C-61.01, r. 55 - Regulation respecting the Réserve écologique de Ristigouche

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Updated to 30 November 2024
This document has official status.
chapter C-61.01, r. 55
Regulation respecting the Réserve écologique de Ristigouche
Natural Heritage Conservation Act
(chapter C-61.01, s. 43).
1. Establishment of the ecological reserve: The land referred to in section 2 is established as an ecological reserve under the name of Réserve écologique de Ristigouche, reference 010-01-1983.
O.C. 847-83, s. 1.
2. Description: The ecological reserve established pursuant to section 1 consists of a territory of a rectangular shape of an area of about 468 ha that is part of the Township of Ristigouche, in the electoral district of Bonaventure, including lots one (1), two (2), three (3), four (4), five (5), six (6), seven (7), A, B, C and D of Range III Rivière-Ristigouche and bounded as follows: starting at the south-east corner of the reserve, which corner corresponds to the point formed by the meeting of the line dividing lots D and E of Range III Rivière-Ristigouche with the frontal part of that range; from that starting point, following the said frontal part of Range III Rivière-Ristigouche, in an approximate southerly direction 69º00′ west, over a distance of about two and eighty-eight hundredths kilometres (2,88 km), up to the line dividing lots 7 and 8, that point corresponding to the southwest corner of the reserve; thence, in an approximate northerly direction 19°00′ west, following the said line dividing lots 7 and 8 of Range III Rivière-Ristigouche to its meeting with the rear line of the aforesaid range, that point corresponding to the northwest corner of the territory described; from that point in an approximate northerly direction 69°00′ east, following the said rear line of Range III Rivière-Ristigouche, over a distance of approximately two and eighty-eight hundredths kilometres (2,88 km), to the line dividing lots D and E of Range III Rivière-Ristigouche to the starting point.
O.C. 847-83, s. 2.
3. (Omitted).
O.C. 847-83, s. 3.
O.C. 847-83, 1983 G.O. 2, 1728