P-9, r. 12 - Regulation respecting the establishment of Parc national du Lac-Témiscouata

Full text
Updated to 30 November 2024
This document has official status.
chapter P-9, r. 12
Regulation respecting the establishment of Parc national du Lac-Témiscouata
Parks Act
(chapter P-9, s. 2).
1. The territory described in the Schedule constitutes Parc national du Lac-Témiscouata.
O.C. 1123-2009, s. 1.
2. (Omitted).
O.C. 1123-2009, s. 2.
In this technical description, it is understood that when one follows a watercourse or skirts a lake, it is always done, unless indicated otherwise, along the outer limit of the bank or shore, that is, the high-water mark.
A territory comprised of four perimeters, located in the regional county municipalities of Rivière-du-Loup and Témiscouata and forming part of the Seigneurie de Madawaska, having a total area of 176.5 km2 and whose perimeters are defined as follows:
Perimeter 1
Commencing at point 1, being located at the meeting point of the southeast right of way of Route 232 and the southern boundary of lease number 111,705 issued by the Ministère des Ressources naturelles et de la Faune, a point whose approximate coordinates are:
5,297,192 m N and 201,943 m E;
Thence, easterly, along the said boundary while extending it to reach point 2, located approximately 200 m from the high-water mark, whose coordinates are:
5,297,188 m N and 202,179 m E;
Thence, in general southerly and southwesterly directions, along a broken line passing through the apexes whose coordinates are:
5,296,702 m N and 202,302 m E;
5,296,337 m N and 202,312 m E (point 3);
5,296,094 m N and 202,229 m E;
5,295,558 m N and 202,191 m E;
5,294,569 m N and 201,982 m E;
5,294,380 m N and 201,994 m E (point 4);
5,294,082 m N and 201,898 m E;
5,293,536 m N and 201,613 m E;
5,293,292 m N and 201,569 m E;
5,292,919 m N and 201,481 m E;
5,292,762 m N and 201,575 m E (point 5);
5,292,527 m N and 201,458 m E;
5,292,460 m N and 201,339 m E;
5,292,246 m N and 201,190 m E;
5,292,134 m N and 201,079 m E;
5,292,053 m N and 200,897 m E;
5,291,841 m N and 200,800 m E;
5,291,710 m N and 200,709 m E;
5,291,659 m N and 200,487 m E;
5,291,659 m N and 200,486 m E (point 6);
Thence, northerly, along a straight line to point 7 located on the high-water mark of lac Témiscouata, whose approximate coordinates are:
5,291 875 m N and 200,486 m E;
Thence, in general northerly and northwesterly directions, along that line to the meeting point with the left bank of ruisseau de la Pointe au Sable so as to exclude it;
Thence, northerly, along the bank to point 8 located on the right of way of Route 232;
Thence, in a general northeasterly direction, along the right of way to point 1, the point of commencement.
Area: 2.6 km2
Perimeter n° 2
Commencing at point 9, located at the meeting point of the southeast right of way of Route 232 and the northeastern boundary of lease number 111,705 issued by the Ministère des Ressources naturelles et de la Faune, a point whose approximate coordinates are:
5,298,107 m N and 202,602 m E;
Thence, northeasterly, along the right of way to point 10, located 100 m northeast of the centre line of a forest road, whose approximate coordinates are:
5,298,874 m N and 204,355 m E;
Thence, in a general southerly direction, along a broken line passing through the apexes whose coordinates are:
5,298,823 m N and 204,396 m E;
5,298,586 m N and 204,465 m E;
5,298,422 m N and 204,495 m E;
5,298,320 m N and 204,439 m E,
5,298,054 m N and 204,395 m E;
5,297,710 m N and 204,405 m E;
5,297,499 m N and 204,351 m E;
5,297,271 m N and 204,239 m E (point 11);
That latter point, whose coordinates are approximate, is located on the left bank of ruisseau Marquis;
Thence, in a general northeasterly direction, along the left bank of the said creek so as to exclude it, to point 12, whose approximate coordinates are:
5,299,121 m N and 206,561 m E;
Thence, in easterly and northeasterly directions, along a broken line passing through the apexes whose coordinates are:
