c-61.1, r. 64 - Regulation respecting the Papineau-Labelle Wildlife Sanctuary

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Replaced on 22 May 2019
This document has official status.
chapter C-61.1, r. 64
Regulation respecting the Papineau-Labelle Wildlife Sanctuary
Act respecting the conservation and development of wildlife
(chapter C-61.1, s. 111).
Replaced, A.M. 2019-002, 2019 G.O. 2, 1750; eff. 2019-05-22; see chapter C-61.1, r. 64.1.
1. The territory, the plan of which appears in Schedule A and described in this section, is established as a wildlife sanctuary under the name Papineau-Labelle Wildlife Sanctuary:
REGIONAL COUNTY MUNICIPALITIES (M.R.C.): Antoine-Labelle, Des Laurentides, Papineau, Les Collines-de-l’Outaouais.
OFFICIAL CADASTRE: Townships of: Derry, Addington, Gagnon, Hartwell, Labelle, Lathbury, Lesage, Loranger, McGill, Minerve, Montigny, Mulgrave, Papineau, Portland, Preston, Rivard, Rocheblave, Villeneuve and Wells.
Technical description of a territory covering an area of 1,628 km2 and whose perimeter is described as follows:
Point 25 Starting from Point 25 shown on Map P-9010 prepared by the undersigned, that point located on the line dividing the M.R.C. d’Antoine-Labelle from the M.R.C. de Papineau, at the intersection of the southern limit of the canton de Wells and of the right bank (normal high water mark) of the effluent of lac Dorothée.
Segment 25-26: From that Point 25, northeasterly, the right bank (normal high water mark) of that effluent and the west shore of lac Dorothée so as to include them up to the western limit of rang VI of the canton de Wells; northerly, the western limit of the said range to the meeting point with the left bank of rivière du Sourd, while excluding, along the bank, the small lake met there;
northeasterly, the left bank of rivière du Sourd, including lac Nadia in the territory, to the meeting point with the northeastern limit of the right-of-way (15 m) of the road (No. 1), that point located on lot 35 of rang IX, of the canton de Wells;
northwesterly, that limit of the right-of-way of the road (No. 1), so as to exclude it, up to the meeting point with the southern limit of the right-of-way (10 m) of a road passing on the southern end of lac Earhart, Point “R” located on lot 44 of rang VIII of the canton de Wells and whose coordinates are 5,104,350 m N and 386,980 m E;
easterly, northeasterly then westerly, that limit of the right-of-way so as to exclude it, up to the eastern limit of lot 50-1 of rang VIII of the canton de Wells; northeasterly, the eastern limit of lots 50-1 and 51-1 of the said range to the shore of lac Earhart, namely Point 26.
To be withdrawn from the territory: in the canton de Papineau, the country lot bordering rivière du Sourd (file M.R.N. 28,709) as well as the country lot bordering lac MacMellan (M.R.N. File 120,418).
Segment 26-1: From that Point 26, northeasterly, the east shore (normal high water mark) of lac Earhart and of its effluent so as to exclude them, up to its meeting point with the southeastern limit of the right-of-way (10 m) of a road bordering lac Breslon (lac de l’Aigle);
northeasterly, that limit of the right-of-way of the road, so as to exclude it, up to its meeting point with the eastern limit of lot 49 of rang B of the canton de McGill, fronting lot 141 of the said range, that latter lot bordering on lac de l’Aigle;
northerly, easterly then northwesterly, the limit of lot 49 so as to exclude it, up to its meeting point with another road giving access to lot 83 of rang B;
northwesterly, the northeastern limit of the right-of-way of the road bordering lac de l’Aigle and lac des Loups, so as to exclude it, up to its meeting point with the northern limit of the right-of-way (15 m) of the road (No. 48);
