s-13, r. 3 - Regulation respecting alcohol- or spirits-based alcoholic beverages

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Updated to 1 September 2012
This document has official status.
chapter S-13, r. 3
Regulation respecting alcoholic beverages made and bottled by holders of a distiller’s permit
Act respecting the Société des alcools du Québec
(chapter S-13, ss. 26 and 37).
1. The holder of a distiller’s permit is authorized to make, from an alcohol of spirits base to which fruit juice or other flavourings are added, alcoholic beverages other than beer, cider, wine, alcohols or spirits.
O.C. 1170-86, s. 1.
2. An alcohol or spirits-based alcoholic beverage covered by section 1 must contain not less than 1.5% or more than 7% alcohol by volume; it may contain natural or mineral water and carbon dioxide.
O.C. 1170-86, s. 2.
3. The holder of a distiller’s permit must enter on the main label of the containers of alcohol or spirits-based alcoholic beverages, in bold, indelible, legible and conspicuous type, the following:
(1)  his name and his address;
(2)  the words “spirits- or alcohol-based alcoholic beverage or (name of spirits)-based beverage”;
(3)  the words “made in Québec” or “made in Canada”, or “product of Québec” or “product of Canada”;
(4)  the actual percentage of alcohol;
(5)  the net volume;
(6)  a list of ingredients.
O.C. 1170-86, s. 3.
4. Any description, name, brand or reference must be true and exact.
It must not refer to any other alcoholic beverage or to a guaranteed mark of origin (appellation contrôlée).
O.C. 1170-86, s. 4.
5. (Omitted).
O.C. 1170-86, s. 5.
O.C. 1170-86, 1986 G.O. 2, 2083