5,298,922 m N and 207,571 m E;
5,298,856 m N and 207,835 m E;
5,298,947 m N and 208,248 m E;
5,299,615 m N and 209,078 m E;
5,299,160 m N and 209,579 m E (point 13);
That latter point, whose coordinates are approximate, is located on the left bank of an intermittent creek;
Thence, in general southerly and westerly directions, along the said bank of the creek so as to include it, to point 14 located at a distance of 100 m northeast of the centre line of a forest road, a point whose approximate coordinates are:
5,297,121 m N and 208,705 m E;
Thence, in general southeasterly, northeasterly and southwesterly directions, along a broken line passing through the apexes whose coordinates are:
5,296,962 m N and 208,817 m E;
5,296,836 m N and 208,731 m E;
5,296,653 m N and 208,808 m E;
5,296,339 m N and 209,297 m E;
5,296,565 m N and 209,759 m E;
5,296,692 m N and 209,887 m E;
5,296,798 m N and 210,069 m E;
5,296,767 m N and 210,257 m E;
5,296,630 m N and 210,474 m E;
5,296,319 m N and 210,565 m E;
5,296,171 m N and 210,909 m E (point 15);
That latter point is located at the intersection of 2 parallel lines at a distance of 100 m from the centre line of a forest road and the centre line of Route Touristique;
Thence, in general northeasterly and northernly directions, along a broken line passing through the apexes whose coordinates are:
5,296,649 m N and 211,146 m E;
5,297,096 m N and 211,604 m E;
5,297,275 m N and 211,656 m E;
5,297,502 m N and 211,635 m E;
5,297,795 m N and 211,845 m E;
5,298,185 m N and 211,885 m E;
5,298,446 m N and 211,907 m E;
5,298,737 m N and 211,890 m E;
5,298,905 m N and 211,834 m E;
5,299,139 m N and 211,887 m E;
5,299,589 m N and 211,851 m E;
5,299,746 m N and 211,765 m E;
5,299,864 m N and 211,762 m E;
5,299,965 m N and 211,685 m E;
5,300,203 m N and 211,677 m E (point 16);
Thence, easterly, along a straight line to point 17 located on a parallel line 15 m west of the centre line of a forest road so as to exclude it, a point whose coordinates are:
5,300,203 m N and 212,897 m E;
Thence, in a general southerly direction, along that parallel line, passing through the following points:
Point 18 5,298,172 m N and 213,009 m E;
Point 19 5,297,544 m N and 213,053 m E;
Point 20 5,297,390 m N and 213,333 m E;
Point 21 5,295,546 m N and 213,173 m E;
Point 22 5,295,193 m N and 213,531 m E;
Point 23 5,294,594 m N and 213,111 m E;
Point 24 5,294,509 m N and 213,209 m E;
Point 25 5,294,064 m N and 213,092 m E;
Point 26 5,292,492 m N and 212,299 m E;
Point 27 5,290,823 m N and 212,709 m E;
Point 28 5,290,709 m N and 212,866 m E;
That latter point, whose coordinates are approximate, is located on the right bank of ruisseau du Castor;
Thence, in a general southwesterly direction, along the bank of the creek so as to exclude it, to point 29, located on a line parallel to and 15 m west of the centre line of a forest road, a point whose coordinates are:
5,288,567 m N and 212,416 m E;
Thence, in a general southerly direction, along the parallel line to point 30, located at the intersection of another line parallel to and 15 m north of the centre line of another forest road, a point whose coordinates are:
5,288,320 m N and 212,381 m E;
Thence, southeasterly, along a straight line to point 31, located on a line parallel to and 100 m south of the centre line of a forest road, a point whose coordinates are:
5,288,219 m N and 212,433 m E;
Thence, southwesterly, along the parallel line to point 32, located on another line parallel to and 100 m east of the centre line of a forest road so as to include it, a point whose coordinates are:
5,288,171 m N and 212,341 m E;
Thence, in southeasterly and southwesterly directions, along a broken line passing through the apexes whose coordinates are:
5,287,855 m N and 212,474 m E;
5,287,738 m N and 212,491 m E;
5,287,263 m N and 212,400 m E;
5,287,184 m N and 212,360 m E;
5,287,095 m N and 212,354 m E (point 33);
That latter point, whose coordinates are approximate, is located on the left bank of an unnamed creek;
