p-9, r. 18 - Regulation respecting the establishment of Parc national des Monts-Valin

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Updated to 27 May 2024
This document has official status.
chapter P-9, r. 18
Regulation respecting the establishment of Parc national des Monts-Valin
Parks Act
(chapter P-9, s. 2).
1. The territory described in the Schedule constitutes Parc national des Monts-Valin.
O.C. 1036-96, s. 1.
2. The park is classified as a national park.
O.C. 1036-96, s. 2.
3. (Omitted).
O.C. 1036-96, s. 3.
(s. 1)
Two territories located in the official cadastre of the townships of: Gagné, Chardon, Silvy, Saint-Germains and Harvey, in the Municipalité régionale de comté du Fjord-du-Saguenay, covering a total area of 153.6 km2.
In this technical description, it is understood that when a person follows a watercourse or skirts a lake, it is always done, unless indicated otherwise, according to the outer limit of the shore, that is, the normal highwater mark.
The coordinates mentioned in this technical description refer to the official plane coordinate system of Québec (S.C.O.P.Q.), based on the modified tranverse Mercator map projection system (MTM), Zone 7, NAD 83, and were taken from 1:20,000 digital files issued by the Ministère des Ressources naturelles du Québec.
The perimeter of each those two territories, considering the above, is defined as follows:
First perimeter
Starting from Point “1” located in the Canton de Chardon, on the western limit of the right of way of forest road L-200, point whose coordinates are:
5,376,869 m N and 288,168 m E.
From that Point “1”, westerly, following a broken line whose apexes are identified by points “2”, “3”, “4”, “5”, “6”, “7”, “8” and “9” whose coordinates are:
2. 5,377,375 m N and 285,865 m E;
3. 5,377,612 m N and 285,664 m E;
4. 5,377,857 m N and 284,883 m E;
5. 5,377,848 m N and 284,270 m E;
6. 5,377,591 m N and 283,249 m E;
7. 5,377,469 m N and 282,340 m E;
8. 5,377,334 m N and 282,227 m E;
9. 5,377,061 m N and 281,187 m E;
The latter point is located on the right bank of an intermittent stream flowing into ruisseau Le Petit Bras.
From Point “9”, northerly, following the intermittent stream, so as to include it, up to Point “10” whose coordinates are:
5,377,361 m N and 281,209 m E.
From Point “10”, northerly, following a straight line up to Point “11” located on the left bank of an intermittent stream, point whose coordinates are:
5,377,511 m N and 281,247 m E.
From Point “11”, northerly, following the left bank of that stream to the meeting with the right bank of another stream, that is, Point “12”, whose coordinates are:
5,378,464 m N and 281,135 m E.
From Point “12”, southwesterly, following that stream, so as to include it, up to Point “13” whose coordinates are:
5,378,453 m N and 280,611 m E.
From Point “13”, west, following a straight line to Point “14” located on the left bank of a stream, point whose coordinates are:
5,378,453 m N and 280,411 m E.
From Point “14”, westerly then southwesterly, following that stream, so as to include it, up to the north shore of lac Balancine; westerly, skirting lac Balancine, so as to exclude it, up to Point “15” whose coordinates are:
5,378,428 m N and 279,734 m E.
From Point “15”, northwesterly, following a broken line whose apexes are identified by points: “16”, “17” and“18”. The coordinates of those points are as follows:
16. 5,378,476 m N and 279,391 m E;
17. 5,379,100 m N and 278,467 m E;
18. 5,379,745 m N and 277,936 m E.
The latter point is located ten metres (10 m) north of the bank of a watercourse.
From Point “18”, northwesterly, following a line parallel to and 10 m from the bank of that watercourse, so as to exclude it, up to its source, that is, Point “19” whose coordinates are:
5,381,685 m N and 274,950 m E.
From Point “19”, northwesterly, a straight line to the left bank of rivière Valin, that is, Point “20” whose coordinates are:
5,382,682 m N and 273,625 m E.
From Point “20”, in a general northwesterly direction, following rivière Valin, so as to exclude it, up to the meeting with the extension of the left bank of rivière Saint-Louis. Thence, in a general northwesterly direction, the said extension and the left bank of rivière Saint-Louis, to the meeting with the left bank of a stream, that is, Point “21” whose coordinates are:
5,389,754 m N and 273,356 m E.
