B-1.1, r. 11 - Regulation respecting safety in public baths

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Updated to 30 November 2024
This document has official status.
chapter B-1.1, r. 11
Regulation respecting safety in public baths
Building Act
(chapter B-1.1, s. 185, par. 38 and s. 215).
R.R.Q., 1981, c. S-3, r. 3; I.N. 2017-06-01.
1. In this Regulation, unless the context requires otherwise,
(a)  “appurtenance” means a water slide, a dry slide and any structure in or projecting into a public bath;
(a.1)  “wading pool” means an indoor or outdoor artificial pool with a water depth not exceeding 600 mm;
(b)  “swimming pool” means an indoor or outdoor artificial pool having a water depth which exceeds 600 mm;
(c)  “diving platform” means a rigid and non-flexible, stationary diving platform;
(d)  “safety supervisor” means a lifeguard or an assistant lifeguard;
(e)  “deck” means the surface immediately surrounding the pool and to which bathers have direct access when leaving the water.
R.R.Q., 1981, c. S-3, r. 3, s. 1; O.C. 999-86, s. 1.
2. This Regulation establishes the requirements to be respected by an owner of a pool, wading pool or beach:
(a)  situated in a public building or in a dependency; or
(b)  operated for general public bathing or for a particular public group.
It does not apply to whirlpool baths nor to therapeutic baths.
R.R.Q., 1981, c. S-3, r. 3, s. 2.
§ 1.  — Construction
3. The walls of a pool shall be vertical 150 mm from the bottom for the section that is between 750 mm and 1,400 mm, and vertical to the bottom for the section that is less than 750 mm in depth, except for the section filled by stairs or a ladder.
R.R.Q., 1981, c. S-3, r. 3, s. 3.
4. The walls of a pool shall be equipped with recessed fittings in the shallow end, at a minimal distance of 300 mm before the change from the gentle to the steep bottom slope, to which can be attached a safety line supported by buoys to warn bathers of a change in level.
R.R.Q., 1981, c. S-3, r. 3, s. 4.
5. The maximum slope of the bottom of the pool shall be:
(a)  300 mm vertically in 3.6 m horizontally for a water depth less than 1,400 mm; and
(b)  300 mm vertically in 900 mm horizontally for a water depth between 1,400 mm and 2,000 mm.
R.R.Q., 1981, c. S-3, r. 3, s. 5.
6. A ladder or stairs shall be installed:
(a)  in the shallow area if the difference in elevation between the bottom of the pool and the deck is greater than 600 mm;
(b)  on both sides of the deep area.
R.R.Q., 1981, c. S-3, r. 3, s. 6.
7. (1)  Stairs shall not project into the pool.
(2)  The dimension of steps shall be uniform and the product of the rise and run in millimetres shall be not less than 45,000 and no more than 48,500. Risers shall have a maximum rise of 200 mm and a minimum rise of 125 mm. Treads shall have a minimum run of 230 mm exclusive of nosing.
(3)  The nosing of the step shall be marked with a contrasting colour.
(4)  The surface of steps shall be equipped with a non-slip covering.
R.R.Q., 1981, c. S-3, r. 3, s. 7.
8. The ladder in a pool shall:
(a)  have rungs of a minimum length of 300 mm within the rails;
(b)  have rungs covered with a non-slip material.
R.R.Q., 1981, c. S-3, r. 3, s. 8.
9. Pools shall be surrounded by a deck adjacent to the top of the walls. This deck shall:
(a)  be covered with a non-slip surface finish;
(b)  have a minimum clear width of 1.5 m and provide a clear passage of at least 900 mm behind the spring board or diving platform and its supporting structure; and
(c)  be enclosed by a guardrail having a minimum height of 900 mm if a drop greater than 600 mm exists between the level of the deck and the ground level where the pool is situated.
R.R.Q., 1981, c. S-3, r. 3, s. 9.
10. Except for markings indicating swimming corridors, submerged surfaces of the pool shall be painted white or a pale colour and be smooth without fissures or corners.
However, basins used exclusively for underwater diving may be painted with another colour.
R.R.Q., 1981, c. S-3, r. 3, s. 10.
11. The water depth in metres shall be clearly marked on the deck in figures at least 100 mm, in a contrasting colour in the following locations:
(a)  at the deepest point;
(b)  at the break between gentle and steep bottom slopes;
(c)  at the shallow end.
However, the depth of the water for a pool for which plans were approved or that was built before 1 September 1978, may be marked in metres or in feet.
R.R.Q., 1981, c. S-3, r. 3, s. 11.
