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C-61.01, r. 66.1
- Order in council respecting the establishment of the Réserve écologique de la Tourbière-de-Shannon
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Updated to 1 September 2012
This document has official status.
C-61.01, r. 66.1
Order in council respecting the establishment of the Réserve écologique de la Tourbière-de-Shannon
Natural Heritage Conservation Act
(chapter C-61.01, s. 43)
The permanent ecological reserve status is assigned to the land whose plan and technical description are attached to this Order in Council, under the name “Réserve écologique de la Tourbière-de-Shannon”.
O.C. 246-2011, s. 1
O.C. 246-2011, s. 2
Official toponym
Official toponym: Réserve écologique de la Tourbière-de-Shannon. This toponym refers to the name of the bog protected by the ecological reserve.
Description of the territory
The Réserve écologique de la Tourbière-de-Shannon is located in the territory of Municipalité de Shannon, Municipalité régionale de comté (MRC) de la Jacques-Cartier, in the Capitale-Nationale administrative region (region 03), approximately 30 km northwest of Ville de Québec. The Tourbière de Shannon covers an area of approximately 250 ha at an altitude of 180 m, on the northern flanks of the Jacques-Cartier river. The ecological reserve will allow the major part of the Tourbière de Shannon’s ecosystem to be integrally preserved. The area of the Réserve écologique de la Tourbière-de-Shannon is 168.77 ha. The map of the ecological reserve, prepared by land surveyor Bertrand Bussière, is shown at the end of this document.
The Tourbière de Shannon is mainly ombrotrophic (Buteau, 1989). This type of bog has a convex shape and is characterized by an acid pH between 3.5 and 4.6 and a water and mineral intake that comes solely from precipitation (Gorham & Janssens, 1992). The sphagnum contributes heavily to the acidity of the environment (Clymo, 1964). The seasonal recovery profile of this type of bog is strictly a function of precipitation, except for the summertime when evapotranspiration is significant, and in winter, when the surface of the bog is frozen (Bastien, 2007). A lagg
exists on the periphery of the bog and acts as a junction with the surrounding mineral soil. The water intake, after having run through the adjacent mineral soil, flows towards the margin of the bog and enriches it with available minerals. The lagg is characterized by the simultaneous presence of minerotrophic, facultative or even ombrotrophic species.
The ecological reserve is located within the natural province of the Southern Laurentians in the Saint-Joseph Lake Low Hills ecological district. The territory is within the sugar maple-basswood bioclimatic domain. It is characterized by a subpolar and continental climate, subhumid annual precipitation and a long growing season.
The basement rocks below the Tourbière de Shannon is principally composed of gneiss and paragneiss (gneiss whose origin is sedimentary rock) (Grondin P., Leboeuf P., Noël J., Hotte D., 2003).
An administrative document of the Ministère du Développement durable, de l’Environnement et des Parcs entitled Portrait of territory groups the ecological information concerning the Réserve écologique de la Tourbière-de-Shannon and is updated according to the state of knowledge of the territory.
Protection status
The ecological reserve will assure the complete, permanent protection of a large part of the Tourbière de Shannon.
Activities framework
Activities carried on within the Réserve écologique de la Tourbière-de-Shannon are governed by the provisions of the Natural Heritage Conservation Act (chapter C-61.01) and include in particular scientific research and educational or management activities. Those activities will be subject to the written authorization of the Minister of Sustainable Development, Environment and Parks.
This conservation plan does not prohibit activities in addition to the activities already prohibited in ecological reserves under the Act; nor does it authorize any other activities, or set any additional constraints on the activities permitted by the Act.
Since the protection status assigned is comprehensive, no other conservation measure is planned for this protected area. As the conservation objectives are the same as for the entire area, the ecological reserve constitutes a single zone.
Prohibited activities
As provided in the Natural Heritage Conservation Act, the main activities prohibited in an area to which ecological reserve status has been assigned are
— forest development activities within the meaning of section 4 of the Sustainable Forest Development Act (chapter A-18.1);
— mining, and gas or petroleum development;
— mining, gas, and petroleum exploration, brine and underground reservoir exploration, prospecting, and digging or boring;
— the development of hydraulic resources and any production of energy on a commercial or industrial basis;
— hunting, trapping, fishing, earthwork and construction work, agricultural, industrial, or commercial activities and, generally, any activity likely to alter the state or nature of ecosystems.
