i-13.01 - Act respecting electrical installations

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Updated to 22 October 1999
This document has official status.
chapter I-13.01
Act respecting electrical installations
This Act was formerly entitled: “Electricians and Electrical Installations Act”. The title was replaced by section 83 of chapter 53 of the statutes of 1975.
1975, c. 53, s. 83.
1. The provisions of this Act do not apply to mines within the meaning of section 218 of the Mining Act (chapter M-13.1).
R. S. 1964, c. 152, s. 1; 1987, c. 64, s. 344; 1989, c. 66, s. 1.
2. The following expressions, terms and words in this Act shall have the meaning and application hereinafter given them:
(1)  The words public buildings have the meaning given to them in the Public Buildings Safety Act (chapter S-3), and include, in addition, the establishments and construction sites contemplated by the Act respecting occupational health and safety (chapter S-2.1), garages having a floor space in excess of 600 m2, transformer rooms and all installations of transformers on posts or other supports set up on any private property;
(2)  The word owner means and includes a person or the State as a proprietor, lessee or possessor;
(3)  The words electrical installations mean all installations for electric lighting, heating or power, or protection against lightning, including, in every instance, the wires, cables, conduits, accessories, appliances and apparatus forming part of the installation itself, being attached thereto or used for connecting the installation with the public or municipal service system supplying it, which connecting point shall be on the wall of the building or construction nearest to the public service line or at any other place determined by regulation;
(4)  The word Minister means the Minister of Labour;
(5)  (Paragraph repealed);
(6)  The words journeyman electrician mean a person who has completed his apprenticeship, holds a certificate of qualification issued under the Act respecting manpower vocational training and qualification (chapter F-5) or a journeyman competency certificate issued under the Act respecting labour relations, vocational training and manpower management in the construction industry (chapter R-20) and, as such, performs work for the installation, renewal, altering or repairing of electrical installations, for purposes of electric lighting, heating or power;
(7)  The word Régie means the Régie du bâtiment du Québec, established by section 87 of the Building Act (chapter B-1.1);
(8)  The word licence means a licence issued in conformity with section 20; however, in section 3, 4, 6, 8.1, 9 or 35, it also includes a licence issued under the Building Act (chapter B-1.1);
(9)  (Paragraph repealed);
(10)  The words fixed prefabricated construction mean and include a building made in a factory and placed or meant to be placed on a foundation;
(11)  The words chief journeyman mean a journeyman electrician in charge of electrical installation work for purposes of electric lighting, heating or power on account of the owner of a public building or of a manufacturer of prefabricated constructions.
R. S. 1964, c. 152, s. 2; 1965 (1st sess.), c. 52, s. 1; 1968, c. 43, s. 17; 1969, c. 51, s. 65; 1977, c. 5, s. 14; 1978, c. 54, s. 1; 1979, c. 75, s. 39; 1975, c. 53, s. 84; 1978, c. 54, s. 24; 1979, c. 75, s. 47; 1979, c. 63, s. 284; 1981, c. 23, s. 7; 1981, c. 9, s. 34; 1982, c. 53, s. 58; 1984, c. 47, s. 213; 1986, c. 89, s. 29; 1989, c. 66, s. 2; 1994, c. 12, s. 68; 1996, c. 29, s. 43; 1996, c. 74, s. 18; 1997, c. 83, s. 12; 1999, c. 40, s. 156.
3. In the cases provided for by regulation, the holder of a licence must, before commencing work on a new electrical installation or on additions or alterations to an existing electrical installation, have in his possession the plans and specifications for such work. A copy of the plans and specifications must be sent to the Régie du bâtiment at its request.
These plans and specifications must include the information required by regulation.
R. S. 1964, c. 152, s. 3; 1978, c. 54, s. 2; 1989, c. 66, s. 3; 1996, c. 74, s. 19; 1997, c. 83, s. 20.
4. Every person, partnership or association wishing to carry out electrical installation work, whether additions, alterations or repairs to an existing electrical installation or a new electrical installation, must, in the case of work not requiring any connection to the network of a public service company or of a municipal service and before beginning the work, declare to the Régie du bâtiment the work he or it intends to carry out.
