c-24.2, r. 6.1 - Ministerial Order concerning riding of bicycles on shoulders

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Updated to 2 July 2016
This document has official status.
chapter C-24.2, r. 6.1
Ministerial Order concerning riding of bicycles on shoulders
Highway Safety Code
(chapter C-24.2, s. 633.2).
1. The provisions of section 487 of the Highway Safety Code (chapter C-24.2) are suspended for a person on a bicycle riding on the shoulder of the right-hand lane and in the same direction as traffic in that lane, or against the traffic if authorized to do so.
M.O. 2011-10, s. 1.
2. This Order ceases to have effect on 6 July  2019.
M.O. 2011-10, s. 2; M.O. 2016-12, s. 2.
M.O. 2011-10, 2011 G.O. 2, 1636
M.O. 2016-12, 2016 G.O. 2, 2263A