No person may be in an ecological reserve, except for an inspection or for the carrying on of an activity authorized under the Act. The Minister of Sustainable Development, Environment and Parks may, however, give written authorization on the conditions the Minister determines for any activity consistent with the purposes of an ecological reserve or with its management.
Activities governed by other statutes
Scientific research and educational or management activities carried on within the Réserve écologique de la Tourbière-de-Shannon are also governed by other applicable legislative and regulatory provisions, including those that require the issue of a permit or authorization or the payment of fees.
A special legal framework may govern permitted activities within the ecological reserve in connection with the following matters:
— Archaeological research: measures set out in particular in the Cultural Property Act (chapter B-4);
— Environmental protection: measures set out in particular in the Environment Quality Act (chapter Q-2) and its regulations;
— Species of flora designated as threatened or vulnerable: measures prohibiting the removal of such species under the Act respecting threatened or vulnerable species (chapter E-12.01);
— Development and conservation of wildlife resources: measures set out in the Act respecting the conservation and development of wildlife (chapter C-61.1) and its regulations;
— Access and land rights related to the domain of the State: measures set out in the Act respecting the lands in the domain of the State (chapter T-8.1) and in the Watercourses Act (chapter R-13);
— Operation of vehicles: measures set out in particular in the Act respecting the lands in the domain of the State (chapter T-8.1) and in the regulation on motor vehicle traffic in certain fragile environments made under the Environment Quality Act (chapter Q-2).
Supervision of activities
The Minister of Sustainable Development, Environment and Parks is responsible for the application of the Natural Heritage Conservation Act, and is therefore responsible for management of the ecological reserves established under that Act and has authority over these lands, which form part of the domain of the State. The Minister supervises and monitors the measures in the Act as they relate to activities permitted in protected areas. In managing the reserve, the Minister will work collaboratively with other government representatives having specific responsibilities within the boundaries of the reserve or on adjoining land, such as the Minister of Natural Resources and Wildlife and Municipalité de Shannon. In the exercise of their powers and functions, the Ministers and the municipality will take into consideration the protection sought for these natural environments and the protection status that has been granted.
LOT(S): PART OF LOTS 395 TO 407, 409 TO 411, 424 TO 435 AND 430-5
For: Ministère du Développement durable, de l’Environnement et des Parcs
Purpose: Réserve écologique de la Tourbière-de-Shannon
File: Direction du patrimoine écologique et des parcs: 5143-03-03 (3.25)
A territory comprising 29 parcels of land known and designated as follows:
Lot 395 part
Part of lot three hundred and ninety-five (lot 395 part), of the cadastre of Paroisse de Sainte-Catherine, of the registration division of Portneuf, of Municipalité de Shannon, of irregular shape, bounded and described as follows: northwesterly, by part of lot 436, measuring along that limit ten metres and eighty-one hundredths (10.81 m); northeasterly, by part of lot 396, measuring along that limit two hundred and twelve metres and eleven hundredths (212.11 m); southeasterly, by part of lot 856 (abandoned railroad), measuring along that limit thirty-seven metres and forty hundredths (37.40 m) and southwesterly, by part of lot 395, measuring successively along that limit one hundred and thirty-four metres and eighty-one hundredths (134.81 m) and eighty-eight metres and eight hundredths (88.08 m).
AREA: 5,279.3 m
(0.528 ha)
Lot 396 part
Part of lot three hundred and ninety-six (lot 396 part), of the cadastre of Paroisse de Sainte-Catherine, of the registration division of Portneuf, of Municipalité de Shannon, of irregular shape, bounded and described as follows: northwesterly, by part of lot 436 and part of lot 435, measuring along that limit eighty-seven metres and sixty-three hundredths (87.63 m); northeasterly, by part of lot 397, measuring along that limit one hundred and eighty-eight metres and ten hundredths (188.10 m); southeasterly, by part of lot 856 (abandoned railroad), measuring along that limit ninety metres and twenty-four hundredths (90.24 m) and southwesterly, by part of lot 395, measuring along that limit two hundred and twelve metres and eleven hundredths (212.11 m).