However, the Government may, by regulation, determine the conditions on which a single declaration of work may, during the period it fixes, cover all the work carried out by the holder of a licence.
In case of superior force, a licence holder who cannot transmit a declaration before the beginning of the work shall do so as soon as possible.
R. S. 1964, c. 152, s. 4; 1978, c. 54, s. 3; 1975, c. 53, s. 85; 1978, c. 54, s. 25; 1989, c. 66, s. 4; 1996, c. 74, s. 20; 1997, c. 83, s. 20.
5. Except in the cases hereinafter provided for, every person or association who or which carries on electrical installation work as a chief journeyman must first obtain a licence from the Régie du bâtiment, according to law.
R. S. 1964, c. 152, s. 5; 1969, c. 51, s. 66; 1978, c. 54, s. 4; 1975, c. 53, s. 86; 1978, c. 54, s. 26; 1989, c. 66, s. 5; 1997, c. 83, s. 20; 1999, c. 40, s. 156.
5.1. No person or association who or which does electrical installation work for protection against lightning is subject to the provisions of this Act in respect of licences.
1979, c. 75, s. 40; 1999, c. 40, s. 156.
6. No public service company or municipal service may connect an electrical installation with its system unless it has received permission to make such connection from the Régie du bâtiment and a declaration signed by the holder of a licence stating that the work done by him on such electrical installation was done in conformity with the law and the regulations.
The Government may determine by regulation the cases where a public service company or a municipal service may make a connection without complying with the first paragraph.
R. S. 1964, c. 152, s. 6; 1978, c. 54, s. 5; 1989, c. 66, s. 6; 1997, c. 83, s. 20.
7. Every electrical installation may be inspected by an inspector of the Régie du bâtiment.
R. S. 1964, c. 152, s. 7; 1978, c. 54, s. 6; 1979, c. 75, s. 41; 1981, c. 23, s. 8; 1997, c. 83, s. 20.
8. The Government may prescribe the conditions on which the licences provided for in section 20 may be issued as well as the term of the licences and the applicable fees.
The Government may also prescribe the form and conditions of transmission of the declaration of work provided for in section 4, the conditions to be met by the persons referred to in that section and the inspection fees.
R. S. 1964, c. 152, s. 8; 1975, c. 53, s. 87; 1978, c. 54, s. 27; 1979, c. 75, s. 48; 1981, c. 23, s. 9; 1989, c. 66, s. 7; 1996, c. 74, s. 21.
8.1. The inspection fees contemplated in section 8 are payable by the employer hiring the chief journeyman or, as the case may be, by the holder of a licence.
When the fees payable apply to electrical installation work for purposes of electric lighting, heating or motive power, they may be fixed at a set annual amount increased by a variable amount determined by the percentage of the total annual salary paid by an employer or a licence holder to persons employed for electrical installation work.
1978, c. 54, s. 7; 1979, c. 75, s. 42.
8.2. The rate of interest contemplated in section 28 of the Act respecting the Ministère du Revenu (chapter M-31) is applicable to the inspection fees contemplated in section 8. The Government may by regulation fix a discount rate on inspection fees paid before they become due.
1978, c. 54, s. 7.
9. Any inspector may, in writing, order the holder of a licence or the owner of an electrical installation to make the necessary alterations therein within the time fixed by regulation.
These alterations must be made without delay whenever the defect is an imminent source of danger.
The holder of a permit or owner of an electrical installation to whom such an order is notified without prior notice because, in the opinion of the inspector, urgent action is required or there is a danger of irreparable damage being caused, may, within the time specified in the order, present observations so that the order may be reviewed by the inspector.
Every public service company or municipal service, at the request of the Régie du bâtiment, shall cut off the electric power supply to any electrical installation contemplated in the second paragraph.