northwesterly, that limit of the right-of-way so as to exclude it, up to its meeting point with the eastern limit of the right-of-way (15 m) of the road (No. 1); northeasterly, that limit of the right-of-way so as to exclude it, up to its meeting point with the southeastern limit of the right-of-way (15 m) of the road (No. 8);
northeasterly, that limit of the right-of-way so as to exclude it, up to its meeting point with the northern limit of the canton de McGill; easterly, the northern limit of the said township up to the western limit of the canton de Rivard, namely Point 1.
Segment 1-2: From that Point 1, northerly, the line dividing the townships of Dudley and Rivard while excluding the lake met there up to the eastern limit of the right-of-way (15 m) of the road (No. 38) passing northwest of lac Murphy;
northeasterly, that limit of the right-of-way of the road, so as to exclude it, the latter passing near lakes: Wasaw, Kealy, Archie, Du Foin, Cutaway, Saintare; the northeastern limit of the right-of-way (15 m) of the road (No. 3) up to lac Yelle; the southern limit of the right-of-way (12 m) of the road passing south of lac Yelle and bordering ruisseau du Diable to a point whose coordinates are 5,137,450 m N and 395,320 m E, namely Point 2.
Segment 2-3: From that Point 2, the southwestern limit of the right-of-way of the road leading to ruisseau du Diable up to the right bank (normal high water mark) of ruisseau du Diable;
easterly, a straight line up to its meeting point with the northern limit of the right-of-way of a trail located on the left bank of the said stream, at Point 3 whose coordinates are 5,137,060 m N and 395,520 m E, Zone 9.
Segment 3-4: From that Point 3, the northern limit of that trail so as to include it, up to its meeting point with the western limit of the right-of-way (12 m) of the road passing south of lac Coindrelle, at Point “A” whose coordinates are: 5,137,080 m N and 395,680 m E;
northeasterly, the limit of the right-of-way of the road so as to include it, up to its meeting point with the left bank (normal high water mark) of the effluent of lac Sardine;
northeasterly, the left bank of that effluent to the shore of lac Pimondan (Baie de Murphy);
southeasterly, that shore, then the left bank of the effluent of lac Rivard to the latter;
thence, in a general southeasterly direction, the shore of lac Rivard so as to include it, the right bank of its tributary passing northeast of lac Compairon to its meeting point with the right bank of the effluent of lac Guibort, namely Point 4.
Segment 4-5: From that Point 4, the right bank (normal high water mark) of the effluent of lac Guibort; the shore of lac Guibort so as to include it; the left bank of the effluent of lac Noir; the shore of lac Noir so as to exclude it; the southeast bank of the watercourse feeding lac Bondy; the shore of lac Bondy so as to exclude it; the right bank of the effluent of lac des Zouaves; the shore of lac des Zouaves so as to exclude it, up to the eastern limit of lot 38-3 of the southern range of chemin Chapleau, canton de Montigny;
northerly, that limit of lot 38-3 to the southern limit of the right-of-way (15 m) of chemin Chapleau, namely Point 5.
Segment 5-6: From that Point 5, the limit of the right-of-way of chemin Chapleau so as to exclude it, up to the eastern limit of the right-of-way of the road crossing lot 34-1 of the said range;
southerly, that limit of the right-of-way to its meeting point with a straight line perpendicular to the line dividing lots 33-1 and 32-1 and located 804.7 m from the southern limit of the right-of-way of chemin Chapleau, that distance being measured along the line dividing the said lots; easterly, that straight perpendicular line;
northerly, the western limit of lots 32-1 and 32-2; northeasterly, the southern limit of the right-of-way of chemin Chapleau to the eastern limit of lot 26-1 of the south range of chemin Chapleau, canton de Montigny;
southerly, the eastern limit of lot 26-1; easterly, the northern limit of lot 24 of the said range excluding by the shore the lake met there; northerly, the western limit of rang III; easterly, the northern limit of lot 30 of the said range; southerly, the eastern limit of rang III;