AREA: 1.753 ha
Lot 397 part
Part of lot three hundred and ninety-seven (lot 397 part), of the cadastre of Paroisse de Sainte-Catherine, of the registration division of Portneuf, of Municipalité de Shannon, of irregular shape, bounded and described as follows: northwesterly, by part of lots 435 and 434, measuring along that limit one hundred and seventy-eight metres and seventeen hundredths (178.17 m); northeasterly, by part of lot 398, measuring along that limit one hundred and forty-six metres and sixty hundredths (146.60 m); southeasterly, by part of lot 856 (abandoned railroad), measuring successively along that limit seventy-two metres and fifty-eight hundredths (72.58 m), along the arc of a circle with a radius of 369.96 and one hundred and nine metres and sixty-one hundredths (109.61 m) and southwesterly, by part of lot 396, measuring along that limit one hundred and eighty-eight metres and ten hundredths (188.10 m).
AREA: 2.933 ha
Lot 398 part
Part of lot three hundred and ninety-eight (lot 398 part), of the cadastre of Paroisse de Sainte-Catherine, of the registration division of Portneuf, of Municipalité de Shannon, of irregular shape, bounded and described as follows: northwesterly, by part of lot 434, measuring along that limit eighty-seven metres and seventy-nine hundredths (87.79 m); northeasterly, part of lot 399, measuring along that limit one hundred and fifty metres and sixty-six hundredths (150.66 m); southeasterly, by part of lot 856 (abandoned railroad), measuring along that limit eighty-eight metres and twenty hundredths (88.20 m), along the arc of a circle with a radius of 369.96 m and southwesterly, by part of lot 397, measuring along that limit one hundred and forty-six metres and sixty hundredths (146.60 m).
AREA: 1.289 ha
Lot 399 part
Part of lot three hundred and ninety-nine (lot 399 part), of the cadastre of Paroisse de Sainte-Catherine, of the registration division of Portneuf, of Municipalité de Shannon, of irregular shape, bounded and described as follows: northwesterly, by part of lots 434 and 433, measuring along that limit eighty-seven metres and forty-nine hundredths (87.49 m); northeasterly, by part of lot 400, measuring along that limit one hundred and sixty-five metres and thirty hundredths (165.30 m); southeasterly, by part of lot 856 (abandoned railroad) measuring along that limit eighty-nine metres and nine hundredths (89.09 m) and southwesterly, by part of lot 398, measuring along that limit one hundred and fifty metres and sixty-six hundredths (150.66 m).
AREA: 1.382 ha
Lot 400 part
Part of lot four hundred (lot 400 part), of the cadastre of Paroisse de Sainte-Catherine, of the registration division of Portneuf, of Municipalité de Shannon, of irregular shape, bounded and described as follows: northwesterly, by part of lots 433 and 432, measuring along that limit one hundred and seventy-one metres and nine hundredths (171.09 m); northeasterly, part of lot 401, measuring along that limit one hundred and seventy-eight metres and ninety-four hundredths (178.94 m); southeasterly, by part of lot 400, measuring along that limit nine metres and fourteen hundredths (9.14 m); northeasterly, part of lot 400, measuring along that limit thirteen metres and forty hundredths (13.40 m); southeasterly, by part of lot 856 (abandoned railroad), measuring along that limit one hundred and sixty-six metres and twenty-two hundredths (166.22 m) and southwesterly, by part of lot 399, measuring along that limit one hundred and sixty-five metres and thirty hundredths (165.30 m).