R. S. 1964, c. 152, s. 9; 1978, c. 54, s. 8; 1979, c. 75, s. 43; 1996, c. 74, s. 22; 1997, c. 83, s. 20; 1997, c. 43, s. 307.
10. The Government may, by regulation,
(a)  prescribe the materials, accessories and apparatus which may be used in electrical installation work;
(b)  prohibit the sale, rental, installation or use of any wires, cables, conduits, accessories, appliances, apparatus or materials that have not been approved for the purposes of electrical installations by the bodies it determines;
(b.1)  prohibit the sale or rental of wires, cables, accessories and apparatus which can be supplied by an electrical installation and have not been approved by the bodies it determines;
(c)  prescribe installation procedures for electrical installations;
(d)  determine the cases where electrical installations or a category thereof may be exempted, in whole or in part, from the application of this Act or the regulations hereunder, on the conditions it may fix;
(e)  determine the cases where wires, cables, accessories and apparatus which can be supplied by an electrical installation may be exempted from the application of this Act or the regulations on the conditions it may fix.
R. S. 1964, c. 152, s. 10; 1978, c. 54, s. 9; 1979, c. 75, s. 44; 1989, c. 66, s. 8.
10.1. The Régie du bâtiment, in the cases determined by regulation, may approve the use, for the purposes of an electrical installation, of any material, equipment or apparatus other than that prescribed by regulation, whenever it is of opinion that it is as safe as that prescribed by regulation.
1978, c. 54, s. 10; 1979, c. 75, s. 45; 1997, c. 83, s. 20.
11. This Act and the regulations made under its authority shall not affect work in electrical stations or their branches used for generating, transforming or distributing electric power, either by a public utility or by a municipal department, when the work is done by their employees under the control and direction of the utility or municipal service.
R. S. 1964, c. 152, s. 11; 1999, c. 40, s. 156.
12. (Repealed).
R. S. 1964, c. 152, s. 13; 1978, c. 54, s. 11.
13. In order to assure the greatest possible protection and for the purpose of applying this act, any building or construction, even though only partly occupied as a public building, within the meaning of paragraph 1 of section 2 of this act, shall be deemed to be a public building in its entirely, and, as such, shall be subject to the requirements of the Régie du bâtiment as regards electrical installations.
R. S. 1964, c. 152, s. 14; 1997, c. 83, s. 20.
14. Any inspector appointed under this Act and any member of the Sûreté du Québec, if he has reason to believe a contravention to this Act has been committed in the carrying out of work contemplated by it, may order the immediate stoppage of work; he must notify the Régie du bâtiment of the fact without delay.
A person to whom such an order is notified without prior notice because, in the opinion of the inspector or member of the Sûreté du Québec, urgent action is required or there is a danger of irreparable damage being caused, may, within the time specified in the order, present observations so that the order may be reviewed by an inspector.
R. S. 1964, c. 152, s. 15; 1968, c. 17, s. 97; 1977, c. 5, s. 14; 1975, c. 53, s. 88; 1997, c. 83, s. 20; 1997, c. 43, s. 308.
15. The salaries of the inspectors and other officers required for the carrying out of this Act shall be fixed in conformity with the Public Service Act (chapter F-3.1.1).
R. S. 1964, c. 152, s. 16; 1965 (1st sess.), c. 14, s. 81; 1978, c. 15, s. 140; 1983, c. 55, s. 161; 1997, c. 83, s. 13.
16. The Régie du bâtiment and every inspector appointed under this Act may, provided it be at a reasonable hour, have access to, enter upon or cross any lot, building or place for the purpose of performing the duties devolving upon the Régie or the inspector under the authority of this Act.
R. S. 1964, c. 152, s. 17; 1997, c. 83, s. 14.
16.1. The Minister may confer on any person other than an inspector appointed under section 38 the powers granted to such an inspector under this act.
1978, c. 54, s. 12; 1989, c. 66, s. 9.
