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C-61.1, r. 93
- Regulation respecting the Forestville Controlled Zone
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Updated to 1 September 2012
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C-61.1, r. 93
Regulation respecting the Forestville Controlled Zone
Act respecting the conservation and development of wildlife
(chapter C-61.1, s. 104)
The territory, the plan of which appears in Schedule I and described in this section, constitutes the Forestville Controlled Zone:
A territory of the regional county municipality of Haute-Côte-Nord situated in part of the townships of Laval, Villejoin, Virot and Latour and in certain unorganized territories, covering an area of one thousand three hundred twenty-eight square kilometres (1,328 km
) and including the following territories:
Beginning at the north corner of Laval township, thence northeasterly along the northwest boundaries of Latour and Betsiamites townships, skirting to the north the shore of A la Neige Lake and to the south the shore of MacDonald Lake to a point whose U.T.M. coordinates are: 5,425,350 m N, 503,050 m E, a point on the edge of the timber limits (1937) of the Anglo Pulp & Paper Co.; thence mainly northwesterly along the edge of the timber limits in an irregular line whose apexes are identified by the following U.T.M.coordinates: 5,425,500 m N, 502,725 m E; 5,427,500 m N, 502,600 m E; 5,429,325 m N, 498,200 m E; 5,426,100 m N, 494,775 m E; 5,434,150 m N, 491,850 m E; 5,441,150 m N, 485,325 m E; skirting the northeast shores of Bilodeau, Néris and Goodfellow Lakes; thence in a straight line with a bearing of 47º00′ to a point whose U.T.M. coordinates are: 5,443,825 m N, 488,150 m E; thence northwesterly in a straight line to the intersection with the south end of the Labrieville dam at a point whose U.T.M. coordinates are: 5,445,500 m N, 482,000 m E; thence mainly northwesterly along the south edge of the Labrieville reservoir to the intersection with the left bank of the Volant River; thence mainly southwesterly along the left bank of the Volant River to the intersection with the north edge of the right-of-way of the road between Forest and De la Savane Lakes; thence mainly southwesterly along the north edge of the right-of-way of this road, running north of De la Savane Lake to the intersection with the right bank of Truchon Creek; thence southwesterly in a straight line to the intersection with the right bank of Du Sault aux Cochons River at a point whose U.T.M. coordinates are: 5,428,300 m N, 449,000 m E; thence southwesterly in a straight line to a point on the line dividing two drainage basins, a point whose U.T.M. coordinates are: 5,427,850 m N, 444,700 m E; thence mainly southeasterly along the edge of two drainage basins of which certain points are identified by the following U.T.M. coordinates: 5,426,200 m N, 444,975 m E; 5,425,650 m N, 444,600 m E; 5,424,600 m N, 444,675 m E; 5,424,275 m N; 444,450 m E; 5,423,600 m N, 445,050 m E; 5,424,725 m N, 446,200 m E; 5,425,100 m N, 447,000 m E; 5,424,875 m N, 448,000 m E; 5,424,350 m N, 448,700 m E; 5,423,850 m N, 449,050 m E; 5,423,000 m N, 449,050 m E; 5,422,350 m N, 450,400 m E; 5,420,725 m N, 450,325 m E; 5,420,225 m N, 451,000 m E; 5,418,400 m N, 450,850 m E; 5,416,750 m N, 452,100 m E; 5,414,300 m N, 452,500 m E; this last point being on the northeast edge of the outfitter “Club de la Rocheuse”; thence southeasterly along the northeast edge of this outfitter to the intersection with the line dividing two drainage basins, at a point whose U.T.M. coordinates are: 5,413,400 m N, 454,700 m E; thence mainly northeasterly, southerly, then southeasterly along the edges of two drainage basins of which certain points are identified by the following U.T.M. coordinates: 5,415,550 m N, 455,500 m E; 5,415,500 m N, 456,550 m E; 5,417,525 m N, 457,800 m E; 5,416,725 m N, 459,550 m E; 5,413,725 m N, 458,750 m E; 5,413,700 m N, 459,500 m E; 5,412,300 m N, 459,375 m E; 5,409,650 m N, 458,550 m E; 5,408,700 m N, 459,600 m E; 5,409,400 m N, 460,325 m E; 5,409,500 m N, 460,875 m E; 5,410,225 m N, 461,325 m E; 5,410,200 m N, 462,300 m E; 5,409,450 m N, 463,725 m E; 5,409,350 m N, 465,275 m E; 5,408,450 m N, 466,850 m E; 5,407,500 m N, 465,250 m E; 5,406,775 m N, 466,500 m E; 5,407,450 m N, 468,150 m E; 5,407,175 m N, 469,200 m E; 5,406,575 m N, 468,950 m E; 5,405,900 m N, 469,600 m E; 5,405,400 m N, 469,550 m E; 5,405,125 m N, 467,875 m E; 5,404,175 m N, 467,550 m E; 5,402,950 m N, 468,275 m E; 5,404,075 m N, 470,625 m E; 5,403,000 m N, 470,175 m E; 5,403,500 m N, 471,525 m E; 5,401,225 m N, 471,000 m E; 5,401,550 m N, 472,400 m E; thence southeasterly in a straight line to a point whose coordinates are: 5,399,000 m N, 473,000 m E; thence mainly easterly and northeasterly in an irregular line whose apexes are identified by the following U.T.M. coordinates: 5,399,200 m N, 474,200 m E; 5,398,600 m N, 474,700 m E; 5,400,000 m N, 477,800 m E, 5,400,000 m N, 479,500 m E; this last point being at the intersection of the line dividing two drainage basins and the northwest boundary of the Mille-Vaches Seigniory; thence northeasterly along the northwest boundary of the seigniory; thence northwesterly then northeasterly along the southwest and northwest boundaries of Laval township to the intersection with the south edge of the right-of-way of the road following the Du Sault aux Cochons River; thence southeasterly along the edge of the right-of-way to a point whose U.T.M. coordinates are: 5,403,450 m N, 484,750 m E; thence with a bearing of 53º30′ in a straight line to a point whose U.T.M. coordinates are: 4,405,755 m N, 487,750 m E; thence with a bearing of 326º30′ in a straight line to the intersection with the northwest boundary of Laval township at a point whose U.T.M. coordinates are: 5,408,300 m N, 486,100 m E; thence northeasterly along the northwest boundary of Laval township skirting to the south the shore of De la Tour Lake to the starting point.
The bed of the Laval River lying between the northwest boundary of Latour township and the mouth of a lake whose U.T.M. coordinates are: 5,421,000 m N and 490,100 m E, including the reserve of three chains (60 m) on each side of the river, have been withdrawn from the territory.
R.R.Q., 1981, c. C-61, r. 112, s. 1
O.C. 743-83, s. 1
s. 1
Forestville Controlled Zone
R.R.Q., 1981, c. C-61, r. 112, Sch. I
O.C. 743-83, s. 2
R.R.Q., 1981, c. C-61, r. 112
O.C. 743-83, 1983 G.O. 2, 1609
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