A-29, r. 5 - Regulation respecting the application of the Health Insurance Act

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40. A candidate for a Category A, B, C or D scholarship must sign an agreement whereby he agrees:
(a)  to provide for a number of years not exceeding the number of scholarships he received, insured services as a professional subject to the application of an agreement in the territory assigned to him by the Minister, in accordance with the terms and conditions prescribed in section 42;
(b)  in the event of abandonment of studies or of a failure to respect his engagement, to reimburse the Board within a time limit of 6 months all sums of money received as a scholarship with the interest computed from the dates on which the sums were paid. The rate of interest is equal to the rate fixed under section 28 of the Tax Administration Act (chapter A-6.002).
R.R.Q., 1981, c. A-29, r. 1, s. 40; O.C. 2277-85, ss. 6 and 11; O.C. 1730-86, s. 1; O.C. 1888-88, s. 3; O.C. 527-2002, s. 3.