17. Nothing in this Act or in the regulations put into effect under its authority shall be deemed to render the Régie du bâtiment, the members of the board of directors of the Régie du bâtiment, the inspectors or other officers or employees responsible for any damage or loss caused to any person or property through defects in the work, materials, accessories or apparatus mentioned in this Act, or through a regulation or an order of the Régie, notwithstanding the fact of an inspection having been made by one of its inspectors or by another officer or employee.
R. S. 1964, c. 152, s. 18; 1989, c. 66, s. 10; 1997, c. 83, s. 15.
1997, c. 83, s. 16.
18. (Repealed).
R. S. 1964, c. 152, s. 19; 1978, c. 54, s. 13; 1997, c. 83, s. 17.
19. The functions of the Régie du bâtiment shall, in particular, be
(1)  (Subparagraph repealed);
(2)  To examine all those desiring to be issued the licences provided for in section 20;
(3)  To hold examinations in such places as the Minister may be pleased to select;
(4)  To draw up a programme for the examinations, prepare forms and other documents for the same, collect fees, keep registers, direct the work of the inspector-electricians and, generally, see to the administration of this Act;
(5)  (Subparagraph repealed);
(6)  (Subparagraph repealed).
The Régie shall keep in its archives a record in which an entry is made respecting each licence issued by the Régie, and draw up reports on its activities relating to the application of this Act whenever required by the Minister.
The Régie may delegate to a member of its board of directors or of its personnel or to a committee composed of members of its board of directors or of its personnel, in writing and to the extent specified, the functions assigned to the Régie by this Act.
R. S. 1964, c. 152, s. 20; 1969, c. 51, s. 68; 1979, c. 75, s. 46; 1975, c. 53, s. 89; 1978, c. 54, s. 28; 1981, c. 23, s. 10; 1989, c. 66, s. 11; 1996, c. 74, s. 23; 1997, c. 83, s. 18.
1975, c. 53, s. 90; 1978, c. 54, s. 29.
20. There are two kinds of licences, namely, “A-2” and “A-3” licences.
The A-2 licence may be issued only to a chief journeyman having practised as a journeyman electrician for at least two years, having passed the examinations prescribed for the granting of that licence and having paid the prescribed fees. The A-2 licence is valid only for electrical installation work done on public buildings on account of a single owner and under the responsibility of the chief journeyman. It is also valid for electrical installation work done, under the responsibility of the chief journeyman, on the electrical installations of that owner.
The A-3 licence may be issued only to a chief journeyman having practised as a journeyman electrician for at least two years, having passed the examinations prescribed for the granting of that licence, and having paid the prescribed fees. The A-3 licence is valid only for electrical installation work done under the responsibility of the chief journeyman, on fixed prefabricated constructions on account of their manufacturer. It is also valid for electrical installation work done under the responsibility of the chief journeyman, on the electrical installations owned by that manufacturer.
R. S. 1964, c. 152, s. 21; 1965 (1st sess.), c. 52, s. 2; 1969, c. 51, s. 69; 1978, c. 54, s. 14; 1975, c. 53, s. 90; 1978, c. 54, s. 29.
21. (Repealed).
R. S. 1964, c. 152, s. 23; 1975, c. 53, s. 90; 1978, c. 54, s. 29.
22. (Repealed).
R. S. 1964, c. 152, s. 24; 1969, c. 51, s. 71; 1975, c. 53, s. 90; 1978, c. 54, s. 29.
23. Every licence shall expire on the 1st of April each year; it shall be renewable upon the application of the holder and payment of the prescribed fees and upon evidence that the holder still fulfils the conditions prescribed for obtaining such licence.
R. S. 1964, c. 152, s. 25; 1965 (1st sess.), c. 52, s. 3; 1975, c. 53, s. 90; 1978, c. 54, s. 29.
24. The licences provided for in this Act shall be issued by the Régie du bâtiment as prescribed by regulation.
R. S. 1964, c. 152, s. 26; 1978, c. 54, s. 15; 1975, c. 53, s. 90; 1978, c. 54, s. 29; 1981, c. 23, s. 11; 1996, c. 74, s. 24; 1997, c. 83, s. 20.
