L-6, r. 10 - Regulation respecting Native reserves and settlements

Full text
Updated to 30 November 2024
This document has official status.
chapter L-6, r. 10
Regulation respecting Native reserves and settlements
Act respecting lotteries and amusement machines
(chapter L-6, s. 119).
1. For the purposes of the second paragraph of section 34 of the Act respecting lotteries and amusement machines (chapter L-6), the reserves and settlements where Native communities reside are as follows:
(1)  Akulivik;
(2)  Akwesasne (Saint-Régis);
(3)  Aupaluk;
(4)  Betsiamites;
(5)  Cacouna;
(6)  Chisasibi;
(7)  Coucoucache;
(8)  Doncaster;
(9)  Eastmain;
(10)  Gesgapegiag;
(11)  Grand-Lac-Victoria;
(12)  Hunter’s Point;
(13)  Inukjuak;
(14)  Ivujivik;
(15)  Kahnawake;
(16)  Kanesatake;
(17)  Kangiqsualujjuaq;
(18)  Kangiqsujuaq;
(19)  Kangirsuk;
(20)  Kawawachikamach;
(21)  Kebaowek;
(22)  Kiggaluk;
(23)  Killinik;
(24)  Kuujjuaq;
(25)  Kuujjuarapik;
(26)  La Romaine;
(27)  Lac-Rapide;
(28)  Lac-Simon;
(29)  Les Escoumins;
(30)  Maliotenam;
(31)  Maniwaki;
(32)  Manouane;
(33)  Mashteuiatsh;
(34)  Matimekosh;
(35)  Mingan;
(36)  Mistissini;
(37)  Natashquan;
(38)  Nemiscau;
(39)  Obedjiwan;
(40)  Odanak;
(41)  Oujé-Bougoumou;
(42)  Pakuashipi;
(43)  Pikogan;
(44)  Povungnituk;
(45)  Quaqtaq;
(46)  Restigouche;
(47)  Salluit;
(48)  Tasiujaq;
(49)  Témiscamingue;
(50)  Uashat;
(51)  Umiujaq;
(52)  Waskaganish;
(53)  Waswanipi;
(54)  Wemindji;
(55)  Wendake;
(56)  Weymontachie;
(57)  Whapmagoostui;
(58)  Whitworth;
(59)  Winneway;
(60)  Wôlinak.
O.C. 685-93, s. 1.
2. (Omitted).
O.C. 685-93, s. 2.
O.C. 685-93, 1993 G.O. 2, 2789
S.Q. 2023, c. 24, ss. 78 and 98