4. Scaling must be made according to species or group of species and quality, using one of the following methods:(1) scaling by the piece, which consists in calculating the solid volume of each piece of sawn timber from its length and diameters;
(2) scaling of sawn and piled timber, which consists in calculating the solid volume of a pile of timber logs of the same class of length of 20 centimetres by measuring the diameter of cuts at one or both ends, adjusted if necessary according to the results obtained after sampling of a quantity of logs taken randomly and scaled according to the method provided for in subparagraph 1;
(3) scaling by apparent volume, which consists in calculating the apparent volume of piles of sawn and piled timber to be transformed into solid volume, from their height, width and length, using a piling factor set by the Minister or established on the basis of sampling taken randomly in all piles;
(4) scaling of unsawn timber, which consists in calculating the solid volume of unsawn and piled trunks from the measurement of the diameter of the widest cut on the trunks or part of the trunks and in establishing, by sampling, a stump volume table that makes it possible to calculate the average volume of the trunks based on their diameter;
(5) scaling chips, which consists in calculating the solid volume of a quantity of chips or comminuted timber by subtracting its mass in water from its mass in air;
(6) mass/volume scaling, which consists in calculating the solid volume of a quantity of timber from its total mass converted into a solid volume using the mass/volume conversion factor that may be set by the Minister or established by sampling representing the ratio between the total mass of the samples taken at random from the aggretate of the mass and the solid volume of those same samples, solid volume which will be determined according to one of the methods described in subparagraph 1, 2, 4 or 5;
(7) scaling after transportation without weighing, which consists in calculating the solid volume of a quantity of timber according to the predetermined volume of each load, from sampling applied on the aggregate of loads and whose samples are scaled according to one of the methods described in subparagraph 1, 2, 3 or 4, or from the complete scaling of the same quantity of timber, according to one of the same methods;
(8) mass scaling, which consists in calculating only the loading mass where forest biomass or other material of the same class may not be measured otherwise and must be calculated in metric tons.