Thence, easterly, along the creek so as to exclude it, to point 34 located on the northwestern boundary of lot 20 of Rang VII Saint-Juste in the Seigneurie de Madawaska;
Thence, southwesterly, along a part of the north-western boundary of lot 20 of Rang VII Saint-Juste in the Seigneurie de Madawaska and the northwestern boundary of lots 20, 19 and 18 of Rang VI Saint-Juste of the Seigneurie de Madawaska to point 35, located on a line parallel to and 15 m northeast of the centre line of a forest road;
Thence, in general northwesterly and southwesterly directions, along the said line parallel to the road so as to exclude it, passing through points whose coordinates are:
Point 36 5,286,335 m N and 211,315 m E;
Point 37 5,284,754 m N and 210,422 m E;
Point 38 5,284,562 m N and 210,136 m E;
Point 39 5,284,303 m N and 209,871 m E;
That latter point being located on a line parallel to and 100 m south of the centre line of a forest road;
Thence, in a general southwesterly direction, along the said line parallel to the road so as to include it, passing through the points whose coordinates are as follows:
5,284,287 m N and 209,705 m E;
5,284,304 m N and 209,586 m E;
5,284,287 m N and 209,453 m E;
5,284,318 m N and 209,353 m E;
5,284,207 m N and 209,250 m E;
5,284,153 m N and 209,152 m E;
5,284,026 m N and 209,071 m E;
5,283,953 m N and 209,009 m E (point 40);
5,283,749 m N and 209,009 m E;
5,283,666 m N and 208,999 m E;
5,283,586 m N and 208,946 m E;
5,283,517 m N and 208,871 m E;
5,283,483 m N and 208,776 m E;
5,283,434 m N and 208,722 m E;
5,283,279 m N and 208,639 m E;
5,283,137 m N and 208,556 m E;
5,282,995 m N and 208,491 m E;
5,282,818 m N and 208,393 m E (point 41);
5,281,886 m N and 207,675 m E (point 42);
That latter point is located at the intersection of 2 lines parallel to and 15 m to the north and east of the centre lines of a path and a road;
Thence, in a general northwesterly direction, along a line parallel to and 15 m east of the centre line of a road so as to exclude it, to point 43, whose coordinates are:
5,282,284 m N and 207,434 m E;
Thence, northeasterly, along a line parallel to and 15 m east of the centre line of the road so as to exclude it, to point 44, whose coordinates are:
5,282,457 m N and 207,503 m E;
Thence, in general southeasterly and northeasterly directions, along a broken line passing through the apexes whose coordinates are:
5,282,422 m N and 207,566 m E;
5,282,497 m N and 207,575 m E;
5,282,560 m N and 207,596 m E (point 45);
That latter point, whose coordinates are approximate, is located on the left bank of rivière Touladi;
Thence, in a general northeasterly direction, along the left bank of the said river so as to exclude it to point 46, whose approximate coordinates are:
5,283,092 m N and 208,125 m E;
Thence, northwesterly, along a straight line to point 47, whose coordinates are:
5,283,154 m N and 207,938 m E;
Thence, in a general southwesterly direction, along a broken line passing through the apexes whose coordinates are:
5,283,083 m N and 207,892 m E;
5,282,995 m N and 207,808 m E;
5,282,911 m N and 207,730 m E;
5,282,857 m N and 207,619 m E;
5,282,803 m N and 207,548 m E;
5,282,751 m N and 207,512 m E;
5,282,744 m N and 207,405 m E;
5,282,692 m N and 207,318 m E;
5,282,597 m N and 207,251 m E (point 48);
That latter point being located on the extension of the northeastern boundary of the lease bearing number 130,880 issued by the Ministère des Ressources naturelles et de la Faune;
Thence, along the extension of that boundary to point 49, being the northern corner of the lease bearing number 130,880 issued by the Ministère des Ressources naturelles et de la Faune, whose approximate coordinates are:
5,282,568 m N and 207,317 m E;
