I-13.3, r. 5 - Regulation respecting departures from the list of subjects of the Basic school regulation for preschool, elementary and secondary education

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Updated to 30 November 2024
This document has official status.
chapter I-13.3, r. 5
Regulation respecting departures from the list of subjects of the Basic school regulation for preschool, elementary and secondary education
Education Act
(chapter I-13.3, s. 457.2).
On 10 August 2020, the Superior Court ordered a stay of the application of the Act to amend mainly the Education Act with regard to school organization and governance (S.Q. 2020, c. 1) to English language school boards until a judgment is rendered on the merits of the application for judicical review challenging the validity of certain provisions of the Act.
1. A school service centre may permit the removal of the following subjects provided for in the Basic school regulation for preschool, elementary and secondary education (chapter I-13.3, r. 8) so that a special school project may be carried out:
(1)  Secondary II Home Economics;
(2)  Secondary III Introduction to Technology;
(3)  Secondary III, IV or V Personal and Social Education;
(4)  Secondary III, IV or V Career Choice Education; and
(5)  Secondary V Economics.
The school service centre may also permit the replacement of a subject by an equivalent subject if that subject is compulsory at the time the project ends, according to the approach for gradual implementation of the provisions of the Basic regulation established by the Minister pursuant to section 459 of the Education Act (chapter I-13.3).
If the school project is to facilitate a change to vocational training, the school service centre may permit the removal of any subject in the second cycle of the secondary level other than the subjects required in the Basic vocational training regulation (chapter I-13.3, r. 10) for admission to a vocational training program leading to a diploma of vocational studies.
M.O. 2006-03-14, s. 1.
2. The school project referred to in section 1 must respect the following parameters:
(1)  the project must identify the group of students concerned and the school where the project is to be carried out;
(2)  the project must have eligibility rules that establish the abilities and needs of the students who will participate in the project so as to foster their school success;
(3)  the duration is not more than 3 school years;
(4)  in the case of a project referred to in the first paragraph of section 1, the project is in keeping with the compulsory objectives of the program of studies of the subject removed;
(5)  it is shown that the project cannot be carried out using the time allocated for elective subjects or apportioning the time allocated to each subject pursuant to section 86 of the Act;
(6)  in the case of a project to facilitate a change to vocational training, the project applies only to students who are at least 16 years of age on 30 September of the school year in which the project begins and attend school in accordance with the requirements of section 18 of the Basic school regulation for preschool, elementary and secondary education (chapter I-13.3, r. 8); and
(7)  the project has been submitted for consultation to the teachers of the school where the project is to be carried out and has been accepted by the governing board.
M.O. 2006-03-14, s. 2.
3. Within 3 months of the implementation of the project referred to in section 1, the school service centre must send the following information in writing to the Minister:
(1)  a description of the project, the needs it meets, its objectives and duration;
(2)  the number of students the project concerns;
(3)  the cycle or, if applicable, the year of the cycle in which the project is to apply; and
(4)  the subject covered by the departure.
M.O. 2006-03-14, s. 3.
4. Despite section 1, a departure for the purpose of carrying out a special school project pursuant to an agreement with a department or body may be permitted by the school service centre only with the authorization of the Minister given in accordance with section 459 of the Act.
M.O. 2006-03-14, s. 4.
5. The school service centre must report on any departure permitted for a project referred to in section 1, after consulting the principal of the school concerned, in an evaluation report submitted to the Minister within 6 months after the end of the project.
M.O. 2006-03-14, s. 5.
6. A special school project may be renewed for maximum periods of 3 school years.
The renewal is subject to paragraph 7 of section 2 and to section 3.
M.O. 2006-03-14, s. 6.
7. (Omitted).
M.O. 2006-03-14. s. 7.
M.O. 2006-03-14, 2006 G.O. 2, 1159
S.Q. 2020, c. 1, s. 312