25. (Repealed).
R. S. 1964, c. 152, s. 27; 1969, c. 51, s. 72; 1978, c. 54, s. 16; 1975, c. 53, s. 91; 1978, c. 54, s. 30; 1989, c. 66, s. 12.
26. (Repealed).
R. S. 1964, c. 152, s. 28; 1989, c. 66, s. 12.
27. The fees for the issue and renewal of licences, the fines provided by this Act for delay in the renewals and the fees for inspection shall be collected by the Régie du bâtiment and be paid to the Minister of Finance.
R. S. 1964, c. 152, s. 29; 1975, c. 53, s. 92; 1978, c. 54, s. 31; 1989, c. 66, s. 13; 1990, c. 4, s. 503; 1996, c. 74, s. 25; 1997, c. 83, s. 20.
1975, c. 53, s. 93; 1978, c. 54, s. 31.
28. The Government may establish the manner and the duration of the apprenticeship preparatory to the obtaining of the licences provided for by this act.
R. S. 1964, c. 152, s. 30; 1975, c. 53, s. 93; 1978, c. 54, s. 31.
29. The Régie du bâtiment may, with the approval of the Government, prescribe that the National Electrical Code or the Canadian Electrical Code shall, either the one or the other, serve as a basis in drafting the examination programme, as well as the forms and questionnaires to be used by the Régie du bâtiment upon the examination of candidates. The electrical code selected shall serve as a basis in applying the law and the Régie du bâtiment may amend or change it, with the approval of the Minister, when, to meet special conditions, such a proceeding seems to them to be in the general interest.
R. S. 1964, c. 152, s. 32; 1975, c. 53, s. 93; 1978, c. 54, s. 31; 1997, c. 83, s. 20.
30. The Régie du bâtiment may, for the purpose of classification, require from the candidates a practical as well as a theoretical demonstration in connection with their examination.
R. S. 1964, c. 152, s. 33; 1975, c. 53, s. 93; 1978, c. 54, s. 31; 1997, c. 83, s. 20.
1990, c. 4, s. 504.
31. Every person is guilty of an offence who
(a)  makes a false statement when applying for a licence or when applying for a connection;
(b)  hinders or molests an inspector or other functionary discharging his office;
(c)  does electrical installation work without holding a licence;
(d)  has not renewed his licence in conformity with section 23;
(e)  has not paid the fees determined under the Act or the regulations;
(f)  infringes a prescription of this Act or of any regulation hereunder.
R. S. 1964, c. 152, s. 34; 1969, c. 51, s. 74; 1978, c. 54, s. 17; 1975, c. 53, s. 94; 1978, c. 54, s. 31; 1989, c. 66, s. 14; 1996, c. 74, s. 26.
31.1. Every person who is guilty of an offence contemplated in section 31 is liable, if no other sentence is provided for for that offence,
(a)  in the case of a natural person, to a fine of not less than $325 nor more than $700;
(b)  in the case of a legal person, to a fine of not less than $700 nor more than $1 400;
(c)  for a second conviction, to a fine amounting to not less nor more than twice the fines provided for in paragraph a or b, as the case may be;
(d)  for any additional subsequent conviction, to a fine amounting to not less nor more than three times the fines provided for in paragraph a or b, as the case may be.
1978, c. 54, s. 17; 1986, c. 58, s. 58; 1990, c. 4, s. 505; 1991, c. 33, s. 70; 1999, c. 40, s. 156.
31.2. Every person failing to comply with an order of an inspector given under section 9 is guilty of an offence and liable, for each day the offence continues,
(a)  in the case of a natural person, to a fine of not less than $325 nor more than $700;
(b)  in the case of a legal person, to a fine of not less than $700 nor more than $1 400.
1978, c. 54, s. 17; 1986, c. 58, s. 59; 1990, c. 4, s. 506; 1991, c. 33, s. 71; 1999, c. 40, s. 156.
32. (Repealed).