AREA: 3.071 ha
Lot 401 part
Part of lot four hundred and one (lot 401 part), of the cadastre of Paroisse de Sainte-Catherine, of the registration division of Portneuf, of Municipalité de Shannon, of irregular shape, bounded and described as follows: northwesterly, by part of lots 432 and 431, measuring along that limit one hundred and ninety metres (190.00 m); northeasterly, by part of lot 402, measuring along that limit two hundred and fifty-two metres and ten hundredths (252.10 m); southeasterly, by part of lot 856 (abandoned railroad), measuring successively along that limit one hundred and forty-five metres and sixty hundredths (145.60 m), along the arc of a circle with a radius of 467.26 m and fifty-three metres and sixty-three hundredths (53.63 m) and southwesterly, part of lot 400, measuring along that limit one hundred and ninety-four metres and eighteen hundredths (194.18 m).
AREA: 4.111 ha
Lot 402 part
Part of lot four hundred and two (lot 402 part), of the cadastre of Paroisse de Sainte-Catherine, of the registration division of Portneuf, of Municipalité de Shannon, of irregular shape, bounded and described as follows: northwesterly, by part of lot 431, measuring along that limit sixty-one metres and thirty-nine hundredths (61.39 m); northeasterly, by part of lot 403, measuring along that limit two hundred and ninety-one metres and ninety-nine hundredths (291.99 m); southerly, by part of lot 856 (abandoned railroad), measuring along that limit seventy-three metres and sixty-two hundredths (73.62 m), along the arc of a circle with a radius of 467.26 m and southwesterly, by part of lot 401, measuring along that limit two hundred and fifty-two metres and ten hundredths (252.10 m).
AREA: 1.663 ha
Lot 403 part
Part of lot four hundred and three (lot 403 part), of the cadastre of Paroisse de Sainte-Catherine, of the registration division of Portneuf, of Municipalité de Shannon, of irregular shape, bounded and described as follows: northwesterly, by part of lots 431 and 430, measuring along that limit one hundred and sixteen metres and ninety-five hundredths (116.95 m); northeasterly, by part of lot 404, measuring along that limit four hundred and eighteen metres and thirty hundredths (418.30 m); southerly, by part of lot 856 (abandoned railroad), measuring successively along that limit fifty-five metres and ninety-six hundredths (55.96 m) and one hundred and seventeen metres and sixty-four hundredths (117.64 m), along the arc of a circle with a radius of 467.26 m and southwesterly, by part of lot 402, measuring along that limit two hundred and ninety-one metres and ninety-nine hundredths (291.99 m).
AREA: 4.083 ha
Lot 404 part
Part of lot four hundred and four (lot 404 part), of the cadastre of Paroisse de Sainte-Catherine, of the registration division of Portneuf, of Municipalité de Shannon, of irregular shape, bounded and described as follows: northwesterly, by part of lots 430 and 429, measuring along that limit one hundred and ninety metres and four hundredths (190.04 m); northeasterly, by part of lot 405, measuring along that limit six hundred and sixty-two metres and seventy-four hundredths (662.74 m); southerly, by part of lot 856 (abandoned railroad), measuring along that limit three hundred and eleven metres and eleven hundredths (311.11 m) and southwesterly, by part of lot 403, measuring along that limit four hundred and eighteen metres and thirty hundredths (418.30 m).
AREA: 10.271 ha
Lot 405 part
Part of lot four hundred and five (lot 405 part), of the cadastre of Paroisse de Sainte-Catherine, of the registration division of Portneuf, of Municipalité de Shannon, of irregular shape, bounded and described as follows: northwesterly, by part of lots 429 and 428, measuring along that limit two hundred and seventy metres and seventy-nine hundredths (270.79 m); northeasterly, by part of lot 406, measuring successively along that limit nine hundred and twenty-three metres and eighty-eight hundredths (923.88 m) and thirty-one metres and fourteen hundredths (31.14 m); southerly, by part of lot 856 (abandoned railroad), measuring along that limit three hundred and seventy-one metres and twenty-six hundredths (371.26 m) and southwesterly, by part of lot 404, measuring along that limit six hundred and sixty-two metres and seventy-four hundredths (662.74 m).
