C-61.1, r. 53 - Regulation respecting wildlife sanctuaries

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Updated to 27 May 2024
This document has official status.
chapter C-61.1, r. 53
Regulation respecting wildlife sanctuaries
Act respecting the conservation and development of wildlife
(chapter C-61.1, ss. 121 and 162).
1. This Regulation applies to the wildlife sanctuaries referred to in Schedule I and to those established from 26 August 1999.
O.C. 859-99, s. 1.
2. This Regulation does not apply to Cree, Inuit or Naskapi beneficiaries referred to in the Act respecting Cree, Inuit or Naskapi Native persons (chapter A-33.1) in the Wildlife sanctuaries of Assinica and Albanel, Mistassini and Waconichi lakes.
O.C. 859-99, s. 2.
O.C. 859-99; O.C. 158-2002, s. 1.
3. (Revoked).
O.C. 859-99, s. 3; O.C. 158-2002, s. 1.
4. Any person who stays in a wildlife sanctuary for recreational purposes shall obtain a right of access pass from the designated place at the reception station of the wildlife sanctuary.
The first paragraph does not apply to a person who, to carry on a trapping-related activity, accompanies a professional trapping licence holder who is the lessee of exclusive trapping rights in the wildlife sanctuary or accompanies professional trapping licence holders or a person referred to in sections 5 to 7 of the Regulation respecting trapping activities and the fur trade (chapter C-61.1, r. 3) authorized by the lessee to trap.
For the purpose of this section, the expression “stay in a wildlife sanctuary” means to be anywhere in a wildlife sanctuary to sleep, between 10:00 p.m. and 8:00 a.m.
O.C. 859-99, s. 4; O.C. 1186-2003, s. 1; O.C. 449-2008, s. 1.
5. Any person who engages in a hunting activity in a wildlife sanctuary other than the Rivière Cascapédia Wildlife Sanctuary and the salmon river wildlife sanctuaries of Matapédia-et-Patapédia, Sainte-Anne and Saint-Jean shall obtain a right of access pass from the designated place at the reception station of the sanctuary and pay, if applicable, the right of access fee prescribed in the Regulation respecting the scale of fees and duties related to the development of wildlife (chapter C-61.1, r. 32).
O.C. 859-99, s. 5.
6. (Revoked).
O.C. 859-99, s. 6; O.C. 158-2002, s. 2; O.C. 1186-2003, s. 2.
7. Any person who engages in a fishing activity in a wildlife sanctuary other than sectors 1(A) and 2(B) of the Rivière Cascapédia Wildlife Sanctuary shown on the plans in Schedule IV or sector 1 of the Rivière-Sainte-Anne Wildlife Sanctuary shown on the plan in Schedule VII.1 shall obtain a right of access pass from the designated place at the reception station of the wildlife sanctuary and pay, if applicable, the right of access fee prescribed in the Regulation respecting the scale of fees and duties related to the development of wildlife (chapter C-61.1, r. 32).
O.C. 859-99, s. 7; O.C. 1186-2003, s. 3.
8. (Revoked).
O.C. 859-99, s. 8; O.C. 158-2002, s. 3.
9. Persons referred to in sections 4, 5 and 7 must comply with the dates, times and places indicated in the right of access pass; in addition, such persons must place the right of access pass on the dashboard of their vehicle in such a way that it may be read from the outside or keep it with them and produce it at the request of a wildlife protection officer, wildlife protection assistant or area warden.
O.C. 859-99, s. 9; O.C. 158-2002, s. 4; O.C. 1186-2003, s. 4.
10. Where no employee is available to issue the right of access pass, the applicant shall complete the form available at the reception station of the wildlife sanctuary and deposit it at the designated place accompanied with, if applicable, the corresponding fee provided for in the Regulation respecting the scale of fees and duties related to the development of wildlife (chapter C-61.1, r. 32).