12. A black disc 150 mm in diameter shall be provided at the deep end of the pool.
R.R.Q., 1981, c. S-3, r. 3, s. 12.
13. The surface of spring boards and diving platforms shall be covered with a non-slip finish.
The surface of a submersible platform must be free of cracks and comers, have a nonship finish and be painted a contrasting colour.
R.R.Q., 1981, c. S-3, r. 3, s. 13; O.C. 999-86, s. 2.
14. The parts of a spring board or diving platform situated at least 1 m above the deck shall be equipped with a guardrail of a minimum height of 900 mm.
R.R.Q., 1981, c. S-3, r. 3, s. 14.
15. The water depth at the end of the diving platform or spring board and for a semi-circle of a 3-metre radius beyond the end of the diving platform or spring board shall not be less than:
(a)  2.7 m for a spring board or diving platform situated 0.5 m or less above the water;
(b)  3 m for a spring board or a diving platform higher than 0.5 m but less than 1 m above the water.
R.R.Q., 1981, c. S-3, r. 3, s. 15.
16. The dimensions for defining the spacing of diving installations shall respect the minimal dimensions indicated in Schedule 1. The reference point when measuring is the plummet or vertical line passing through the centre of the end of the spring board or diving platform.
However, the diving installations for which plans were approved or that were built before 31 August 1977 may comply with the dimensions indicated in Schedule 2.
R.R.Q., 1981, c. S-3, r. 3, s. 16.
17. A pool with a diving platform more than 3 m in height shall:
(a)  be equipped with a barrier that can be locked at deck level in order to control access to the platform;
(b)  be:
i.  designed exclusively for diving; or
ii.  have a rigid barrier or be equipped with recessed fittings to which can be attached double safety line 300 mm supported by buoys. The minimum distance between the pool wall under the diving platform and the double safety line or the rigid barrier shall correspond to the following table:

Height of the diving Distance from
platform the wall

m m

5 11.5
7.5 12.5
10 15
R.R.Q., 1981, c. S-3, r. 3, s. 17.
18. A device to agitate the surface water must be installed in order to aid divers in distinguishing the water surface under diving installations of 3 m or more.
R.R.Q., 1981, c. S-3, r. 3, s. 18.
19. A swimming pool whose surface is greater than 150 m2 must be provided with control stations:
(a)  equipped with chairs at least 1.8 m above the surface of the water;
(b)  the minimum number of stations to be:
i.  one control station if the surface water plan is 150 m2 to 350 m2;
ii.  2 control stations if the surface water plan is 351 m2 to 600 m2;
iii.  3 control stations if the surface water plan is 601 m2 to 900 m2;
iv.  4 control stations if the surface water plan is 901 m2 or more;
(c)  situated near enough to the walls of the pool to allow unobstructed visibility of the bottom of the pool in the supervised zone as well as designed and installed so that the safety supervisor is not blinded by the sun; and
(d)  for the exclusive use of safety supervisors.
R.R.Q., 1981, c. S-3, r. 3, s. 19.
20. A pool may be constructed with a slope towards the centre from the deck and such pool is not governed by sections 3 to 19 provided:
(a)  that the bottom is covered with a rigid white or pastel finish;
(b)  that the maximum slope of the bottom is 300 mm vertically in 3.6 m horizontally;
(c)  that the depth of the water does not exceed 1.8 m;
(d)  that the entire pool is surrounded by a deck that is at least 3 m wide;
(e)  that the bottom is marked on the length with a broken black line 300 mm wide;
(f)  that control stations are available in accordance with paragraph a of section 19, spaced at intervals not exceeding 60 m along the perimeter of the pool. If the width or the diameter of the pool exceeds 36 m, these stations shall be placed in the central parts of the pool; and
(g)  that there is no diving platform or spring board.
R.R.Q., 1981, c. S-3, r. 3, s. 20.
21. An outdoor pool used after sundown or an indoor pool shall have:
(a)  a lighting system which illuminates the underwater areas of the pool and also illuminates all parts of the deck and water surface with an illumination level at least:
i.  30 decalux for an indoor pool; and
ii.  10 decalux for an outdoor pool;
(b)  in case of failure of the electric power necessary for the lighting, an emergency lighting system insured by a generator or a recharging battery with automatic relays to illuminate the bottom of the pool, the deck and the undressing room. Any installation after 21 November 1979 shall conform to the CSA standard (C22.2 No. 141-1972) Unit Equipment for Emergency Lighting.
R.R.Q., 1981, c. S-3, r. 3, s. 21.