easterly, the northern limit of lot 38-1 of rang II excluding, along the shore (normal high water mark), lac des Grandes Baies; thence, following that shore so as to exclude the said lake up to its meeting point with the southern limit of lot 44-3 of rang I of the canton de Montigny, namely Point 6.
Segment 6-7: From that Point 6, southerly, a straight line to the north shore (normal high water mark) of lac des Grandes Baies, at Point “B”, whose coordinates are 5,136,020 m N and 411,680 m E;
southwesterly, then in a general southeasterly direction, that shore, excluding the country lots located on lot 49-1 of rang I, canton de Montigny (M.R.N. files 69,200 and 89,768) and following that chain of stretches of water and watercourses, while excluding them, namely: the tributary of lac Jean, lac Jean, the tributary of petit lac Wee, petit lac Wee, the tributary of lac Édouard, lac Édouard, skirting lots 3-1 and 4-2 of rang VII, of the canton de Loranger (M.R.N. file 21,790/1921), rivière Petite Nation up to the southern limit of lot 39 of rang III;
westerly, the southern limit of lot 39 of rang III; southerly, the line dividing ranges III and IV of the canton de Lesage, while including, by the shore, the lakes met there; easterly, the northern limit of lot 33 of rang III;
southerly, then northeasterly, the bank or shore of the following stretches of water and watercourses so as to exclude them: lac du Crochet, the effluent of lac des Îles, lac des Îles, the effluent of lac Adverty, lac Adverty, the tributary of lac Adverty located on lots 24 and 23, the unnamed lake, its tributary and its effluent located on lots 22 and 23 of rang I of the canton de Lesage up to the eastern limit of that township, namely to Point 7.
Segment 7-8: From that Point 7, the line dividing the townships of Lesage and La Minerve, excluding, by the shore, the lake met there, up to the northwestern limit of the right-of-way (15 m) of a road bordering the west shore of lac La Minerve;
southwesterly, southeasterly, northwesterly then southeasterly following, while excluding it, the limit of the right-of-way of that road bordering lakes La Minerve and aux Castors to its meeting point with the southern limit of the right-of-way (15 m) of the road (No. 6) located on lot 10 of rang II of the canton de Gagnon, namely Point 8.
Segment 8-9: From that Point 8, southeasterly, the southern limit of the right-of-way of the road (No. 6) up to the southern limit of lot 14 of rang II of the canton de Gagnon; westerly, the southern limit of that latter lot;
southerly, the eastern limit of lots 15 and 16 of rang III; easterly, the northern limit of lot 17 of rang II up to the right bank (normal high water mark) of rivière Preston, namely Point 9.
Segment 9-10: From that Point 9, the right bank (normal high water mark) of rivière Preston; the west shore of Petit lac du Rat Musqué; the right bank of its effluent; the west, south and east shores of lac de la Grange while excluding it, the southern limit of that lake being a straight line “CD” passing by the points whose coordinates are: 5,112,140 m N and 416,170 m E and 5,112,140 m N and 416,220 m E, up to the northern limit of lot 27 of rang I of the canton de Gagnon;
the northern limit of lot 27 of the said range; the western limit of the canton de Labelle to the southern limit of lot 21 of rang XI of the said township, namely Point 10, while excluding, by the shore, Petit lac Vert.
Segment 10-11: From that Point 10, easterly, the southern limit of lot 21 of rang XI; northerly, the western limit of rang X of the canton de Labelle, while including, by the shore, lac Caouest; westerly, the southern limit of lot 1C of rang IX of the canton de La Minerve;