In such cases, the duly completed form shall replace the right of access pass.
O.C. 859-99, s. 10.
§ 1.  — Restricted access hunting
11. In order to hunt species other than black bear in a restricted access hunting sector of a wildlife sanctuary referred to in Schedule VI to the Regulation respecting hunting (chapter C-61.1, r. 12), or to hunt and fish, a person must be a resident and have been chosen in a draw. If there are any hunting sectors available for hunting after the draw, any person may hunt therein provided he obtains a reservation.
Notwithstanding the first paragraph, in order to hunt moose in the Portes de l’Enfer, Lac Brulé, Lac Croche-McCormick sectors of the Laurentides Wildlife Sanctuary, a person must obtain a reservation.
O.C. 859-99, s. 11; O.C. 330-2008, s. 1.
12. In order to hunt black bear in a restricted access hunting sector of a wildlife sanctuary referred to in Schedule VI to the Regulation respecting hunting (chapter C-61.1, r. 12), a person must obtain a reservation.
O.C. 859-99, s. 12.
13. A person may also hunt species other than black bear in restricted access hunting sectors of wildlife sanctuaries referred to in Schedule VI to the Regulation respecting hunting (chapter C-61.1, r. 12) if he accompanies a person who has been chosen in a draw or has obtained a reservation.
O.C. 859-99, s. 13.
14. In the cases provided for in sections 11 to 13, a person must be the holder of a right of access pass appropriate to the species for which a draw was made or a reservation obtained.
Moreover, the person must rent services such as lodging, equipment for the practice of hunting or other services related to the activity, where they are offered in the place for which the right of access pass is issued.
O.C. 859-99, s. 14.
15. Notwithstanding the second paragraph of section 19 of the Regulation respecting hunting activities (chapter C-61.1, r. 1), each additional transportation coupon that must be attached to the animal must come from the hunting licence of a person who is authorized to hunt under sections 11 to 13.
O.C. 859-99, s. 15.
16. No person may carry a firearm in a restricted access hunting sector reserved exclusively for bows and crossbows during the hunting period prescribed in Schedule VI to the Regulation respecting hunting (chapter C-61.1, r. 12).
O.C. 859-99, s. 16; O.C. 956-2001, s. 1; O.C. 1186-2003, s. 5.
17. Only the following persons may travel in the restricted access hunting sectors of the wildlife sanctuaries during the restricted access hunting periods for moose and white-tailed deer determined in Schedule VI to the Regulation respecting hunting (chapter C-61.1, r. 12):
(1)  a holder of a right of access pass in a restricted access hunting sector for the sector and date indicated on the pass;
(2)  a professional trapping licence holder who is the lessee of exclusive trapping rights in the wildlife sanctuary, as well as professional trapping licence holders or a person referred to in sections 5 to 7 of the Regulation respecting trapping activities and the fur trade (chapter C-61.1, r. 3) authorized by the lessee to trap, to travel to their trapping grounds and to engage in a trapping-related activity;
(3)  a person who carries out work in the performance of his duties;
(4)  a person who takes part in an activity organized under a contract entered into in accordance with the second paragraph of section 118 of the Act respecting the conservation and development of wildlife (chapter C-61.1), in the territory of the wildlife sanctuary; and