AREA: 20.422 ha
Lot 406 part
Part of lot four hundred and six (lot 406 part), of the cadastre of Paroisse de Sainte-Catherine, of the registration division of Portneuf, of Municipalité de Shannon, of irregular shape, bounded and described as follows: northwesterly, by part of lots 428, 427 and 426, measuring along that limit one hundred and seventy-five metres and forty-two hundredths (175.42 m); northeasterly, by part of lot 407, measuring along that limit one thousand thirteen metres and ninety-five hundredths (1,013.95 m); easterly, by part of lot 406, measuring along that limit sixty-five metres and seventy-four hundredths (65.74 m); southerly, by part of lot 406, measuring along that limit one hundred and seventy-one metres and twenty-seven hundredths (171.27 m) and southwesterly, by part of lot 405, measuring along that limit nine hundred and twenty-three metres and eighty-eight hundredths (923.88 m).
AREA: 16.717 ha
Lot 407 part
Part of lot four hundred and seven (lot 407 part), of the cadastre of Paroisse de Sainte-Catherine, of the registration division of Portneuf, of Municipalité de Shannon, of irregular shape, bounded and described as follows: northwesterly, by part of lots 426 and 425, measuring along that limit one hundred and seventy-five metres and forty-two hundredths (175.42 m); northeasterly, by part of lot 409, measuring along that limit nine hundred and five metres and forty-four hundredths (905.44 m); southeasterly, by part of lot 407, measuring along that limit forty-eight metres and seventy-four hundredths (48.74 m); easterly, by part of lot 407, measuring along that limit one hundred and seventy-nine metres and one hundredth (179.01 m) and southwesterly, by part of lot 406, measuring along that limit one thousand thirteen metres and ninety-five hundredths (1,013.95 m).
AREA: 16.227 ha
Lot 409 part
Part of lot four hundred and nine (lot 409 part), of the cadastre of Paroisse de Sainte-Catherine, of the registration division of Portneuf, of Municipalité de Shannon, of irregular shape, bounded and described as follows: nortwesterly, by part of lots 425 and 424, measuring along that limit one hundred and seventy-five metres and forty-two hundredths (175.42 m); northeasterly, by part of lot 410, measuring along that limit nine hundred and fourteen metres and fifty-five hundredths (914.55 m); easterly, by part of lot 763 (Chemin de Gosford), measuring along that limit forty-five metres and ninety-one hundredths (45.91 m); southeasterly, by part of lot 409, measuring along that limit one hundred and forty-seven metres and thirty-eight hundredths (147.38 m) and southwesterly, by part of lot 407, measuring along that limit nine hundred and five metres and forty-four hundredths (905.44 m).
AREA: 16.154 ha
Lot 410 part
Part of lot four hundred and ten (lot 410 part), of the cadastre of Paroisse de Sainte-Catherine, of the registration division of Portneuf, of Municipalité de Shannon, of irregular shape, bounded and described as follows: northwesterly, by part of lots 424 and 422, measuring along that limit one hundred and seventy-five metres and forty-one hundredths (175.41 m); northeasterly, by lots 411-27, 411-1, 411-28, 411-10, 411-25, 411 part and 411-9, measuring successively along that limit sixty metres and ninety-five hundredths (60.95 m), forty-three metres and fifty-nine hundredths (43.59 m), forty-three metres and ninety-five hundredths (43.95 m), thirty metres and eighty-one hundredths (30.81 m), thirty metres and seventy-nine hundredths (30.79 m), thirty metres and eighty-two hundredths (30.82 m) and forty-one metres and seventy-six hundredths (41.76 m); southeasterly, by part of lot 411, measuring along that limit twenty-one metres and forty-two hundredths (21.42 m); northeasterly, by part of lots 411 and 410, measuring successively along that limit thirty metres and fifty hundredths (30.50 m) and one hundred and fifty-two metres and fifty hundredths (152.50 m); northwesterly, by part of lot 410, measuring along that limit thirty-one metres and eighty-seven hundredths (31.87 m); northeasterly, by part of lot 411, measuring along that limit one hundred and forty-three metres and thirty-one hundredths (143.31 m); easterly, by part of lot 763 (Chemin de Gosford), measuring successively along that limit twenty-three metres and two hundredths (23.02 m), fifty-eight metres and twenty-three hundredths (58.23 m), two hundred and twenty-eight metres and fourteen hundredths (228.14 m), along the arc of a circle with a radius of 680.88 m and sixty metres and fifty-two hundredths (60.52 m) and southwesterly, by part of lot 409, measuring along that limit nine hundred and fourteen metres and fifty-five hundredths (914.55 m).