northerly, the western limit of lots 1c, 2b and 3 of that range; easterly, the northern limit of lot 3 while excluding, by the shore, the lake met there; southerly, the eastern limit of rang IX of the canton de La Minerve including, by the shore, lac Bourget;
easterly, the southern limit of lots 1b and 1a of rang VIII of the said township including, by the shore, lac Éthier and excluding, by the shore, lac Barrière; southerly, the eastern limit of rang IX of the canton de Labelle;
easterly, the northern limit of lot 35 of rang VIII to the west shore (normal high water mark) of lac des Mauves; thence, northerly, that shore to Point 11 whose coordinates are: 5,118,900 m N and 193,460 m E, Zone 8.
Segment 11-12: From that Point 11, northeasterly, a straight line to its meeting point with the northwest shore (normal high water mark) of lac des Mauves (mouth of Baie Godfrey), at Point “E” whose coordinates are: 5,118,940 m N and 193,510 m E;
northeasterly, then southeasterly, the shore of lac des Mauves (Baie du lac à la Truite) to the right bank of the tributary of lac à la Truite; southeasterly, that bank to its meeting point with the western limit of the right-of-way (15 m) of chemin Séguin;
southeasterly, that limit of the right-of-way to Point “F” whose coordinates are: 5,116,970 m N and 196,030 m E;
thence, in a general southeasterly direction, the western limit of the right-of-way (10 m) of the road passing east of lac Étroit and leading to lac Sucrerie, to its meeting point with the northern limit of the right-of-way (15 m) of the road passing north of that lake, on lot 40b, of rang I of the canton de Labelle, namely Point 12.
Segment 12-13: From that Point 12 westerly, the northern limit of the right-of-way of the road so as to exclude it up to its meeting point with the northern limit of the right-of-way (15 m) of the road leading to lakes Bêta and Manitou, at Point “G” located on lot 31 of rang I of the canton de Labelle and whose coordinates are: 5,108,150 m N and 198,700 m E;
northwesterly, that limit of the right-of-way to its meeting point with the extension of the western limit of the right-of-way (10 m) of the road leading to lac Manitou, at point “H” located on lot 29 of rang I of the said township and whose coordinates are: 5,108,270 m N and 194,210 m E;
southwesterly, that extension and the western limit of the right-of-way of the road leading to lac Manitou so as to exclude it up to its meeting point with the left bank (normal high water mark) of the east effluent of lac Manitou;
southwesterly, that bank and the shore of lac Manitou so as to include it, the left bank of the west effluent of lac à l’Ange to its meeting point with the eastern limit of the right-of-way of the road passing south of lac à l’Ange;
southerly then westerly, the limit of that right-of-way so as to include it up to its meeting point with the east shore of Petit lac du Diable, namely Point 13 whose coordinates are: 5,107,220 m N and 190,710 m E;
Segment 13-14: From that Point 13, southerly, the shore (normal high water mark) of Petit lac du Diable so as to include it up to the left bank of its effluent;
southwesterly, the said effluent, the shore of lac aux Chats (Kieffer) so as to include it up to its meeting point with the eastern limit of the right-of-way (15 m) of the road (No. 7); westerly, a straight line to the western limit of the right-of-way of that road;
southwesterly, that limit of the right-of-way so as to exclude it, passing northwest of lakes: Raineau, Roy and Perrin, up to its meeting point with the left bank of rivière Preston, namely Point 14.
Segment 14-15: From that Point 14, northwesterly, the left bank (normal high water mark) of rivière Preston, while excluding lac Robiza and the unnamed lake met there up to the southern end of lac Preston;
northwesterly, the southwest shore of the said lake, while including it, up to its meeting point with the extension of the northern limit of lot 44, rang III of the canton de Preston; westerly, the said extension and the northern limit of lot 44 of rang III to its meeting point with the left bank of the effluent of lac Marcault;
