C-61.01, r. 48 - Order in council concerning the establishment of Réserve écologique de la Mine-aux-Pipistrelles

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Updated to 30 November 2024
This document has official status.
chapter C-61.01, r. 48
Order in council concerning the establishment of Réserve écologique de la Mine-aux-Pipistrelles
Natural Heritage Conservation Act
(chapter C-61.01, s. 43).
1. The territory covered by the plan and the technical description attached to this Order in Council is established as the Réserve écologique de la Mine-aux-Pipistrelles.
O.C. 424-2002, s. 1.
2. (Omitted).
O.C. 424-2002, s. 2.
Réserve écologique de la Mine-aux-Pipistrelles
A territory composed of two parcels of land of irregular shape, being composed of parts of lot 607 official cadastre of Canton de Potton, in the territory of Municipalité régionale de comté de Memphrémagog, in the Estrie administrative region and described as follows:
(A) First part of lot 607
Starting at a point located at a distance of 83.16 m along a bearing of 1°23′43″ south of the northwest corner of lot 607, called “starting point”.
Thence, northeasterly, along a bearing of 52°39′47″over a distance of four metres and forty-nine hundredths (4.49 m).
Thence, northeasterly, along a bearing of 56°44′37″ over a distance of twenty-five metres and sixty-four hundredths (25.64 m).
Thence, easterly, along a bearing of 82°15′48″ over a distance of sixteen metres and eighty-six hundredths (16.86 m).
Thence, northeasterly, along a bearing of 59°22′49″ over a distance of thirty-four metres and twenty-seven hundredths (34.27 m).
Thence, northeasterly, along a bearing of 51°58′29″ over a distance of twenty-one metres and nine hundredths (21.09 m).
Thence, easterly, along a bearing of 69°23′17″ over a distance of twenty metres and fifty-eight hundredths (20.58 m).
Thence, easterly, along a bearing of 74°49′10″ over a distance of five metres and forty-two hundredths (5.42 m).
Thence, easterly, along a bearing of 96°40′20″ over a distance of three metres and ninety-four hundredths (3.94 m).
Thence, southerly, along a bearing of 188°12′22″ over a distance of eight metres and fourteen hundredths (8.14 m).
Thence, easterly, along a bearing of 98°18′36″ over a distance of seventeen metres and eighty-six hundredths (17.86 m).
Thence, northerly, along a bearing of 8°18′36″ over a distance of eleven metres and thirty-four hundredths (11.34 m).
Thence, easterly, along a bearing of 83°58′18″ over a distance of twenty-nine metres and twenty hundredths (29.20 m).
Thence, northeasterly, along a bearing of 51°36′21″ over a distance of twenty metres and twenty-two hundredths (20.22 m).
Thence, easterly, along a bearing of 94°51′35″ over a distance of sixty-two metres and ninety-one hundredths (62.91 m).
Thence, southerly, along a bearing of 168°05′36″ over a distance of four metres and forty-six hundredths (4.46 m).
Thence, southerly, along a bearing of 174°30′52″ over a distance of thirty-nine metres and eighty-four hundredths (39.84 m).
Thence, southerly, along a bearing of 201°37′26″ over a distance of nine metres and forty-seven hundredths (9.47 m).
Thence, westerly, along a bearing of 269°28′41″ over a distance of forty-seven metres and seventy-eight hundredths (47.78 m).
Thence, southwesterly, along a bearing of 213°53′05″ over a distance of one hundred and thirty-seven metres and thirty-five hundredths (137.35 m).
Thence, westerly, along a bearing of 252°57′15″ over a distance of one hundred and twenty-seven metres and seventy-six hundredths (127.76 m).
Thence, northerly, following the eastern limit of lot 606, along a bearing of 1°23′43″ over a distance of one hundred and thirty-six metres and nineteen hundredths (136.19 m) to the starting point.
The part of lot 607 described above is bordered as follows :
Westerly by lot 606 and by another part of lot 607: northwesterly, northerly, southerly, southeasterly and easterly by other parts of lot 607.
Containing an area of twenty eight thousand four hundred and seventy-eight square metres and seven hundredths (28 478.7 m2).
(B) Second part of lot 607
Starting at the northwest corner of lot 607, called “starting point”.
Thence, easterly, following the northern limit of lot 607, along a bearing of 90°44′38″ over a distance of one hundred and thirty metres and sixty hundredths (130.60 m).
Thence, southerly, along a bearing of 182°49′45″ over a distance of eight metres and seven hundredths (8.07 m).
Thence, westerly, along a bearing of 263°58′18″ over a distance of two metres and nine hundredths (2.09 m).
Thence, westerly, along a bearing of 277°25′58″ over a distance of fourteen metres and thirteen hundredths (14.13 m).
Thence, westerly, along a bearing of 254°49′10″ over a distance of fourteen metres and twenty-two hundredths (14.22 m).
Thence, northerly, along a bearing of 354°01′12″ over a distance of one metre and eighty-one hundredths (1.81 m).
Thence, westerly, along a bearing of 277°47′27″ over a distance of twelve metres and ninety-eight hundredths (12.98 m).
Thence, southerly, along a bearing of 187°32′04″ over a distance of eight metres and ninety-nine hundredths (8.99 m).
Thence, westerly, along a bearing of 249°23′17″ over a distance of eight metres and forty-three hundredths (8.43 m).
Thence, southwesterly, along a bearing of 231°58′29″ over a distance of twenty-two metres and forty-four hundredths (22.44 m).
Thence, southwesterly, along a bearing of 239°22′49″ over a distance of thirty metres and nineteen hundredths (30.19 m).
Thence, westerly, along a bearing of 262°15′48″ over a distance of seventeen metres and twenty-three hundredths (17.23 m).
Thence, southwesterly, along a bearing of 236°44′37″ over a distance of twenty- two metres and eighty-two hundredths (22.82 m).
Thence, northerly, following the eastern limit of lot 606, along a bearing of 1°23′43″ over a distance of sixty-four metres and twenty-five hundredths (64.25 m) to the starting point.
The part of lot 607 described above is bordered as follows :
Northerly by lot 538-3 ; easterly, southerly and southeasterly by other parts of lot 607 and by lot 606.
Containing an area of three thousand nine hundred and forty-one square metres and three hundredths (3 941.3 m2).
Note: The western limit of the above-described property was surveyed and the minute thereof is published at the Bureau de la publicité des droits de Brome, minute No. 197 832.
The measurements mentioned in this technical description are given in metres (SI) and the directions are bearings in reference to the SCOPQ system, Time Zone 8 (NAD 83).
The plan and the technical description are indissociable.
The whole as shown on the plan prepared by Claude Migué, land surveyor, bearing number 7497 of his minutes.
Prepared in Cowansville, the 1 March 2001.
Land surveyor
Minute: 7497
O.C. 424-2002, Sch.
O.C. 424-2002, 2002 G.O. 2, 2225