R-6.01, r. 2 - Regulation respecting the conditions and cases where authorization is required from the Régie de l’énergie

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Updated to 30 November 2024
This document has official status.
chapter R-6.01, r. 2
Regulation respecting the conditions and cases where authorization is required from the Régie de l’énergie
Act respecting the Régie de l’énergie
(chapter R-6.01, s. 114).
1. Authorization from the Régie de l’énergie is required:
(1)  to acquire, construct or dispose of immovables or assets for energy transmission or distribution purposes as well as to extend, modify or change the use of the transmission or distribution system as part of a project involving:
(a)  the transmission of electric power worth $65,000,000 or more;
(b)  the distribution of electric power worth $25,000,000 or more;
(c)  the distribution of natural gas worth $4,000,000 or more, where the distributor’s total annual delivery is 1 billion cubic metres or more; or
(d)  the distribution of natural gas worth $1,200,000 or more where the distributor’s total annual delivery is less than 1 billion cubic metres;
(2)  to cease or suspend the operations of the carrier or distributor for reasons other than public safety or normal system operation; and
(3)  to restructure the carrier’s or distributor’s operations so that a part thereof would be excluded from the application of the Act.
Authorization is also required for projects the cost of which is under the limits set in subparagraph 1 of the first paragraph and which have not yet been recognized as prudently acquired and useful for the operation of the electric power transmission system or electric power or natural gas distribution system under subparagraph 1 of the first paragraph of section 49 of the Act respecting the Régie de l’énergie (chapter R-6.01).
The second paragraph does not apply to projects for restoring service, or to connections required of the carrier or distributor after the date an application for authorization was filed.
O.C. 970-2001, ss. 1 and 6; O.C. 789-2019, s. 1.
2. An application for authorization under the first paragraph of section 1 shall contain the following:
(1)  the project objectives;
(2)  the project description;
(3)  the justification of the project with regard to the objectives;
(4)  the project costs;
(5)  the project feasibility study;
(6)  the list of authorizations required under other laws;
(7)  the impact on the rates including a sensitivity analysis;
(8)  the impact on the reliability of the electric power transmission system and on the quality of the electric power transmission service or electric power or natural gas distribution service; and
(9)  any other solutions contemplated, which must include the information referred to in the preceding paragraphs.
O.C. 970-2001, s. 2.
3. An application for authorization to acquire, construct or dispose of immovables or assets for energy transmission or distribution shall contain the following:
(1)  according to the nature of the project, the list of the principal technical standards applicable to the project;
(2)  the sales forecasts for the electric power or natural gas distributors’ project where applicable; and
(3)  the contractual commitments of the consumers of the service and their financial contributions, where applicable.
O.C. 970-2001, s. 3.
4. An application for authorization to extend, modify or change the use of a transmission or distribution system as well as a request under subparagraph 2 or 3 of the first paragraph of section 1 shall also contain an impact study on the application of the Act, its attendant regulations and any orders or decisions from the Régie.
O.C. 970-2001, s. 4.
5. An application for authorization referred to in the second paragraph of section 1 shall be made according to investment category and shall contain the following:
(1)  the descriptive summary of the investments and their objectives;
(2)  the costs based on the investment category;
(3)  the justification of the investments with regard to the objectives;
(4)  the impact on rates; and
(5)  the impact on the reliability of the electric power transmission system and the quality of the electric power transmission service or electric power or natural gas distribution service.
O.C. 970-2001, s. 5.
6. (Omitted).
O.C. 970-2001, s. 6.
O.C. 970-2001, 2001 G.O. 2, 4864
O.C. 789-2019, 2019 G.O. 2, 1651