m-8, r. 7 - Regulation respecting the terms and conditions for the issue of permits and specialist’s certificates by the Ordre professionnel des médecins vétérinaires du Québec

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Updated to 1 January 2016
This document has official status.
chapter M-8, r. 7
Regulation respecting the terms and conditions for the issue of permits and specialist’s certificates by the Ordre professionnel des médecins vétérinaires du Québec
Veterinary Surgeons Act
(chapter M-8, s. 3).
Professional Code
(chapter C-26, s. 94, pars. e and i).
O.C. 1150-93; O.C. 836-94, s. 1.
1. The board of directors of the Ordre professionnel des médecins vétérinaires du Québec shall issue a permit to a candidate who applies therefor and who
(1)  holds a diploma recognized by the Government pursuant to the first paragraph of section 184 of the Professional Code (chapter C-26), or a diploma recognized as equivalent by the board of directors;
(2)  has passed the examination for admission adopted by the board of directors of the Order;
(3)  has taken the oath in the form in Schedule I;
(4)  has paid the costs required for the issue of the permit, as determined by resolution of the board of directors pursuant to paragraph 8 section 86.0.1 of the Code; and
(5)  has demonstrated a working knowledge of the official language of Québec, in compliance with the provisions of the Charter of the French language (chapter C-11).
O.C. 1150-93, s. 1.
2. The examination for admission is intended to
(1)  evaluate the ability to assimilate theoretical knowledge and solve practical problems, as well as the skills acquired by a candidate applying for the right to practise veterinary medicine; and
(2)  determine whether the candidate is qualified to practise veterinary medicine without supervision.
O.C. 1150-93, s. 2.
3. The examination for admission shall be held on the dates set by resolution of the board of directors.
O.C. 1150-93, s. 3.
4. A candidate wishing to sit the examination shall send an application for registration to the secretary of the Order not less than 60 days preceding the date set for the examination and shall enclose the following with the application:
(1)  the candidate’s birth certificate;
(2)  a photograph of the candidate, taken not more than 6 months prior to the application and measuring 5 cm by 7 cm;
(3)  an attestation to the effect that the candidate is a student registered in the 4th year of a program of studies leading to a diploma recognized by the Government pursuant to the first paragraph of section 184 of the Code or an attestation to the effect that the candidate holds a diploma recognized as equivalent by the board of directors; and
(4)  the costs determined by resolution of the board of directors for the opening of the file pursuant to paragraph 8 of section 86.0.1 of the Code.
O.C. 1150-93, s. 4.
5. Where the secretary ascertains that a candidate’s application for registration meets the requirements of section 4, the secretary shall send confirmation of registration to the candidate not less than 10 days before the date set for the examination.
O.C. 1150-93, s. 5.
6. The examination shall be administered under the supervision of the members of the committee established for that purpose by the board of directors.
O.C. 1150-93, s. 6.
7. The pass mark shall be determined by resolution of the board of directors.
O.C. 1150-93, s. 7.
8. The secretary of the board of directors shall mail the examination result to each candidate within 60 days following the date of the examination.
O.C. 1150-93, s. 8.
9. The board of directors shall review the mark obtained by a candidate on an examination for admission provided that the candidate applies in writing for the review within 30 days after the examination results are mailed.
The board of directors shall review the candidate’s mark within 45 days following the date of receipt of the application for review. A reviewed mark is final.
O.C. 1150-93, s. 9.
O.C. 836-94, s. 2.
9.1. The board of directors shall issue a specialist’s certificate to a candidate who
(1)  holds a diploma recognized for that purpose by the Government under the first paragraph of section 184 of the Professional Code (chapter C-26) or a diploma recognized as equivalent by the board of directors, or who has been granted a training equivalence recognized by the board of directors;
(2)  is entered on the roll of the Order;
(3)  has passed the examinations in the specialty applied for;
(4)  has completed an application for a specialist’s certificate; and
(5)  has paid the costs required for the issue of the specialist’s certificate, as determined by resolution of the board of directors pursuant to paragraph 8 of section 86.0.1 of the Code.
O.C. 836-94, s. 2.
9.2. The board of directors shall recognize the specialties described in Schedule II.
O.C. 836-94, s. 2.
9.3. A specialist’s certificate issued in accordance with this Regulation shall bear the Order’s seal and the signatures of the Order’s president and secretary. The certificate shall indicate the name of the holder, the date on which it was issued and the holder’s recognized specialty.
In the case of specialties recognized in surgery or internal medicine, the certificate shall specify that the specialty concerned applies either to large animals or small animals.
O.C. 836-94, s. 2.
O.C. 836-94, s. 2.
9.4. To be admissible to specialty examinations, a candidate shall
(1)  demonstrate that he
(a)  has successfully completed the program of study leading to a diploma recognized by the Government under the first paragraph of section 184 of the Code;
(b)  holds a diploma recognized as equivalent by the board of directors; or
(c)  has training recognized as equivalent by the board of directors;
(2)  complete an application for registration and attach all documents required; and
(3)  pay the costs required by the board of directors under paragraph 8 of section 86.0.1 of the Code.
