r-3.1 - Act to promote the reform of the cadastre in Québec

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Updated to 15 November 2000
This document has official status.
chapter R-3.1
Act to promote the reform of the cadastre in Québec
1. The Minister of Natural Resources is responsible for the reform of the cadastre in Québec and, in particular, for
(1)  renewal of the cadastre of the territory;
(2)  seeing that cadastral plans are kept up to date.
1985, c. 22, s. 1; 1994, c. 13, s. 15.
2. A special fund called the “Québec cadastre reform fund” is hereby established.
The Québec cadastre reform fund shall be administered by the Minister of Finance but the books shall be kept at the Ministère des Ressources naturelles.
1985, c. 22, s. 2; 1994, c. 13, s. 15.
2.1. The sums paid into the fund are subject to the provisions of sections 20, 21 and 26 to 28, Chapters IV and VI and sections 89 and 90 of the Financial Administration Act (chapter A-6.001) with the necessary modifications.
The fiscal year of the fund ends on 31 March.
1992, c. 29, s. 1; 2000, c. 8, s. 181; 2000, c. 15, s. 142.
3. The sums required to pay the cost of work for the reform of the cadastre shall be taken out of the Québec cadastre reform fund, as shall the sums required to pay remuneration and expenses attached to social benefits and other conditions of employment of public servants designated by the Minister of Natural Resources and assigned to work for the reform of the cadastre.
1985, c. 22, s. 3; 1994, c. 13, s. 15.
4. The Québec cadastre reform fund shall be maintained by
(1)  the sums the Minister of Natural Resources collects for the deposit of cadastral plans, the examination of plans not deposited and the supply of goods and services resulting from work, operations and technological developments carried out for the reform of the cadastre;
(1.1)  the sums collected by registrars under section 8.1;
(2)  the sums corresponding to the percentage established by the Government of the duties and fees which registrars are required to collect.
1985, c. 22, s. 4; 1992, c. 29, s. 2; 1994, c. 13, s. 15.
5. With the authorization of the Government and on the conditions it determines, the Minister of Finance may advance sums out of the consolidated revenue fund, up to $5 000 000, to the Québec cadastre reform fund.
The advanced sums shall be repaid out of the Québec cadastre reform fund.
1985, c. 22, s. 5.
6. The Minister of Natural Resources may transfer appropriations voted for the reform of the cadastre to the Québec cadastre reform fund.
1985, c. 22, s. 6; 1994, c. 13, s. 15.
7. The Minister of Natural Resources, according to law and with authorization by the Government, may enter into agreements with governments, bodies or persons to facilitate the reform of the cadastre.
Sums that may be payable under an agreement shall be paid into the Québec cadastre reform fund.
1985, c. 22, s. 7; 1994, c. 13, s. 15.
8. On the recommendation of the Minister of Justice and the Minister of Natural Resources, the Government, by order, may establish the percentage of duties and fees collected by registrars under the Act respecting registry offices (chapter B-9) which shall be paid into the Québec cadastre reform fund.
1985, c. 22, s. 8; 1991, c. 20, s. 9; 1992, c. 57, s. 682; 1994, c. 13, s. 15.
8.1. Registrars are required to collect the following fees:
(1)  $28 for the registration or filing of a document referred to in sections 2 and 3 of the Tariff of fees respecting publication by registration in the land register made by order in council 1597-93 of 17 November 1993;
(2)  $28 for the registration or filing of a document cancelling an entry plus $5 per instrument or document in the margin of which an entry of such cancellation must be made, in the cases provided for in section 4 of the said Tariff.
The fees are adjusted on 1 April every year from 1 April 1994, according to the cumulative rate of increase in the general Consumer Price Index for Canada established by Statistics Canada for the period commencing on 31 December 1992 and ending on 31 December of the year preceding the adjustment.
Once adjusted, the fees are reduced to the nearest dollar where they include a dollar fraction under $0.50, or increased to the nearest dollar where they include a dollar fraction equal to or over $0.50.
The fees shall be collected without charge by registrars and paid into the Québec cadastre reform fund.
1992, c. 29, s. 4; 1993, c. 52, s. 22.
This section applies only for the registration or filing of a document concerning an immovable or that is entered in the land register. O.C. 1848-92 of 92.12.16, (1992) 124 G.O. 2, 5404.
8.2. On the recommendation of the Minister of Natural Resources, the Government may, by regulation, amend or replace the tariff of fees established by section 8.1.
1992, c. 29, s. 4; 1994, c. 13, s. 15.
8.3. An exemption from the payment of fees for the registration of a right or a document at a registry office granted by a legislative provision adopted before 23 June 1992 includes an exemption from the payment of the fees provided for in sections 8.1 and 8.2.
1992, c. 29, s. 4; 1993, c. 52, s. 23.