(5)  a person who has to cross the territory of the wildlife sanctuary to access another territory or private property and to return from that territory or property.
O.C. 859-99, s. 17; O.C. 1186-2003, s. 6; O.C. 449-2008, s. 2.
18. A person who hunts or hunts and fishes must, when leaving the wildlife sanctuary, make a report of the activity at the place determined for that purpose at the reception station, indicating the number of each species of animals bagged or fish caught; certain parts of the animals bagged or fish caught may be removed for study.
In the case provided for in section 10, the report shall be made on the form available at the reception station and it must be deposited at the place prescribed for that purpose.
O.C. 859-99, s. 18; O.C. 330-2008, s. 2.
§ 2.  — Open access hunting
19. In order to hunt in a open access hunting sector of a wildlife sanctuary referred to in Schedule VII to the Regulation respecting hunting (chapter C-61.1, r. 12), a person must rent services, such as lodging, equipment for the practice of hunting or other services available related to the activity, where they are offered in the place for which a right of access pass is issued.
Moreover, the provisions of section 18 apply to a person hunting in a wildlife sanctuary referred to in the first paragraph.
O.C. 859-99, s. 19.
20. In order to fish in a wildlife sanctuary, a person must rent services, such as lodging, rental of equipment for the practice of fishing or other services available related to the activity, where they are offered in the place for which a right of access pass is issued.
O.C. 859-99, s. 20.
21. A person must have previously obtained a reservation in order to fish Atlantic salmon in a wildlife sanctuary or a wildlife sanctuary sector referred to in one of the following provisions of Schedule II:
(1)  paragraph 1 of section 2;
(2)  paragraph 3 or 4 of section 4;
(3)  paragraph 1 or 2 of section 5;
(4)  paragraph 1.1, 1.2, 1.4 or 2 of section 6;
(5)  paragraph 1, 2 or 3 of section 7;
(5.1)  paragraph 2 of section 8; or
(6)  section 9.
Moreover, in order to fish in sectors 1 and 2 referred to in section 7 of Schedule II, the person must be a resident.
O.C. 859-99, s. 21; O.C. 1186-2003, s. 7; O.C. 330-2008, s. 3.
22. A person who practises fishing must, when leaving the wildlife sanctuary, make a report of that activity at the place determined for that purpose at the reception station of the wildlife sanctuary, by indicating his daily catches, if any; certain parts of his catches may be removed for study.
In the case provided for in section 10, the report shall be made on the form available at the reception station and must be deposited at the place prescribed for that purpose.
O.C. 859-99, s. 22; O.C. 1186-2003, s. 8.
23. A fish catcher who catches an Atlantic salmon must take it, whole, to the place designated for measuring and registering fish.
O.C. 859-99, s. 23.
O.C. 811-2005, s. 1.
23.1. In a wildlife sanctuary where there is salmon fishing, no person may swim, snorkel or scuba dive in the locations in the sanctuary where a prohibition to that effect is posted.
Despite the first paragraph, a person may snorkel or scuba dive anywhere in the sanctuary in the performance of duties.
O.C. 811-2005, s. 1.
23.2. Dogs are admitted in a wildlife sanctuary, except inside camps, on playgrounds, beaches or any other place where a prohibition to that effect is posted.
O.C. 330-2008, s. 4.
24. Any person may carry hunting implements in a wildlife sanctuary if he holds a right of access pass for hunting therein; he may also carry hunting implements in the Rivière Cascapédia Wildlife Sanctuary and the salmon river wildlife sanctuaries of Matapédia-et-Patapédia, Sainte-Anne and Saint-Jean.