R. S. 1964, c. 152, s. 35; 1978, c. 54, s. 18.
33. (Repealed).
R. S. 1964, c. 152, s. 37; 1978, c. 54, s. 18.
34. No licence issued under this Act or the regulations may be transferred or conveyed and any such licence may be suspended or cancelled by the Régie du bâtiment for sufficient reason.
The Régie du bâtiment shall, before making such a decision, notify the holder of the licence in writing as prescribed by section 5 of the Act respecting administrative justice (chapter J-3) and allow him at least 10 days to present observations.
Such a decision may, within 30 days of receipt thereof, be contested before the Labour Court established by the Labour Code (chapter C-27).
The owner of a public building or the manufacturer of fixed prefabricated constructions who has electrical installation work done under the responsibility of a chief journeyman who no longer meets the conditions necessary for the issue of the A-2 or A-3 licence, may continue these operations for a period not surpassing three months from the date on which the chief journeyman ceases to meet the above conditions. In the case of death of the chief journeyman, this period is increased to six months.
R. S. 1964, c. 152, s. 38; 1978, c. 54, s. 19; 1975, c. 53, s. 96; 1978, c. 54, s. 32; 1981, c. 23, s. 12; 1996, c. 74, s. 27; 1997, c. 83, s. 20; 1997, c. 43, s. 309.
35. The Régie du bâtiment may suspend the licence of any person who fails to make alterations to electrical installations effected contrary to the regulations. Such power shall be exercised by the Corporation des maîtres électriciens du Québec where it has entered into an agreement under section 129.3 of the Building Act (chapter B-1.1).
The Régie may also suspend or cancel the licence of every chief journeyman making an electrical installation contrary to the regulations or having obtained his licence under false representations.
The Régie shall, before making such a decision, notify the holder of the licence in writing as prescribed by section 5 of the Act respecting administrative justice (chapter J-3) and allow him at least 10 days to present observations.
R. S. 1964, c. 152, s. 39; 1969, c. 51, s. 76; 1975, c. 53, s. 97; 1978, c. 54, s. 33; 1979, c. 75, s. 49; 1997, c. 83, s. 19; 1997, c. 43, s. 310; 1998, c. 46, s. 67.
35.1. A chief journeyman whose licence is suspended or cancelled may ask the Régie du bâtiment to reconsider a decision it has rendered under the second paragraph of section 35 which has not been contested before the commissioner contemplated in section 35.2,
(a)  to bring forward new facts which, had they been known in due time, could have been grounds for a different decision;
(b)  where the rules prescribed in section 35 have not been complied with;
(c)  to have any clerical error corrected.
An application to that effect must be sent by registered mail to the Régie du bâtiment within 30 days after receipt of a copy of the decision by registered mail.
1978, c. 54, s. 33; 1979, c. 75, s. 49; 1997, c. 83, s. 20; 1997, c. 43, s. 311; 1998, c. 46, s. 68.
35.2. A chief journeyman whose licence is suspended or cancelled may contest before the construction industry commissioner referred to in the Act respecting labour relations, vocational training and manpower management in the construction industry (chapter R-20) any decision rendered by the Régie du bâtiment under the second paragraph of section 35 or under section 35.1.
The proceeding must be brought within 30 days after the date on which the decision has been rendered, by means of a notice stating
(a)  the name and domicile of the applicant;
(b)  the date and nature of the decision of the Régie du bâtiment;
(c)  the relevant facts;
(d)  the conclusions sought.
1978, c. 54, s. 33; 1979, c. 75, s. 49; 1997, c. 83, s. 20; 1997, c. 43, s. 312; 1998, c. 46, s. 69.
35.3. The construction industry commissioner may confirm, amend or quash any decision submitted and render the decision that, in the commissioner’s opinion, should have been rendered in the first instance.
The decision rendered by the construction industry commissioner is final.
1978, c. 54, s. 33; 1979, c. 75, s. 49; 1997, c. 43, s. 313; 1998, c. 46, s. 70.