westerly, the left bank of the effluent to its meeting point with the eastern limit of the planned road;
northwesterly, the eastern limit of the right-of-way of the planned road and of the road bordering the east shore of lac Gagnon, so as to exclude them, up to its meeting point with the southern limit of the right-of-way (12 m) of a road bordering the dividing line between lots 18 and 19 of rang III of the canton de Gagnon, namely Point 15.
To be withdrawn from that territory: block 1 of the canton de Preston, located along the shore of lac Preston.
Segment 15-16: From that Point 15, easterly, the limit of the right-of-way of the said road so as to exclude it and its extension up to its meeting point with the northwestern limit of the right-of-way (15 m) of the road (No. 6), at a point located on lot 8 of rang III of the canton de Gagnon;
southwesterly, that limit of the right-of-way of the road (No. 6) so as to exclude it, (the route bordering the west shore of lac Gagnon) to Point “I” whose coordinates are: 5,113,500 m N and 410,690 m E; southeasterly, a straight line to the southwest mouth of an unnamed lake located on lot 26 of rang V;
southwesterly, that shore and the right bank of its effluent to its meeting point with the northwestern limit of the right-of-way (10 m) of a road passing on lot 27 of rang VI of the said township;
southwesterly, that limit of the right-of-way so as to exclude it up to its meeting point with the left bank of rivière Ernest, namely Point 16.
Segment 16-17: From that Point 16, southwesterly, the left bank (normal high water mark) of rivière Ernest to its meeting point with the extension of the right bank of the effluent of lac Clais;
southerly, the said extension and the right bank of that effluent to its meeting point with the western limit of the right-of-way (15 m) of the road (No. 3);
southerly, the western limit of the right-of-way of the road (No. 3), while excluding it, that road passing near the following lakes: du Diable, Cael, Du Chevreuil, aux Ménés, Dumas, de la Barbiche, Alcide and Mulet, to its meeting point with the eastern limit of the western half of lot 30 of rang VIII (reference to the original survey) of the canton de Hartwell, namely Point 17.
Segment 17-18: From that Point 17, southerly, the eastern limit of the western half of lots 30 and 29 of rang VIII; westerly, the southern limit of lot 29 of the said range;
southerly, the eastern limit of the canton de Lathbury by skirting, along the shore (normal high water mark), lakes du Rat Musqué and Micheline so as to include them and Petit lac des Pins Rouges so as to exclude it if necessary;
westerly, the southern limit of the canton de Lathbury to the eastern limit of lot 44, of rang IX, of the canton de Mulgrave; southerly, the eastern limit of the said lot to its meeting point with the northern limit of the right-of-way (15 m) of the road (No. 257);
westerly, the limit of that right-of-way so as to exclude it up to its meeting point with the extension of the western limit of the right-of-way (12 m) of a road leading to Petit lac Saint-Sixte, at a point whose coordinates are: 5,081,350 m N and 402,020 m E, namely Point 18.
Segment 18-19: From that Point 18, southerly, the western limit of the right-of-way of the road leading near Petit lac Saint-Sixte to the northern limit of the right-of-way (12 m) of a planned road, at Point “J” whose coordinates are: 5,078,870 m N and 401,890 m E;
northwesterly, the northern limit of that right-of-way and its extension to its meeting point with the western limit of a trail so as to exclude them, at Point “K” whose coordinates are: 5,078,960 m N and 401,740 m E;
southwesterly, the western limit of the trail to the point closest to the southern limit of lac Omicron, at Point “L” whose coordinates are: 5,078,590 m N and 401,310 m E;