Thence, in general southwesterly, northwesterly and southwesterly directions, along the northwestern, north-eastern and northwestern boundaries of leases bearing numbers 130,880, 132,847, 130,914, 130,958, 130,910, 130,987, 130,873, 130,885, 132,022, 130,982, 130,983, 132,703, 130,618, 130,887, 130,989, 130,977, 130,973, 130,913, 130,916, 130,878, 132,695, 130,733, 130,981, 130,975, 130,985, 130,868, 132,701, 130,912 and 132,739 issued by the Ministère des Ressources naturelles et de la Faune so as to exclude them, to point 50, which is the northwestern corner of lease number 132,739, whose approximate coordinates are:
5,282,426 m N and 206,514 m E;
Thence, along the southwestern boundary of the said lease so as to exclude it, to point 51 located on the high-water mark of lac Témiscouata, whose approximate coordinates are:
5,282,345 m N and 206,547 m E;
Thence, southwesterly and in general northwesterly, northerly and northeasterly directions, along a line parallel to and approximately 200 m from the high-water mark of lac Témiscouata, passing through the points whose coordinates are:
5,282,150 m N and 206,501 m E (point 52);
5,282,166 m N and 206,433 m E;
5,282,418 m N and 206,104 m E;
5,282,791 m N and 205,741 m E;
5,283 350 m N and 205,302 m E;
5,283,667 m N and 205,126 m E (point 53);
5,283,626 m N and 204,594 m E;
5,283,559 m N and 204,244 m E;
5,283,573 m N and 204,026 m E;
5,284,777 m N and 202,337 m E (point 54);
5,284,912 m N and 202,299 m E;
5,285,212 m N and 201,984 m E;
5,285,288 m N and 201,705 m E;
5,285,445 m N and 201,562 m E;
5,285,516 m N and 201,541 m E;
5,285,640 m N and 201,546 m E;
5,285,735 m N and 201,477 m E;
5,285,829 m N and 201,443 m E;
5,286,202 m N and 201,401 m E;
5,286,281 m N and 201,310 m E (point 55);
5,286,392 m N and 201,241 m E;
5,286,619 m N and 201,173 m E;
5,286,773 m N and 201,189 m E;
5,286,871 m N and 201,012 m E;
5,287,106 m N and 200,991 m E;
5,287,436 m N and 201,066 m E;
5,287,652 m N and 201,076 m E;
5,287,556 m N and 200,945 m E;
5,287,553 m N and 200,785 m E;
5,287,640 m N and 200,575 m E (point 56);
5,287,722 m N and 200,491 m E;
5,287,698 m N and 200,404 m E;
5,287,707 m N and 200,185 m E;
5,287,788 m N and 200,030 m E;
5,288,001 m N and 199,925 m E;
5,288,130 m N and 199,908 m E;
5,288,327 m N and 199,935 m E;
5,288,493 m N and 200,044 m E;
5,288,575 m N and 200,158 m E;
5,288,750 m N and 200,187 m E (point 57);
5,288,862 m N and 200,287 m E;
5,289,066 m N and 200,339 m E;
5,289,281 m N and 199,980 m E;
5,289,575 m N and 200,063 m E;
5,289,672 m N and 200,240 m E;
5,289,895 m N and 200,610 m E;
5,290,081 m N and 200,718 m E;
5,290,508 m N and 200,918 m E;
5,290,555 m N and 201,013 m E;
5,290,562 m N and 201,257 m E (point 58);
5,290,657 m N and 201,268 m E;
5,291,123 m N and 201,488 m E;
5,291,891 m N and 201,998 m E;
5,292,173 m N and 202,171 m E;
5,292,341 m N and 202,292 m E;
5,292,621 m N and 202,358 m E;
5,292,809 m N and 202,283 m E;
5,293,130 m N and 202,331 m E;
5,293,363 m N and 202,498 m E;
5,293,379 m N and 202,851 m E (point 59);
5,293,549 m N and 202,832 m E;
5,293,724 m N and 202,897 m E;
5,293,893 m N and 203,096 m E;
5,293,954 m N and 203,187 m E;
5,294,070 m N and 203,242 m E;
5,294,147 m N and 203,165 m E;
5,294,553 m N and 203,118 m E;
5,294,827 m N and 203,157 m E;
5,295,022 m N and 203,169 m E;
5,295,213 m N and 203,267 m E (point 60);
5,295,540 m N and 203,270 m E;
5,295,716 m N and 203,238 m E;
5,295,852 m N and 203,285 m E;
5,295,952 m N and 203,357 m E;
5,296,098 m N and 203,412 m E;
5,296,131 m N and 203,644 m E;
5,296,088 m N and 203,763 m E;
5,296,337 m N and 203,712 m E;
5,296,480 m N and 203,713 m E;
5,296,915 m N and 203,785 m E (point 61);
5,296,984 m N and 203,499 m E;
5,297,182 m N and 203,185 m E;
5,297,292 m N and 203,016 m E;
5,297,326 m N and 202,927 m E;
5,297,381 m N and 202,883 m E;
5,297,439 m N and 202,809 m E (point 62);
Thence, northeasterly, along a straight line to point 63, located on the lac Témiscouata high-water mark, whose approximate coordinates are:
5,297,575 m N and 202,905 m E;
Thence, northerly and northwesterly, along the northeastern boundary of the territory under lease bearing number 111,705 issued by the Ministère des Ressources naturelles et de la Faune, to point 9, which is the point of commencement.