22. A pool shall not be accessible to the public outside of opening hours. Should a fence be used for this purpose, the height shall be a minimum of 1.20 m.
A fence may have no fixture, projection or open parts enabling it to be climbed. A fence may, however, have open parts provided that a spheric object of 100 mm in diameter cannot pass through them or, in the case of a chain wire fence, that each link measures no more than 38 mm.
R.R.Q., 1981, c. S-3, r. 3, s. 22; O.C. 999-86, s. 3.
23. When the deck is adjacent to an area used for purposes other than bathing, a fence of a minimum height of 900 mm shall separate the deck from this area and the fence shall be equipped at each entrance with a gate that can be locked.
R.R.Q., 1981, c. S-3, r. 3, s. 23.
24. A means of communication shall be at the disposal of the safety supervisor in order to call emergency services. The means of communication must be within a 100-metre radius of the control station. The emergency procedure must be posted.
R.R.Q., 1981, c. S-3, r. 3, s. 24; O.C. 999-86, s. 4.
25. A pool for which plans were approved or that was built before 31 August 1977, is not subject to sections 3, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10 and 18, to subsections 1, 2 and 4 of section 7 and to paragraphs a, b, c and d of section 20.
R.R.Q., 1981, c. S-3, r. 3, s. 25.
§ 2.  — Supervision
26. The owner shall ensure that the minimum number of lifeguards and assistant lifeguards is in accordance with Schedule 3 or, when the pool is used exclusively for aquatic courses or meets, in accordance with Schedule 4.
Where an appurtenance in or projecting into a pool blocks the safety supervisor’s view, the number of supervisors must be increased so that the entire pool remains under constant supervision.
However, when the pool is used exclusively for courses given by a physical education teacher, Schedule 4 does not apply and the owner shall ensure that the minimum number of safety supervisors is in accordance with the following table:
| |
Number | Number | Minimal number of
of | of |____________________________________
bathers | physical | |
| education | lifeguards | assistant
| teachers | | lifeguards
| | |
0 — 30 | 1 | 0 | 0
31 — 60 | 2 | 0 | 0
| or | |
| 1 | 1 | 0
61 or more | 3 | 0 | 0
| or | |
| 2 | 1 | 0
| or | |
| 1 | 1 | 1
For the purposes of this section, a “physical education teacher” is a person who holds a physical education degree issued by a university of Québec or an equivalent degree issued by another university and recognized by the Minister of Higher Education, Research, Science and Technology and who has completed as part of his university education, a minimum of 90 hours of teacher training in swimming. Such 90 hours must include a minimum of 15 hours to qualify him in life-saving, supervision, artificial respiration and first-aid. He must hold an attestation to this effect.
Notwithstanding the first paragraph, supervision is not required for an interior pool reserved to persons living in an apartment house of more than 2 storeys and 8 dwellings provided that:
(a)  the total number of bathers on the deck and in the pool does not exceed 10 persons;
(b)  a notice is posted in a conspicuous place, at the pool’s entrance on which is written in letters of at least 25 mm:
When there is no supervision:
(1)  No person shall bathe if he is alone in the pool area.
(2)  A bather less than 12 years of age is not admitted within the pool limits unless he is accompanied by a responsible person at least 18 years of age.
(3)  The total number of bathers shall never exceed 10 persons.
(4)  The pool shall always be locked from the outside.
Moreover, the means of communicating with the emergency services mentioned in section 24 and the safety equipment mentioned in section 35 shall be easily accessible at all times.
The pool’s owner is, however, exempted from the supervision stipulated by this section when the pool is used exclusively for water diving courses under the direct supervision of an instructor who holds a certificate recognized by the Fédération québécoise des activités subaquatiques.
R.R.Q., 1981, c. S-3, r. 3, s. 26; O.C. 999-86, s. 5; S.Q. 2013, c. 28, s. 204.
26.1. Notwithstanding the first paragraph of section 26, the owner of a swimming pool whose water plan surface is less than 100 m2 is not required to entrust its supervision to a safety supervisor provided that:
(a)  a person at least 16 years of age who holds an aquatic emergency care certificate dated not more than 2 years previously, issued by the Royal Lifesaving Society of Canada and identified as such, is present in the pool area when the latter is accessible;
(b)  the swimming pool is exclusively for the use of persons having access to a rooming house, the customers of a hotel, restaurant or camping site in the case of an indoor or outdoor pool;
(c)  the swimming pool is exclusively for the use of persons having access to an apartment house in the case of an outdoor pool;
(d)  no bather less than 12 years of age is admitted within the pool area unless he is accompanied by a responsible person at least 18 years of age;
(e)  the total number of bathers on the deck and in the water does not exceed 10; and
(f)  a notice is posted in a conspicuous place, at the swimming pool entrance, on which is written, in letters of at least 25 mm the conditions listed in paragraphs d and e.