northerly, a straight line to the south shore (normal high water mark) of lac Omicron; at Point “M” whose coordinates are: 5,078,680 m N and 401,260 m E; northerly, the shore of the latter lake, so as to include it up to the left bank of its effluent;
westerly, the left bank of that effluent; southerly, the east shore of Petit lac Saint-Sixte so as to include it and the right bank of its effluent so as to exclude it up to the northern limit of lot 37 of rang VII of the canton de Mulgrave, namely Point 19.
Segment 19-20: From that Point 19, westerly, the northern limit of rang VII of the canton de Mulgrave to the eastern limit of lot 22a of the said range, by skirting along the shore (normal high water mark) the lakes met there so as to exclude them;
southerly, the eastern limit of lot 22a to its meeting point with the northern limit of the right-of-way (10 m) of a road; northwesterly, that limit of the right-of-way so as to exclude it up to the western limit of lot 20 of rang VII;
northerly, the western limit of that lot; westerly, the southern limit of lot 19 of rang VIII; northerly, the western limit of lot 19 of ranges VIII and IX to the northern limit of lot 18-1 of rang IX;
westerly, the northern limit of lots 18-1, 17-1 and 16-1 of the said range; southerly, the western limit of lot 16-1 of rang IX; southwesterly, the shore of lac La Dame to the southern limit of rang IX of the canton de Mulgrave;
westerly, the southern limit of lot 16 of rang IX; southerly, the eastern limit of lot 15a of rang VIII; westerly, the southern limit of lot 15a;
westerly, a straight line to the southern limit of lot 11a of rang VIII; westerly, the southern limit of lots 11a, 10a, 9a and its extension to the east shore of lac Smallian, namely Point 20.
Segment 20-21: From that Point 20, northerly, the shore (normal high water mark) of lac Smallian and the left bank of its tributary, namely rivière Blanche, so as to exclude them up to its meeting point with the northwestern limit of the right-of-way (15 m) of the road (No. 1), at a point located on lot 6 of rang IX of the canton de Mulgrave;
southwesterly, the northwestern limit of the right-of-way of that road bordering the west shore of lac Smallian up to the eastern limit of lot 7 of rang VII of the canton de Mulgrave;
southerly, the eastern limit of that lot; westerly, the southern limit of rang VII; southerly, the eastern limit of the canton de Derry; westerly, the southern limit of rang VII of the canton de Derry to the northwestern limit of the right-of-way (10 m) of a raod crossing lot 33 of rang VII of the said township;
southeasterly, the northwestern limit of the right-of-way of the road so as to exclude it up to its meeting point with the southern limit of rang VI, of the canton de Derry, namely Point 21.
Segment 21-22: From that Point 21, westerly, the southern limit of rang VI of the canton de Derry; southerly, the eastern limit of lot 27 of rang V up to its meeting point with the left bank (normal high water mark) of the effluent of a small lake, at Point “N” whose coordinates are: 5,071,150 m E and 389,760 m E;
northwesterly, the left bank of that effluent, the shore of the lake met there, and the shore of the lake located on lot 23 of rang VI so as to exclude them;
westerly, the southern limit of rang VI while excluding, by the shore, the lake met there; northerly, the eastern limit of lot 15a; westerly, the southern limit of lots 15b and 14b of rang VI;
northerly, the western limit of lot 14b; westerly, the southern limit of lot 13 of rang VII of the canton de Derry; southerly, the eastern limit of lot 12 of rang VI while excluding, by the shore, lac Noir;
westerly, the southern limit of rang VI while excluding, by the shore, the lakes met there, to its meeting point with the right bank of the tributary of lac de la Grande Prairie, on lot 6 of rang VI, namely Point 22.
