a-5.1, r. 6 - Regulation respecting the standards for equivalence of diplomas or training for the issue of a permit by the Ordre des acupuncteurs du Québec

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Updated to 1 September 2012
This document has official status.
chapter A-5.1, r. 6
Regulation respecting the standards for equivalence of diplomas or training for the issue of a permit by the Ordre des acupuncteurs du Québec
Act respecting acupuncture
(chapter A-5.1, s. 3).
Professional Code
(chapter C-26, s. 93, par. c).
1. The secretary of the Ordre des acupuncteurs du Québec must forward a copy of this Regulation to a candidate who, for the purpose of obtaining a permit from the Order, applies to have a diploma issued by an educational institution outside Québec or training recognized as equivalent.
O.C. 147-2006, s. 1.
2. In this Regulation,
(1)  diploma equivalence means recognition by the board of directors of the Order that a diploma awarded by an educational institution outside Québec certifies that the candidate’s level of knowledge and skills is equivalent to the level attained by the holder of a diploma, recognized by a regulation of the Government made under the first paragraph of section 184 of the Professional Code (chapter C-26), giving access to the permit issued by the Order;
(2)  training equivalence means recognition by the board of directors of the Order that a candidate’s training has enabled the candidate to attain a level of knowledge and skills equivalent to the level attained by the holder of a diploma, recognized by a regulation of the Government made under the first paragraph of section 184 of the Code, giving access to the permit issued by the Order.
O.C. 147-2006, s. 2.
3. A candidate is granted a diploma equivalence if the diploma was obtained on completion of studies equivalent to at least 2,640 hours of study at the college level, including 1,980 hours of training specific to the field of acupuncture, apportioned as follows:
(1)  at least 510 hours in subjects dealing with anatomy, surface anatomy, physiology, pathology, microbiology, hygiene and asepsis, first aid and clinical assessment;
(2)  at least 885 theory and laboratory hours in subjects dealing with the clinical assessment of the energetic state of a person according to the traditional oriental method, including:
(a)  at least 240 hours on the basic theories of the traditional oriental method including thought processes, concepts, vocabulary, functioning, physiology and etiopathology;
(b)  at least 150 hours on the meridians and acupuncture points, including the fundamentals of palpation;
(c)  at least 90 hours in instrument handling techniques;
(d)  at least 285 hours on clinical assessment of the energetic state of a person according to the traditional oriental method;
(e)  at least 45 hours in communication and support assistance; and
(f)  at least 75 hours in treatment methods and semiology;
(3)  at least 90 hours on the aspects of practising acupuncture in Québec and on managing an acupuncture office; and
(4)  at least 480 hours of clinical training.
O.C. 147-2006, s. 3.
4. Despite section 3, where the diploma in respect of which an application for equivalence has been filed was issued 3 years or more before the application and the knowledge to which the candidate attests no longer corresponds to the knowledge currently being taught, having regard to the developments in the profession, the candidate is granted a training equivalence pursuant to section 5 only if the candidate has attained the required level of knowledge and skills since being awarded the diploma.
O.C. 147-2006, s. 4.
5. A candidate is granted a training equivalence if the candidate demonstrates a level of knowledge and skills equivalent to the level of the holder of a diploma, recognized by a regulation of the Government made under section 184 of the Code, giving access to the permit issued by the Order.
In assessing the training equivalence of a candidate, the board of directors must take into account the following factors:
(1)  total years of education;
(2)  diplomas obtained in relevant or related fields;
(3)  the type of courses taken, course content and marks obtained;
(4)  training periods and other learning activities completed;
(5)  the type and length of relevant clinical experience.
O.C. 147-2006, s. 5.
6. A candidate wishing to have a diploma or training equivalence recognized must provide the secretary with the following documents, together with the fees for the examination of the application required under paragraph 8 of section 86.0.1 of the Code:
(1)  a certified true copy of all diplomas held;
(2)  his or her academic record, with a detailed description of the courses taken, the number of hours for each course and the marks obtained;
(3)  where applicable, a document attesting to relevant clinical experience;
(4)  where applicable, a document attesting to participation in training periods and other training activities.
Documents written in a language other than French or English that are submitted in support of an application for equivalence must be accompanied by a French or English translation certified by the translator.
O.C. 147-2006, s. 6.
7. A committee set up for the purpose by the board of directors is to examine the applications for diploma or training equivalence and make the appropriate recommendations to the board of directors.
In order to make an appropriate recommendation, the committee may require the applicant to come to an interview, to pass an examination or to complete a training period, or to do all of those.
O.C. 147-2006, s. 7.
8. At its first meeting following receipt of a recommendation referred to in section 9, the board of directors must decide whether to
(1)  recognize the candidate’s diploma or training equivalence;
(2)  recognize the candidate’s training equivalence in part; or
(3)  refuse to recognize the candidate’s diploma or training equivalence.
The board of directors must inform the candidate of its decision by registered mail within 30 days of its decision.
If the board of directors refuses to recognize the diploma or training equivalence or recognizes the training equivalence in part, the board of directors must at the same time inform the candidate in writing of any programs of study, additional training, training periods or examinations that the candidate could successfully complete within the time it specifies to enable the candidate to be granted a training equivalence.
O.C. 147-2006, s. 8.
9. A candidate who is informed of the board of director’s decision to refuse to recognize the diploma or training equivalence applied for or to recognize the training equivalence in part may apply to the board of directors for a review, provided the candidate applies to the secretary in writing within 30 days of receiving the decision.
The board of directors must examine the application for review at the first regular meeting following its receipt and, before disposing of the application, allow the candidate to present observations.
A candidate who wishes to present observations must inform the secretary at least 5 days before the date set for the meeting. The candidate may, however, submit written observations at any time before the date set for the meeting.
The decision of the board of directors is final and must be sent to the candidate by registered mail within 30 days of the date on which it is made.
O.C. 147-2006, s. 9.
10. (Omitted).
O.C. 147-2006, s. 10.
O.C. 147-2006, 2006 G.O. 2, 1149
S.Q. 2008, c. 11, s. 212