36. (1)  (Subsection repealed).
(2)  (Subsection repealed).
(3)  Penal proceedings for an offence under a provision of this Act shall be prescribed by one year from the date on which the prosecutor became aware of the commission of the offence. However, no proceedings may be instituted where more than five years have elapsed from the commission of the offence.
(4)  No evidence shall be admitted to establish that any prosecution has been taken as the result of the complaint of an informer or to discover the identity of the latter.
R. S. 1964, c. 152, s. 40; 1974, c. 11, s. 43; 1989, c. 66, s. 15; 1990, c. 4, s. 507; 1992, c. 61, s. 355.
36.1. (Repealed).
1978, c. 54, s. 20; 1990, c. 4, s. 508; 1992, c. 61, s. 356.
37. The fees exigible in virtue of this Act may be claimed, by ordinary suit in the name of the Attorney General, before any tribunal of competent civil jurisdiction, without prejudice to the prosecution for infringement of paragraph e of section 31.
R. S. 1964, c. 152, s. 41; 1978, c. 54, s. 21; 1999, c. 40, s. 156.
1989, c. 66, s. 16.
38. In order to ensure the observance of the law and regulations regarding electrical installations, and to ascertain whether the persons contemplated under this Act hold the licences and comply with the law and the regulations, there may be added a number of inspectors, whose work shall consist in making inspections, in making the law known to the interested parties and reporting to the Régie du bâtiment whatever infringements they may establish.
R. S. 1964, c. 152, s. 42; 1978, c. 54, s. 22; 1975, c. 53, s. 98; 1978, c. 54, s. 34; 1997, c. 83, s. 20.
39. (Repealed).
R. S. 1964, c. 152, s. 43; 1989, c. 66, s. 17.
40. (Repealed).
R. S. 1964, c. 152, s. 44; 1989, c. 66, s. 17.
41. The Government may appoint a board of advisers to the Régie du bâtiment; the said advisers representing the legal persons and associations interested in the electrical industry shall have the duty of collaborating with the Régie du bâtiment in such manner as it may please the Government to establish.
R. S. 1964, c. 152, s. 45; 1997, c. 83, s. 20, s. 55; 1999, c. 40, s. 156.
42. (Repealed).
R. S. 1964, c. 152, s. 46; 1989, c. 66, s. 17.
43. The Government may determine by regulation those matters which, under this Act, must be determined by regulation, and make all other regulations necessary for the carrying out of this Act.
A regulation made under this Act must be preceded by a draft which shall be published in the Gazette officielle du Québec with a notice specifying that any objection to its adoption must be made within 45 days.
The Minister may order any examination or inquiry into the merits of any objection made following that notice.
R. S. 1964, c. 152, s. 47; 1978, c. 54, s. 23; 1975, c. 53, s. 99; 1978, c. 54, s. 34.
44. After the expiration of the period or, as the case may be, after the examination or inquiry mentioned in section 43, the draft regulation shall be submitted to the Government for adoption. Notice of adoption of the regulation shall be published in the Gazette officielle du Québec together with the text of the amendments, if any.
This regulation comes into force on the day of its publication or on any later date fixed therein.
1978, c. 54, s. 23; 1999, c. 40, s. 156.
This Division ceased to have effect on 17 April 1987.
45. (This section ceased to have effect on 17 April 1987).
1982, c. 21, s. 1; U. K., 1982, c. 11, Sch. B, Part I, s. 33.

In accordance with section 17 of the Act respecting the consolidation of the statutes and regulations (chapter R-3), chapter E-4 of the Revised Statutes, in force on 1 November 1980, is repealed effective from the coming into force of chapter I-13.01 of the Revised Statutes.
Sections 35.2 and 35.3 of this Act will be replaced upon the coming into force of section 66 of chapter 85 of the statutes of 1987 on the date fixed by order of the Government.
This Act will be replaced upon the coming into force of section 214 of chapter 34 of the statutes of 1985 on the date fixed by order of the Government.