Segment 22-23: From that Point 22, northerly, then northwesterly, the right bank (normal high water mark) of the tributary of lac de la Grande Prairie and the right bank, or eastern bank, of a chain of watercourses and stretches of water, as well as lac Castor, so as to exclude them, up to the line dividing the townships of Derry and Portland;
northerly, the division line of the said townships, up to its meeting point with the southern limit of the right-of-way (12 m) of the road crossing lot 7 of rang X east of the canton de Portland, while excluding, by the shore, lac Jack;
westerly, the southern limit of the rignt-of-way of the said road so as to include it up to its meeting point with the eastern limit of the right-of-way (12 m) of the road leading to lac du Cresson, namely Point 23.
Segment 23-24: From that Point 23, northerly then northeasterly, the limit of the right-of-way of the road so as to exclude it up to its meeting point with the extension of the eastern limit of the right-of-way of a tertiary road (10 m) bordering the west shore of lac du Cresson, at a point located on lot 43 of rang II of the canton de Villeneuve;
northeasterly, that limit of the right-of-way so as to exclude it up to the meeting with the left bank of a tributary of lac du Cresson, at Point “O” whose coordinates are: 5,079,340 m N and 382,820 m E;
northwesterly, the left bank of that tributary to its meeting point with another tributary located on lot 9 of rang III of the canton de Villeneuve, while excluding, by the shore, the lakes that are met there;
northwesterly, a straight line to its meeting point with the shore of the easternmost end of lac des Ormes located on lot 13 of rang IV; northwesterly, the shore of that lake so as to exclude it;
northerly, the right bank of its effluent to its meeting point with the eastern limit of the right-of-way (10 m) of a road, at Point “P” located on lot 13 of rang V of the canton de Villeneuve and whose coordinates are: 5,084,160 m N and 379,670 m E;
northerly, then northwesterly, that limit of the right-of-way so as to exclude it up to its meeting point with the northern limit of the right-of-way (12 m) of another road, at Point “O” located on lot 15 of rang V and whose coordinates are: 5,084,710 m N and 379,350 m E;
northwesterly, that limit of the right-of-way so as to exclude it up to the northern limit of rang V of the canton de Villeneuve, namely Point 24.
Segment 24-25: From that Point 24, easterly, the northern limit of rang V of the canton de Villeneuve; northerly, the western limit of lot 17 of rang VI; westerly, the southern limit of lot 17a of rang VII;
northerly, the western limit of lots 17a and 17b of rang VII including along the shore, lac de la Grosse Truite; easterly, the northern limit of rang VII; northerly, the western limit of lot 14 of rang VIII of the canton de Villeneuve up to the south shore (normal high water mark) of lac Kennedy or of its tributary;
northeasterly, the shore of that tributary and of that lake so as to exclude them, as well as the right bank of ruisseau Morel flowing on lots 13 and 14 of rang IX to its meeting point with the extension, on lot 14, of the southern limit of the private part of lots 13, 12 and 11 of rang IX namely the northern 1/3 of those lots;
easterly, the said extension and the southern limit of the aforesaid lots; northerly, the western limit of lot 10 of rang IX; easterly, the northern limit of the canton de Villeneuve up to its meeting point with the right bank of the effluent of lac Dorothée, namely the starting point.
Important: It is understood that, when the shore or bank of a stretch of water and/or a watercourse is mentioned, the reference is always the outer limit of the shore or bank, namely the normal high water mark.
The table appearing below illustrates the value of the S.C.O.P.Q. coordinates of the points mentioned, in reference to the North-American datum of 1983 (NAD 83).