O.C. 749-91, s. 1.
27. A lifeguard shall:
(a)  be at least 17 years of age; and
(b)  hold one of the following certificates dated not more than 2 years previously:
i.  a Professional Lifeguarding Certificate issued by the Académie de Sauvetage du Québec Inc.;
ii.  a National Lifeguarding Certificate issued by the National Lifeguarding Service Inc.;
iii.  a Water Instructor’s Certificate issued by the Canadian Red Cross Society or the Royal Lifesaving Society of Canada;
iv.  a Swimming Instructor Certificate and Lifesaving Instructor Certificate issued by a YMCA or YWCA as part of a national program of aquatic activities sponsored by the YMCA of Canada.
R.R.Q., 1981, c. S-3, r. 3, s. 27.
27.1. Despite section 27, a person who is at least 16 years of age and who holds a Bronze Cross Certificate issued by the Royal Lifesaving Society of Canada and dated not more than 2 years previously may act as a lifeguard for a swimming pool whose surface is smaller than 150 m2, provided that the pool is exclusively for the use of:
(1)  persons having access to an apartment house or a rooming house;
(2)  customers of a hotel, camping site or restaurant.
O.C. 369-90, s. 1.
28. An assistant lifeguard shall:
(a)  be at least 15 years of age; and
(b)  hold one of the following certificates dated not more than 2 years previously:
i.  a Junior Lifeguarding Certificate issued by the Académie de Sauvetage du Québec Inc.;
ii.  a Bronze Medallion Certificate issued by the Royal Lifesaving Society of Canada;
iii.  a Water Safety Leader’s Certificate issued by the Canadian Red Cross Society;
iv.  one of the certificates mentioned in paragraph b of section 27.
R.R.Q., 1981, c. S-3, r. 3, s. 28.
29. Safety supervisors shall be identifiable.
R.R.Q., 1981, c. S-3, r. 3, s. 29.
30. A safety supervisor may leave his post, provided:
(a)  that the other safety supervisors and at least one lifeguard remain on duty; and
(b)  that the supervisor who has left his post is within calling distance.
R.R.Q., 1981, c. S-3, r. 3, s. 30.
31. Bathers shall be evacuated and access to the pool prohibited as soon as:
(a)  a safety check is necessary; or
(b)  a hazard exists attributable to:
i.  unclear or cloudy water;
ii.  the presence of dangerous substances in the water or on the deck; or
iii.  any other circumstances creating a safety hazard for bathers.
R.R.Q., 1981, c. S-3, r. 3, s. 31.
§ 3.  — Signs and safety equipment
32. (1)  No glass container shall be allowed on the deck or in the pool.
(2)  Pushing or shoving is prohibited in the pool and on the deck.
(3)  If a spectator gallery exists, access to the deck at a distance less than 1.8 m from the sides of the pool is prohibited to spectators.
R.R.Q., 1981, c. S-3, r. 3, s. 32.
33. A sign shall be placed in full view giving bathers the provisions of subsections 1 and 2 of section 32. If letters are used, they shall be at least 25 mm in height.
The maximum number of bathers allowed in the pool and on the deck, under section 37, shall appear on this sign in letters at least 150 mm.
R.R.Q., 1981, c. S-3, r. 3, s. 33.
34. Notices shall also be placed in appropriate areas and be written in letters at least 25 mm, to inform bathers of the provisions of subsection 3 of section 32.
R.R.Q., 1981, c. S-3, r. 3, s. 34.
35. A pool shall be equipped, in areas accessible at all times, with the following safety equipment:
(a)  an electrically insulated or non-conducting reaching pole at least 3.6 m long;
(b)  two safety buoys that can be:
i.  of a ring type with an inside diameter between 275 and 380 mm solidly attached by a cable that is 3 m plus half the width of the pool in length and are placed on supports at each control station; or
ii.  of a “torpedo” type with a loop for the shoulders and at least 2 m of cable;
(c)  a spine board designed for a person who has suffered spinal injury;
(d)  (paragraph revoked);
(e)  a first aid kit in accordance with Schedule 5;
(f)  a blanket.
R.R.Q., 1981, c. S-3, r. 3, s. 35; O.C. 999-86, s. 6.
