S-0.1, r. 13 - Regulation respecting diploma and training equivalence standards for the issue of permits by the Ordre des sages-femmes du Québec

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Updated to 27 May 2024
This document has official status.
chapter S-0.1, r. 13
Regulation respecting diploma and training equivalence standards for the issue of permits by the Ordre des sages-femmes du Québec
Midwives Act
(chapter S-0.1, s. 2).
Professional Code
(chapter C-26, s. 93, pars. c and c.1).
1. The secretary of the Ordre des sages-femmes du Québec must forward a copy of this Regulation to a person who, for the purpose of obtaining a permit from the Order, applies to have a diploma or training recognized as equivalent.
O.C. 671-2007, s. 1.
2. In this Regulation,
“diploma equivalence” means recognition pursuant to the Professional Code (chapter C-26) that a diploma issued by an educational institution outside Québec certifies that a candidate’s level of competence is equivalent to the level attained by the holder of a diploma giving access to a permit;
“diploma giving access to a permit” means a diploma recognized by a regulation of the Government, made pursuant to the first paragraph of section 184 of the Professional Code, as giving access to a permit issued by the Order; and
“training equivalence” means recognition pursuant to the Professional Code that a candidate’s training has enabled the candidate to attain a level of competence equivalent to the level attained by the holder of a diploma giving access to a permit.
O.C. 671-2007, s. 2.
3. A candidate who holds a diploma issued by an educational institution outside Québec is granted a diploma equivalence if
(1)  the diploma was obtained upon completion of theoretical instruction at a level equivalent to a university-level comprising a minimum of 1,080 hours, 899 of which are apportioned as follows:
(a)  a minimum of 577 hours of instruction in basic subjects apportioned as follows:
i.  170 hours in human anatomy and physiology, including a review of the various systems, the physiology of reproduction and breastfeeding, embryogenesis, genetics, physiological changes in pregnancy and the physiology of labour, delivery and the normal puerperium;
ii.  85 hours in biomedical science, including interpretation of laboratory tests, biochemistry, endocrinology, microbiology, haematology and immunology;
iii.  42 hours in pharmacology, including pharmacology pertaining to childbearing;
iv.  70 hours in the psychosocial aspects of pregnancy and communication skills;
v.  42 hours in nutrition of women during pregnancy and the puerperium and in infant feeding, in particular breastfeeding;
vi.  45 hours in the professional obligations, ethics and professional regulations in Québec;
vii.  42 hours in epidemiology and research methodology;
viii.  42 hours in the social and cultural aspects of health care in Québec; and
ix.  39 hours in women’s studies;
(b)  a minimum of 322 hours of specific instruction in the field of midwifery practice apportioned as follows:
i.  39 hours dealing with normal pregnancy;
ii.  82 hours in pathologies of pregnancy;
iii.  24 hours dealing with normal labour and delivery;
iv.  15 hours in pathologies of the intrapartum period;
v.  22 hours dealing with the normal puerperium;
vi.  12 hours in pathologies of the puerperium;
vii.  12 hours dealing with the normal newborn;
viii.  26 hours in neonatal pathologies;
ix.  45 hours of introduction to the practice of midwifery in Québec; and
x.  45 hours dealing with the technical and interpersonal skills required of midwives in Québec;
(2)  the diploma was obtained upon completion of practical training comprising a minimum of 1,740 hours including
(a)  300 hours in prenatal clinical placement, including a minimum of 250 prenatal consultations;
(b)  480 hours in clinical placement in labour and delivery, including labour support and a minimum of 60 deliveries, 40 of which have been performed as primary caregiver;
(c)  complete physical examination of 15 newborns during their first 24 hours of life;
(d)  85 hours in postpartum clinical placement, including breastfeeding support and a minimum of 60 maternal consultations and 60 newborn consultations;
(e)  450 hours of internship within a team of midwives during which the candidate independently provided all primary care that is part of the practice of midwifery, including prenatal, intrapartum and postnatal care; and
(f)  160 hours spent with professionals other than midwives during which the candidate had exposure to clinical risk situations and obstetrical and neonatal complications.
The practical training under subparagraph 2 of the first paragraph must have included a minimum of 10 continuous courses of care. Each course of care must include a minimum of 7 consultations, at least 1 of which is prenatal and 1 is postnatal, in addition to attending the delivery. The complete courses of care may have been performed, in whole or in part, within the scope of subparagraphs a to e of subparagraph 2 of the first paragraph.
