o-7, r. 4 - Regulation respecting legal authorizations to practise optometry outside Québec that give access to the permit of the Ordre des optométristes du Québec

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Updated to 30 November 2024
This document has official status.
chapter O-7, r. 4
Regulation respecting legal authorizations to practise optometry outside Québec that give access to the permit of the Ordre des optométristes du Québec
Optometry Act
(chapter O-7, s. 3).
Professional Code
(chapter C-26, a. 94, par. q).
1. Legal authorizations to practise the profession of optometry issued in a Canadian province, Canadian territory or the United States give access to the permit issued by the Ordre des optométristes du Québec.
O.C. 394-2009, s. 1.
2. To obtain the permit of the Order, the holder of legal authorization referred to in section 1 sends a written request to the secretary of the Order with supporting documentation enclosed demonstrating that he is legally authorized to practise optometry in a different Canadian province, Canadian territory or the United States and the payment of fees for the review of his record, payable in accordance with paragraph 8 of section 86.0.1 of the Professional Code (chapter C-26).
He must also agree, by writing to the secretary of the Order, to participate in an information session on the code of ethics for the practise of optometry in Québec. This training, which lasts a maximum of 7 hours, is provided by the Order.
O.C. 394-2009, s. 2.
3. (Omitted).
O.C. 394-2009, s. 3.
O.C. 394-2009, 2009 G.O. 2, 1298