meet the |
| | requirements of NBC 1980 am. Québec. |
| | |
| | The provisions come into force on 18 March 2018.”. |
| | |
| | “B. The most stringent provisions applicable to certain|
| | buildings are provided for in Division IV (sections 346 to 369)|
| | of Chapter VIII of the Safety Code and cover residential |
| | occupancies and care and treatment occupancy. |
| | |
| | Sections 361 to 365 cover openings in fire separation. |
| | |
| | 361. In a building constructed or altered prior to 1 December |
| | 1976, the floors must constitute fire separations with a fire |
| | resistance rating of at least 30 minutes or meet the |
| | requirements of NBC 1980 am. Québec. The elements supporting |
| | the floors must also have a fire resistance rating of at least |
| | 30 minutes or meet the requirements of NBC 1980. |
| | |
| | 362. In a building constructed or altered prior to 25 May 1984,|
| | suites of residential occupancy must be isolated from the |
| | remainder of the building by fire separations in accordance |
| | with the requirements of Section 3.3 or with Part 9 of NBC |
| | 1980 am. Québec. However, existing fire separations may have a |
| | fire resistance rating of only 30 minutes. |
| | |
| | 363. In a care occupancy constructed or altered prior to 25 May|
| | 1984, all or part of a floor area occupied by bedrooms must |
| | conform to Subsection 3.3.3. of NBC 1980 am. Québec. |
| | |
| | 364. Every opening in a fire separation of a building |
| | constructed or altered prior to 25 May 1984 must be equipped |
| | with a closure in accordance with the requirements of NBC 1980 |
| | am. Québec. |
| | |
| | 365. A building constructed or altered prior to 25 May 1984 and|
| | containing a floor that does not end with a vertical fire |
| | separation from the floor to the underside of the floor or roof|
| | and have a fire resistance rating at least equal to the rating |
| | for the floor on which it abuts must meet the requirements of |
| | NBC 1980 am. Québec. |
| | |
| | The provisions come into force on 18 March 2018.”. |
| | |
| | “B- The most stringent provisions applicable to certain|
| | buildings are provided for in Division IV (sections 346 to 369)|
| | of Chapter VIII of the Safety Code and cover residential |
| | occupancies and care and treatment occupancy. |
| | |
| | Section 368 covers interior finish. |
| | |
| | 368. In a residential occupancy for the elderly constructed or |
| | altered prior to 25 May 1984, the flame-spread rating of the |
| | interior finish of the walls and ceilings must conform to NBC |
| | 1985 am. Québec. |
| | |
| | The provision comes into force on 18 March 2014.”. |
| | |
| | “B- The most stringent provisions applicable to certain|
| | buildings are provided for in Division IV (sections 346 to 369)|
| | of Chapter VIII of the Safety Code and cover residential |
| | occupancies and care and treatment occupancy. |
| | |
| | Section 369 covers means of egress. |
| | |
| | 369. In a single-family type residential occupancy for the |
| | elderly, when at least 1 bedroom is laid out to accommodate the|
| | elderly, the basement must have an exit opening directly to the|
| | exterior. |
| | |
| | The provision comes into force on 18 march 2016.”. |
| | |
| | “B- The most stringent provisions applicable to certain|
| | buildings are provided for in Division IV (sections 346 to 369)|
| | of Chapter VIII of the Safety Code and cover residential |
| | occupancies and care and treatment occupancy. |
| | |
| | Sections 366 and 367 cover emergency lighting. |
| | |
| | 366. Emergency lighting must conform to the requirements of the|
| | Construction Code, NBC 1995 am. Québec. |
| | |
| | 367. In a single-family type residential occupancy for the |
| | elderly, emergency lighting must be installed in corridors, |
| | stairways and means of egress and be designed to provide |
| | automatically electric power for 30 minutes if the normal |
| | source of power supply fails. |
| | |
| | The provisions come into force on 18 March 2014.”. |
| | |
| Division C | Strike out. |
| Appendix A | |
| | |
| Explanatory | |
| notes | |
O.C. 1263-2012, s. 1.