36. Each week a safety supervision shall be appointed by the owner to ensure that all safety equipment is complete and in good working order. Such supervisor shall record in a register any pertinent remarks respecting safety equipment, sign the register, inscribe the date on which he checked the equipment and return the register to the owner.
The owner shall ensure that someone checks the ground fault circuit interrupter and the appurtenances each week to see that they are in good working order.
R.R.Q., 1981, c. S-3, r. 3, s. 36; O.C. 999-86, s. 7.
§ 4.  — Operation
37. For an inside pool, the total number of bathers on the deck and in the water shall not exceed the number obtained by granting 1.4 m2 of surface in the shallow area and 2.2 m2 in the deep area.
For an outside pool, the total number of bathers on the deck and in the water shall not exceed the number obtained by granting 0.9 m2 of surface in the shallow area and 1.2 m2 in the deep area.
For purposes of calculation, the deep area of the pool is where the water depth is greater than 1.4 m.
R.R.Q., 1981, c. S-3, r. 3, s. 37.
38. Benches or seats used by spectators for aquatic events may be placed temporarily on the deck provided that:
(a)  the spectator area and the access to it are separated from the rest of the deck by a barrier placed at least 600 mm from the edge of the pool; and
(b)  benches or seats are stored outside the deck area immediately after use.
R.R.Q., 1981, c. S-3, r. 3, s. 38.
39. Pool water shall be kept free of any matter or object hazardous to the safety of bathers.
R.R.Q., 1981, c. S-3, r. 3, s. 39.
40. Pool water shall be:
(a)  of a clarity to permit the black disc mentioned in section 12 to be visible from any point on the deck 9 m from it; and
(b)  of a clarity to allow the safety supervisor of a pool, in conformity with section 20, to see, at a distance of 36 m from his control station, the broken black line required under paragraph e of section 20.
R.R.Q., 1981, c. S-3, r. 3, s. 40.
41. In a pool with a diving platform higher than 3 m, the barrier giving access to this platform shall be locked when the pool is not under supervision.
When the pool is used for diving, a double safety line or a rigid barrier shall be installed and the said limited zone shall be used only for diving.
R.R.Q., 1981, c. S-3, r. 3, s. 41.
§ 1.  — Construction
42. The submerged area of a wading pool shall be a pale colour. The bottom of the wading pool shall be of a non-slip material.
R.R.Q., 1981, c. S-3, r. 3, s. 42.
43. A wading pool shall not be accessible to the public outside of opening hours. If a fence is used for this purpose, it shall be a minimum height of 1.20 m from the ground.
A fence may have no fixture, projection or open parts enabling it to be climbed. A fence may, however have open parts provided that a spheric object of 100 mm in diameter cannot pass through them or, in the case of a chain wire fence, that each link measures no more than 38 mm.
This section does not apply to a wading pool that is emptied before the supervisor leaves.
R.R.Q., 1981, c. S-3, r. 3, s. 43; O.C. 999-86, s. 8.
§ 2.  — Supervision
44. When a wading pool is open to public, a safety supervisor shall be on duty.
R.R.Q., 1981, c. S-3, r. 3, s. 44.
45. A safety supervisor of a wading pool whose depth is higher than 150 mm shall have:
(a)  a first aid certificate issued by the St. John Ambulance Association; or
(b)  a certificate provided for in paragraph b of section 28.
R.R.Q., 1981, c. S-3, r. 3, s. 45.
§ 3.  — Safety equipment
46. A wading pool shall be provided with a first aid kit in conformity with Schedule 5 placed in an area accessible at all times.
R.R.Q., 1981, c. S-3, r. 3, s. 46.
47. A means of communication shall be at the disposal of the safety supervisor in order to call emergency services. The means of communication must be within a 100-metre radius of the control station. The emergency procedure must be posted.
R.R.Q., 1981, c. S-3, r. 3, s. 47; O.C. 999-86, s. 9.
§ 1.  — Supervision
48. When a beach is open to the public, the number of safety supervisors shall be in conformity with Schedule 6.
Where an appurtenance in or projecting into the supervised area of a beach blocks the safety supervisor’s view, the number of supervisors must be increased so that the entire area remains under constant supervision.
R.R.Q., 1981, c. S-3, r. 3, s. 48; O.C. 999-86, s. 10.
49. A lifeguard on a beach shall:
(a)  be at least 17 years of age; and
(b)  hold one of the following certificates dated not more than 2 years previously:
i.  a Professional Lifeguard Service Certificate (waterfront option) issued by the National Lifeguard Service Incorporated;
ii.  a Professional Lifeguarding Certificate, issued by the Académie de Sauvetage du Québec Inc.