From Point “21”, in a general southeasterly direction, following that stream, so as to exclude it, while passing through Points “22” and “23” up to Point “24”.
The coordinates of those points are:
22. 5,389,717 m N and 273,713 m E;
23. 5,389,305 m N and 274,289 m E;
24. 5,389,084 m N and 275,025 m E.
From Point “24”, southeasterly then northeasterly, following a broken line passing through Points “25” and “26” whose coordinates are:
25. 5,388,847 m N and 275,491 m E;
26. 5,389,366 m N and 276,315 m E.
The latter point is located thirty metres (30 m) south of the shore of a small lake.
From Point “26”, easterly, following a line parallel to and thirty metres (30 m) from the shore of the lake, so as to exclude that lake, up to the meeting with a line parallel to and 30 m from the left bank of a tributary, that is, Point “27” whose coordinates are:
5,389,405 m N and 276,388 m E.
From Point “27”, easterly, following that line parallel to the tributary, up to Point “28” whose coordinates are:
5,389,362 m N and 277,016 m E.
From Point “28”, easterly, following a broken line passing through Points “29” and “30” whose coordinates are:
29. 5,389,426 m N and 277,455 m E;
30. 5,389,423 m N and 277,947 m E.
The latter point is located on the north shore of a small unnamed lake.
From Point “30”, southeasterly, skirting that lake, so as to include it, the left bank of its effluent, a small unnamed lake, so as to include it, the left bank of a tributary of lac Maurice, lac Maurice, so as to include it, and the left bank of its effluent to the west shore of lac aux Canots. That limit passes successively through Points “31”, “32”, “33”, “34”, “35”, “36” and “37” whose coordinates are:
31. 5,389,386 m N and 277,984 m E;
32. 5,389,305 m N and 278,177 m E;
33. 5,389,257 m N and 278,273 m E;
34. 5,388,888 m N and 278,674 m E;
35. 5,388,940 m N and 278,794 m E;
36. 5,388,976 m N and 278,811 m E;
37. 5,388,431 m N and 279,567 m E.
From Point “37”, southeasterly, skirting lac aux Canots, so as to exclude it, up to Point “38” whose coordinates are:
5,388,337 m N and 279,609 m E.
From Point “38”, southeasterly, following a straight line along a bearing of 111º10′ up to the meeting with the east shore of lac aux Canots; southeasterly, skirting that lake and following rivière Bras des Canots, so as to include them, up to the meeting with the right bank of a tributary of the said lake; easterly, following that tributary, so as to include it, to the meeting with the western limit of the right of way of the route du Bras-des-Canots, that is, Point “39” whose coordinates are:
5,388,252 m N and 279,683 m E.
From Point “39”, northeasterly, following the limit of the right of way of the route du Bras-de-Canots, so as to include it, up to the meeting with the right bank of a tributary of baie d’Alexis, that is, Point “40” whose coordinates are:
3,388,431 m N and 282,361 m E.
From Point “40”, northwesterly, following the right bank of the said tributary passing through Point “41”, and baie d’Alexis, so as to exclude it, up to the northern limit of that bay, that is, up to Point “42” whose coordinates are:
41. 5,388,632 m N and 282,310 m E;
42. 5,390,336 m N and 281,460 m E.
From Point “42”, northwesterly, then in a general northeasterly direction, following a broken line passing successively through Points “43”, “44”, “45”, “46” and “47” whose coordinates are:
43. 5,390,741 m N and 281,170 m E;
44. 5,390,813 m N and 282,104 m E;
45. 5,391,860 m N and 282,228 m E;
46. 5,392,078 m N and 282,541 m E;
47. 5,392,928 m N and 283,126 m E.
The latter point is located on the southern limit of the right of way of forest road L-201 near the eastern limit of the abutment of the bridge.
From Point “47”, southeasterly, following the limit of the right of way of forest road L-201, so as to exclude it, up to the meeting with the western limit of the right of way of the route du Bras-des-Canots, that is, Point “51” whose coordinates are:
5,391,787 m N and 286,614 m E.