9. The cadastre of a territory shall be renewed by identifying each unit of the parcelling out of the territory on a plan and, where required, by changing cadastral designations, including the numbering.
1985, c. 22, s. 9.
10. The Minister of Natural Resources shall prepare a cadastral renewal plan for a territory when he is of opinion that the parcelling out of the territory or the changes made to that parcelling out require it.
The Minister may for that purpose consult any plan or book of reference where he considers it useful or necessary, even where it was prepared in an irregular manner or has not been put into force.
1985, c. 22, s. 10; 1994, c. 13, s. 15.
10.1. The Minister shall give notice of his intention to renew the cadastre to the registry office of the registration division and the municipality affected; he shall also give such notice to the owner of each lot affected by the renewal, at the address appearing on the assessment roll.
The notice shall indicate, in particular, the object, procedure and consequences of the renewal; it shall be posted at the registry office of the registration division by the registrar.
1992, c. 29, s. 5; 1993, c. 52, s. 24.
11. When preparing a renewal plan, the Minister shall change any erroneous cadastral designation or any designation which, in his opinion, is a source of error or confusion.
The Minister may also change any cadastral designation where he considers it useful or necessary.
1985, c. 22, s. 11.
12. The Minister may or may not identify on a renewal plan the lots indicated on a vertical cadastral plan, a divided co-ownership plan or a co-emphyteusis plan.
The lots are deemed to form part of the renewal plan even if the Minister does not identify them on the plan.
1985, c. 22, s. 12; 1993, c. 52, s. 25.
13. A draft renewal plan shall be submitted to a public hearing at which persons who so wish may express their views.
1985, c. 22, s. 13; 1988, c. 22, s. 15.
14. Notice of the hearing shall be mailed by the Minister to every owner of lots contemplated in the plan, to the address appearing on the assessment roll, not later than seven days before the date of the hearing.
The notice shall indicate the object, place, date and time of the hearing.
1985, c. 22, s. 14; 1988, c. 22, s. 16; 1992, c. 29, s. 6.
15. For the purposes of completing the renewal plan, the Minister shall next, by notice, fix a period of not more than 15 days during which the alienation of a right of ownership in lots contemplated in the notice is prohibited.
The prohibition shall be lifted, even before the expiry of the period of 15 days, from the coming into force of the renewal plan.
1985, c. 22, s. 15; 1988, c. 22, s. 17; 1993, c. 52, s. 26; 1995, c. 33, s. 26.
16. Before the beginning of the period of 15 days, the Minister shall send a copy of the notice to the registrar of the registration division contemplated.
The registrar shall post up the notice in his office for the period of prohibition.
1985, c. 22, s. 16; 1988, c. 22, s. 18.
17. The Minister shall, at least 15 days before the beginning of the period of prohibition, publish the notice in the Gazette officielle du Québec and in a newspaper circulated in the territory covered by the renewal plan.
If no newspaper is circulated in the territory, the notice shall be posted up in a public place determined by the Minister.
1985, c. 22, s. 17; 1988, c. 22, s. 19.
18. During the period of prohibition, no right of ownership may be registered in the land register against a lot contemplated by the notice.
The Minister shall not, during such period, accept the deposit of a plan amending a lot contemplated in the notice, unless the renewal plan has been deposited at the registry office.
1985, c. 22, s. 18; 1988, c. 22, s. 20; 1993, c. 52, s. 28; 1995, c. 33, s. 27.
19. (Repealed).
1985, c. 22, s. 19; 1993, c. 52, s. 29.
19.1. Upon the deposit of the renewal plan at the registry office of the registration division, the registrar shall establish a land file for each lot shown on the plan.
He shall enter opposite each lot the concordance between the lot number stated in the instrument of acquisition, the lot number affected by the title and the new lot number; he shall also enter the name of the owner, the mode of acquisition and the registration number of his title of ownership.
1992, c. 29, s. 7; 1993, c. 52, s. 30.
19.2. From the date of the entry contemplated in section 19.1, the description of the lot contained in the instrument of acquisition of the owner and in the acts evidencing the charges, prior claims, hypothecs or other rights affecting the lot is presumed to be concordant with that of the lot shown on the renewal plan. In case of discrepancy, the description contained in the instrument or acts need not be corrected by judgment or otherwise.
The instrument of acquisition, the acts and the registration thereof cannot be invalidated for the sole reason that the description they contain is not concordant with that of the renewed lot.
1992, c. 29, s. 7; 1993, c. 52, s. 31.
20. The registration, before the deposit of the renewal plan in the registry office of the registration division, of a document affecting a lot contemplated in the plan cannot be invalidated for the sole reason that the document contains an error in a cadastral designation or affects a lot for which the plan or book of reference has been prepared in an irregular manner or has not been put into force.