Area: 155.7 km2
The following leases issued by the Ministère des Ressources naturelles et de la Faune are to be excluded from the territory: 130,773, 130,957, 130,972, 132,018, 132,023, 132,704, 132,923, 132,925, 132,926 and 134,062.
Perimeter 3
Commencing at point 64 located at the meeting point of the high-water mark of lac Témiscouata and the northwestern boundary of lot 21 of Rang V Saint-Juste in the Seigneurie de Madawaska;
Thence, in a northeasterly direction, along that boundary as well as the northeastern boundary of lot 38 of Rang I Saint-Juste in the Seigneurie de Madawaska to point 65 located on the north corner of the latter lot;
Thence, southeasterly, along that boundary to point 66 located on the northwestern boundary lot 19 of Rang V Saint-Juste in the Seigneurie de Madawaska;
Thence, in a northeasterly direction, along the north-western boundaries of lots 19 and 18 as well as a part of lot 17 of Rang V Saint-Juste in the Seigneurie de Madawaska, to point 67, whose approximate coordinates are:
5,275,432 m N and 211,593 m E;
Thence, southeasterly, easterly, northwesterly, westerly and northwesterly, along a broken line passing through the apexes whose coordinates are:
5,275,379 m N and 211,621 m E;
5,275,449 m N and 212,222 m E;
5,275,549 m N and 212,195 m E;
5,275,548 m N and 211,961 m E;
5,275,608 m N and 211,929 m E (point 68);
That latter point, whose coordinates are approximate, is located on the northwestern boundary of lot 16 of Rang V Saint-Juste in the Seigneurie de Madawaska;
Thence, northeasterly, along a part of the northwestern boundaries of lots 16 and 15 of Rang V Saint-Juste in the Seigneurie de Madawaska, to point 69, whose approximate coordinates are:
5,275,723 m N and 212,149 m E;
Thence, southeasterly, easterly, northeasterly and northwesterly, along a broken line passing through the apexes, whose coordinates are:
5,275,690 m N and 212,166 m E;
5,275,722 m N and 212,350 m E;
5,275,761 m N and 212,425 m E;
5,275,865 m N and 212,478 m E;
5,275,888 m N and 212,465 m E (point 70);
That latter point, whose coordinates are approximate, is located on the northwestern boundary of lot 14 of Rang V Saint-Juste in the Seigneurie de Madawaska;
Thence, in a northeasterly direction, along the north-western boundary of Rang V Saint-Juste in the Seigneurie de Madawaska to point 71, located on the right bank of ruisseau de la Baie whose approximate coordinates are:
5,277,337 m N and 215,218 m E;
Thence, in general northeasterly and southeasterly directions, along the said bank of the said creek so as to include it, to point 72 located on the right bank of an unnamed creek, whose approximate coordinates are:
5,278,270 m N and 216,605 m E;
Thence, in a general southeasterly direction, along the said bank of the said creek so as to include it, to point 73 located on the right bank of a tributary, whose approximate coordinates are:
5,277,366 m N and 217,543 m E;
Thence, southeasterly and northeasterly, along the right bank of the tributary so as to include it, to point 74 located on the southwestern right of way of Route 295;
Thence, in a general southeasterly direction, along the right of way so as to exclude it, to point 75 located at the meeting point with the southeastern boundary of lot 29 of Rang B Est Rivière Madawaska in the Seigneurie de Madawaska;