From Point “51”, southwesterly, following the limit of the right of way of the route du Bras-des-Canots, so as to exclude it, up to the meeting with the right bank of a tributary of lac Martin-Valin, that is, Point “94” whose coordinates are:
5,390,590 m N and 285,464 m E.
From Point “94”, easterly, following the right bank of that tributary to the meeting with eastern limit of the right of way of the route du Bras-des-Canots, that is, Point “95” whose coordinates are:
5,390,583 m N and 285,489 m E;
From Point “95”, southwesterly, following that limit of the right of way, so as to include it, up to the meeting with the left bank of one of the tributaries of lac Martin-Valin, that is, Point “52” whose coordinates are:
5,389,651 m N and 284,674 m E;
From Point “52”, easterly, following the left bank of that latter tributary to Point “53” whose coordinates are:
5,389,634 m N and 285,976 m E.
From Point “53”, easterly, following a straight line to Point “54” whose coordinates are:
5,389,624 m N and 286,257 m E.
From Point “54”, northeasterly, following a chain of streams and lakes, so as to exclude them, while passing through Points “55”, “56”, “57” and “58” whose coordinates are:
55. 5,389,745 m N and 286,420 m E;
56. 5,389,774 m N and 286,429 m E;
57. 5,389,755 m N and 286,570 m E;
58. 5,389,851 m N and 286,867 m E.
The latter point is located on the southwest shore of lac de Dieppe.
From Point “58”, southeasterly, skirting lac de Dieppe and following its effluent, so as to exclude them, up to Point “59” whose coordinates are:
5,389,561 m N and 287,105 m E.
From Point “59”, easterly, following a straight line to the meeting with the western limit of the right of way of forest road L-201, that is, Point “60” whose coordinates are:
5,389,557 m N and 287,118 m E.
From Point “60”, in a general southwesterly then southeasterly direction, following the limit of the right of way of forest road L-201, so as to exclude it, up to Point “61” whose coordinates are:
5,380,073 m N and 285,934 m E.
From Point “61”, southeasterly the southerly, following the western limit of the right of way of forest road L-201 then the western limit of the right of way of the road passing through Point “62” and“63”. The coordinates of those points are:
62. 5,379,305 m N and 286,132 m E;
63. 5,378,045 m N and 286,015 m E.
From Point “63”, southeasterly, following a straight line to Point “64” whose coordinates are:
5,377,757 m N and 286,232 m E.
That point is located on the west shore of a small unnamed lake.
From Point “64”, easterly, skirting the latter lake, so as to include it, up to its eastern extremity, that is, Point “65” whose coordinates are:
5,377,735 m N and 286,425 m E.
From Point “65”, easterly, following a straight line to the meeting with the western limit of the right of way of forest road L-201, that is, Point “66” whose coordinates are:
5,377,691 m N and 287,997 m E.
From Point “66”, southeasterly then southerly, following the limit of the right of way of forest roads L-201 and L-200, so as to exclude them, up to the starting point, that is, Point “1”.
Also included in that territory is the parcel of land located on the edge of lac Morin, identified by numbers “48”, “49” and “50” on the attached map and bounded as follows:
Northerly, along the south shore of lac Morin; easterly, along the eastern limit of the resort lot bearing lease number 43247; southwesterly, along the northeastern limit of the right of way of forest road L-201.
Area of that territory: 134.9 km2.
Second perimeter
Starting from Point “68” located in the southeast part of the Canton de Chardon, on the eastern limit of the right of way of forest road L-200, at the intersection with the eastern limit of the right of way of another forest road, at a point whose S.C.O.P.Q. coordinates are:
5,377,853 m N and 288,396 m E.
From Point “68”, easterly, following a straight line to Point “69” located 30 m from the eastern limit of that latter forest road, point whose coordinates are:
5,377,852 m N and 288,414 m E.
From Point “69”, southerly, southeasterly then northeasterly, following a line parallel to and 30 m from the limit of the right of way of the forest road, so as to include it, while passing through Points “70”, “71” and“72”. The coordinates of those points are:
70. 5,377,570 m N and 288,383 m E;
71. 5,377,470 m N and 288,486 m E;
72. 5,378,911 m N and 289,314 m E;
From Point “72”, northerly, following a straight line to the meeting with the southern limit of the right of way of a forest road, that is, Point “73” whose coordinates are:
5,379,973 m N and 289,400 m E.