However, one of the certificates listed in section 27 may be accepted for the purposes of this section if the beach length is inferior to 15 m or if it has been impossible to hire an assistant lifeguard who holds one of the certificates listed in subparagraph b.
R.R.Q., 1981, c. S-3, r. 3, s. 49.
50. An assistant lifeguard on a beach shall:
(a)  be at least 16 years of age; and
(b)  hold one of the following certificates dated not more than 2 years previously:
i.  a Junior Lifeguarding Certificate issued by the Académie de Sauvetage du Québec Inc.;
ii.  the Bronze Cross Certificate issued by the Royal Lifesaving Society of Canada;
iii.  one of the certificates mentioned in subparagraph b of section 49.
R.R.Q., 1981, c. S-3, r. 3, s. 50.
51. Safety supervisors shall be identifiable.
R.R.Q., 1981, c. S-3, r. 3, s. 51.
52. A safety supervisor may leave his post, provided:
(a)  that the other safety supervisors and at least one lifeguard remain on duty;
(b)  that the supervisor who has left his post is within calling distance.
R.R.Q., 1981, c. S-3, r. 3, s. 52.
53. Bathers shall be evacuated and access to the beach prohibited as soon as:
(a)  a safety check is necessary;
(b)  a hazard exists due to:
i.  the cloudiness of the water;
ii.  the presence of dangerous substances in the water; or
iii.  any other circumstance endangering the safety of bathers.
R.R.Q., 1981, c. S-3, r. 3, s. 53.
§ 2.  — Signs and safety equipment
54. A beach open to the public shall have the following equipment available:
(a)  one non-motorized rescue boat containing the equipment prescribed in section 56 for each unit or fraction thereof of 250 linear metres of beach; however:
i.  beaches surrounded with a wharf whose largest dimension is inferior to 75 m; and
ii.  beaches whose distance between buoy markers and the shore is inferior to 50 m and whose lifeguard towers are located outside of the buoy markers in the deep zone;
are not governed by such stipulation.
On the other hand, an aquaplane may replace the rescue boat when the distance between the buoy markers and the shore is superior to 50 m on condition that the lifeguard towers are located in the deep zone outside the buoy markers;
(b)  one lifeguard tower of a minimum height of 2.4 m for each unit or fraction of a unit of 125 linear metres of beach;
(c)  a line of white buoy markers to delimit the supervised bathing area, except in the case of an ocean beach. The water depth of the area thus delimited may not exceed 1.6 m;
(d)  for each lifeguard tower, a lifesaving buoy that may be:
i.  of a ring type, of an inside diameter comprised between 275 and 380 mm, attached to a cable having a minimum length of 15 m and placed on a support; or
ii.  of a “torpedo” type with a buckle for shoulders and at least with 2 m of cable;
(e)  (paragraph revoked);
(f)  a first aid kit in conformity with Schedule 5;
(g)  a blanket;
(h)  a means of communication at the disposal of the safety supervisor in order to call emergency services. The means of communication must be within a 100-metre radius of the control station. The emergency procedure must be posted;
(i)  a buoy marking, at the deepest point of the supervised area and for each unit, or fraction thereof of 125 linear metres of beach, the water depth in metres with characters at least 150 mm high of a contrasting colour that are legible from the beach.
R.R.Q., 1981, c. S-3, r. 3, s. 54; O.C. 999-86, s. 11.
55. Each week safety supervisor shall be appointed by the owner to ensure that the safety equipment mentioned in section 54 is complete and in good working order. Such supervisor shall record in a register any pertinent remarks respecting safety equipment, sign the register, inscribe the date on which he checked the equipment and return the register to the owner.
The owner must ensure that a person checks each week the proper working order of the appurtenances.
R.R.Q., 1981, c. S-3, r. 3, s. 55; O.C. 999-86, s. 12.
56. A rescue boat shall be equipped with:
(a)  2 oars and rowlocks;
(b)  a mooring-buoy or anchor;
(c)  3 lifesaving jackets in conformity with the standard: “Specification for life jackets: inherently buoyant type” 65-GP-7, Canadian General Standards Board; and
(d)  a ringbuoy with a maximum interior diameter of 380 mm attached to a cable having a minimum length of 15 m.
R.R.Q., 1981, c. S-3, r. 3, s. 56.
57. Except in case of necessity, a rescue boat shall not be used for patrolling bathers.
R.R.Q., 1981, c. S-3, r. 3, s. 57.
