C-61.01, r. 47 - Regulation respecting the Réserve écologique du Micocoulier

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Updated to 30 November 2024
This document has official status.
chapter C-61.01, r. 47
Regulation respecting the Réserve écologique du Micocoulier
Natural Heritage Conservation Act
(chapter C-61.01, s. 43).
1. Establishment of the ecological reserve: The islands described in section 2 are established as an ecological reserve under the name of Réserve écologique du Micocoulier, bearing number 007-06-1980.
R.R.Q., 1981, c. R-26, r. 4, s. 1.
2. Description: The ecological reserve established pursuant to section 1 includes 2 islands situated in the St. Lawrence River, the islands of Bienville and Arthur, known and designated respectively as:
(a)  lot number 518 of the official cadastre of the Parish of Saint-Ignace-du-Coteau-du-Lac, registration division Soulanges; and
(b)  lots number 1 to 139 inclusive, of the official subdivision of the original lot number 514 of the said cadastre.
R.R.Q., 1981, c. R-26, r. 4, s. 2.
R.R.Q., 1981, c. R-26, r. 4