Point m North m East Zone

2 5,137,668 395,317 9

3 5,137,578 395,517 9

A 5,137,298 395,677 9

B 5,136,238 411,677 9

C 5,112,358 416,167 9

D 5,112,358 416,217 9

11 5,119,118 193,463 8

E 5,119,158 193,513 8

F 5,117,188 196,033 8

G 5,108,368 194,703 8

H 5,108,488 194,213 8

13 5,107,438 190,713 8

I 5,113,718 410,687 9

18 5,081,568 402,017 9

J 5,079,088 401,887 9

K 5,079,178 401,737 9

L 5,078,808 401,307 9

M 5,078,858 401,257 9

N 5,071,368 389,757 9

O 5,079,558 382,818 9

P 5,084,378 379,668 9

Q 5,084,928 379,348 9

R 5,104,568 386,978 9
R.R.Q., 1981, c. C-61, r. 69, s. 1; O.C. 1031-94.
R.R.Q., 1981, c. C-61, r. 69, Div. II; O.C. 859-99, s. 28.
2. (Revoked).
R.R.Q., 1981, c. C-61, r. 69, s. 2; O.C. 1419-82, s. 1.
3. (Revoked).
R.R.Q., 1981, c. C-61, r. 69, s. 3; O.C. 1419-82, s. 2; O.C. 1308-84, s. 1; O.C. 859-99, s. 28.
4. (Revoked).
R.R.Q., 1981, c. C-61, r. 69, s. 4; O.C. 2480-85, s. 1; O.C. 859-99, s. 28.
5. (Revoked).
R.R.Q., 1981, c. C-61, r. 69, s. 5; O.C. 735-83, s. 7; O.C. 859-99, s. 28.
6. (Revoked).
R.R.Q., 1981, c. C-61, r. 69, s. 6; O.C. 1308-84, s. 2; O.C. 859-99, s. 28.
7. (Revoked).
R.R.Q., 1981, c. C-61, r. 69, s. 7; O.C. 859-99, s. 28.
8. (Revoked).
R.R.Q., 1981, c. C-61, r. 69, s. 8; O.C. 859-99, s. 28.
9. (Revoked).
R.R.Q., 1981, c. C-61, r. 69, s. 9; O.C. 859-99, s. 28.
10. (Revoked).
R.R.Q., 1981, c. C-61, r. 69, s. 10; O.C. 859-99, s. 28.
11. (Revoked).
R.R.Q., 1981, c. C-61, r. 69, s. 11; O.C. 859-99, s. 28.
12. (Revoked).
R.R.Q., 1981, c. C-61, r. 69, s. 12; O.C. 859-99, s. 28.
13. (Revoked).
R.R.Q., 1981, c. C-61, r. 69, s. 13; O.C. 1308-84, s. 3.
14. (Revoked).
R.R.Q., 1981, c. C-61, r. 69, s. 14; O.C. 1308-84, s. 3.
15. (Revoked).
R.R.Q., 1981, c. C-61, r. 69, s. 15; O.C. 859-99, s. 28.
16. (Revoked).
R.R.Q., 1981, c. C-61, r. 69, s. 16; O.C. 859-99, s. 28.
17. (Revoked).
R.R.Q., 1981, c. C-61, r. 69, s. 17; O.C. 859-99, s. 28.
17.1. (Revoked).
O.C. 1308-84, s. 4; O.C. 859-99, s. 28.
18. (Revoked).
R.R.Q., 1981, c. C-61, r. 69, s. 18; O.C. 859-99, s. 28.
19. (Revoked).
R.R.Q., 1981, c. C-61, r. 69, s. 19; O.C. 859-99, s. 28.
20. (Revoked).
R.R.Q., 1981, c. C-61, r. 69, s. 20; O.C. 859-99, s. 28.
21. (Revoked).
R.R.Q., 1981, c. C-61, r. 69, s. 21; O.C. 859-99, s. 28.
22. (Revoked).
R.R.Q., 1981, c. C-61, r. 69, s. 22; O.C. 859-99, s. 28.
23. (Revoked).
R.R.Q., 1981, c. C-61, r. 69, s. 23; O.C. 859-99, s. 28.
24. (Revoked).
R.R.Q., 1981, c. C-61, r. 69, s. 24; O.C. 859-99, s. 28.
25. (Revoked).
R.R.Q., 1981, c. C-61, r. 69, s. 25; O.C. 1308-84, s. 5; O.C. 859-99, s. 28.
26. (Revoked).
R.R.Q., 1981, c. C-61, r. 69, s. 26; O.C. 859-99, s. 28.
27. (Revoked).
R.R.Q., 1981, c. C-61, r. 69, s. 27; O.C. 1308-84, s. 6.
R.R.Q., 1981, c. C-61, r. 69, Sch. A; O.C. 1031-94.
R.R.Q., 1981, c. C-61, r. 69
O.C. 1419-82, 1982 G.O. 2, 1773; Suppl. 343
O.C. 735-83, 1983 G.O. 2, 1597
O.C. 1308-84, 1984 G.O. 2, 2143
O.C. 2480-85, 1985 G.O. 2, 4282
O.C. 1031-94, 1994 G.O. 2, 2684
O.C. 859-99, 1999 G.O. 2, 2432