AREA: 14.019 ha
Lot 411 part
Part of lot four hundred and eleven (lot 411 part), of the cadastre of Paroisse de Sainte-Catherine, of the registration division of Portneuf, of Municipalité de Shannon, of irregular shape, bounded and described as follows: northwesterly, by part of lot 411, measuring along that limit forty-five metres and ninety-four hundredths (45.94 m); northeasterly and easterly, by part of lot 763 (Chemin de Gosford), measuring successively along that limit ninety-one metres and seventeen hundredths (91.17 m), twenty-seven metres and two hundredths (27.02 m) and twenty-two metres and ninety hundredths (22.90 m) and southwesterly, by part of lot 410, measuring along that limit one hundred and forty-three metres and thirty-one hundredths (143.31 m).
AREA: 3,465.1 m
(0.347 ha)
Lot 424 part
Lot four hundred and twenty-four (lot 424 part), of the cadastre of Paroisse de Sainte-Catherine, of the registration division of Portneuf, of Municipalité de Shannon, of irregular shape, bounded and described as follows: northwesterly, by part of lot 424, measuring along that limit one hundred and seventy-five metres and forty-two hundredths (175.42 m); northeasterly, by part of lot 422, measuring along that limit one hundred and seventy-two metres and seventy-one hundredths (172.71 m); southeasterly, by part of lots 410 and 409, measuring along that limit one hundred and seventy-five metres and forty-two hundredths (175.42 m) and southwesterly, by part of lot 425, measuring along that limit one hundred and seventy-two metres and seventy-one hundredths (172.71 m).
AREA: 3.030 ha
Lot 425 part
Part of lot four hundred and twenty-five (lot 425 part), of the cadastre of Paroisse de Sainte-Catherine, of the registration division of Portneuf, of Municipalité de Shannon, of irregular shape, bounded and described as follows: northwesterly, by Chemin de Wexford (shown on the original), measuring successively along that limit sixty-six metres and four hundredths (66.04 m), fifty-eight metres and seventy-two hundredths (58.72 m) and sixty metres and thirty-two hundredths (60.32 m), along the arc of a circle with a radius of 549.24 m; northeasterly, by part of lot 424, measuring along that limit three hundred and fifty-nine metres and forty-two hundredths (359.42 m); southeasterly, by part of lots 409 and 407, measuring along that limit one hundred and seventy-five metres and forty-one hundredths (175.41 m) and southwesterly, by part of lot 426, measuring along that limit three hundred and eighty-five metres and sixty-two hundredths (385.62 m).
AREA: 6.700 ha
Lot 426 part
Part of lot four hundred and twenty-six (lot 426 part), of the cadastre of Paroisse de Sainte-Catherine, of the registration division of Portneuf, of Municipalité de Shannon, of irregular shape, bounded and described as follows: northwesterly, by part of lot 426, measuring along that limit one hundred and seventy-eight metres and fifty-eight hundredths (178.58 m); northeasterly, by part of lot 425, measuring along that limit two hundred and fifty metres and eight hundredths (250.08 m); southeasterly, by part of lots 407 and 406, measuring along that limit one hundred and seventy-five metres and sixty-seven hundredths (175.67 m) and southwesterly, by part of lot 427, measuring along that limit two hundred and fifty metres and eighteen hundredths (250.18 m).
AREA: 4.427 ha
Lot 427 part
Part of lot four hundred and twenty-seven (lot 427 part), of the cadastre of Paroisse de Sainte-Catherine, of the registration division of Portneuf, of Municipalité de Shannon, of irregular shape, bounded and described as follows: northwesterly, by part of lot 427, measuring along that limit one hundred and seventy metres and thirty-two hundredths (170.32 m); northeasterly, by part of lot 426, measuring along that limit two hundred and fifty metres and eighteen hundredths (250.18 m); southeasterly, by part of lot 406, measuring along that limit one hundred and seventy-three metres and four hundredths (173.04 m) and southwesterly, by part of lot 428, measuring along that limit two hundred and fifty metres and nine hundredths (250.09 m).