A professional trapping licence holder and a person referred to in sections 5 to 7 of the Regulation respecting trapping activities and the fur trade (chapter C-61.1, r. 3) may carry hunting implements in a wildlife sanctuary in the territory where they are authorized to trap during the trapping periods established by the Regulation for that wildlife sanctuary.
O.C. 859-99, s. 24; O.C. 158-2002, s. 5; O.C. 330-2008, s. 5; O.C. 449-2008, s. 3.
25. Any person may carry fishing implements in a wildlife sanctuary if he holds a right of access pass for fishing therein.
O.C. 859-99, s. 25.
26. Subject to section 17, any person may travel in a wildlife sanctuary using an off-highway vehicle referred to in paragraph 7 of section 2 of the Act respecting off-highway vehicles (chapter V-1.3) if one of the following conditions is complied with:
(1)  the person holds a right of access pass for a restricted access hunting sector in the wildlife sanctuary;
(2)  the person uses the trails identified, designated or developed for those purposes in the wildlife sanctuary;
(3)  the person is taking part in an organized activity within the meaning of a contract concluded in accordance with the second paragraph of section 118 of the Act respecting the conservation and development of wildlife (chapter C-61.1) in the territory of the wildlife sanctuary;
(4)  the person is the lessee of exclusive trapping rights in the wildlife sanctuary, a professional trapping licence holder or a person referred to in sections 5 to 7 of the Regulation respecting trapping activities and the fur trade (chapter C-61.1, r. 3) authorized by the lessee to trap, and travels to the trapping grounds to engage in a trapping-related activity, as well as the person accompanying them;
(5)  the person carries out work in the performance of duties; or
(6)  the person travels to or from a territorial unit situated in the wildlife sanctuary in respect of which the person is the holder of a forest management permit for the “harvest of firewood for domestic purposes” issued under the Sustainable Forest Development Act (chapter A-18.1) to harvest wood.
O.C. 859-99, s. 26; O.C. 1186-2003, s. 9; O.C. 449-2008, s. 4.
27. Any violation of sections 3 to 26 constitutes an offence.
O.C. 859-99, s. 27.
28. (Amendments integrated).
O.C. 859-99, s. 28.
29. (Amendment integrated into c. C-61.1, r. 69).
O.C. 859-99, s. 29.
30. (Amendment integrated into c. C-61.1, r. 71).
O.C. 859-99, s. 30.
31. The Regulation respecting the Sept-Îles–Port-Cartier Wildlife Sanctuary (R.R.Q., 1981, c. C-61, r. 83), the Regulation respecting hunting in wildlife sanctuaries (O.C. 838-84, 84-04-04) and the Regulation respecting fishing in certain wildlife sanctuaries (O.C. 847-84, 84-04-04) are revoked.
O.C. 859-99, s. 31.
32. Schedules I to VIII to this Regulation are attached hereto.
O.C. 859-99, s. 32.
33. (Omitted).
O.C. 859-99, s. 33.
Ashuapmushuan Wildlife Sanctuary
Assinica Wildlife Sanctuary
Duchénier Wildlife Sanctuary
Dunière Wildlife Sanctuary
Rivière-Cascapédia Wildlife Sanctuary
Rivière-Sainte-Anne Wildlife Sanctuary
Rivière-Saint-Jean Wildlife Sanctuary
La Vérendrye Wildlife Sanctuary
Mastigouche Wildlife Sanctuary
Matane Wildlife Sanctuary
Papineau-Labelle Wildlife Sanctuary
Port-Cartier – Sept-Îles Wildlife Sanctuary
Port-Daniel Wildlife Sanctuary
Portneuf Wildlife Sanctuary
Rimouski Wildlife Sanctuary
Chic-Chocs Wildlife Sanctuary
Albanel, Mistassini and Waconichi Lakes Wildlife Sanctuary
Laurentides Wildlife Sanctuary
Rivières-Matapédia-et-Patapédia Wildlife Sanctuary
Saint-Maurice Wildlife Sanctuary
Rouge-Matawin Wildlife Sanctuary
O.C. 859-99, Sch. I; O.C. 319-2001, s. 1; O.C. 158-2002, s. 6; O.C. 330-2008, s. 6.