58. (1)  Glass containers are prohibited on the beach.
(2)  Canoeing and fishing are prohibited in the bathing zone.
(3)  At least 2 signs shall be placed in conspicuous areas for bathers duplicating the provisions of subsections 1 and 2. If letters are used, they shall be at least 25 mm in height.
R.R.Q., 1981, c. S-3, r. 3, s. 58.
59. Signs with at least 100 mm lettering shall be placed at each end of the beach and on the border of adjacent land at maximum 60-metre intervals in order to indicate:
(a)  supervised hours; and
(b)  the area under supervision.
R.R.Q., 1981, c. S-3, r. 3, s. 59.
60. Where an appurtenance is in or projects into the supervised area of a beach, the water depth in metres must be marked at the place where the appurtenance is situated with characters at least 150 mm high of a contrasting colour that are legible from the beach.
O.C. 999-86, s. 13.
| | | |
| |______________________|____________________________________________|
| | | |
| | 1 m 3 m | 1 m 3 m 5 m 7.5 m 10 m |
| | | |
|A. | | |
|For plummet | | |
|back to pool | | |
|wall | 1.50 1.50 | 1.25 1.25 1.50 1.50 1.50 |
| | | |
|AA. | | |
|For plummet | | |
|back to | | |
|platform | | |
|below | | 0.75 0.75 0.75 |
| | | |
|B. | | |
|From plummet | | |
|to pool wall | | |
|at side | 2.50 3.50 | 2.30 2.90 4.25 4.50 5.25 |
| | | |
|C. | | |
|From plummet | | |
|to adjacent | | |
|plummet | 1.90 1.90 | 5/3 7.5/5 10/7.5/5 |
| | | 2.10 m 2.50 m 2.75 m |
| | | 5/1 7.5/3/1 10/3 or 1|
| | | 2.10 m 2.10 m 2.75 m |
| | | |
|D. | | |
|From plummet | | |
|to pool wall | | |
|ahead | 9.00 10.25 | 8.00 9.50 10.25 11.00 13.50 |
| | | |
|E. | | |
|On plummet | | |
|from board | | |
|to ceiling | | |
|overhead | 5.00 5.00 | 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.20 3.40 |
| | | |
|F. | | |
|Clear | | |
|overhead | | |
|behind and | | |
|each side of | | |
|plummet | 2.50 2.50 | 2.75 2.75 2.75 2.75 2.75 |
| | | |
|G. | | |
|Clear | | |
|overhead | | |
|ahead of | | |
|plummet | 5.00 5.00 | 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 6.00 |
| | | |
|H. | | |
|Depth of | | |
|water at | | |
|plummet | 3.40 3.80 | 3.40 3.40 3.80 4.10 4.50 |
| | | |
|J/K. | | |
|Distance and |at a at a |5.00 dist. 6.00 6.00 8.00 12.00 |
|depth ahead |distance distance |3.30 depth 3.30 3.70 4.00 4.25 |
|of plummet |of 6.00 of 6.00 | |
| |minimum minimum | |
| |depth of depth of | |
| |3.30 3.70 | |
| | | |
|L/M. | | |
|Distance and |at a at a | 2.05 2.65 4.25 4.50 5.25 |
|depth each |distance distance | 3.30 3.30 3.70 4.00 4.25 |
|side of |of 2.50 of 3.25 | |
|plummet |minimum minimum | |
| |depth of depth of | |
| |3.30 3.70 | |
| | | |
|N. | | |
|Maximum angle| | |
|of slope to | | |
|reduce pool | | |
|bottom to | | |
|that of the | | |
|total | | |
|required | 30 30 | 30 |
|depth | degrees degrees | degrees |
| | | |
|P. | | |
|Maximum angle| | |
|of slope to | | |
|reduce | | |
|ceiling | | |
|height | | |
|beyond full | | |
|requirements | | |
|for clear | 30 30 | 30 |
|overhead | degrees degrees | degrees |
R.R.Q., 1981, c. S-3, r. 3, Sch. 1.
| | |
| | Springboard |
| | and platform |
| |_____________________________________________________|
| | | |
| | 1 m | 3 m |
| |__________________________|__________________________|
| | | |
|J/K. Distance and depth | at a distance of 6.00/ | at a distance of 6.00/ |
| ahead of plummet | minimum depth of 3 m | minimum depth of 3.50 m |
| | | |
| | | |
|L/M. Distance and depth | at a distance of 2.50/ | at a distance of 3.25/ |
| each side of plummet | minimum depth of 3 m | minimum depth of 3,50 m |
| | | |
|N. Maximum angle of | 45 degrees* | 45 degrees* |
| slope to reduce pool | | |
| bottom to that of the | | |
| total required depth | | |
* On condition that the minimum depth of the water at pool side under the springboard or platform is 1.8 m.
