2. Associate secretaries or assistant secretaries are authorized, in the exercise of their respective powers, duties and functions, to sign(1) supply contracts for less than $25,000;
(2) shipping orders;
(3) services contracts, other than insurance contracts entered into, as the case may be,(a) with a partnership or a legal person established for a private interest, other than a non-profit partnership or legal person;
(b) with a public body or a non-profit organization, for an amount of less than $250,000;
(c) with a natural person, for an amount of less than $100,000; and
(d) for the supply of personnel, for an amount of less than $100,000; and
(4) authorizations for out-of-court settlements, with or without consideration, discharges from any personal right, and any act, document or writing relating to those discharges.
The secretary of the Conseil du trésor is authorized to sign endorsements or amending contracts for the purpose of adding a supplement to a services contract signed by the delegatees referred to in the first paragraph.