O.C. 836-94, s. 2.
9.5. The examinations adopted by the board of directors are intended to evaluate the candidate’s understanding and mastery of the knowledge related to his specialty and the skills acquired by the candidate, for the purpose of determining whether he is qualified to practise veterinary medicine in the specialty applied for.
O.C. 836-94, s. 2.
9.6. The date and time of the examinations and the place at which they will be held shall be fixed by the board of directors on the recommendation of the committee established by the board of directors for the purpose of examining candidates applying for a specialist’s certificate. The secretary shall provide that information to candidates at least 60 days before the date fixed for the examinations.
O.C. 836-94, s. 2.
9.7. The secretary shall give a list of the candidates to the committee at least 45 days before the date fixed for the examinations.
O.C. 836-94, s. 2.
9.8. Examinations shall be in writing and they may include an oral part. They may pertain to the theoretical, clinical or practical aspects of the specialty applied for.
O.C. 836-94, s. 2.
9.9. A candidate must have passed the written examination to be admissible to the oral part of the examination.
O.C. 836-94, s. 2.
9.10. The questions and answers of an oral, clinical or practical examination shall be recorded by tape recorder.
O.C. 836-94, s. 2.
9.11. The passing mark for each examination is 60%.
O.C. 836-94, s. 2.
9.12. The results of the examination shall be sent to the candidate by mail.
O.C. 836-94, s. 2.
9.13. The board of directors shall review the mark obtained by a candidate on the examination where the candidate applies therefor in writing within 30 days following the date on which the statement of marks is mailed. The candidate may, on the same conditions, apply to the board of directors to be heard with regard to the reasons justifying such review.
O.C. 836-94, s. 2.
9.14. Within 45 days following the date of receipt of the application for review, the board of directors shall hear the candidate and, where expedient, revise its decision. For that purpose, the secretary shall convene the candidate in writing by registered mail at least 10 days before the date of the hearing.
O.C. 836-94, s. 2.
9.15. A revised mark is final and it shall be sent to the candidate by mail.
O.C. 836-94, s. 2.
9.16. Within 6 months of the sending of a notice by the secretary announcing the coming into force of a regulation of the board of directors creating a new specialty, a veterinary surgeon may submit to the credentials committee an application for equivalence to obtain a specialist’s certificate in that new specialty if he meets the conditions prescribed in paragraphs 1, 2, 4 and 5 of section 9.1.
O.C. 678-96, s. 1.
10. (Omitted).
O.C. 1150-93, s. 10.
(s. 1, par. 3)
I, .............., upon admission to the Ordre professionnel des médecins vétérinaires du Québec, swear that I will faithfully fulfill the duties, obligations and responsibilities imposed on me by the legislation and regulations governing the profession of veterinary surgeon.
I swear that I will perform all my professional acts to the best of my knowledge and judgment, and will refrain from doing anything that may compromise the honour and dignity of my profession.
SWORN BEFORE ME AT ______________________________, THIS __________ DAY OF THE MONTH OF ______________________________ 20__________.
Commissioner for Oaths
O.C. 1150-93, Sch. I.
(s. 9.2)
The Ordre professionnel des médecins vétérinaires du Québec recognizes the following specialties:
(1) veterinary anesthesiology;
(2) large animal surgery;
(3) companion animal surgery;
(4) veterinary dermatology;
(5) veterinary medical imaging;
(6) animal behaviour medicine;
(7) laboratory animal medicine;
(8) large animal internal medicine;
(9) companion animal internal medicine;
(10) zoological medicine;
(11) veterinary microbiology;
(12) veterinary neurology;
(13) veterinary oncology;
(14) veterinary ophthalmology;
(15) animal pathology;
(16) veterinary clinical pathology;
(17) veterinary theriogenology;
(18) veterinary emergency medicine and critical care.
O.C. 836-94, s. 3; O.C. 678-96, ss. 2 and 3; O.C. 507-2014, s. 1.
(O.C. 507-2014) SECTION 2. The following specialist certificates issued by the Ordre professionnel des médecins vétérinaires du Québec before 10 July 2014 become:
(1) for the specialist’s certificate in surgery, the specialist’s certificate in large animal surgery and the specialist’s certificate in companion animal surgery;
(2) for the specialist’s certificate in internal medicine, the specialist’s certificate in large animal internal medicine and the specialist’s certificate in companion animal internal medicine.
O.C. 1150-93, 1993 G.O. 2, 4912
O.C. 836-94, 1994 G.O. 2, 2204
O.C. 678-96, 1996 G.O. 2, 2738
S.Q. 2008, c. 11, s. 212
O.C. 507-2014, 2014 G.O. 2, 1197