Thence, southwesterly, along the boundary to point 76 located on the northeastern boundary of lot 29 B-12 of Rang B Est Rivière Madawaska of the cadastre of the Seigneurie de Madawaska;
Thence, northwesterly, southwesterly and northwesterly, along the northeastern and northwestern boundaries of lot 29 B-12, the northeastern boundary of a part of lots 29 B-5, 29 B-4 and the northeastern boundary of lot 30 B-5 of Rang B Est Rivière Madawaska of the cadastre of the Seigneurie de Madawaska, to point 77 located at the northern corner of lot 30 B-5;
Thence, in a southwesterly direction, along the north-western boundaries of lots 30 B-5, 30 B-4 and 30 A-5 of Rang B Est Rivière Madawaska of the cadastre of the Seigneurie de Madawaska, while extending the boundary of the latter lot into lac Témiscouata to point 78 whose coordinates are:
5,273,267 m N and 217,794 m E;
Thence, in general northwesterly, westerly and northwesterly directions, along a broken line passing through the apexes whose coordinates are:
5,273,306 m N and 217,748 m E;
5,273,491 m N and 217,636 m E;
5,273,486 m N and 217,501 m E;
5,273,534 m N and 217,330 m E;
5,273,616 m N and 217,234 m E;
5,273,746 m N and 217,168 m E;
5,273,951 m N and 217,066 m E;
5,274,026 m N and 216,768 m E;
5,274,401 m N and 216,321 m E;
5,274,620 m N and 216,104 m E;
5,274,646 m N and 215,870 m E (point 79);
5,274,748 m N and 215,557 m E;
5,274,856 m N and 215,466 m E;
5,274,994 m N and 215,426 m E;
5,275,097 m N and 215,187 m E;
5,275,384 m N and 215,081 m E;
5,275,400 m N and 214,346 m E;
5,275,244 m N and 214,000 m E;
5,275,273 m N and 213,364 m E;
5,275,195 m N and 213,045 m E;
5,275,066 m N and 212,627 m E;
5,274,887 m N and 212,435 m E (point 80);
5,274,816 m N and 212,078 m E;
5,274,655 m N and 211,614 m E;
5,274,618 m N and 211,056 m E;
5,274,680 m N and 210,704 m E;
5,274,766 m N and 210,511 m E;
5,274,857 m N and 210,401 m E;
5,275,007 m N and 210,300 m E;
5,275,297 m N and 210,274 m E;
5,275,466 m N and 209,895 m E;
5,275,620 m N and 209,827 m E;
5,275,741 m N and 209,687 m E;
5,275,882 m N and 209,573 m E (point 81);
Thence, northeasterly, along a straight line to point 62, which is the point of commencement.
Area: 18.1 km2
The following leases issued by the Ministère des Ressources naturelles et de la Faune are to be excluded from the territory: 132,751 and 132,812.
Perimeter 4
Île Notre-Dame as well as a surrounding, 50 m band of water.
Area: 0.1 km2
The measurements and areas in this technical description are expressed in SI (International System of Units) units, and the accompanying plan was prepared using numerical information from the Base de données topographiques du Québec (BDTQ) data bank and survey compilation produced by the Ministère des Ressources naturelles et de la Faune du Québec on a 1:20,000 scale.
The coordinates mentioned in this technical description refer to the official plane coordinate system of Québec (SCOPQ), Zone 6, NAD83.
The whole as shown on a plan prepared by the undersigned on 12 August 2009 and kept at the Register of the Surveyor-General of Québec, Ministère des Ressources naturelles et de la Faune, under number 0102-0001-00.
Prepared in Québec this 12 August 2009, under number 532 of my minutes.
Land surveyor
NOTE: This technical description includes both French and English versions. In case of discrepancies between the two descriptions, the French version shall prevail.
O.C. 1123-2009, Sch.
O.C. 1123-2009, 2009 G.O. 2, 3663