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C-61.01, r. 35
- Regulation respecting the Réserve écologique du Lac-Malakisis
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Enabling statute
Natural Heritage Conservation Act
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Updated to 30 November 2024
This document has official status.
C-61.01, r. 35
Regulation respecting the Réserve écologique du Lac-Malakisis
Natural Heritage Conservation Act
(chapter C-61.01, s. 43)
The land described hereunder is established as an ecological reserve under the name of Réserve écologique du Lac-Malakisis.
1.1 Definitions:
In this technical description, the limits defined by the shore or bank of a lake or watercourse correspond to the normal high water mark or, if there is a water retaining works, to the maximum retaining line. The right bank and the left bank correspond to the side of the watercourse that can be seen on the right and on the left when looking downstream.
1.2 Roads
The roads are considered as having a right-of-way of 15 m in width.
1.3 Coordinate system
The coordinates of the points are expressed in metres and were determined approximately using a map to a scale of 1:20 000 made by the Ministère des Ressources naturelles du Québec, folio 31L 10-200-0202, in reference to the Québec coordinates system (SCOPQ), Modified Transverse Mercator projection (MTM), Zone 10 (central meridian 79°30′00″ West), North American Datum 1983 (NAD 83).
1.4 Measurement system
Measurements are expressed in the International System of Units (SI).
1.5 Land surveying
The surveying of the undivided parts of that territory will specify the perimeter of the ecological reserve.
2.1 Designation
A territory situated in the territory of Municipalité régionale de comté de Témiscamingue, in the Abitibi-Témiscamingue administrative region, and comprising the following in reference to the original survey:
In the township of Booth, blocks I, II, III and undivided parts;
In the township of Raisenne, block II and an undivided part.
2.2 Perimeter
The perimeter of the territory may be described as follows, namely,
Starting from point A situated in the southeast corner of block II of the township of Raisenne;
Thence, successively in westerly and northwesterly directions, following respectively the southern lines then the southwestern line of the said block II to its intersection with the dividing line between the townships of Raisenne and Booth, namely point “B”;
Thence, westerly, following the dividing line between the townships of Raisenne and Booth to its intersection with the shore of Lac Cottentré, namely point “C”;
Thence, in an average westerly direction, along the shore of Lac Cottentré skirting it on the northern side, to its intersection with the dividing line between the townships of Booth and Raisenne, namely point “D”;
Thence, westerly, along the dividing line between the townships of Booth and Raisenne to its intersection with the eastern limit of the right-of-way of a road, namely point “E”, whose coordinates are
5 174 904 m N, 364 842 m E;
Thence, in an average northwesterly direction, following the limit in the township of Booth of the right-of-way of that road excluded from the ecological reserve to its intersection with the southerly extension of the eastern line of block II of the township of Booth, namely point “F”, whose coordinates are
5 175 028 m N, 364 607 m E;
Thence, northerly, following the said extension to the southeastern corner of block II of the township of Booth, namely point “G”;
Thence, westerly, northerly, easterly and southerly, successively, following respectively the southern, western, northern and eastern lines of the said block II to the intersection of the latter line with the shore of a lake, namely point “H”, whose coordinates are
5 176 774 m N, 365 078 m E;
Thence, in an average southeasterly direction, along the shore of that lake skirting it on the western side to its intersection with the right bank of its effluent, namely point “I”, whose coordinates are
5 176 229 m N, 365 429 m E;
Thence, in an average southerly direction, following successively the right bank of the said effluent, the shore of a small lake skirting it on the western side then the right bank of the effluent of that small lake to its intersection with the shore of another small lake, namely point “J”, whose coordinates are
5 175 198 m N, 365 434 m E;
Thence, in an average easterly direction, following successively the shore of the latter small lake skirting it on the northern side, the left bank of a watercourse, the shore of another small lake skirting it on the southwestern side then the left bank of a watercourse to its intersection with the northwestern line of block III of the township of Booth, namely point “K”, whose coordinates are
5 175 225 m N, 367 065 m E;
Thence, northeasterly and easterly, successively, following respectively the northwestern and northern lines of the said block III to the intersection of the latter line with the western line of block I of the township of Booth, namely point “L”;
Thence, northerly, northeasterly, easterly and southeasterly, successively, following respectively the western, northwestern, northern and northeast lines of block I of the township of Booth to the intersection of the latter line with the shore of Lac Booth, namely point “M”;
Thence, first in an average southerly direction then in an average northerly direction, along the shore of Lac Booth to its intersection with the left bank of a watercourse, namely point “N”, whose coordinates are
5 176 266 m N, 371 975 m E;
Thence, in an average southeasterly direction, along the left bank of the latter watercourse in the township of Booth then in the township of Raisenne, to its intersection with the western limit of the right-of-way of a road, namely point “O”, whose coordinates are
5 174 492“North, 373 464”East;
Thence, in an average southerly direction, along the limit of the right-of-way of that road excluded from the ecological reserve to its intersection with the left bank of a watercourse, namely point “P”, whose coordinates are
5 174 242 m N, 373 522 m E;
Thence, in an average southerly direction, along the left bank of the latter watercourse to its intersection with the northeastern line of block II of the township of Raisenne, namely point “Q”, whose coordinates are
5 173 211 m N, 373 888 m E;
Thence, southeasterly, along the northeastern line of block II of the township of Raisenne, to the southeastern corner of the said block, namely the starting point “A”.
2.3 Withdrawal
TO BE WITHDRAWN from the territory whose perimeter is described above, the following parcels:
The segment of a road situated in an undivided part of the township of Booth and extending in length from its intersection with the dividing line between the townships of Booth and Raisenne, namely from line “B-C” at the place where the coordinates are
5 174 921 m N, 366 344 m E,
to its intersection with the left bank of a watercourse, namely line “J-K” at the place where the coordinates are
5 175 307 m N, 366 048 m E;
The segment of a road situated in an undivided part of the township of Booth and extending in length from its intersection with the northern limit of the right-of-way of another road, namely from line “E-F” at the place where the coordinates are
5 175 294 m N, 365 266& m E.
2.4 Area
The whole of the territory of the ecological reserve comprises 3,027 ha (30,27 km
The territory of the ecological reserve described herein is shown on a map to a scale of 1:20 000, drawn up on an extract of the survey compilation map produced by the Ministère des Ressources naturelles du Québec, folio 31L 10-200-0202. That plan, prepared by the undersigned, bears the same minute number as this technical description it accompanies.
Prepared at Québec this 19 August 2002 under number 507 of my minutes.
Land surveyor
Centre d’expertise hydrique du Québec
Service de la gestion du domaine hydrique de l’État
File: 4116-03-01-08 (8.07)
Ministère de l’Environnement du Québec
Direction du patrimoine écologique et du développement durable
File: 5141-03-08 (8.07)
O.C. 518-2003, Sch
R.R.Q., 1981, c. R-26, r. 2
O.C. 518-2003, 2003 G.O. 2, 1492 and 1527
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