13. The reduction of the income replacement indemnity contemplated in section 83.30 of the Act is adjusted during the committal or imprisonment of the victim in the following cases and on the following conditions:(1) a person comes into a situation which, if it had occurred on the date of the accident, would have made him a dependant within the meaning of section 2 of the Act;
(2) a dependant of the victim ceases to be in the situation which made him a dependant within the meaning of section 2 of the Act;
(3) a person ceases to be in a situation which, if it had occurred on the date of the accident, would have made him a dependant within the meaning of section 2 of the Act;
(4) a dependant of the victim dies.
The income replacement indemnity to which a victim is entitled is paid in equal parts to the dependants contemplated in the fourth paragraph of section 83.30 of the Act.