T-11.001, r. 1 - Regulation respecting the reimbursement of councillors’ research and support expenses

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Updated to 30 November 2024
This document has official status.
chapter T-11.001, r. 1
Regulation respecting the reimbursement of councillors’ research and support expenses
Act respecting the remuneration of elected municipal officers
(chapter T-11.001, s. 31.5.1).
The former alphanumerical designation of this Regulation was chapter C-19, r. 4.
M.O. 2013-07-03; I.N. 2018-11-01.
1. This Regulation determines the research and support expenses of councillors that may be reimbursed out of the appropriation provided for in section 474.0.1 of the Cities and Towns Act (chapter C-19) and prescribes rules regarding the content of the vouchers referred to in section 474.0.3.
M.O. 2013-07-03, s. 1.
2. Only the following expenses may be reimbursed under section 474.0.1 of the Cities and Towns Act:
(1)  the cost of letterhead paper, envelopes and office supplies;
(2)  expenses to purchase or subscribe to publications and subscription expenses for specialized data banks;
(3)  mail and messenger expenses;
(4)  usual bank fees and interest;
(5)  expenses to purchase and use a mobile telephone;
(6)  expenses to rent an office not located in a councillor’s residence, and expenses for the maintenance, insurance and surveillance of that office;
(7)  expenses to purchase, rent, install and maintain furniture and office equipment, computer equipment, software and decorative accessories;
(8)  Internet subscription and connection expenses;
(9)  travel and parking expenses, excluding those incurred to attend the sittings of the council or the sittings of a commission or committee of the council;
(10)  expenses to rent a room;
(11)  hospitality, reception or meeting expenses and related expenses;
(12)  registration and subscription expenses for activities such as benefit activities, conference dinners, colloquiums, conventions, seminars or symposiums;
(13)  advertising expenses to inform the population in a district of the name of the councillor for that district and his or her photograph and contact information;
(14)  expenses for the publication of a text or for printing and distributing unaddressed mail pertaining to issues or debates of public interest;
(15)  expenses to set up and update a website or blog, in particular expenses to reserve a domain name and expenses for the hosting, design and carrying out of the site or blog;
(16)  expenses for the services of a person or partnership hired for research or support purposes, and the percentage of the salary of a political party employee corresponding to the time devoted to those purposes.
M.O. 2013-07-03, s. 2.
3. The expenses referred to in section 2 may be reimbursed to the extent that they are incurred in the performance of the councillor’s duties.
Expenses incurred to solicit memberships and financial contributions, for the organization of a nomination assembly or for the promotion for electoral purposes of an authorized party or a candidacy or for any similar purposes, are not reimbursed.
M.O. 2013-07-03, s. 3.
4. The vouchers referred to in section 474.0.3 of the Cities and Towns Act must contain
(1)  the supplier’s name and address with an indication, in the cases referred to in paragraph 16 of section 2, whether the supplier carries on duties within the office staff of an elected officer of the municipality or within the political party submitting a request for reimbursement;
(2)  a description of the nature of the good or service;
(3)  the cost of the good or service, including taxes;
(4)  the date of the transaction and, if applicable, the date or dates on which the service was provided;
(5)  a copy of the invoice, if applicable;
(6)  proof of payment;
(7)  the name of the councillor or councillors who received the good or service; and
(8)  the purpose for which the expense was incurred.
M.O. 2013-07-03, s. 4.
5. (Omitted).
M.O. 2013-07-03, s. 5.
M.O. 2013-07-03, 2013 G.O. 2, 1990