O.C. 671-2007, s. 3.
4. Despite section 3, where the diploma for which an equivalence application is made was obtained more than 3 years before the application and, considering developments in the profession, the competencies certified by the diploma no longer correspond to those competencies currently being taught in an education program leading to a diploma giving access to a permit, the candidate is granted a training equivalence pursuant to section 5 if the candidate has attained the required level of competence since obtaining the diploma.
O.C. 671-2007, s. 4.
5. A candidate is granted a training equivalence if the candidate demonstrates having a level of competence equivalent to the level attained by the holder of a diploma giving access to a permit.
O.C. 671-2007, s. 5.
6. In assessing the training equivalence of a candidate, the board of directors is to take into particular account the following factors:
(1)  the fact that the candidate holds one or more diplomas;
(2)  the nature and content of courses taken, the number of hours or credits of each course, and the results obtained;
(3)  the total number of years of education;
(4)  the supervised training periods in the practice of midwifery and other training or upgrading activities;
(5)  the nature and duration of the candidate’s experience in the field of midwifery practice; and
(6)  any contribution to the development of the profession of midwifery.
O.C. 671-2007, s. 6.
7. A candidate who wishes to have an equivalence recognized must provide the secretary with the following documents and information:
(1)  a written application together with the costs required for dossier assessment under paragraph 8 of section 86.0.1 of the Professional Code (chapter C-26);
(2)  the candidate’s complete academic record, including a description of courses taken, the number of hours or credits of each course, and the official transcript of the marks obtained;
(3)  a certified copy of the diplomas held by the candidate;
(4)  where applicable, proof that the candidate is or was a member of a recognized order or association of midwives or a certified copy of any permit the candidate holds or has held;
(5)  where applicable, an attestation and description of the candidate’s relevant work experience in the field of midwifery practice;
(6)  where applicable, an attestation of the candidate’s successful completion of any supervised clinical training or participation in any other training or upgrading activity in the field of midwifery practice and a detailed description of the content of the activity; and
(7)  where applicable, any information relating to other factors the board of directors may take into account pursuant to section 6.
O.C. 671-2007, s. 7.
8. Documents in a language other than French or English that are submitted in support of an application must be accompanied by a French or English translation certified under oath by the translator.
O.C. 671-2007, s. 8.
9. The committee formed by the board of directors to study equivalence applications is to make appropriate recommendations to the board of directors.
For the purposes of making an appropriate recommendation, the committee may ask the person to come to an interview, to pass an examination or to serve a training period.
O.C. 671-2007, s. 9.
10. At the first regular meeting following the date of receipt of a recommendation, the board of directors must decide
(1)  to recognize the diploma or training equivalence;
(2)  to recognize the training equivalence in part; or
(3)  to refuse to recognize the diploma or training equivalence.
O.C. 671-2007, s. 10.
11. Within 15 days of the decision by the board of directors, the secretary of the Order must send the decision to the candidate in writing by registered mail.
Where the board of directors refuses to recognize the equivalence applied for or recognizes the training equivalence in part, it must, at the same time, inform the candidate in writing of the education programs, the bridging programs or, as applies, clinical placements or examinations which if successfully completed within the allotted time would enable the candidate to be granted the training equivalence.
O.C. 671-2007, s. 11.
12. A candidate who is informed of the decision of the board of directors decision not to recognize the equivalence applied for or to recognize the equivalence in part may apply for a review, provided that the candidate applies to the secretary in writing within 30 days of receiving the decision.
The committee set up by the board of directors to decide on review of applications is composed of persons who are not members of the board of directors or the committee provided for in section 9.
The committee must, before disposing of the application, inform the candidate of the date on which it will hold the meeting relating to the candidate’s application and of the candidate’s right to make submissions.
A candidate who wishes to be present at the meeting to make submissions must notify the secretary at least 5 days before the date scheduled for the meeting. The candidate may, however, send written submissions to the secretary at any time before the date scheduled for the meeting.
The decision of the committee is final and must be sent to the candidate in writing by registered mail within 30 days following the date of the decision.
O.C. 671-2007, s. 12.
13. (Omitted).
O.C. 671-2007, s. 13.
O.C. 671-2007, 2007 G.O. 2, 2453
S.Q. 2008, c. 11, s. 212