88. A special benefit is granted for transportation and living expenses, except living expenses referred to in section 88.1, to have an adult or a dependent child treated by or on referral of a physician, a dentist, a specialized nurse practitioner or a midwife, up to $250 for the same trip. That maximum is $275 for such transportation by ambulance and $350 for such transportation by air.
Those expenses are paid only up to the amount of expenses normally paid for treatment at the place that offers the same service and is nearest to the residence of the adult or dependent child.
The special benefit is not granted if the trip is covered by the Politique de déplacement des usagers du réseau de la santé et des services sociaux established by the Minister of Health and Social Services.
O.C. 1073-2006, s. 88; O.C. 511-2013, s. 3; S.Q. 2020, c. 6, s. 33.