For those purposes, in addition to the documents and reports on the activities described in section 16 and the evaluated work, the report contains(1) a demonstration of the acquisition and integration of the knowledge on ethics, professional conduct and professional practice;
(2) a demonstration of the acquisition and integration of legal knowledge;
(3) a demonstration of the development of the professional competencies and skills referred to in paragraph 3 of section 7;
(4) a demonstration according to which the professional activities engaged in and all documents produced with respect to subparagraphs 1 to 3 reflect mastery of the applicable law;
(5) a reflection on the application of the rules of ethics, professional conduct and professional practice;
(6) a reflection on the progress of the integration of the professional competencies and skills referred to in subparagraph 3 of section 7;
(7) a reflection on the actions, observations and recommendations made by the Bar School and supervisors concerning the candidate’s conduct beginning on the date of his or her registration for a period of professional training and for the full duration of the professional training components provided for in paragraphs 1 and 2 of section 8;
(8) a list of the failures to comply referred to in the first paragraph of section 28 and the measures imposed pursuant to that section or, as applicable, a statement that there have been no failures, beginning on the date of the candidate’s registration for a period of professional training and for the full duration of the professional training components provided for in paragraphs 1 and 2 of section 8.