Special classification rules
(1) The Commission does not take into account the condition stated in subparagraph 3 of the first paragraph of section 9 for the purpose of classifying an employer in more than one of the units 80030 to 80260.
(2) An employer who meets the conditions set out in Title IV of Book II allowing it to be classified in unit 90020 and unit 80020 is classified in the latter unit.
(3) An employer who does not meet the conditions set out in sections 11 and 12 is classified in unit 90020 if at least one of the employer’s workers carries out a task covered by that unit during the assessment year, if the employer is classified in at least one unit that expressly provides for classification in that exceptional unit and if the employer meets the conditions set out in one of the following paragraphs:
(1) the aggregate of the insurable wages of the employer’s workers declared for the year prior to the year preceding the assessment year in respect of units giving entitlement to unit 80020 and of the insurable wages declared for that year in respect of units giving entitlement to unit 90020 is equal to or greater than 45% of the insurable wages of the employer’s workers for that year;
(2) the employer employed no worker during the year prior to the year preceding the assessment year and is classified only in units giving entitlement to unit 80020 and in units giving entitlement to unit 90020 for the assessment year;
(3) the employer was classified in one of the exceptional units 80020 or 90020 for the year preceding the assessment year and the aggregate of the insurable wages of the employer’s workers declared for the year prior to the year preceding the assessment year in respect of units giving entitlement to unit 80020 and of the insurable wages declared for that year in respect of units giving entitlement to unit 90020 is equal to or greater than 40% of the insurable wages of the employer’s workers for that year.
The insurable wages of an auxiliary worker must be excluded when calculating percentages under this section. In addition, the amount of protection enjoyed pursuant to section 18 of the Act by an employer or an executive officer of the employer who, in addition to sitting on the board of directors, performs work for the employer is considered to be insurable wages declared for the unit that corresponds to the activities in which the person is involved.
(4) The Commission does not take into account the classification of an employer in unit 65150 or the wages declared in respect of that unit for the purpose of determining an employer’s entitlement to an exceptional unit pursuant to sections 11 and 12 and sections 2 and 3 of these Special classification rules.
(5) An employer classified in a unit that covers the manufacture of goods cannot be classified in a unit that covers the trade in those goods or in goods that the employer does not manufacture unless the employer operates at least one store located elsewhere than on the production site of the goods the employer manufactures.
(6) An employer who hires out the services of the workers it employs is classified, for that activity, in the units that cover the activities of the workers concerned where the hiring out is not expressly covered by a classification unit.
Special rules for declaring wages
(1) The second paragraph of section 24 does not apply to an employer for the purpose of declaring the insurable wages paid during the preceding calendar year to a worker who, without being an auxiliary worker, participated in several activities covered by more than one of units 80030 to 80260.
(2) The Commission does not take into account the insurable wages declared with respect to unit 65150 for the purpose of apportioning the wages of an auxiliary worker pursuant to paragraph 3 of section 26.
(3) An employer classified in both a unit that covers the manufacture of goods and in a unit that covers the trade in such goods, or in goods that the employer does not manufacture, must declare the wages of a worker who works in that trade with respect to the unit that covers the manufacture of the goods, except if the worker works in the trade in a store that the employer operates elsewhere than on the production site of the goods that the employer manufactures. The employer must declare the wages of the worker who works in that trade in that store with respect to the unit that covers the trade in the goods.
(1) In accordance with section 297 of the Act, the classification units are grouped in sectors.
(2) The primary sector comprises units 10110 to 14030.
(3) The manufacture sector comprises units 15010 to 36350, including exceptional units 34410 and 34420.
(4) The transportation and storage sector comprises units 55010 to 55090.
(5) The service sector comprises units 54010 to 54440, 57010 to 77030 and exceptional units 90010 and 90020.
(6) The construction sector comprises units 80020 to 80260.