1985, c. 22, s. 20.
21. (Omitted).
1985, c. 22, s. 21.
22. (Omitted).
1985, c. 22, s. 22.
23. (Omitted).
1985, c. 22, s. 23.
24. (Omitted).
1985, c. 22, s. 24.
25. (Omitted).
1985, c. 22, s. 25.
26. (Omitted).
1985, c. 22, s. 26.
27. (Omitted).
1985, c. 22, s. 27.
28. (Omitted).
1985, c. 22, s. 28.
29. (Omitted).
1985, c. 22, s. 29.
30. (Omitted).
1985, c. 22, s. 30.
31. (Omitted).
1985, c. 22, s. 31.
32. (Omitted).
1985, c. 22, s. 32.
33. (Omitted).
1985, c. 22, s. 33.
34. (Omitted).
1985, c. 22, s. 34.
35. (Omitted).
1985, c. 22, s. 35.
36. (Omitted).
1985, c. 22, s. 36.
37. (Amendment integrated into c. B-9, s. 37).
1985, c. 22, s. 37.
38. (Amendment integrated into c. C-1, Division I).
1985, c. 22, s. 38.
39. (Amendment integrated into c. C-1, s. 1).
1985, c. 22, s. 39.
40. (Amendment integrated into c. C-1, s. 2).
1985, c. 22, s. 40.
41. (Amendment integrated into c. C-1, s. 3).
1985, c. 22, s. 41.
42. (Amendment integrated into c. C-1, ss. 4-4.7).
1985, c. 22, s. 42.
43. (Amendment integrated into c. C-1, s. 5).
1985, c. 22, s. 43.
44. (Amendment integrated into c. C-1, s. 14).
1985, c. 22, s. 44.
45. (Amendment integrated into c. C-1, s. 15).
1985, c. 22, s. 45.
46. (Omitted).
1985, c. 22, s. 46.
47. (Amendment integrated into c. C-1, s. 17).
1985, c. 22, s. 47.
48. (Amendment integrated into c. C-1, s. 18).
1985, c. 22, s. 48.
49. (Amendment integrated into c. C-1, ss. 19-19.2).
1985, c. 22, s. 49.
50. (Amendment integrated into c. C-1, Division V).
1985, c. 22, s. 50.
51. (Amendment integrated into c. C-1, ss. 21.1-21.7).
1985, c. 22, s. 51.
52. (Amendment integrated into c. T-10, s. 28).
1985, c. 22, s. 52.
53. (Amendment integrated into c. T-11, s. 2).
1985, c. 22, s. 53.
54. (Amendment integrated into c. T-11, s. 2.1).
1985, c. 22, s. 54.
55. (Amendment integrated into c. T-11, s. 3).
1985, c. 22, s. 55.
56. (Amendment integrated into c. T-11, s. 4).
1985, c. 22, s. 56.
57. (Amendment integrated into c. T-11, s. 4.1).
1985, c. 22, s. 57.
58. (Amendment integrated into c. T-11, s. 6).
1985, c. 22, s. 58.
59. (Amendment integrated into c. T-11, s. 7).
1985, c. 22, s. 59.
60. (Amendment integrated into c. T-11, ss. 8.1-8.2).
1985, c. 22, s. 60.
61. (Omitted).
1985, c. 22, s. 61.
62. Section 61 amending section 31 of the Act to amend various legislative provisions (1980, chapter 11) has effect from 18 July 1980.
1985, c. 22, s. 62.
63. The Minister of Natural Resources is responsible for the administration of Chapters I and II of this Act, except the second paragraph of section 16, the first paragraph of section 18 and section 20, the administration of which is the responsibility of the Minister of Justice.
1985, c. 22, s. 63; 1994, c. 13, s. 15.
64. (This section ceased to have effect on 20 June 1990).
1985, c. 22, s. 64; U. K., 1982, c. 11, Sch. B, Part I, s. 33.
65. (Omitted).
1985, c. 22, s. 65.

In accordance with section 17 of the Act respecting the consolidation of the statutes and regulations (chapter R-3), chapter 22 of the statutes of 1985, in force on 1 September 1985, is repealed, except sections 21 to 36, 61 and 65, effective from the coming into force of chapter R-3.1 of the Revised Statutes.

In accordance with section 17 of the Act respecting the consolidation of the statutes and regulations (chapter R-3), sections 9 to 20, 27, paragraph 2 of section 30, paragraph 4 of section 31, paragraphs 1 and 8 of section 32, sections 33, 35, 38 to 51 and 53 to 60 of chapter 22 of the statutes of 1985, in force on 1 March 1986, are repealed effective from the coming into force of the updating to 1 March 1986 of chapter R-3.1 of the Revised Statutes.