87.1. An amount of $459 is allocated to a student for transportation expenses for each trimester if he or she studies in an outlying area listed in the third paragraph of section 40.
O.C. 1009-2011, s. 21; O.C. 452-2013, s. 11; O.C. 984-2013, s. 17; O.C. 627-2014, s. 22; O.C. 238-2015, s. 22; O.C. 301-2016, s. 21; 1086-2017O.C. 1086-2017, s. 271; 108-2019O.C. 108-2019, s. 201; 288-2020O.C. 288-2020, s. 231; 1411-2021O.C. 1411-2021, s. 261; 1398-2022O.C. 1398-2022, s. 221; 1217-2023O.C. 1217-2023, s. 231; 1152-2024O.C. 1152-2024, s. 211.