From Point “73”, northeasterly then southeasterly, following the limit of the right of way of the aforesaid road and forest road L-200, so as to exclude them, up to the meeting with a line parallel to and thirty metres (30 m) from the eastern limit of the right of way of a forest road, that is, Point “74” whose coordinates are:
5,379,773 m N and 290,233 m E.
From Point “74”, southwesterly, following that latter line parallel to the aforementioned forest road up to Point “75” located 30 m east of the left bank of the effluent of lac Poulin, point whose coordinates are:
5,379,360 m N and 289,739 m E;
From Point “75”, southerly, following a line parallel to an 30 m from the left bank of the effluent of lac Poulin to Point “76” whose coordinates are:
5,378,689 m N and 289,697 m E.
From Point “76”, northeasterly, southeasterly then southwesterly, following a broken line passing through Points “77”, “78”, “79”, “80”, “81”, “82”, “83”, “84” and “85”. The coordinates of those points are:
77. 5,379,425 m N and 290,918 m E;
78. 5,380,132 m N and 291,957 m E;
79. 5,381,140 m N and 292,858 m E;
80. 5,381,477 m N and 293,275 m E;
81. 5,380,988 m N and 293,671 m E;
82. 5,380,762 m N and 294,134 m E;
83. 5,379,758 m N and 293,645 m E;
84. 5,379,468 m N and 293,314 m E;
85. 5,378,462 m N and 292,018 m E.
The latter point is located 30 m east of the left bank of a stream.
From Point “85”, southerly then southeasterly, following a line parallel to and thirty metres (30 m) from the left or east shore of a chain of lakes and streams up to its extension on the right bank of rivière Sainte-Marguerite, that is, Point “86” whose coordinates are:
5,374,423 m N and 293,156 m E.
From Point “86”, southeasterly, following rivière Sainte-Marguerite, so as to exclude it, up to the meeting with the northern limit of the right of way of a forest road crossing that river, that is, Point “87” whose coordinates are:
5,374,324 m N and 293,366 m E.
From Point “87”, southwesterly then northwesterly, following the limit of the right of way of that forest road, so as to exclude it, while passing through Point “88” and “89”. The coordinates of those points are:
88. 5,374,142 m N and 292,947 m E;
89. 5,374,260 m N and 292,390 m E.
From Point “89”, northwesterly then southwesterly following a broken line passing through Points: “90”, “91”, “92” and “93”. The coordinates of those points are:
90. 5,374,574 m N and 291,541 m E;
91. 5,375,247 m N and 290,592 m E;
92. 5,376,166 m N and 289,588 m E;
93. 5,375,767 m N and 288,754 m E.
The latter point is located on the eastern limit of the right of way of forest road L-200.
From Point “93”, in a general northerly direction, following the limit of the right of way of forest road L-200, so as to exclude it, up to Point “68”, that is, the starting point.
Area of that territory: 18.7 km2.
The following have been withdrawn from the territories described above: the parcels of land having been the subject of a lease respecting occupation for personal resort purposes or for various purposes. Those leases, issued by the Ministère des Ressources naturelles, bear the following numbers:
33841, 42426, 42558, 42657, 43239, 43240, 43471, 44703, 45582, 45593, 47810, 50558, 50579, 50584, 50586, 50590, 50596, 51648, 51649, 53017, 53977, 59462, 81581, 82184.
The whole as shown on map P-9107 to a scale of 1:25,000 and on map P-9094, folio 2. A reduced and simplified version of map P-9107 bearing number P-9107-1 is attached hereto for information purposes.
The original of these documents is kept at the Division des données foncières et de la cartographie of the Ministère de l’Environnement et de la Faune.
Prepared by: HENRI MORNEAU
Land Surveyor
Québec, 4 April 1996
Minute 9,107
Toponymie reviewed by the Commission de toponymie in November 1995.
O.C. 1036-96.
O.C. 1036-96, 1996 G.O. 2, 3922
S.Q. 2001, c. 63, s. 13