R.R.Q., 1981, c. S-3, r. 3, Sch. 2.

| |
| Table 1 |
| Water plan surface less than |
| 150 m2 |
| | | |
| Number of | | |
| bathers in the | | |
| water and on | | Assistant- |
| the deck | Lifeguards | lifeguards |
| | | |
| 0-50 | 1 | 0 |
| | | |
| 51 and over | 1 | 1 |
| |
| Table 2 |
| Interior pool |
| Water plan surface of |
| 150 m2 and over |
| | |
| | Minimum number of: |
| |_________________________________|
| | | |
| Number of | | |
| bathers in the | | |
| water and on | | Assistant- |
| the deck | Lifeguards | lifeguards |
| | | |
| 0-100 | 1 | 1 |
| | | |
| 101-200 | 1 | 2 |
| | | |
| 201-300 | 2 | 2 |
| | | |
| 301-400 | 2 | 3 |
| | | |
| 401-500 | 3 | 3 |
| | | |
| 501-600 | 3 | 4 |
| | | |
| 601-700 | 4 | 4 |
| | | |
| 701 and over | 4 lifeguards, 4 assistant- |
| | lifeguards and 1 additional |
| | safety supervisor for each |
| | group or fraction of group of |
| | 100 bathers over 700. |
| |
| Table 3 |
| Exterior pool |
| Water plan surface of |
| 150 m2 and over |
| | |
| | Minimum number of: |
| |_________________________________|
| | | |
| Number of | | |
| bathers in the | | |
| water and on | | Assistant- |
| the deck | Lifeguards | lifeguards |
| | | |
| 0-150 | 1 | 1 |
| | | |
| 151-300 | 1 | 2 |
| | | |
| 301-500 | 2 | 2 |
| | | |
| 501-700 | 2 | 3 |
| | | |
| 701 and over | 2 lifeguards, 3 assistant- |
| | lifeguards and 1 additional |
| | safety supervisor for each |
| | group or fraction of group of |
| | 300 bathers over 700. |
R.R.Q., 1981, c. S-3, r. 3, Sch. 3.

| | |
| | Minimum number of: |
| |_________________________________|
| | | |
| Number of | | Assistant- |
| bathers | Lifeguards | lifeguards |
| | | |
| 0-30 | 0* | 0 |
| | | |
| 31-50 | 1 | 0 |
| | | |
| 51 and over | 1 | 1 |
*A lifeguard is required if the aquatic instructor is not qualified as a lifeguard.
R.R.Q., 1981, c. S-3, r. 3, Sch. 4.
(ss. 35, 46 and 54)
1 St. John Ambulance First Aid Manual
150 ml of antiseptic solution used in hospital centers
24 Safety pins
24 Adhesive dressings individually wrapped
6 Triangular bandages
4 Rolls of 50 mm gauze bandages
4 Rolls of 100 mm gauze bandages
4 (25 g) packages of absorbent cotton wool
12 Gauze pads or compresses 75 mm × 75 mm
4 Surgical pads suitable for pressure dressings, individually wrapped
1 Roll of diachylon plaster 12 mm in width
1 Roll of diachylon plaster 50 mm in width
Splint rolls in assorted sizes
R.R.Q., 1981, c. S-3, r. 3, Sch. 5.

| | |
| | Minimum number of: |
| |_________________________________|
| | | |
| Length of | | |
| beach in | | Assistant- |
| metres | Lifeguards | lifeguards |
| | | |
| less than 125 | 1 | 0 |
| | | |
| 125 to 250 | 2 | 1 |
| | | |
| 250 to 375 | 2 | 2 |
| | | |
| 375 to 500 | 3 | 2 |
| | | |
| 500 to 625 | 3 | 3 |
| |
|N.B. For every unit or fraction of a unit of 125 |
| linear metres of beach over 625 metres, an |
| additional safety supervisor shall be added. |
R.R.Q., 1981, c. S-3, r. 3, Sch. 6.
R.R.Q., 1981, c. S-3, r. 3
O.C. 999-86, 1986 G.O. 2, 1364
O.C. 369-90, 1990 G.O. 2, 667
O.C. 749-91, 1991 G.O. 2, 1757
S.Q. 2013, c. 28, s. 204