Column I Column II
Wildlife Sanctuaries Sector


1. Port-Cartier - Sept-Îles (1) Sector 1:
Rivière MacDonald sectors The territory shown on the plan under
this heading in Schedule III.
(2) Sector 2:
The territory shown on the plan under
this heading in Schedule III.

(3) Sector 3:
The territory shown on the plan under
this heading in Schedule III.

(4) Sector 4:
The territory shown on the plan under
this heading in Schedule III.

(5) Sector 5:
The territory shown on the plan under
this heading in Schedule III.

(6) Sector 6:
The territory shown on the plan under
this heading in Schedule III.

2. Port-Cartier - Sept-Îles (1) Sector 1:
Rivière aux Rochers sectors The territory shown on the plan under
this heading in Schedule III.

(2) Sector 2:
The territory shown on the plan under
this heading in Schedule III.

(3) Sector 3:
The territory shown on the plan under
this heading in Schedule III.

3. Port-Daniel

4. Rivière-Cascapédia (1) Sector 1(A):
The territory shown on the plan under
this heading in Schedule IV.

(2) Sector 2(B):
The territory shown on the plan under
this heading in Schedule IV.

(3) Sector 3(C):
The territory shown on the plan under
this heading in Schedule IV.

(4) Sector 4(D):
The territory shown on the plan under
this heading in Schedule IV.

5. Rivières-Matapédia-et-Patapédia (1) Sector 1:
Rivière Causapscal sector The territory shown on the plan under
this heading in Schedule V.

(2) Sector 2:
The territory shown on the plan under
this heading in Schedule V.

(3) Sector 3:
The territory shown on the plan under
this heading in Schedule V.

6. Rivières-Matapédia-et-Patapédia (1) Sector 1 A:
Rivière Matapédia sectors The territory shown on the plan under
this heading in Schedule VI.1.

(1.1) Sector 1 B:
The territory shown on the plan under
this heading in Schedule VI.1.

(1.2) Sector 1 C:
The territory shown on the plan under
this heading in Schedule VI.1.

(1.3) Sector 1 D:
The territory shown on the plan under
this heading in Schedule VI.1.

(1.4) Sector 1 E:
The territory shown on the plan under
this heading in Schedule VI.1.

(2) Sector 2:
The territory shown on the plan under
this heading in Schedule V1.

3) Sector 3:
The territory shown on the plan under
this heading in Schedule V1.

(4) Sector 4:
The territory shown on the plan under
this heading in Schedule V1.

7. Rivières-Matapédia-et-Patapédia (1) Sector 1:
Rivière Patapédia sectors The territory shown on the plan under
this heading in Schedule VII.

(2) Sector 2:
The territory shown on the plan under
this heading in Schedule VII.

(3) Sector 3:
The territory shown on the plan under
this heading in Schedule VII.

7.1 Rivières-Matapédia- The territory shown on the plan under
et-Patapédia this heading in Schedule VII.0.1.
Rivière Humqui sector

8. Sainte-Anne (1) Sector 1:
The territory shown on the plan under
this heading in Schedule VII.1.

(2) Sector 2:
The territory shown on the plan under
this heading in Schedule VII.1.

9. Saint-Jean (1) Sector 1:
The territory shown on the plan under
this heading in Schedule VIII.

(2) Sector 2:
The territory shown on the plan under
this heading in Schedule VIII.

(3) Sector 3:
The territory shown on the plan under
this heading in Schedule VIII.

(4) Sector 4:
The territory shown on the plan under
this heading in Schedule VIII.
O.C. 859-99, Sch. II; O.C. 1186-2003, s. 10; O.C. 330-2008, s. 7.
O.C. 859-99, Sch. III.
O.C. 859-99, Sch. IV.
O.C. 859-99, Sch. V.
O.C. 859-99, Sch. VI.
O.C. 330-2008, s. 8.
Réserve faunique des Rivières-Matapédia-et-Patapédia (Secteur de la Rivière Patapédia)
O.C. 859-99, Sch. VI.
O.C. 330-2008, s. 8.
Secteurs de la Réserve faunique de la Rivière-Sainte-Anne
O.C. 1186-2003, s. 11.
O.C. 859-99, Sch. VIII.
O.C. 859-99, 1999 G.O. 2, 2432
O.C. 319-2001, 2001 G.O. 2, 1897
O.C. 956-2001, 2001 G.O. 2, 4861
O.C. 158-2002, 2002 G.O. 2, 1493
O.C. 1186-2003, 2003 G.O. 2, 3353
O.C. 811-2005, 2005 G.O. 2, 3923
O.C. 330-2008, 2008 G.O. 2, 1184
O.C. 449-2008, 2008 G.O. 2, 1592
S.Q. 2020, c. 26, s. 149