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C-61.1, r. 128
- Order in Council respecting the Rivière-Nouvelle Controlled Zone
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Updated to 1 September 2012
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C-61.1, r. 128
Order in Council respecting the Rivière-Nouvelle Controlled Zone
Act respecting the conservation and development of wildlife
(chapter C-61.1, s. 104)
The territory described in Schedule 1 is established as a controlled zone for the development, harvesting and conservation of Atlantic salmon, under the name Rivière-Nouvelle Controlled Zone.
O.C. 681-97, s. 1
O.C. 681-97, s. 2
a. 1
A territory comprising a section of rivière Nouvelle, Petite rivière Nouvelle and ruisseau Mann, situated in the territory of the regional county municipalities of Matapédia and Avignon, in the cadastre of the townships of: Dugal, Pilote, Vallée and Catalogne and of the Municipalité de Shoolbred, having a total length of 86.2 km.
Rivière Nouvelle
Several sections of the bed of rivière Nouvelle and certain strips of land 10 m wide measured perpendicularly from the normal high water mark on each bank of that watercourse over a length of 45.0 km comprised between the mouth of ruisseau de la Cloche identified by point A whose geographic coordinates are:
longitude 66º16′51″ west and latitude 48º06′53″ north;
and a straight line perpendicular to the flow passing through point B whose geographic coordinates are:
longitude 66º30′56″ west and latitude 48º24′42″ north;
More specifically that territory comprises:
The part of the bed of rivière Nouvelle comprised between ruisseau de la Cloche (point A) and the southern limit of the bridge on the Miguasha highway (point G).
Cadastre of the Municipalité de Shoolbred
The half-width of the bed of rivière Nouvelle in front of the following lots:
Rang est de la rivière Nouvelle partie sud-est;
Lots: 20F, 21A, 21B, 283
Rang est de la rivière Nouvelle partie nord-est;
Lots: 10B, 15, 18, 19, 22, 23, 25, 31, 38, 39, 42 to 54
Rang ouest de la rivière Nouvelle partie sud-ouest;
Lots: 4A, 13B-1, 14A-1, 14C, 14D-1, 16C
as well as the bed of rivière Nouvelle on lot 7 (new bed).
Rang ouest de la rivière Nouvelle partie du milieu;
Lots: 4A, 5A, 5C-1, 5C-3, 6, 7A, 7B, 8B
Rang ouest de la rivière Nouvelle partie nord-ouest;
Lots: 2 to 11, 14 to part of 45
as well as a strip of land 10 m wide on the following lots:
Lots: 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 33, 34, 35, 36, part of 45.
The bed of rivière Nouvelle and a strip of land 10 m wide situated on each bank of that river starting from lot 55, rang est de la rivière Nouvelle partie nord-est to point B.
Petite rivière Nouvelle
The bed of Petite rivière Nouvelle as well as a strip of land 10 m wide, the whole over a length of 27.2 km bounded downstream by its mouth at rivière Nouvelle (point G) and bounded upstream by a straight line perpendicular to the flow passing through point D situated 50 m upstream from the mouth of ruisseau Catalogue and whose geographic coordinates are:
longitude 66º45′15″ west and latitude 48º23′47″ north;
Ruisseau Mann
Rang est de la rivière Nouvelle partie sud-est.
The bed of ruisseau Mann on lot 2 and the half-width of the bed of that stream at the front of lot 2.
The bed of that stream as well as a strip of land 10 m wide, the whole over a length of 14.0 km bounded downstream by the southwestern limit of rang III of the cadastre of the Municipalité de Shoolbred and upstream by a straight line perpendicular to the flow passing through point F situated 50 m upstream from the mouth of ruisseau Mann Est and whose geographic coordinates are:
longitude 66º21′44″ west and latitude 48º15′27″ north;
The territory comprises the public islands situated within the limits described above.
O.C. 681-97, Sch. 1
O.C. 681-97, 1997 G.O. 2, 2256
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