AREA: 4.292 ha
Lot 428 part
Part of lot four hundred and twenty-eight (lot 428 part), of the cadastre of Paroisse de Sainte-Catherine, of the registration division of Portneuf, of Municipalité de Shannon, of irregular shape, bounded and described as follows: northwesterly, by part of lot 428, measuring along that limit one hundred and ninety metres and fourteen hundredths (190.14 m); northeasterly, by part of lot 427, measuring along that limit two hundred and fifty metres and nine hundredths (250.09 m); southeasterly, by part of lots 406 and 405, measuring along that limit one hundred and ninety metres and twelve hundredths (190.12 m) and southwesterly, by part of lot 429, measuring along that limit two hundred and fifty metres and nine hundredths (250.09 m).
AREA: 4.753 ha
Lot 429 part
Part of lot four hundred and twenty-nine (lot 429 part), of the cadastre of Paroisse de Sainte-Catherine, of the registration division of Portneuf, of Municipalité de Shannon, of irregular shape, bounded and described as follows: northwesterly, by part of lot 429, measuring along that limit one hundred and seventy-five metres and sixty-one hundredths (175.61 m); northeasterly, by part of lot 428, measuring along that limit two hundred and fifty metres and nine hundredths (250.09 m); southeasterly, by part of lots 405 and 404, measuring along that limit one hundred and seventy-five metres and seventy-eight hundredths (175.78 m) and southwesterly, by part of lot 430, measuring along that limit two hundred and fifty metres and nine hundredths (250.09 m).
AREA: 4.392 ha
Lot 430 part
Part of lot four hundred and thirty (lot 430 part), of the cadastre of Paroisse de Sainte-Catherine, of the registration division of Portneuf, of Municipalité de Shannon, of irregular shape, bounded and described as follows: northwesterly, by part of lot 430, measuring along that limit one hundred and seven metres and twenty-seven hundredths (107.27 m); northeasterly, by part of lot 429, measuring along that limit two hundred and fifty metres and nine hundredths (250.09 m); southeasterly, by part of lots 404 and 403, measuring along that limit one hundred and seventy-five metres and forty-five hundredths (175.45 m); southwesterly, by part of lot 431, measuring along that limit one hundred and twenty-four metres and twenty-seven hundredths (124.27 m); northwesterly, by part of lot 430-5, measuring along that limit sixty-eight metres and fifteen hundredths (68.15 m) and southwesterly, by part of lot 430-5, measuring along that limit one hundred and twenty-four metres and four hundredths (124.04 m).
AREA: 3.535 ha
Lot 430-5 part
Part of subdivision five of lot four hundred and thirty (lot 430-5 part), of the cadastre of Paroisse de Sainte-Catherine, of the registration division of Portneuf, of Municipalité de Shannon, of irregular shape, bounded and described as follows: northwesterly, by part of lot 430-5, measuring along that limit sixty-eight metres and eighteen hundredths (68.18 m); northeasterly, by part of lot 430, measuring along that limit one hundred and twenty-four metres and four hundredths (124.04 m); southeasterly, by part of lot 430, measuring along that limit sixty-eight metres and fifteen hundredths (68.15 m) and southwesterly, by part of lot 431, measuring along that limit one hundred and twenty-five metres and eighty-two hundredths (125.82 m).
AREA: 8,514.6 m
(0.851 ha)
Lot 431 part
Part of lot four hundred and thirty one (lot 431 part), of the cadastre of Paroisse de Sainte-Catherine, of the registration division of Portneuf, of Municipalité de Shannon, of irregular shape, bounded and described as follows: northwesterly, by part of lot 431, measuring along that limit one hundred and seventy-five metres and ten hundredths (175.10 m); northeasterly, by part of lots 430-5 and 430, measuring along that limit two hundred and fifty metres and nine hundredths (250.09 m); southeasterly, by part of lots 403, 402 and 401, measuring along that limit one hundred and seventy-three metres and ninety-one hundredths (173.91 m) and southwesterly, by part of lot 432, measuring along that limit two hundred and fifty metres and twelve hundredths (250.12 m).
AREA: 4.363 ha
Lot 432 part
Part of lot four hundred and thirty-two (lot 432 part), of the cadastre of Paroisse de Sainte-Catherine, of the registration division of Portneuf, of Municipalité de Shannon, of irregular shape, bounded and described as follows: northwesterly, by part of lot 432, measuring successively along that limit sixty-six metres and seventy-eight hundredths (66.78 m) and one hundred and four metres and sixty-two hundredths (104.62 m); northeasterly, by part of lot 431, measuring along that limit two hundred and fifty metres and twelve hundredths (250.12 m); southeasterly, by part of lots 401 and 400, measuring successively along that limit one hundred and fourteen metres and fifty-six hundredths (114.56 m) and fifty-six metres and eighty-four hundredths (56.84 m) and southwesterly, by part of lot 433, measuring along that limit two hundred and fifty metres and thirty hundredths (250.30 m).
AREA: 4.285 ha
Lot 433 part
Part of lot four hundred and thirty-three (lot 433 part), of the cadastre of Paroisse de Sainte-Catherine, of the registration division of Portneuf, of Municipalité de Shannon, of irregular shape, bounded and described as follows: northwesterly, by part of lot 433, measuring along that limit one hundred and seventy-five metres and sixty-two hundredths (175.62 m); northeasterly, by part of lot 432, measuring along that limit two hundred and fifty metres and thirty hundredths (250.30 m); southeasterly, by part of lots 400 and 399, measuring along that limit one hundred and seventy-five metres and sixty-two hundredths (175.62 m) and southwesterly, by part of lot 434, measuring along that limit two hundred and fifty metres and thirty hundredths (250.30 m).
AREA: 4.391 ha
Lot 434 part
Part of lot four hundred and thirty-four (lot 434 part), of the cadastre of Paroisse de Sainte-Catherine, of the registration division of Portneuf, of Municipalité de Shannon, of irregular shape, bounded and described as follows: northwesterly, by part of lot 434, measuring along that limit one hundred and seventy-five metres and sixty-two hundredths (175.62 m); northeasterly, by part of lot 433, measuring along that limit two hundred and fifty metres and thirty hundredths (250.30 m); southeasterly, by part of lots 399, 398 and 397, measuring along that limit one hundred and seventy-five metres and sixty-two hundredths (175.62 m) and southwesterly, by part of lot 435, measuring along that limit two hundred and fifty metres and thirty hundredths (250.30 m).
AREA: 4.390 ha
Lot 435 part
Part of lot four hundred and thirty-five (lot 435 part), of the cadastre of Paroisse de Sainte-Catherine, of the registration division of Portneuf, of Municipalité de Shannon, of irregular shape, bounded and described as follows: northwesterly, by part of lot 435, measuring along that limit one hundred and seventy-five metres and sixty-two hundredths (175.62 m); northeasterly, by part of lot 434, measuring along that limit two hundred and fifty metres and thirty hundredths (250.30 m); southeasterly, by part of lots 397 and 396, measuring along that limit one hundred and seventy-five metres and sixty-two hundredths (175.62 m) and southwesterly, by part of lot 436, measuring along that limit two hundred and fifty metres and thirty hundredths (250.30 m).
AREA: 4.390 ha
The total area of the ecological reserve is 168.77 ha (1.69 km
The whole as shown on the plan attached hereto, prepared at Québec, on 12 March 2009, by the undersigned land surveyor, under No. 1455 of his minutes.
File: 47-395
Minute: 1455
Land Surveyor
True copy of the original
Québec, 7 April 2009
By: ______________________________
Land Surveyor
Lagg: the depressed and minerotrophic margin of a raised bog.
O.C. 246-2011, Sch
O.C. 246-2011
O.C. 246-2011, 2011 G.O. 2, 879
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